
Prevalence Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"The incidence of myopia, of nearsightedness, is increasing dramatically around the world but is increasing particularly fast in children and in young adults."
"93% of adults have metabolic dysfunction of some sort, 50% pre-diabetes or diabetes. There's something wrong happening."
"More people are affected by chronic pain now than the combined total of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer."
"33% of adults worldwide report feeling lonely at least sometimes."
"Alzheimer's disease affects women more than men... almost two-thirds of all Alzheimer's patients are women."
"Domestic abuse is a blight in this world, but it's also common."
"Seven out of ten people will require long-term care in their lifetime... it's a huge financial strain."
"The more prevalent it is, then the less stigma there will be because it's like, if it's affecting everybody, then it's like, okay, who can really criticize?"
"One in two Americans suffer from either pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes."
"NAFLD is common, and most patients with metabolic syndrome will have NAFLD."
"Disability is not rare. 13.3% of all Americans are disabled. That's over 42 million people."
"There are an estimated 2 to 5 million DWG files open today. That's a lot."
"Depression affects 1 in 10 Americans at one point or another."
"How many bypass surgeries we do in the United States every year? 500,000."
"Machine learning has become quite pervasive today."
"Thyroid disease affects one in five women and one in ten men."
"Did you know that 7 out of 10 credit reports have an error on them?"
"This is not an esoteric test, there are 18,000 of these Little Toaster size machines all over the country in doctors offices and hospitals right now."
"Mass shootings have always been there, but today they're becoming alarmingly common."
"Cancer is not a rare disease... it affects like one in ten of us."
"It might be that this conduct is even worse than I think it is, more prevalent than I think it is, and I think it's widespread at many agencies across the country."
"Autoimmune disease is a tough thing and it's becoming more and more frequent."
"Multitasking is one of the single most prevalent and prominent causes of unhappiness in our society."
"Cancel culture, it's becoming more and more common."
"Intersex people are just way more common than anyone would like to even admit."
"Everywhere you go, everything is now manifesting darkness."
"These mag strip readers are everywhere, like quite literally everywhere."
"Breast cancer is so common, isn't it? By far and away the most common cancer in women."
"Yeah, racism still lives and exists everywhere."
"Conspiracy theories seem to be a part of our lives now."
"Infections strike an estimated 8 million Americans every year."
"Insulin resistance is affecting the majority of the Western population."
"Between six to nine million patients may be suffering from long covet in the U.S. right now."
"Extremists only make up a very small percentage."
"They're everywhere now. I mean, they've always been around but this is next level we are dealing with folks."
"Having Tourette's is more common than you think, one in every 160 children."
"Money and bells has been everywhere, absolutely everywhere."
"Depression is something we call a mood disorder and depression in and of itself affects nearly 300 million people worldwide."
"We see that pipe tobacco is going to be very common."
"Talk about the 85 percent of the population that suffers from self-esteem issues."
"NDEs are surprisingly common, occurring across cultures and countries."
"Serial killers out there, and there's probably 10 in North America working right now."
"Isn't it amazing they're everywhere oh my gosh."
"There are as many intersex people as there are red-headed people on the planet."
"We would go where the corn was and stay there."
"Cyber attacks and identity theft are a dime a dozen nowadays."
"Cases like his never going to show up in the national news why well for one thing there are too many of them for the national news to cover because that is what happens in our criminal justice system day in and day out."
"Forced labor trafficking is more prevalent than sex trafficking."
"Mental exhaustion or burnout is more common than you might think."
"With solar panels on the roofs of nearly one in three residential homes, Australia has the highest penetration of rooftop solar per capita in the world."
"Violation in a sexual manner is so much more prevalent than anybody I think realizes."
"Over 90% of people... haunting them for the rest of their lives."
"One out of 25 people have had a near death experience. That's huge."
"It's just one of those things that you got to be cognizant that nowadays this technology is much more prevalent and much more readily available."
"The most common refractive error of the eye and is becoming more prevalent."
"Previously yeast overgrowth was primarily seen in immunocompromised patients... but nowadays we see yeast overgrowth in people with normal immune systems."
"Wherever there is judgment, there is noise, and there is a lot more than you think."
"Bipolar disorder is a relatively rare syndrome affecting around one percent of the population."
"The same percentage of people who have ginger hair have DID, which means it's as common as bulimia, more common than schizophrenia."
"It affects approximately 350 to 500 thousand people in just the United States alone."
"ADHD affects about 5% of the population."
"Prior to 1980, if you saw fatty liver under the microscope, that patient was an alcoholic. But today, 25% of children in the United States have fatty liver, and they don't drink alcohol."
"anxiety is on the rise these days"
"Hashimoto's is by far going to be the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States."
"Depression is now the second most common chronic disorder."
"Most people have never heard of insulin resistance, but 88% of us in the United States now have at least some degree of it."
"Loneliness is much more prevalent than other mental disorders, really, even though it's not really a mental disorder."
"It's everywhere. It should be everywhere."
"It's prevalent. Every second ad is either Cialis or Levitra or Viagra."
"There's a tidal wave of narcissism and psychopathy everywhere, even among women."
"It's deceitful and way more prevalent than anyone wants to admit."
"Ubiquitous means prevalent everywhere, universal, ever-present."
"Borderline personality disorder is relatively rare, affecting about one to two percent of the general population."
"Stellar mass black holes seem to be extraordinarily common."
"It's actually 10 times more common than Parkinson's disease."
"It would be almost unheard of today that a patient would have a prostatectomy that has done anything other than through a robot."
"Is it happening more com is it more common today than it was?"
"Major depressive disorder is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders. It is estimated that greater than 300 million people suffer from depression."
"You can go virtually anywhere and find someone that's impaired or is using opioids."
"There's about one in three people having difficulty sleeping at any one point."
"Sadly, this type of situation is much more common than many people realize."
"There is not a chronic pain condition that doesn't have high rates of centralized pain."
"90% of us have non-drug behavioral addictions across our lifetime."
"The QAnon conspiracy movement is growing in Sweden rapidly right now."
"Atrial fibrillation is increasingly common as the population ages but only 10 percent of the people end up getting a definitive treatment for it."
"Human trafficking is occurring right now in all 50 states."
"Violence against women is all too common."
"Stars with planets were once thought to be a rarity. They are turning out to be the norm and not the exception."
"Celiac disease is increasingly common."
"About nine percent of people over the age of 65 are walking around with afib."
"War crimes are quite prevalent... almost everyone under the sun has been committed by at least one person."
"Cheating is so prevalent now in today's system."
"It's common, most common as well."
"Migraine is the third most prevalent illness in the world and affects 12% of the population."
"...I don't think it's as prevalent as it's been made to seem."
"It's about something that's pretty prevalent and mostly ignored or overlooked by traditional medicine."
"Distraction is pervasive, it is everywhere all the time."
"Over two-thirds of the entire world's population uses it every single day."
"BPH is incredibly common and incredibly prevalent in our society."
"ADHD is highly prevalent, and it's not just what's obviously known about kids."
"The prevalence in 2017 is about 30.3 million, and that's about 9.4% of the population."
"I would encourage you guys to go on TikTok, to go on Reddit, and if you think that I'm cherry-picking this crap, really this stuff is absolutely everywhere."
"...about 90 percent success rates. Uterine fibroids are exceedingly common, probably 20 to 40 percent of all women in America have uterine fibroids."
"Schizophrenia is an important disorder affects about two and a half million people in the United States."
"Obesity is not a new disease; it's always been with us."
"Those genes are very common especially in Caucasians about 30 percent of Caucasians carry those genes."
"If it seems like there's more and more nepotism babies every year that's because there are."
"...if it's something that happens to more than half of the population, it's pretty normal, right? That doesn't mean that it's optimal, but it's certainly something we should talk about."
"Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world."
"Hyperaldosteronism prevalence about one in five of our patients with resistant hypertension."
"The abuse is just so much more rampant and it's prevalent in these groups."
"But everybody did all kinds of other drugs, they pass on the beer, they passed me the pills, and I remember as a kid seeing this and going, 'This makes no sense whatsoever,' but it's super prevalent in the space."
"Psychopaths are apparently present in one percent of the general population."
"It is shocking how much this is going on everywhere around us."
"A lot of people complaining about so much weed out there."
"Gang culture is prevalent. It's part of the culture. And South Central Los Angeles, it's a culture that needs to change."
"Assassinations are becoming more and more common."
"There are so few people that don't have some sort of military connection, that's right."
"It was everywhere for a little bit, man."
"One in five people will have more than one aneurysm, multiple aneurysms. So that's quite a few, you know, one in five people, 20 percent."
"Who can get dysautonomia? So, it's actually relatively common worldwide."
"So unfortunately this is why, you know, often low thyroid conditions as it's related to an iodine deficiency is very prevalent in these areas."
"Apparently, like, it goes... it's something that is in a lot of different fundamental churches throughout the country."
"HPV is common among both men and women... about 80% of people will get an HPV infection in their lives."
"How common is anxiety? Probably about one in four, one in five, about 25 percent of the population at some point could be dealing with a form of anxiety."
"Social media is more prevalent than ever before."
"No matter the genre, romance is prevalent in every book."
"Prostate cancer is extremely common. It is by far the most common cancer that men get in the US over a quarter-million diagnoses a year."
"So many ways to get this stuff in your body, but inhalation is by far the most common."
"85% of adults are insulin resistant, a startling fact."
"There's a healthy amount or an unhealthy amount of human trafficking that goes on in this country."
"I really think fast forward five years I think alcohol would be like smoking people will still do it they'll always do it but I think it would be so less prevalent in our society."
"Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is one of the most common cancers."
"People are on that thing all the time."
"These engines are becoming increasingly common."
"It's just a sea of Teslas everywhere right now."
"The fact is most devices purchased nowadays are wireless: smartphones, laptops, tablets."
"Smartphones are ubiquitous devices."
"It's really not as prevalent as one would think."
"Depression is very high... in Japan and Sweden."
"Acute and chronic back pain is more than just a nuisance, it's a major health problem for men and women of all ages."
"Tell me how common these things are... is this really something I need to look for and have on my radar all the time?"
"Domestic violence erupts in a mind-boggling half of all American homes at least once a year."
"CBD was everywhere, like you would go to the mall or anywhere you were."
"One out of five American adults is mentally ill."
"The second most common sound that we hear in worship music is the pad."
"I think it's really interesting that something changed there culturally all at the same time. It just became prevalent."
"One in four Americans will become disabled at some point in their lifetime either temporarily or permanently."
"It was probably more widespread and that's terrifying"
"One in ten people is going to have the disease of addiction... that's the facts."
"Sometimes there's, it's nearly like 100 of the time, well maybe it's about 80 of time, there's something always going on in someone's life."
"I know we've all felt tired from time to time but it seems like we have a pandemic of fatigue."
"Depression is known as the common cold of Psychiatry for good cause."
"It's useful for doing serial prevalence studies to get an estimate of what fraction of the population has been exposed. That's probably its main role."
"'Anxiety and depression are comorbid, meaning they can occur at the same time in a huge number of our population. Some estimates suggest it's about 60%.'"
"Gluten sensitivity affects far more people than celiac disease. Dr. Fano estimates approximately 20 million Americans suffer from gluten sensitivity."
"Love is everywhere, but also there has been a subtle shift as love has become more prevalent its value has decreased significantly."
"One in every 150 people today are affected by autism."
"It's rare not to know someone who is autistic."
"ADHD is common, it's persistent in adulthood in about two-thirds of cases."
"It's estimated that up to 80% of people will experience low back pain in their lifetime."
"As of right now, nearly half of all millennials in the US have at least one tattoo."
"There are only three disease entities that make up the majority of diagnoses in the general population."
"Mental health problems affect one in four people."
"Anti-Semitism was prevalent throughout the western world for centuries."
"Autism is a lifelong disability that affects about one in 100 Australians or around 230,000 people."
"Major depression is so common that people will call it the common cold of mental health disorders."
"It is probably the number two most used piece of software in the world."
"Thirty to forty percent of people experience a traumatic event in their lifetime."
"One in five Americans suffer from mental health issues."
"Currently, over 1 trillion SQLite databases are active."
"It's touched a lot of lives... it happens to a lot more people than you think."
"Tinnitus... affects millions of people."
"There are over 6,000 monogenic diseases of humans and they occur in 1 out of 200 live births."
"Caffeine is one of the most consumed drugs on the planet."
"One in eight people in the world, almost a billion people, are living with a mental disorder."
"The incidence of osteoporosis annually is even more than the incidence of a stroke, heart attack, and breast cancer combined."
"Christianity, his religion, is the largest religion in the world."
"The amount of people who have been raped or sexually assaulted or sexually abused is staggering. One in four women, that's 6.54 million women in total, have so the chances are you will know somebody."
"Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the Western world."
"Nearly one in three teenagers will meet criteria for an anxiety disorder by the age of 18."
"Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-limiting genetic condition among Caucasians."
"We could come to a point in the future where brain implants are as common as smartphones are now."
"About 41,000 Americans are currently living with HD; another 200,000 more are at risk of inheriting it."
"Microplastics inside a placenta suggest that some of the babies that are born after a certain year will all have plastics in them once they're born."
"Sudden unexpected cardiac arrest is very common, 15 to 20 percent of all deaths are due to a sudden cardiac arrest."
"There's a lot more people than we even realize that suffer with mental illness daily."
"I can confidently say that only a tiny, and I mean tiny, percentage of human beings in the world right now are not affected by narcissism."
"Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for up to 80 to 95% of all cervical cancer cases."
"The Bible says the waters prevailed upon the earth."
"There's actually a high number of popular musicians out there who suffer from things such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, autism on varying degrees."
"There are almost 800,000 new victims per year; there's a new stroke victim every 40 seconds."
"There is a mental health disorder that affects over a million people in the UK and over six million people in the United States."
"Synesthesia is seven or eight times more common among artists, poets and novelists than in the general population."
"BDD affects about 2% of the population, about 1 in 50 people."
"Sickle cell anemia is more common in people of African descent and in areas where malaria is commonly affected."
"Synesthesia is ten times more common among artists, poets, and novelists."
"Viruses outnumber bacteria by about 5 to 1 in us, and it's quite clear that they have major roles in regulating the microbiome."
"If you don't know someone who suffers from a mental health diagnosis, yeah you do."
"We have many viruses at a time coursing through us."