
Personal Guidance Quotes

There are 791 quotes

"It's that energy or that attraction to something that feels right that is your divining rod to find water. That's your tool."
"You wouldn't have gut feelings if they weren't there for a reason."
"If you can take as many ingredients from over here and mash it up with many ingredients over there, bring them together, that's telling you to move in that direction because that's going to give you joy."
"Listen to your intuition... intuition can really provide us with many valuable insights."
"Everybody has a gut feeling. That's your intuition, that's your instinct."
"Pick one of the options with your intuition."
"The ace of cups says that you will get what your heart wants and at the very least, you'll get a new opportunity."
"Don't jump the gun...you'll know within when it's time to say what you got to say, do what you've got to do."
"Your intuition is your personal oracle, offering guidance and foresight beyond ordinary understanding."
"Your future self really wants to tell you that you need to follow your heart."
"The universe is asking you to basically retract your energy and go inside, and that's where the best answer can be found right now."
"Your intuition is going to be spot on. Listen to it."
"Overall, you must always follow your own intuition."
"Your heart is your intuition, so trust your intuition and trust your heart wherever your heart's guiding you."
"You trust your own inner compass more than anything else."
"Listen to your intuition and just follow the messages that resonate."
"Always listen to your heart. If your heart gets excited about a certain thing, you're just getting closer to your seat."
"Every time I have not listened to that little tiny voice in my head, I falter."
"If you're drawn to it, don't bother watching any videos you don't feel called to watch because the ones that you really feel drawn to or readers you feel really connected to and tuned into, those are usually the videos that are meant for you."
"Underneath all the jokes, I am one of these young men in need of guidance."
"Listen to your intuition, that gift within you, that quiet inner voice."
"Listen to the song in your soul. Trust your intuition."
"This is why it's so important to check into your intuition first before you aim for a goal because what if there's a target out there calling you, asking you to be that arrow, and you are listening."
"So beautiful messages today, a quick little mini review of the latter portion here again your um your big idea was summed up by the ace of wands reverse which is saying put the spark within um follow through on those ideas and don't overthink it."
"Ultimately, group two, the goal here, the biggest advice should I say, is for you to trust yourself, know yourself, you are the oracle in your life."
"It's exhilarating when you feel like you're the only one with the answers or your intuition is The Guiding Light."
"Follow your gut, there's gonna be some big events coming the rest of this year."
"Trust your heart, your gut instinct to guide you as to what steps to take."
"Be vigilant, pay attention to signs, open your eyes, and go by your feelings, go by your emotions, use your intuition."
"Let's go back to the Sermon on the Mount and allow Jesus to speak directly to us." - Father Mike Schmitz
"You have to go with your heart, you have to go with your spirit."
"Our conscience tells us exactly what needs to be done."
"Trust yourself. You know what to do. You don't have to give that energy to anyone else."
"The only hope you got is the law of God in your mind."
"God has an angel for you, he's got a person for you, he has himself for you."
"I'm in awe of the magnificent guidance that is available to me."
"Follow your heart, that's the first step of the spiritual journey."
"Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance. Your dream is soon to become a reality."
"Listen to your intuition, it's really gonna guide you."
"Trusting your intuition, very important. Your intuition will never lead you astray."
"Listen to your intuition. It will not lead you astray."
"Meaning is actually the instinct that helps you guide yourself through that catastrophe."
"Group number one, if you guys chose this pile, this is gonna be your love life prediction for the month of September."
"Listen to your intuition always, but be careful of the intensity you go at it."
"Your intuition will reveal you're on the right path."
"She has this natural gift for understanding what you should do in any situation. She has more wisdom than I know of in any person."
"Follow your own intuition and sometimes you know you just have to swim against the currents a little bit."
"Use your intuition to tell you whether or not you're on the right path."
"The key to unlocking prosperity moving forward is following your heart."
"Following your heart is just the true way to live with everything in life."
"Your emotions are your most accurate source of guidance, wisdom, and information."
"Your highest self will tell you little whispers in your ear, guiding you towards what you should be doing."
"You just need to follow those good instincts you were born with."
"As I have been taking time to sit with, to commune with Him, to listen, to be present with Him until the answers come, I have been feeling strengthened and knowing that the Lord's priority is me."
"Personal revelation rightly belongs to individuals. You can receive revelation, for example, where to live, what career path to follow, or whom to marry."
"Listening to your gut means tuning into your intuition, your Divine self, and your divine connection to your higher power."
"Trust your intuition; it will guide you to what's right for you."
"It was that type of love that you can feel in the pit of your stomach... you must follow it."
"You are you know your direction and hold fast on that persevere and just trust and listen with but listen with all that you are namaste and so so much love to you guys."
"This rune calls for and just trust complete trust it asks you to trust."
"Trusting intuition: They trust their gut feelings and intuitive nudges."
"Maintaining a clear vision: A clear vision is like a guiding star for them."
"Trust your gut, live by your gut, do what feels best for you."
"Trust yourself, ignore things that don't make sense."
"Trusting in the unknown and cutting yourself off to listen to your own voice."
"Turn to Christ, find the good, find the good, the one, the only one who is good."
"Listening to your intuition is always going to be highly encouraged here."
"Follow your heart, that's where your success is going to come from."
"Still go with your first feeling whatever is the first one is probably right definitely it's been that I took that."
"If you continue to follow your heart and take those inspired actions that you're being guided to take via your heart, that's when divine intervention is going to come in."
"You might have somebody coming into your life that helps guide you towards what you want to do."
"Listen to your intuition. Your intuition is there for a reason."
"Listen to your instincts, people. Yes, listen to them. Trust yourself."
"Whenever you have the two or the eight of swords, talk to someone."
"Follow your heart; that is the basis of faith."
"Listen to your heart and follow its guidance."
"Listen to your intuition so that you know who to move forward with and who you should not."
"Trust yourself, trust your instinct. It will never lead you astray."
"Expect to receive a message that will make your heart feel full. Let your heart be your guiding key."
"Listen to your intuitive downloads, they're going to guide you."
"Get ready to step into the light. The star card shows me that you know who you are, what you want to do, and how you need to do it."
"This person is kind of preparing you to kind of get through the gate very interesting very interesting actually this person is a kindred spirit and option number two got that as well."
"Stay strong in your faith because you guys know that you're gonna be directed towards exactly what you need to do."
"If it feels good, it probably is and you should go with it."
"Your heart is smarter than your head, trust your intuition, say often I am opening my first eye yes I am."
"Keep tapping into your intuition, you know what I mean?"
"You're unlocking everything by following that beautiful heart of yours."
"If a reading makes you feel really bad, it's probably not your reading."
"Now settle in and let's see what the astral skies have in store for the week ahead."
"Sometimes it won't necessarily go in the way that you planned... but remember, intuition is actually the strongest inner compass for most things."
"Trust the process. If it feels right, do it. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. Really allow for things to flow through you and don't force something to happen."
"Seek help, but within the bounds of our abilities as people, you can get pointed in the direction, where's the North Star, you can get there."
"Warning signs from your intuition, which is your one true voice."
"It's a time for new ideas, follow your heart."
"A belief system is like an invisible autopilot guiding your life."
"She believes in her intuition. She believes that truth guides her from within and she can see and hear below the surface."
"God loves me enough to tell me no to satanic and evil desires."
"Under the guidance of the star, I have an idea of my pathway, and it is personal to us. The star is always going to be personal to us."
"Never take advice from somebody that doesn't have your goals."
"Follow your heart. It will never lead you astray."
"You gotta always know what you wanna do is for you and like my mom says, you know what God has for you is for you and nobody else."
"You gotta have like, your morals and what feels right to you. It's gotta guide you."
"That feeling of resonance really is the compass of your soul, your intuition speaking to you."
"Gemini, you'll be like a beacon of truth for the next 20 years."
"There's something within you that you are going to follow and you are going to trust them it will only lead you in a positive direction that you can trust that inner creative prompt."
"Spirit's gonna talk to you bro, do what your spirit say."
"Kane showed me our life as a pharaoh of Egypt and taught me its lesson."
"Whatever you're kind of craving, I think that's what's gonna be kind of coming, especially if your intuition is telling you so."
"That inner voice may be guiding you away from this connection, but it is all happening for a reason, and you do need to trust where that voice is directing you."
"Whatever you do will become better. As a student, I found that, as a businessman, I knew I was being guided all the time from within myself."
"Follow your heart, follow your soul, the calling of your."
"Follow your intuition, it's about being still and letting your heart guide you."
"You helped them see a better version of themselves, guiding them forward."
"You have the answers already, listen to yourself."
"You know your gut feeling, you have to, and it will talk to you. It will."
"Just trust your intuition, you can't go wrong here."
"Trust yourself, I think you're going to know exactly how to do it and when to do it."
"Do not listen to my advice, listen to the voice inside you and follow that." - Gloria Steinem
"Trust your heart, trust your gut, trust your instincts because that instinct is who God made you to be."
"Trust yourself. Your guidance is what is going to help get you out of this situation."
"You are the GPS, you're not going to tune into anybody or anything else."
"Follow your heart, let your heart guide you."
"The Sun card is here to tell you that you are gonna be rewarded, but you need to go within and follow your own path, follow your own light."
"Mars will melt the iceberg and show you the way forward."
"Yes, definitely. I feel like you will trust your intuition."
"Your heart is your instincts. Follow that feeling because your heart is your instincts."
"Pay attention to what your intuition is saying."
"The feelings are everything, they are indicators."
"Never ignore your intuition. There's a part in you that moves you when something is right and that part in you also moves you when something is wrong."
"The choice is yours ultimately; this reading isn't supposed to tell you to do one thing or the other."
"There's nothing wrong with your intuition, it always worked."
"Open the window and say Lord, what do you want me to do?"
"Always use your own intuition as your guide through these readings because it's truly your intuition that is the guiding Compass of your life."
"Always use your own intuition as your guide."
"Follow your intuition before it makes sense."
"Follow your intuition, this is important time indeed."
"Intuition is the most sacred gift, and our rational mind should be our most faithful servant."
"I am the light of the world invites you to recognize and follow your Inner Light."
"You hold the power within you. You already know what to do, so follow and trust your gut feeling and your intuition."
"It's a sad that that's the advice you have to give."
"Your intuition is absolutely everything, this is so important at this moment in time."
"Always listen to your own intuition above all else because it's really your intuition that is the compass of your soul."
"Your intuition is trying to guide you through it."
"Your thoughts create your own reality, but now I've selected some tarot cards for you."
"You have a straight-shooter coming in your future."
"I'm not here to tell you what to do, I'm just here as a brother to help."
"Trust your heart to lead and allow your mind, body, and spirit to follow."
"Their higher self is guiding them to embrace this companionship, to have faith in love."
"Trust the seeking impulse above anything else."
"Trust your intuition, don't ignore the signs."
"Move forward gently and with peace in your heart."
"You're right where you need to be with your intuition on point right now."
"You just follow the guidance of your soul, honestly you've done this before, this is within your capacity even now."
"Just follow your heart and your own intuition."
"You're very clear guidance on the next steps to take in your life."
"Trust your intuition, trust what you are receiving in the dream state."
"Listen to your heart, no matter what they say."
"Your intuition is truly the compass of your soul, of your life, and of this connection specifically. So use that as your guide above all else in navigating these messages."
"Follow your heart, listen to your intuition, ask for guidance."
"Listen to your dreams and messages, follow your heart."
"Don't let your intelligence get in the way of what your heart chakra is telling you."
"Your inner voice has more details about the dream in your heart."
"You are not somebody's life raft, you are not their compass."
"Listen to your intuition; it's coming through right here and right now."
"To me, two sixes says you're going in the right direction and you're basically on the right path in your life at this time."
"Your higher self is always with you, it's simply a matter of tuning in."
"Listen to your heart, it whispers sometimes, sometimes it roars, you know the difference."
"I get major success for you more than any other sign as of right now."
"There's great wisdom in the teachings of Jesus."
"Trust your feelings because that is your guidance system."
"Follow your instincts... go with your gut instincts."
"Pay attention to your instincts; they rarely lead you wrong."
"Trust your intuition and allow it to guide you in navigating challenges."
"Draymond said, 'Ah, you're making a very rash decision and I won't let you do that.' You know, we had a long great conversation, very helpful to me, very thankful."
"Follow your instincts, follow what you're getting in your dreams and meditations."
"Much like Sacagawea, these people are really crucial for me right now because they know how to talk the talk and walk the walk and become my bridge between music and the music business."
"Not listening to your intuition, not paying attention to the signs or what your inner voice is guiding you to do."
"Trust your intuition... trust it and you won't go wrong."
"Follow your heart, follow your bliss and it will never lead you astray."
"Trust your visions, your heart, your intuition, and your hunches. They will put you in a really good position."
"Follow your instincts, follow your true heart."
"If you go with your heart, you can't go wrong."
"Trust your wisdom, listen to your intuition."
"Co-create with spirit. Keep tapping into your Libra intuition."
"You're going to have to again follow your heart... because somebody's definitely got you on their mind."
"Trust your intuition, even if your brain doesn't agree."
"Trust in yourself, trust in your messages, trust in your intuition."
"Just go with your gut, go with your intuition."
"Trust your intuition when it comes to making decisions."
"With full comprehension of how to use this advantageous tool, we are able to manage it in a way so it subtly guides for benefit."
"It's incumbent upon you... to find something that orients you toward a north star worth having."
"Your intuition at the end of the day is the compass of your life."
"Inspiring someone to find their own path into the light."
"It's up to you to stay on your divine path, to listen to your own intuition."
"You're always doing the right thing when you're following your heart."
"Time for a change in life, Scorpio. You're on the right track but you're being led towards a new direction."
"Trust in something in your heart, follow your heart, do what brings you Joy and everything will flow right, will go in the right direction."
"You should follow what your gut instinct tells you and go with that."
"You need to follow your own intuition, it's going to have an amazing impact."
"Yep, universe gives you a confirmation back. Yep, you're on the right track, gives you confirmation back. Hey, things are not necessarily going your way but here's why and this is the blockage and this is how we can open it."