
Intuition Quotes

There are 23863 quotes

"It's that energy or that attraction to something that feels right that is your divining rod to find water. That's your tool."
"Every single time you find somebody who is exceptional at their craft and doing well in life, those people have a kind of intuition about what feels good to them."
"Trust your instincts, build up that muscle of intuition because the things that you are feeling are true."
"Lean into your intuition as well when making a decision."
"You guys need to listen to your intuition. I feel like your intuitions been telling you something for a little while now."
"Listening to that still small voice inside your body is crucial. It's telling you there's an intuition that is built into our bodies, and it's always talking to us."
"Everything you need is within. Follow your heart."
"Stop doubting your intuition because you're very connected with your spiritual team."
"The winds are changing; it's time to go in a new direction, time to go with the flow, listen to your intuition."
"You wouldn't have gut feelings if they weren't there for a reason."
"If you're having questions about 'Should I?', you shouldn't."
"If you believe that you are being harmed... trust your gut and please talk to somebody."
"Intuition cuts through the thicket, declutters our lives, our minds."
"Nature has given you the tools: categories, ideals, empathy, and above all, intuition. Use it."
"Listen to your feeling every time, even when you have no rational proof why."
"If we were connected to our gut feelings, there's a lot of things we wouldn't be choosing."
"You're going to intuitively know the easiest way to accomplish your goals."
"Intuition is the soul's guidance appearing naturally in man during those instants when his mind is calm."
"In the right timing, you will accurately intuit the real answer. This is about loving you, and if your focus is there, you can anticipate good results."
"The more you allow yourself to trust and open up your emotions and experience and perceive things without judgment, the more intuitive you are going to be."
"Making good choices and listening to your intuition pay off."
"A message from spirit for you guys is to start listening to yourself, to start making decisions for yourself, to also start following what you internally desire most."
"Listen to your intuition... intuition can really provide us with many valuable insights."
"Between your mind, your intellect, and your intuition, you have the answer."
"The power of intuition will light your path, providing a connect to the divine."
"Your soul is nudging you to move forward in a certain direction that's in alignment with your soul. Be willing to take steps forward. Trust your intuition and higher guidance."
"Your intuition, your feelings are on point; do what you feel like, not what other people say you should be doing."
"Listen to your intuition. Your feelings are real; trust that you can tune into your inner guidance and follow it."
"Follow the light within, it's your heart that's telling you where is your freedom."
"Trust your inner compass and find your bearings."
"Follow your intuition and your guidance, spirit has never left you."
"Allow yourself time to connect with your intuition."
"Trust your intuition, trust that this person is for real."
"Listen to your intuition and if you're confused about what your intuition is telling you, meditate. Sit in a calm environment and just allow your mind to rest and relax your body, and the answer will literally flow to you."
"Go with your first option, your gut feeling. You don't have to overthink this. There really is no right or wrong answer."
"Listen to your gut and don't give people your time that don't deserve it."
"Take inventory on your relationships and get out as soon as you have that inkling."
"Intuition and imagination are also vastly important... Imagination is actually how we go to meet the world and understand it."
"Intuition, a lightning-fast, super powerful intellectual part of your brain, works unconsciously almost like magic to brew up solutions to any sort of problem you're trying to solve."
"Intuition is your wingman into the world of success."
"Listening to your higher self and your intuition can be almost audibly clear during transformative times."
"2022 is about opening up your emotions again, feeling your own intuition again, getting in tune with your own soul again."
"There's more red flags than a bullfight going off in my head when I hear that story for the first time."
"The irony of being biased to show insights that let us avoid calculations is that the way people often train up the intuitions to find those insights in the first place is by doing piles and piles of calculations."
"Your intuition is leading you very strongly."
"Listen to your heart; your heart has been speaking to you loud and clear."
"Following your gut, following your intuition, and saying yes to things, it's called co-creating with the universe for a reason."
"Be open to what you don't know, but feel inside. That burning sensation will lead you to abundance and good fortune."
"Trust in your intuition to make the right decisions; you're already equipped with the truth and guidance you need."
"Your gut health is correlated to your gut feeling."
"Everybody has a gut feeling. That's your intuition, that's your instinct."
"Pick one of the options with your intuition."
"Your intuition has been opening up like never before."
"There's so much more solidity. You are so much more solid, and your intuition is very strong."
"We have to reclaim the insight of our human intuition, our sense that the things we want are worth working for, even if they seem impossible to gain."
"Listen to your body. Really listening to your body and listening to the intuitive messages that you're getting in your mind. This is very important."
"Your next card here is interesting: Spirit is wanting you to trust your heart."
"Your feelings are the secret to your success."
"Your heart chakra is your main message here: Trust your heart, follow your heart, listen to your heart."
"You're going to be able to see the potential, you're going to be able to feel the connection in your heart."
"Your intuition will tell you, your gut instincts are strong, you are spiritually gifted."
"Always follow and trust your own intuition above anyone else's."
"Get real moment for you: sometimes we discount our own intuition, don't; it's solid."
"I am so good at telling if someone is lying when they are talking to me."
"You're following the lead of your intuition, you're not following the lead of your ego, you're following the lead of your spiritual self, your higher self."
"This is definitely energy for you with all this fourth house energy being activated where you're acting on your intuition more than anything."
"Being spiritual is being who you are, following that intuition from here."
"Trust your intuition; it's your soul's way of guiding you."
"Only you can live your life. Only you can feel into the truth of situations and things. You have to follow your heart, use your heart as a compass to show you where to go."
"Life is like surfing; you gotta get a feel for it. And the best people that are able to live life most excellently are those who are doing it by feel, not through some sort of pure logic or some sort of formulaic way."
"Connect to your heart, what is your heart trying to tell you?"
"We all have a place of knowing inside of us that we don't often listen to, and if you can get quiet with yourself, you will hear the voice from that place of knowing."
"You develop new intuitions... It's to the point where me and many of my friends find it easier to think quantum-mechanically than we can classically."
"Listen to your intuition...that's how you rebuild the self-trust."
"Intuition is one of our greatest gifts, guiding us toward healing and self-awareness."
"A woman's intuition is never wrong. We always know."
"Act on what your gut is telling you to do because your gut is never wrong."
"Overall, we need to trust our own intuition when it comes to ourselves and our lives."
"Trust your intuition, trust your insights. You're not wrong."
"Trust yourself, trust what you're feeling, trust your intuition, and above all, trust in spirit and your guides because they have got your back."
"Trust your intuition on this one; let that guide you in order to create this new powerful beginning."
"Intuition is a calm knowing. The excitement comes after the decision is made."
"Trust that insights will flow soon because you asked so clearly of higher consciousness."
"So many people have lost their GPS, that's what it is, the inner guidance system."
"Dive into your intuition, really get still and feel into everything, and begin using that intuition today."
"If you want to change everything in your life, if you want to be in more communion with spirit 24/7... This one tool can help you to communicate with the other side."
"Most of the great discoveries in science and maths were made intuitively, through pattern recognition and seeing gestalt."
"We believe that we can't even achieve without dreaming, and so obviously there's some relationship between our ability to intuit and imagine and the manifestation of the reality that we experience itself."
"Intuition is that subtle nudge from within that guides you towards your true path."
"The heart knows things that the mind cannot understand."
"Our intuition is a powerful ally in navigating the complexities of life, often leading us to paths of abundance and fulfillment."
"When you're alone, your intuition speaks the loudest. Solitude can be a profound teacher."
"True intuition arises in moments of silence, away from the noise of the world."
"Your intuition is your personal oracle, offering guidance and foresight beyond ordinary understanding."
"When you make choices that align with your deepest truths, you are guided by the powerful voice of intuition."
"Intuition is about trusting yourself enough to make the decisions that feel right to you, even when they defy conventional wisdom."
"Our intuition often leads us away from toxicity and towards our true path."
"Happiness with your life choices is a clear sign that you are in tune with your intuition."
"Confidence in your choices is a reflection of your intuition affirming that you are on the right path."
"You have a gift of intuition and are spiritually sound. People admire that or love that about you."
"Feminine is the receptivity, it is the womb, it's being open, it is intuitive."
"Remember, always trust your own intuition first before anyone. You've got to trust yourself."
"Follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you were meant to become."
"Trust your intuition because you know you best."
"It has also been referred to as the receiving set through which ideas, plans, and thoughts flash into the mind. The flashes are sometimes referred to as hunches or inspiration."
"The sixth sense probably is the medium of contact between the finite mind of man and infinite intelligence."
"You guys are coming out as a master number and it is number 22, and that is attached to your intuition."
"I swear, I'll look at a person and kind of catch their vibe, and I'll know within a month whether if they have good intentions or not."
"Intuition isn't magic; it's an analysis of a lot of different characteristics at the same time."
"Close your eyes for a moment, and the first number that comes to your head from one through five, that is the one for you."
"There's no reason in principle why we shouldn't be able to train our intuition in these areas just as we can train our physical skills and things like playing the piano or train our taste buds and noses in getting to know about wine and that kind of thing. Everything in principle should be trainable."
"The more I trust my intuition and act on its wisdom, the more extraordinary my life becomes."
"Our sixth sense, our intuition, we all are born with it."
"If all of us were in tune with our natural skills, number one being our intuition, our sixth sense, a lot of evil and dark would not stand a chance."
"I'm investigating and getting back to our intuition, our sixth sense, and getting in tune with it."
"A brave person listens to their heart, their own mind, their own thinking, pays attention to their gut first and foremost, and of course, will listen to outside sources and cut them off when they deserve to be cut off."
"Trust your intuition and strength in your power."
"Trust your intuition, listen to your heart, and follow your gut."
"You will receive your answer very soon. Listen to your intuition and notice the synchronicities around you."
"If your spirit, your soul, your heart has been telling you, 'I need to walk away,' this is probably your time to do so."
"My brain is only a receiver. In the universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration."
"There was something in my soul was like, don't pull the trigger."
"Always use your own judgment and intuition regardless of what we get."
"Mama comes and goes without a hitch. She will say, though, later that she felt like something was wrong. Mama intuition."
"At the end of the day, most human beings are pretty good at sensing when something's off, so listen to your gut."
"Trust your inner voice. That sixth sense, or as some would say, God speaking to you from within."
"Your intuition is going to be spot on. Listen to it."
"Make sure that you trust your intuition. It's leading you on the right path."
"Your intuition and your psychic ability are just so beyond on point."
"Follow your heart, follow your gut, and do something you love."
"At the end of the day, I'm here to help confirm your intuition and confirm the things you're already feeling and give you the confidence you need to follow the direction that works best for you."
"You are more intuitive than you realize, and there are a lot more answers within you than you think."
"Trust your gut instincts because they're probably leading you in the right direction."
"You have a very strong connection to source here, and you can trust that information that you receive."
"When I found this my heart just went...I don't know how to describe it, just like it's a...I don't know, some things just you feel that energy, it's different, this one's special."
"Mathematics is not just about finding answers; it's about seeking understanding and intuition in a complex world."
"Trust your gut and do what feels right. There's really no right or wrong here."
"Trust the third eye, go within, and I think that's the key thing here."
"I feel like what spirit wants you to know is that you can trust what you feel intuitively."
"The development of depth in our life depth in your craft, depth in your skillset, depth in your relationships brings a natural intuitive insight."
"Trust your intuition and it's okay to close the door because if you do, another one will open."
"Something told me this ain't right. It's not the right thing to do."
"What has led to my success is I follow the breadcrumbs, and I'm quiet, and I listen."
"Seeing people for who they really are, your intuition is just going to really be on point."
"Choose with your intuition which option is calling to you."
"Your intuition has kept pulling you towards making this change."
"Your spirit guides are sending you a lot of signs."
"Follow your gut. It will never steer you wrong."
"The universe or your higher self, it whispers in the stillness."
"Your connection to spirit and to God is very strong... it means that a lot of you don't need signs to know that good luck is coming your way; you just feel it."
"I think there are different intuitions and the ones that I think are more reliable are the more general and abstract ones."
"Listen to your intuition but also see the facts, getting all of the information."
"Overall, you must always follow your own intuition."
"To be a rogue trader, you need to be intuitive, to use your wits, and trust your instincts."
"This thing that's gonna bring you success, it's so different and it's so indescribable that you have to be led intuitively."
"By aligning our thoughts and feelings, conscious and unconscious, we tap into a profound state of harmony and coherence, amplifying our creativity, intuition, and spiritual insight."
"Trust your natural cycles because your higher power, call it your instinct, call it your intuition, knows what it's doing."
"How amazing it was that I trusted my intuition and that I put my foot down right when I sensed that manipulation."
"Have confidence in the plan, having confidence in your intuition."
"When the body is free of tension, we have the clarity to listen to our intuition."
"Connect to your heart center now. Your intuition lies here and it's felt through emotional resonance."
"Your intuition and your inner voice never tell anything other than the truth. Quiet your minds, push doubts out of the way, and act on your wisdom. You hold the power within you; you already know what to do."
"Do not discount the signs, the synchronicities, your own intuition."
"Develop your intuition will help you manage energy that is not yours."
"Trust your intuition; they are always right."
"Embrace and own your powerful healing and intuitive abilities."
"Trust yourself; you know when the vibes are off."
"We have to... begin to build the muscle of connecting with our intuition and starting to bring expression to the things that innately bring us joy."
"When you hear stuff like this, there are certain things that just kind of ring true to you. It just kind of feels true."
"Saying no to something doesn't mean it's the end of your career or life; you're just showing that you respect yourself and your own intuition."
"We're like all of a sudden, miracles happen when we follow our gut."
"And when you allow your intuition, your intuition will always guide you to what is best for you."
"Allow your intuition to guide you to success... Intuition trumps everything. Your path should evolve naturally based on what you feel is most natural to you."
"She reveals to The Child that there is a natural ebb and flow to life and that by living in our hearts and trusting our intuition, we can go with the flow and live the life of our dreams."
"Learn to trust your intuition more and experience more adventures."
"Use your intuition; your inner voice never tells anything other than the truth."
"Listen to that inner voice, listen to your intuition."
"Your heart will always be wiser than your head."
"The ability to apply [astrological principles] correctly requires both structured thinking and intuition to work in unison, something that requires the blessing of spiritual sadhana."
"You can see through people. You've got that, it's almost like your eyes are like human x-ray machines."
"Your intuition and your intelligence will guide you through the situation."
"Your gut is never wrong. So sometimes you confuse the voices of other people and the opinions of other people with your own intuition, but if you really just shut out the outside noises and you listen to your intuition, you listen to those feelings and you listen to your gut, you know exactly what you need to do in your life."
"Sometimes you have to dream a crazy dream because you have an intuition that there's something there."
"Facing fears, the unknown, following your intuition is really big here."
"If you choose a few core building blocks along the way and you say, 'I'm really going to try to approach this before I see how this person went at it,' you gain all sorts of inarticulatable intuitions about that topic."
"I've had this intuition that sometimes the material world organizes itself in a way to reach up to the spiritual world."
"Pisces end up like straight-up, some of them end up like psychic more."
"Listening to your intuition is like a magnet; it's going to just draw you closer to the thing that you're supposed to do."
"Women are much better at understanding and communicating their emotions, much better at having intuition, meaning that they can feel how somebody else feels when communicating with them."
"Trust your gut; it recognizes danger even when your mind does not."
"When looking at someone causes your gut to cramp with unease, it's a signal to pay attention to your intuition."
"Stay grounded, trust your intuition, and let it guide you."
"Trust your intuition and when to also ask for help."
"Trust your own judgment about what feels right."
"The essence of good plotting: being unpredictably intuitive."
"Listening to your intuition is going to be so important for you this next year."
"You are now becoming more aware, therefore you are becoming more intuitive."
"You cannot get there with logic and planning. Your spirit knows how to guide you, and the universe knows how to support you."
"Your intuition is your guiding light. Say no to suspicious situations. Do not get bullied or coerced."
"I had a feeling that some of the tools that we use in our line of work ought to be exported. Anyone can profit from better intuitions about probability and logic."