
Misconceptions Quotes

There are 2541 quotes

"Humans are incredibly similar to one another in their olfactory perception, and this is in contrast to what most people think."
"Intelligence is really strange because, as a society, our understanding of intelligence is all wrong."
"Most people don't know that coffee is a fruit and it's a very sweet fruit."
"Don't fear fat; the fat you eat won't end up on your hips."
"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, clear, and wrong."
"Promoting obesity or unhealthy living is not what body positivity or body acceptance movements are about."
"The idea that you can just bully people out of being fat is stupid and it doesn't work. If it did, nobody would be fat because nobody wants to be fat; it sucks to be fat."
"Fat isn't the problem. Dieting is the problem."
"You cannot determine someone's health just by how they look."
"Sharks are not bloodthirsty animals; they don't attack humans on purpose."
"A lot of people confuse affirmative action with racial preferences with diversity writ large."
"Committed couples who have fallen out, divorce, and there's a misconception that somehow guys heal faster. It's not. They actually heal slower, and it's more painful."
"There is so much misconception about what it means to be gay."
"Many women feel disconnected to their feminine energy... we automatically assume that femininity equals weakness, which is a whole lie."
"The biggest myth about vulnerability is that it's weakness."
"Meditation is often misunderstood in the western world because we think it's about clearing your mind, focusing on your breath, getting very peaceful. But you can go way deeper."
"Poverty is certainly not caused by something as simple as a lack of money."
"It's the deception of the enemy to cause us to think we have to have a seminary degree... to hear from God."
"The notion that that black history is somehow going to hurt your child is completely ridiculous. And black history is American history."
"The biggest misconception was that if you just work hard, the rewards will come to you. No, absolutely not."
"Kids aren't going to be turned gay just from seeing a gay cartoon."
"People eat meat and think they will become strong as an ox, forgetting that the ox eats grass." - Pino Caruso
"If you're a little larger, you float more... so a thin lady wasn't a witch, right?"
"That's not how either of these games work. That's not how popularity works."
"If you call somebody unattractive, they take it as if you're saying you are worthless as a person, but that couldn't be further from the truth."
"To disabuse people of the idea that pursuing what brings them joy is an indulgence or that it is selfish."
"A common misconception about relationships is that they have to be easy to be right."
"Ellis Island opened in 1892, the bulk of Irish diaspora came to America in the 1840s; we didn't have papers either, we were undocumented."
"It makes me laugh when people think I don't like Frank Lampard or Paul Scholes. It's not even close."
"Polar bears aren't at all white; their skin is black under the fur."
"Being 'a nice guy' doesn't justify finishing last or poor treatment from others."
"The most sort of damning and damaging lie that we're told as children about sex is that one day we will grow up and we will have sex when the reality is that one day we will grow up and we'll have us sex is older than we are, stronger than we are, 500 million years old."
"Almost everything you've been taught your entire life about money and how it works is a lie."
"The true teachings of Christ would never portray God as a judger or a hater."
"People see you upload one video a week and think that's all the work you do, but there's a lot of hours going on behind the scenes."
"For a really long time, most people understood Alzheimer's disease as some kind of inevitable consequence of aging or bad genes in your DNA. But we now understand that no more than two percent of all Alzheimer's cases are genetically inherited."
"Our intuition often catches us out, and you have some lovely examples in the book showing why everyone's intuitive response is wrong."
"People think it's super unhealthy for you; it's actually one of the healthiest things you can do."
"This is dedicated to everyone who says, 'You guys are always at the studio; you never dive.'"
"Benzoyl peroxide is not exfoliating. What it just helps to do is get rid of the bacteria that causes acne in the first place."
"Dark chocolate...coffee...are great examples of how we always think of one food as one vitamin or one chemical, and yet there's much more to it."
"This idea that making contraception more available causes more people to engage in behavior... it's just not in the numbers. It does not demonstrate it anywhere."
"This is Orlando. See, it's not all theme parks and hospitality workers."
"There are many things in your self-image that are complete fabrications and illusions, keeping you stuck."
"Just because what you listen to sounds like violence or death or whatever, that doesn't mean that that translates into the physical world."
"The totem doesn't actually bring bad luck but instead brings good fortune to the person who stole it."
"The vampire squid from hell does not feed on blood. Surprisingly, this intriguing critter survives by eating plankton and the rotting carcasses of dead fish."
"There's a major disconnect between what the religion of Islam actually says and what people actually perceive it says."
"I feel like there's a major disconnect between what the religion of Islam actually says and what people actually perceive it says."
"Nobody plays Pokemon anymore? This could simply be disproven by just making you go outside to see all the people playing Pokemon Go this very second."
"Pokemon is only for kids? This misconception is less true now than it has ever been before."
"It's not intentional movements; often it's a natural movement due to a concept that's wrong in your head."
"Reading about the Holocaust does not make one a Nazi."
"The biggest misconception about me is that, by my demeanor, I think you'd just think I'd be a dick... but I'm not; I'm a big teddy bear."
"People don't choose to be mentally ill, and they're not mentally ill again because of some sort of weakness."
"Saying animation is only for children is one of the funniest things that I have not heard of in a very long time."
"Dismissing feelings, emotions, sympathy, and empathy as something that's for the weak is a profound misunderstanding of human needs."
"This finding seems to really run contrary to the popular notion that when individuals with borderline personality cry, they're doing so at least in part to be manipulative."
"I was freaking terrified of rehab before I actually went because I had a whole different vision of what it was gonna be."
"Misconceptions, stereotypes, and plain exaggerations exist about several things in this day and age."
"To say that PC gamers only stick to a specific genre or game is false."
"You'll have less sex when you get married? People who are married have far, far more sex."
"ADHD medication is not meant to turn children into compliant zombies."
"ADHD is a lot more than being hyperactive and easily distracted. There's a lot of internalized stuff that other people might not even realize that we struggle with."
"There's actually a lot of misinformation about eating disorders, one of the biggest being that it's just a chick thing."
"Faith is the most misunderstood word in the religious lexicon because it's construed just that way."
"Women oftentimes think that they understand how it is to be a guy, that everybody that we have all the power in the world and everybody listens to us and life is easy and we control everything. That's not the way it goes."
"Despite the cultural perception that men are always responsible for creating hostile workplaces for women, you'd be hard-pressed to find a woman who hasn't had a workplace made miserable for her by another woman."
"It really pisses me off when people say go-go dancing and stripping is the same thing."
"Being skinny does not always equate to being healthy."
"It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
"Universal health care literally does the opposite of killing people."
"The irony of that misconception is that when we utilize genetic modification, we can use fewer pesticides."
"These are precisely the kinds of confusions that I like to address."
"I don't believe there's such a thing as dominant dogs; I think there's such a thing as weak owners."
"The biggest scam in history: Greenland Iceland."
"The enemy is people thinking that fruit, we should not have 365 days of endless summer."
"Some of the most disastrous notions in the world have come from highly educated people."
"These stereotypes that I grew up with, that perhaps you grew up with, are turning out to be wrong."
"Most people think economics is about money; it's not. It's about limited resources."
"There's no scientific evidence that exposure to or awareness of gay people is harmful to kids in any way, nor does it 'turn them gay'."
"A rival fallacy...the false belief that once we achieve X, as soon as we do Y, or once we have finished Z, we will find happiness in that thing."
"Socialism isn't when the government does stuff, nor is it when a party has 'socialist' in the name."
"Sharks are not monsters, so you need to have an open mind here."
"The reality is the exact same reasons apply to a grizzly bear...and I guarantee you almost no one in society is anywhere close to as scared of grizzly bears as they are of sharks."
"Most people who are bitten by a great white get spit out and survive. They don't want to eat us."
"Raise your children without a fear of sharks. Let them know when they see a show and a shark approaches and some evil music plays that it's over-dramatized."
"The greatest myth about mass incarceration, namely that it's been driven simply by crime and crime rates. It's not true."
"Darwinian evolution is not life arising from non-living chemicals."
"The likelihood of being hurt by someone who's got a mental illness is way less than getting struck by lightning."
"The slave market gives the impression that this is the place where slaves were sold, when in fact, what slave market means is that this is the place where slaves went to sell their goods."
"There's something about our assumptions about human nature that just profoundly misconceived."
"If you've got a lot of money, that doesn't mean you're smarter than somebody else."
"Voter suppression is the real problem. Election tampering is the real problem. Voter fraud is not. It has never occurred."
"Femininity does not inherently mean that something is weak."
"The overwhelming majority of people with PTSD live regular day-to-day lives upon returning home and do not harm others."
"There's a misconception that prepping for emergencies has to be expensive and that the average person just can't afford that."
"In fact, cleanliness and hygiene were more common in the Middle Ages than after the Renaissance."
"It's deeply upsetting for people who genuinely struggle with these kind of concerns and issues because it's how sometimes the media portray people as if people with mental illness are dangerous and might murder you, which is wholly untrue."
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
"Terrorism is not from Islam. Terrorism is not permissible. It comes from weak individuals who have no patience."
"There are many misconceptions about Rome, and a very popular one is that it was ruled by a series of sadistic lunatics. Now that is a gross distortion. This was the greatest empire the world has ever seen and it flourished for well over six centuries."
"If sharks really were man hunters, surfing would never have been invented."
"There is no record anywhere of a killer whale doing any harm to anyone in the wild."
"Cobras are not as scary as they seem... Most would flee from a human rather than fight one."
"People think that we have some chaotic life at home and like things are just running wild, swinging from ropes, and I'm like, it's a very, very normal household."
"Without us, the stadium would lose money. The suggestion we are getting the stadium rent-free is wrong. We are more than paying our way."
"Autism doesn't have friends in the traditional sense, but that doesn't mean we live in isolation."
"I always thought you had to kind of be a loud personality to be good at art... Not true at all."
"People have been shot in the head and lived since the invention of the gun. This isn't a video game; a headshot is not necessarily an instant kill."
"Forget everything anyone has ever told you about the veil... The veil is not something that separates us from the divine. It's instead something that is created, are you ready, by our own vibration."
"Open source doesn't necessarily mean completely safe."
"Retraction is something I've never had an article retracted before, and it's something that I've associated with terrible things like fraud, plagiarism, grievous mistakes. None of that is true about our article."
"Despite what most people might think based on their diet of cable news and the front page of Reddit, we are living through one of the most peaceful periods in human history."
"The distribution of fat is also genetically determined, which is why it's almost unanimously agreed that you can't perform spot reduction to remove fat from a certain region."
"The idea that the other side of the political world are just evil people out to destroy everything was wrong."
"If you are convincing yourself that air fried French fries are healthier than oil fried French fries, that's not the right approach."
"The absolute lie that gender is completely disconnected from sex."
"JavaScript is everywhere, and it's terribly misunderstood."
"It's important to remember, Trump isn't a dictator."
"Hackers get a bad rap and it's totally unfair."
"No one should ever be afraid of the devil because he's not as strong as you think he is."
"Angels aren't like sweet cherubinis, they're like warriors."
"I'm not nearly as wild as people think I am but that's fine... people are gonna think what they think."
"Credit card fraud is not necessarily a victimless crime."
"We get so used to getting messages from dudes on the internet that it's hard to remember that sometimes it's not that."
"Craigslist, people don't know about Craigslist, people like judge it by the interface."
"If you think the market's too high right now... you are sadly mistaken."
"Money is not the root of all evil. Poverty is."
"Islam cannot be spread by the sword and has not been spread by the sword."
"The Pilgrims didn’t cross the ocean to flee persecution—or even England. They were trying to escape a war."
"They see a Christian and they want to pounce on me and play."
"We're not evil just because we don't believe that you are omniscient."
"There are very few things that make me more frustrated than when people who know better act like someone invoking the idea that race could play a part in things means they are calling giant swaths of people racist."
"I know he doesn't support abortion as an orthodox Jew. That's, uh, that's, that'll be interesting news for him to learn from AOC who's not Jewish."
"The dirty secret of the stock market is that it's not a casino."
"The truth is that sex education has never been associated with lowering the age of sexual activity. Learning about safe sex does not make me have sex. It makes me have safe sex when I do have sex. That's how it works."
"No one wants to be trans, no one is doing that for the lulls."
"We need to stop believing that magic is different from any other art form."
"The Titanic was dubbed 'unsinkable'... even before its first voyage."
"Statements that say a woman trained in sword fighting would 100% never win against a man are very incorrect."
"Some of the best people in the world... they do well with you not thinking they can pull it off."
"Anti-Semitism is just being anti-capitalism, but you think capitalism is Jews."
"Helpful mutations are not a DNA upgrade. Getting a newer smartphone is an upgrade."
"First impressions are usually wrong, especially in islands."
"I don't believe that sharks don't like human flesh. Maybe they're just vindictive."
"The majority of Germans followed Hitler, what does that have to do with science?"
"Instead of using the word sugar, what I like to tell people is no fruit contains whole sugar or whole carbohydrates."
"Is it wrong to say you can't be friends with white people? And the answer is of course yes, they're not all the same."
"Slavery was not a small deal, it wasn't just agriculture."
"But is there really anything more to know about it? I say that there are lots of things that you thought you knew about capitalism at best partial truth and at worst downright myth."
"If you're looking for a Democrat to save your family or community, you really don't know anything."
"If someone said to you we need an internet troll we were thinking TJ Miller yes no one else that's it I know we're done."
"Flattening the curve never meant that a huge percentage of the population was going to avoid COVID."
"Jesus was just a polite nice guy who never would have insulted or confronted anyone? I think that's total nonsense."
"The myth of the big Bank, the Fat Cat Wall Street Banker couldn't be no further from the truth."
"Haters are what make you succeed, huh? Nah, haters won't make you succeed. No, it's not true love as well as hate, it's all love."
"All major central banks have fallen prey to the same misconception."
"People's first impressions of you are usually wrong."
"Because there's this pervasive you know uh annoying myth that medieval people never bathed and they're always dirty and stinky and I where on Earth did that come from?"
"Just because it's vegan doesn't automatically make it sustainable."
"Something is not just sustainable simply because it's package-free."
"Guys, when I tell you I was so strict with my savings that my mom thought I was broke..."
"I cannot stress enough that the ninja or more accurately the shinobi did exist... it is just our idea about them has been misled for almost all of our entire lives."
"When people start to connect the dots in ways where maybe they weren't intended to be connected, they say weird things."
"Electric cars certainly aren't any worse for the environment than gasoline-powered cars."
"The fact that heel hooks don't work is nonsense."
"Every time a certain Mark is given to people some groups immediately assume it's the mark of the beast."
"It's not just like playing around on the computer, which I think a lot of people think it is. It takes a lot of hard work but it's very rewarding."
"Did you know the Sonic franchise's Chaos Emeralds aren't actually emeralds?"
"Eating healthy doesn't mean you can't put seasoning in your food."
"It wasn't originally supposed to be about fighting and all that."
"Anorexia nervosa has been glamorized by everyone because of the fact that you take this very competitive illness and then you make the diagnostic criteria for anorexia significantly underweight."
"Law of attraction can be misunderstood; we can't create badness."
"Just because someone has good skin does not mean they have an amazing skincare routine."
"Talking about money is not nearly as hard as we thought it was."
"There's zero correlation between filling out a will and dying soon."
"Anxiety is neurologically based, not a weakness."
"If Christopher Columbus allegedly discovered America, that would not mean that he found new lands. No, it simply means that the people who sent him were already aware of these lands' existence."
"Forex by itself is not a scam. Most people when they hear forex they think scam. Scam stands for still confused about money."
"The trouble is... these are identities based on a wholly imagined past."
"It's extremely dangerous because it says Jewishness is about apartheid and genocide and so on which is the epitome of anti-Semitism."
"People have misconceptions about the algorithm."
"Contrary to popular belief, African-American history did not start with slavery in the New World. An overwhelming body of new evidence is emerging..."
"If you feel like this person just doesn't care about you, that is absolutely not the case."
"The color of the shell does not have any real indication on the nutrition."
"I thought all rich people were like that but I was wrong again."
"Socialism isn't some on/off switch nor is it based on your personal feelings towards a state."
"The notion that we've solved everything just by doing everything on Zoom is a mistake."
"Fascism properly understood is not a creature of the right or the left, they're right-wing fascists but they're also left-wing fascists."
"All this stuff you hear about history being boring is a load of rubbish."
"In the end, the real bad guys are not the short sellers or the retail investors, it is ignorance and wishful thinking."
"This isn't no crazy Hollywood level expensive deal, CGI isn't as hard as people think nowadays."
"Video games are not these nightmare machines that cause people to just get sucked into them."
"Three years ago, I was serving Captain and Coke as a server. I feel like a lot of people think that this happens overnight when it's really been a lot of work."
"Enough with teaching people to pretend that sex is only for procreation."
"There are far more effective and proven strategies than simply avoiding all fiber."
"Whatever mistakes you feel that you have done... is a lie."
"Niccolò Machiavelli is the most criminally misunderstood writer in history, and I am always mad about it."
"These aren't pictures of Nazi Germany that's the United States after defeating Nazi Germany still burning books just because they happen to have Superman on it."