
Historical Interpretation Quotes

There are 515 quotes

"I think how we interpret the last few years is going to make a big difference in terms of how it impacts us."
"It reflects the version of Greece that the Greeks thought they inhabited and that's really, really cool."
"The idea that someone who suffers the death of a slave emerges to become, it turns out, to be in a sense the creator of all heaven and earth and of all humanity, what that means in the long run is that it gives a dignity to people who previously would not have been afforded dignity by anyone."
"Marxism was a variant of the story of Cain and Abel, it's the ancient way of viewing the world through the lens of resentment."
"The overwhelming majority of Hebrew Israelites believe that the transatlantic slave trade was predicted in Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 68."
"The tearing down of the Grant statue is so telling because again, Grant is a figure who stood against slavery."
"He interprets [Plato's] accounts of Atlantis as a factual report of a prehistoric advanced civilization."
"The confederate statue is not a statue to uphold the glory of the United States; it's a statue about people who are legally speaking, traitors."
"Each chronology is interesting only in that it helps us to understand how the early Jews at various different times understood and communicated their story."
"Approaching history with an over simplistic lens is harmful to all parties involved."
"Sodom was not destroyed because of homosexuality... it was destroyed because of the cruelty of the people."
"While she hasn’t stuck directly to the historical record, she has made an enduring and resonant portrait of an American hero."
"History is often abused by those who use it for their purposes. We should know the truth about the past."
"What we see, exactly as depicted in the Book of Exodus, is an Egyptian charioteer chasing Moses across the parted sea, then Moses turns and faces his pursuer, walls of water rise and come down on the Egyptians, and finally, rider, chariot, and horses are drowned."
"He was a complicated individual, showing us that the world — and indeed, history — is full of people who do the wrong things for the right reasons."
"Following the death of Akhenaten, the idea of him as the pioneer of a monotheistic religion that later became Judaism has been considered by various scholars."
"We have broken a connection to that, and actually, the story of Exodus to me is the solidifying of the change from goddess to gods and goddesses to just God."
"I did not feel obliged to believe that the same God who is endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use." - Galileo
"How did the industrial revolution happen and how did capitalism rise? That is probably the least understood and most perverted by Marxist period of history going."
"The left is all about the cover-up game. The reason they want the 1619 project is slavery started in 1619."
"The destruction of her image and monuments has been dimly interpreted as evidence that she was a power-hungry woman who deserved to be erased."
"Decoding fact from fiction is a tightrope walk when examining such a full life."
"We should never forget that history as we know it is based on the evidence we have."
"Surely one of Nostradamus’s most famous prophecies concerns his supposed prediction of the attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centres on the 11th of September 2001 by al-Qaeda."
"This Youtube channel is my atonement for having participated in the further spread of what I refer to as the Standard American History Myth."
"They believed they were trying to prevent what seemed like an inevitable and devastating catastrophe."
"Could this making of Atlas as king by Poseidon claimed by Plato be in admittance to an awareness of the Atlanteans fate?"
"Each people group often has a totally unique history with the dynasty whether it's Manchu or Han or the Ching Dynasty."
"According to Revelation 6:12, 'the water therefore was dried up that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared.'"
"Just because something is biblical and it's back in the day don't mean they didn't have technology."
"The filibuster isn't behaving the way the founders designed."
"The Holocaust wasn't about race but was about man's inhumanity to man." - Whoopi Goldberg
"A take on our history and reality, telling a great truth."
"History kind of works the same way... enough that we can project our views of history our views of philosophy psychology religion politics all of this stuff onto that character."
"Pilate sympathies toward the not Jewish side of the argument."
"Pontius Pilate was a Christian; that's why he didn't receive divine retribution."
"The war was mostly about stopping secession... the animosity, the fight, and the moral values behind it was about slavery."
"It's frankly insulting that after four and a half hours of shoving neo-confederate revisionism down our throats, Maxwell tells us 'please make up your own mind'."
"Life spans were eight hundred nine hundred a thousand years... it's our misunderstanding... we are a fallen race."
"Thus showing the flood account could be an oral tradition handed down to the Hebrews it goes back to an ancient time in the region of Sumer instead of it just being a copy of other Mesopotamian flood legends."
"The similarities do not mean one copied the other we can just equally mean they share the same traditions about something that actually happened in the past."
"Niccolò Machiavelli is the most criminally misunderstood writer in history, and I am always mad about it."
"So not only is he NOT a lying, scheming madman on a Game of Thronesian quest for unlimited tyrannical power, but he's also a perfect history maker."
"This Gap in history is the part that blizzard are really free to do whatever they want with and they're making it all about Evolution."
"Yes, the photographs were fake, but it's worthwhile to explore why people of the time wanted so badly for the images to be real."
"Slavery is bad, forget the moral argument, it's money!"
"Post-revisionism emphasizes ambiguity and nuance instead of oversimplified narratives."
"While we may never know which parts of the story are true and which are myth, it certainly seems that these historical discoveries lend credence to the biblical events."
"Why this lie continues in the face of overwhelming evidence and how, if the reasons are not exposed, our species is possibly destined for another cataclysmic experience."
"To show the victims of those particularly heinous atrocities singing and dancing in the streets alongside the soldiers, that is particularly disturbing."
"Even if you just took 'so-called Christ' out of there, what you have is Josephus saying there's James or the brother of Jesus whose name was James were killed."
"The Civil War was 100 about slavery and only slavery, literally and nothing else."
"Was Elizabeth Bathory misunderstood and has her story been over-exaggerated?"
"These ideas they seem to make sense that that you know of all I've showed you all the divine attributes all the statues the fertility goddesses and the Giants and the places of emergence it seems like there is a story here..."
"This design was not naive; this was true genius at work."
"The pyramid was basically a device, a generator for, if you will, broadcasting and transmitting throughout the planetary structure a type of field which uplifted the entire humanity."
"The Gospel of Barnabas stands as a captivating piece that challenges established beliefs and invites a deeper exploration into the intricacies of biblical history."
"Some think that this could be a lost soul of a poor slave attempting to escape a cruel master in a bygone era."
"Before Jerusalem Fell by Dr. Ken Gentry... the possibility that no actually the dating of the book of revelation can be earlier and the book of revelation in its historical context is about the 70-80 destruction of Jerusalem."
"The Holocaust isn't about race. It's about inhumanity to man."
"Hancock's interpretation of the Peri race map presents a fascinating narrative about the knowledge of ancient civilizations."
"There is no neutral history; there can be no untainted traditionalism that doesn't contain some of the values of the present being projected back."
"Even skeptical secular historians called the outcome of this battle miraculous and astounding."
"When we see a miracle, it is rare that we perceive it as such. Our past is a history of lies of this kind, miracles of man explained by recourse to God and miracles of God explained through the fears of man." - Omar Ibn Rashid
"Previously unknown human species discovered in Israel, challenging our understanding of ancient humans."
"Could these familiar sounding descriptions really be a literal transcription of events documented by our ancient ancestors?"
"Part of the hadith scholars and indeed the jurist's task is to try and recreate something of the unique spiritual immediacy of the early days of the ummah."
"The conservative justices are coming to conservative conclusions and then justifying it by finding the fragments in the historical record to support what they want to do."
"That clues me that we might be looking at a far more ancient story than we think we are."
"From the going forth of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah is 483 years... That's the prophecy. It's very simple and it's pretty miraculous."
"There was never any evidence to assume that Howe was hostile."
"All of the role-playing and adoption of these sort of surrogates to represent ideology are based on the right on history on reality in some sort of way."
"It's true... there are not two versions of the Bill of Rights... 1791 is the date by which you determine the meaning."
"Adam was the first white man and yet Adam body came from the dirt of Africa."
"Perhaps there is no better example of this inaccuracy than the age of the Indus Valley Civilisation."
"The Constitution is so clear; the founders assumed that it was the states that were at fault by printing too much money."
"Joshua defeated 31 Nephilim Kings... the greatest battle ever fought in supposed millennia."
"Jerusalem... was the Canaanites and specifically the sect known as the Jebusites and thought to be again hybrid Giants."
"I believe there must be some sort of overarching design in human affairs otherwise history is a series of disconnected rather meaningless events."
"Pretending that it wasn't socialism 80 years after the events in question is shameful at best and dishonest at worst."
"Juneteenth presents the Emancipation Proclamation as the thing that ended slavery, when we know it was just a wartime document."
"Superimposing today's wars on erroneous recitals of acts of yesteryear is a recipe for disaster, both the accused and the accuser." - Albert Watkins
"Even with us thriving and doing pretty well, there is an interesting period of time that we can point to that was sort of a blending of the current time frame where sure mystery still exists today and in today's era but things are more explainable."
"No doubt if he could spare Jews from the results of his nativism, he would, but he can't."
"The ancient ruins never lie if you let them tell the story."
"Modern histories like to leave that part out to make king more palatable to make him seem like a harmless do-gooder."
"Was he a hero of the Spanish Reconquista or a self-interested opportunist who sided with whichever side he could benefit most from?"
"Surely in a sense, Caesar must be the first emperor."
"The framers intended impeached officials to face criminal liability according to the law."
"What a number of authentic researchers have managed to accomplish by just studying imagery of Mars and also of historical knowledge of the region held here on Earth is quite remarkable."
"No it's not ongoing, it is not called an atrocity by Academia."
"incredible isn't it maybe it's always been that way for the most part the Republican Party who freed the slaves"
"It has been suggested that the biblical Ark of the Covenant is actually a metaphor for the superconductor at the core of the Great Pyramid which powered ancient Egypt."
"We are indigenous to the United States. There was no United States until we built it. That makes us indigenous to the United States."
"The pharisees were genuine torah-believing god followers, and jesus was saying things that were pretty radical."
"Some of our ancestors or entire civilizations were far more clever than academics were willing to grant them."
"You can't have it both ways. The one thing in life that is inevitable is change."
"Yet another example of women being lied to unfairly bro she's been murdering innocent girls for literal centuries even if they were of Royal Blood it would still they'll be murdering innocent girls they have nothing to do with what happened to her."
"By commenting on the Medici’s tendency towards tyrannical government, Machiavelli was advising them to open up the government to everyone."
"Our Founding Fathers would be sickened by this clear separation of Church and State, even though they wrote it in the Bill of Rights."
"RRR is not concerned with historical inaccuracies, but it delivers amazing spectacle."
"Our history is not merely a trotline of metaphors... it is about specific people in specific places within specific events." - Alan Gilso
"Before too long, this Linear B was found on tablets all across the mainland – implying that, one way or another, Crete had been destroyed, and the Mycenaean Greeks were gleefully benefitting from it."
"So it’s possible the epic stories retold over centuries are the distant, imprecise memories of a doomed military expedition to Troy, and the potential cause of a mass power-vacuum that leads to the chaos we see in the archaeological record."
"So I would argue that it's very likely Mrs. Arnolfini died in childbirth."
"In a way Caesar saved Rome by destroying the then-unstable and unworkable Republic."
"America is either built on sand or built on a lie. But I don't think it is. And if you listen to Martin Luther King's speeches, neither did he."
"2012 marked the opening of a new area of the galaxy, not the end of the world."
"God's wrath has been poured out through history, and God's wrath is being poured out in certain ways now."
"The rule wasn't changed, the Federalists just made that up."
"King John has been used and abused frankly over the centuries as a kind of foil or a kind of prop figure in whatever history people want to tell of the past of medieval England."
"Stoic humans were far more clever than we have previously given them credit for."
"The war was almost a rebirth, a baptism by fire that defined how this new US would be in the next century."
"Columbus? Yes, mistakes were made, but there were more positives than negatives. And he wasn't a bad guy. He was a terrible guy. Oh god."
"Anyone who humanizes a regime where the leader kills his own family is a monster."
"Multiple contradictory versions of early Christian history."
"These Bronze Age communities were aware of these groups as pirates, raiders, as mercenaries."
"They were as much victims as they were oppressors."
"While the religious views of Washington and Franklin are clear, those of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson are more complicated."
"If Moses showed up today, he'd say to Joseph, 'You have created a nation of priests and priestesses.'"
"Tarantino creates the expectation that we're witnessing a historical recreation."
"China has given more democratic values to Hong Kong than the British ever did."
"The history we come to know today is always tinged by biases."
"The crusades really aren't about religion at all."
"This is what the founders meant by tyranny of the majority."
"What you end up with is a situation where the past has been gradually recast along the narratives of today in such a way that it's irredeemably negative."
"After Constantine, Jesus who had been crucified by the Roman army was now depicted as its leader."
"America wasn't founded on the principles of slavery and racism."
"But Europeans during this period of exploration and colonization came to the conclusion that black's skin must have been the mark of Ham because Africans were destined to be slaves from the beginning."
"The name Jezebel became synonymous with harlotry, but the biblical character herself is better described as fierce, formidable, and pagan."
"Papal infallibility was defined... as a way to rein in the power of popes just as much as it is taken to be a way to expand the power of popes."
"It's interesting doesn't make any sense no no no sense at all but their approach to it and the design of what they do is they go through the different periods of history and things like that is actually really kind of interesting."
"That's called presentism... rewriting history instead of letting people learn from the mistakes."
"Marie's story fascinates us as a symbol of class conflict, a woman in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"It's certainly within the realm of possibility that Gospel writers 2,000 years ago would have exaggerated or invented stories."
"The question of how and why Amy died has gripped generations of writers and historians."
"What's important here is not the what of history, but the why."
"Attempts to explain Baba Yaga in the 18th century actually make this association with ancient Slavic deities as well, including early indications that she was a pagan goddess."
"The Road to Serfdom was not a prediction, it was a warning."
"Hamilton is set hundreds and hundreds of years ago, but I kept seeing our times' topical issues."
"To say that Mark Twain was a racist is to put too much stock into the uttering of racial slurs in his novels and on rare occasion in letters."
"It's ironic that they say Islam was spread by the sword."
"Intent can also be inferred from actions... but there are plenty of scholars who have concluded that actions were not taken against Ukrainians simply because they were Ukrainians."
"Revisionist history is a huge contention point between reconstructionists and eclectics and eclectic practice is perfectly valid but revising history in order to give your practices authority is not."
"For something a concept and a topic that is so vast you can't just say 'oh it was absolutely evil all the way through or that it was absolutely justified all the way through.'"
"What if these ancient narratives contain less metaphor and more memory than we may have presumed?"
"But death was not the end of Vlad Dracula because if there's one truth about human culture, it's this: when history doesn't provide a fitting end to a historical life, legends are going to step in to finish the job."
"History is used by the left selectively like blackmail."
"To say that aspects of the Mona Lisa are just 'happy accidents' is to deny all the evidence."
"Einstein understood quantum mechanics better than anybody including the people who are given credit for inventing it."
"The book of Revelation unlocks the mystery of history."
"Experts have challenged the proposed date of the Nebra Sky Disk, arguing that it lacks the deep meaning that researchers have attached to it."
"Men love women so much they gave us the right to vote."
"Black folks actually took those words literally and really through two hundred and fifty years of struggle and resistance started to make our founding documents real."
"Richard is the victim of mythmaking and propaganda."
"Richard the third... far from being the monster of popular legend."
"I don't think George Washington was out there worshiping Satan."
"It's a stunning display of circular reasoning, a common logical fallacy: these objects were made with hand tools because hand tools are all that we've found."
"Far more than a simple war between Crescent and Cross... the conflicts that eventually became known as Crusades were more akin to a struggle between settled and nomadic peoples."
"Was Varus really the fool of Teutoburg he's made out to be? Let's find out."
"Whatever the truth about Jesus and Mary's physical relationship, the Gospel of Philip clearly suggests they shared a strong spiritual connection."
"Part of History, part of science is being open-minded to healthy debate and evidence seeking as we work to find the truth together. That's part of civilization."
"We have to look at things differently when we're looking at history."
"It's like defending a statue being like, 'It's upside down, stay away from Robert E. Lee.'"
"Clavin: 'The founders' God was a God who endowed individuals with rights which it is the purpose of government to secure.'"
"The Great Pyramid is a true enigma... something far more complex and meaningful than just the building of a big old tomb."
"The Great Pyramid is effectively a scale model of one hemisphere of the earth... at a ratio of 1 to 43,200."
"If you leave these thinking that paganism or Satanism or astrology were what motivated the evils under the Nazi regime, then what do you think the human race has to learn from this?"
"Churchill's warning was deliberately designed to provoke a war."
"Viking raids were not intended to destroy people or towns."
"The Second Amendment when it said militia it wasn't talking about the government, it was talking about you."
"The left goes in and says the land was the Indians' anyway that we got it was illegitimate." - Michael Knowles
"The Confederate flag is not what most people think it is."
"Egyptian Hieroglyphs: To depict these things the Egyptians must've laid eyes on them first."
"What do you think of Julius Caesar? Was he a tyrant or did he set Rome on the path to a new golden age?"
"So all the narrative, this standard Islamic narrative always has the biblical prophets down in the Hijaz."
"The standard Islamic narrative posits that all the prophets, especially Abraham, lived in Mecca."
"This was not genocide folks, this was righteous judgment upon the results of ungodly iniquity."
"Did you know that Noah was a liberal eco warrior and the world's first environmentalist?"
"Jesus was a human... He was divided, but he was expressed as in his thirty-three years on earth as a human being."
"RussiaGate was designed to distract us from the real causes of why Donald Trump became president."
"As the war in Ukraine has shown, tanks are not as important as they once were. They have largely become long-range infantry support vehicles that allow ground troops to move forward under the cover of their fire."
"It wasn't Stalin that overcame Hitler; it was the Russian peasant, the Russian soldier who overcame Hitler."
"Finally, we're getting a holistic picture, the missing link between the seventh century Arabs, the Nabataeans, the Quranic Nazarenes. How did they then become the Abbasid version of what we now know today as Islam?"
"Communism didn't die, it thrives in the taunt, it pretends to be benign cancer."
"Understanding Lilith: from Mesopotamian myths to modern interpretations."
"At the end of the day, the idea that the Aztec mistakenly viewed the Spanish as gods may stick around for no other reason than that it makes for a better story."
"Everything is tragically defined by racism... how different that is from Dr. Martin Luther King's understanding of the racial challenges."
"What if this isn't just a scary tale about the gods' weapon but a brief historical report of actual events?"
"It's more about the ideological side of things I think that makes way more sense because the way that World War II and the Holocaust Nazism and such is taught differently in both countries."
"The radical view of American history is a web of lies, all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted."
"Perhaps he is the personification of what Hannah Arendt would later call ‘the banality of evil’, an individual who could run a machine of mass murder such as Auschwitz as though it were an exercise in efficiency."
"There's a peculiar almost amnesia involved in imagining that the Socialists have some monopoly or some extraordinary responsibility for killing that capitalism doesn't have."
"I’d like to think this movie, since it was written by a Mayan writer/director, is the artistic interpretation of how this dictator should have met his end instead."
"This is an approach to military history sometimes goes by the name the physics of the battlefield."
"I couldn't imagine St. Peter being like this in the first century."
"You can't just assume that you know automatically what ancient words refer to, there has to be an effort to understand the ancient language."
"I'm not going for 100% historical accuracy here... I never am. We're going for 'Vaguely Historic.' Because I myself am.... Vaguely Historic."
"Christ's promise that the gates of hell would not Prevail against the church doesn't mean the church will always exist in every part of the world."
"Franco is seen as a Hitler type figure and the Republicans are seen as the legitimately elected government who did nothing wrong."