
Human-animal Bond Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Dogs emit emotional tears when they reunite with their owners."
"If you have a dog, you know it's not just a dog; it's like a human right there."
"Why do we love dogs so much? One of the reasons is loyalty."
"Dogs are in many ways a human construct. We have co-evolved with them for so long that they are now attuned to human behavior, language, and emotion."
"Love develops for every evolutionary pairing that requires devotion. We love our pets, and our pets love us."
"Aversive training methods have a damaging effect on both animal welfare and the human-animal bond."
"Spirit of both man and canine, a relationship that is older than written history itself."
"Dogs are the best. They really are. Love them, unworthy of their love, I tell you."
"Pets are traditional companion pets that have been with the human species for a very long time."
"When we came home, our dog pretended to be ill, like come out limping or something, and the vet said, 'Yes, it's just he doesn't want you to go away again.'"
"There is not an animal on earth that will love you more than dogs."
"When dogs and humans make eye contact, it releases oxytocin in both."
"Survival of the friendliest is what really summarizes the link between dog and human evolution."
"The horse actually becomes an extension of your legs."
"Pets are amazing, they're man's best friend."
"Buttons the elk strolled into the fire district, planting sweet kisses on each firefighter's face."
"Nora treated her rescuer's son like her own child, protecting him from any danger."
"The koala reaches over, grabbing the man's hand and pulling it closer as he takes another sip from the bottle."
"Animals sometimes seem to know that you did something special for them which saved their life."
"Dogs are our best friends forever when it comes to animals and one reason we love them is that sometimes they're even smarter than we are."
"Lonely leopard moves into former zookeeper's home after missing him when he left his job."
"People think that what happened was the second the cheetah looked into her eyes, he suddenly understood she was more than food. She was a living creature, beautiful in a way."
"A Canadian woman is hugging her dog extra tight after the pup rescued her during a sudden medical emergency."
"All of our relationships with animals arise from expressions of altruism for another species."
"The mystery of the human animal bond is defined by altruism."
"Expressions of altruism for another species define the human animal bond."
"The bonds we share with our pets transcend the mere concept of ownership."
"The human animal bond is the expression of altruism to another species."
"What lay ahead was one of the most complex relationships Nature has ever known: the remarkable bond between human and cat."
"Dogs are man's closest friend, love that, absolutely love that."
"This homeless man celebrates his birthday together with his dogs."
"Animals automatically have a higher friendship level than humans. I mean, that just goes without saying, right?"
"This huge animal has been one of mankind's closest and best animal buddies since, well, since pretty much forever."
"Animals are pure and innocent inside, and the only thing they need to be truly happy forever is you."
"Bottlenose dolphins are men's real best friend."
"I swear dogs just have a sick sense for figuring out what kind of people are good people."
"This video is an incredible moment that proves once and for all that tigers can, in fact, have some sense of loyalty and friendship with humans."
"The unlikely friendship between Dindim and Brazilian pensioner."
"Dogs are lovely creatures, they're man's best friend."
"Forging an unbreakable bond between man and his courageous four-legged savior."
"Dogs cure depression. That's it. They just do. We don't deserve dogs."
"Dogs have evolved to make us smile, wagging tails and all."
"Dogs and humans share a special relationship on a social level unlike any other animal."
"Dogs have been bred for a very long time to be empathetic towards their human owners."
"Why do some humans love animals? It's companionship, you want to have somebody to share your life with."
"Animals that are bonded to humans do things that they never do in the wild."
"Cats often observe and mimic human body language. They may learn to sit or lie in similar postures as their owners, imitating their behavior or mirroring their movements."
"You know, they say cats are one of the only animals to prefer human interaction to food."
"Animals know if you're going to harm them or they know if you're a good person or not."
"Make a genuine connection with a dog. Most dogs enjoy humans when we pet them and scratch or rub behind the ears or under the chin."
"We fish for them anyway. The ancient tie between man and bass is not quickly or easily undone."
"Dogs have to die before us because they can't live without us."
"The little elephant was so attached to the young girl."
"One of the greatest benefits of massage is the human-animal bond."
"Our history with horses spans thousands of years, resulting in a unique bond between horse and rider."
"Humans and animals often form unexpected and unique bonds."
"It's all about the connection; the human-animal bond is pervasive in all ways."
"We know how important it is for people and the connection they have with their pets."
"This is a place where the boundary between the life animals live and human existence are blurred and nearly inseparable."
"The ability for a human and an animal to connect and form such a strong bond, that's really what I think is remarkable."
"Most of all he revels in interaction and cooperation between humans and animals."
"I love dogs, I prefer dogs to people."
"Dogs have been serving people since ancient times... So a dog is not only a human's best friend but his very first friend as well."
"I feel like for as long as time itself, there has been an urge for people to become one with animals."
"When it comes to issues like security, safety, and feeling comforted, they're really not very different than we are."
"I'd rather have animals than people; they don't answer back, they're not nasty, they appreciate what you do."
"Humans are surprisingly ready to risk their lives for their pets, and some have even made the ultimate sacrifice in the hopes of saving their tiny family members."
"Raptors... there's something unique about them; there's a lot of ways that people can and do find to have some sort of an interaction with raptors."
"The more I see animals, the more we really get into their lives, the more you start questioning how far we've separated ourselves from other animals."
"This close bond between humans and dogs goes back more than eight thousand years."
"That's a connection there between dogs and people."
"I understand how much pets make a difference in someone's life."
"I'm proud of that because I believe horses are very special and they really do a lot for the heart and soul of humans."
"Dogs are a hell of a lot like people."
"It's a weird relationship, humans and animals."
"They're generally like awesome with people, so awesome with their owners."
"I think that each baby dino has their own favorite human."
"We have a relationship with a lot of the animals here, sort of personal relationships, especially with certain ones."
"The bond between a pet owner and their animals is often profound and built on trust, care, and mutual respect."
"The bond between Darlene and Shadow quickly grew, and Darlene's speech improved."
"People obviously love dogs, people obviously love cats."
"Dogs are awesome, better than most people sometimes."
"Dogs are the most special thing that we as humans have in our lives."
"Dogs, often called man's best friend, have been loyal companions to humans for generations, providing love, support, and protection."
"Dolphins love humans just as humans love them too."
"Even animals' love for humans makes the world a better place for us."
"If one has never shared the same bond with the animal they pursue, they will likely never quite comprehend the unique relationship between hunter and prey."
"I have noticed that what cats most appreciate in a human being is not the ability to produce food, which they take for granted, but his or her entertainment value."
"Everybody loves their freaking pets."
"Animal companionship is very beneficial for humans."
"Cats have cosmically captivated humans for millennia."
"People don't realize how wonderful their animals are, nor do they make friends with them as they should."
"What really got me though was watching how he and Happy interacted, just like a boy and his dog."
"I just think that the relationship between humans and animals is kind of a sacred thing."
"That bond has been there since the beginning of mankind."
"Anything that exists in humans, I think you can probably find in animals to some degree."
"The company of a dog, next to that of a man and more than that of any other animal, seems to satisfy that longing for companionship we feel."
"Relationships between animals and people enhance animals' lives and enrich the human experience."
"Cats have figured out that we respond really well to this kind of high-pitched sound."
"It's a remarkable story of friendship between man and dog."
"We want them to have complete trust in us as human beings."
"These animals need to be loved just like human beings. Our pets quite literally crave love, they crave attention."
"If you've got a dog, you'll understand the relationship people have with them; if you haven't, you'll never understand it because it's not something that can be explained."
"We don't deserve dogs, humans don't deserve dogs."
"I have human friends, but he's the closest friend I've got."
"The strength of the human-animal bond in this country is well known."
"God actually designed our relationship with our dog to mirror the relationship He wants with us."
"The manatee are perhaps human's best friend, at least when we're in the water."
"I love overhearing dog owners talking to their dogs."
"One kind of relationship that can develop between human and animal is that of a partnership, but what effect can that partnership have, and how can it lead to life-saving results?"
"To have a trust, a bond of trust between a wild animal and a human being in their environment, it just makes you feel good."
"I love when they look at us; there's so much curiosity."
"He believes that through raising beasts as pets, humans and beasts will understand each other better."
"I actually enjoy their company more than I enjoy the company of people."
"The love you have for your pet is in a proper perspective and it's proportionate, and you obviously put humans above your pet."
"The bond between animals and humans is undeniably strong, a faithful friendship that has been forged over thousands of years."