
Nonverbal Communication Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"Emotional tears... we emit in emotional situations where nonverbal communication is critical and key."
"In reading non-verbal communication, it's a different form of intelligence. It's not algorithms, it's not formulaic; it's human, it's emotional, it's empathetic."
"What confidence is, is a set of nonverbal communication characteristics that charismatic people have."
"People who believe that they have been abducted by aliens are going to show authentic nonverbal communication because they genuinely believe what they are saying."
"The way he turned slightly to the left and back to the right and back to eye contact, you know, never looked down... that has again a dramatic effect."
"Reading nonverbal cues is about as close to a superpower as you're gonna get."
"Remember when you are at a sort of a business meeting...a smile shows the other person that you're welcoming them into your world."
"Eyes are the doors to our soul...when we're hiding something or we're not interested we tend to look away."
"The moment that I just grab the leash here, I don't even have to do anything; the dog already senses that if they pay attention to my energy and they see that it's calm, they feel calmer as well."
"Whenever we protect our neck or use our arms and hands to protect our vital organs, this is a very defensive kind of closed body language."
"You could clearly feel this hammer blow of social rejection through the expression on her face."
"Donald Trump used 641 hand gestures in 17 minutes. That's impressive, my friends, that's impressive."
"Alphas don't have to walk around saying 'I'm Alpha, Alpha, Alpha.'"
"90% of our emotional communication is nonverbal, and the more a person imitates subconsciously our gestures and facial expressions, the more we like that person."
"Why not realize the potential that you have just sitting in your hands?"
"He didn't even make eye contact with the special prosecutor. Oh my God, who doesn't look at the prosecutor?"
"Sometimes, our actions speak louder than words."
"Music as a universal language—we chose dialogue-free to connect globally."
"Pixar really mastered wordless storytelling in this section. It's truly phenomenal."
"Providing gestures will help English language learners make a connection between the word and its meaning."
"You can never go wrong with the hovering hand."
"There's a whole conversation there without saying anything at all."
"Nonverbals were more truthful than the verbals because people will say things but they don't always mean them but you can't really fake the nonverbals."
"Love could be kind, exciting, fun, unlike the pain they've known."
"Let's focus in on the music because it has a rhythm to it, it has Cadence, and it's part of the non-verbal information that we're viewing."
"Nonverbal communication is at best 70 to 80 accurate with some leeway on either side you can push that up to 90 to 100 accurate at times."
"That's wild... I would still be on the board of like no ghosts just like that person's got amazing ability to read body language."
"His face was just stone-faced the whole time."
"It's a rare sight to see a character steal the show without saying a single word."
"It's like a look, a look in her eyes that says it all."
"I walked through the park, he just stared at me with a smirk which unsettled me."
"Body language is like tapping into a whole new world."
"Body language is just a part of human behavior."
"This game doesn’t need any words to tell you what to feel, because the environment says it all."
"That's some good filmmaking when you can tell your story without the need for dialogue."
"Isn't that amazing? There's so much going on without a single line of dialogue."
"Amusement is the simplest of things when a person's so just on what they're thinking...it's really interesting that one piece of body language can tie in to so many others."
"I can remember when I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it 'shiny'."
"The magic that we get from the dynamic of the cast in Critical Role is largely based on the ability to be able to actually make contact like eye contact and to be able to read each other's body language."
"So much of his performance is done without words."
"I love the fact that there's no words, they can convey a very complicated task without having to explicitly tell me how to do it."
"So much of the character development and the understanding of them seems to just be in the body language and in the eyes."
"We automatically gravitate towards each other without even saying nothing."
"Stoic, slow-moving is perceived as authoritarian. It just is. The less you move, the more powerful you appear."
"Paying attention to body language and facial expressions."
"Body language allows us to have a glimpse into the real emotions of a person."
"Confidence does not lie in a man. It doesn't lie. It speaks loud and clear without you even having to say anything."
"Micro expressions: eye movements reveal truth or deception."
"She smiles at you. If you see her from across a crowded room and she smiles at you, that's definitely a sign that she's interested in you."
"This scene, without dialogue, and in just a few seconds, reveals the core of Jesse's character."
"A smile is nonverbal communication saying, 'I like you and I'm glad you're here.'"
"They can't speak or talk but they are similar to any other child."
"The importance and the power of charisma and of body language."
"Dogs show Love by what they do not what they say."
"Posture is one of the first things that people notice."
"If they're shaking, that's them saying thank you."
"There is no denying it, both the way we avert eye contact and are drawn to it intuitively tells us of its sheer power."
"Your clothes tell a man how you're feeling and how to treat you."
"Body language is the management of time, space, eye contact, gesture, facial expression, stance, movement."
"The moment of farewell was so touching that many of those present wept. Mario barely moved and spoke with great difficulty, but words were superfluous."
"Smile with your eyes...sending off your kindness."
"In music, the bond you create with others is like having a conversation without words."
"He wasn't a leader with his words but he was a leader with action."
"Actions often speak even louder than words... the grass has this upward trajectory."
"Love makes you understand the person without words you look at them and you know exactly what's going on."
"This weird silent character development over the course of the movie through body language."
"Your body language can betray what you're feeling before you can even be aware of it."
"Studying body language could be helpful for someone with Asperger's."
"The No. 1 thing to look for, honestly, is the hands. You wanna see hands, and I always would wanna see hands, open hands."
"Eye contact, pupil dilation, and blink rate are three great ways to spot sudden changes in emotion."
"It's Aubrey Plaza's expression that tells the story."
"Even without opening my mouth, I have the best visit card in the world. This is what a body does to you."
"Silence is louder than words because your actions speak louder than your words."
"We worked well together that time even without any form of audio communication."
"Be conscious of what your own body language is conveying."
"A woman's body language speaks more than what she says."
"You don't even have to say anything to each other. You just look at each other and just smile."
"It's like a silent agreement, you know? When you see another guy that gets things, yeah, and then you know you get things."
"Music speaks in emotions; it's a language without words."
"There was a moment where he took a breath and just looked at me, and there was the most pure expression of love with no words between a father and son in that moment."
"There's a reason why poker players go to great lengths to hide every aspect of their body language."
"Camila without even saying a word is able to provide reassurance."
"It's important because I feel like the things that she didn't say in the video and the way that she didn't address things was very telling not just about Jacqueline herself but about society as a whole."
"Getting a woman to make love is not a matter of convincing verbally. It's a matter of treating her like she's special, that she's loved."
"Actions speak louder than words, that's my style."
"I realized that in those moments when he wasn't speaking, it was like strangely taking me deeper in love with him."
"People communicating without words, just doing the chirp."
"Embodiment rather than force. You don't need to tell people. You just embody it."
"He's making me jealous bro, rising in Sign Language. I'm punching you."
"Laughter as a non-verbal cue for connection."
"Pacquiao doesn't say a thing, he speaks with his actions."
"Orcs have a distinct language of grunting and physical violence, some races don't believe this is a form of communication."
"You can tell a lot by someone's body language."
"Our eye contact is insane, I'm sending you telepathic messages."
"He didn't need to say anything if he looks at you in a bad way because you made a bad pass, you weren't doing it again."
"She's in charge, she had the superior body language."
"It's like you don't even need to say anything to each other to express the love. You can just feel it."
"You don't raise your voice but you raise the vibration in a room and people know not to play with you at all."
"Just by the way they look in the eyes you could mean okay so much truth."
"Jedi Mind Tricks, he'll walk up the steps, we never say anything."
"You don't even need words to speak with this person."
"Notice how he's always looking at the camera. That's a very strong sign that he's being truthful."
"Despite not speaking, she's able to communicate so much through her face."
"I just became friends with a guy without ever communicating with him."
"I'm of course watching you because you're the look in your eyes your facial expression your body language combined with what you say."
"Cage is so expressive and badass he doesn't need to talk to emote."
"Clothes that we wear are an extension of our body language."
"Welcome back to observe!...analyzing the non-verbal communication in a very short segment from TikTok, centered around the couch guy."
"Arthur's actions speak louder than words as he dedicates his final days trying to be a better man."
"Using your hands some is very effective in terms of expressing yourself, like as opposed to expressing yourself like this. There's just something about sitting perfectly still that isn't natural and doesn't come across well."
"The shows uses body language to express finer details without needing to say anything."
"Eyes don't speak, but they say a lot."
"They want to show you, not tell you, how important and meaningful you are to them."
"Humans communicate in so many ways that aren't verbal."
"You're picking up on the nonverbal cues, the energy, and the emotions that people often try to hide."
"When we see these individuals reacting to things, but we have no idea what they're saying, we could still see in their facial expressions or non-verbal gestures things that look exactly the same here in the western world."
"Little look in his eye and he says, 'oh.'"
"And moments such as these are something that requires no dialogue."
"Body language sometimes says a lot more than words."
"Your hair is not going to tell you, girl I don't like that, but in a sense it will notify you I don't like that."
"Eye contact, turns out, means a lot to us."
"Making eye contact and a smile just...registers. You feel it."
"Deku's character design tells his story without words."
"He tried to stay extremely still non-verbally which is good that would be exactly what he was supposed to do."
"A smile says: I like you. You make me happy. I'm glad to see you."
"People can say a lot more without speaking."
"You're allowing the world to see a little bit more about you without you having to say a word."
"My mouth was sealed shut, but my eyes widened so large that I could say that my eyes screamed."
"The way they looked at each other though."
"There's something about their eyes that tells you a different story."
"So sick the non-verbal storytelling here, man. Word."
"We demonstrate what we think, feel, desire, and intend in real time through body language."
"Twitches: A bob of his wings can indicate a mild discomfort, perhaps embarrassment."
"The best acting I've ever seen is when no one speaks... It's just in their eyes."
"If you see someone coming from a distance in the street you know a little bit, and you spot them early and they spot you early, you've then got that sort of 30 seconds of coming together where you can't speak because you're too far apart."
"Learning to speak without words is a very powerful thing to do."
"When I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it 'shiny'."
"Wow, she said no with her whole body. A head shake so strong it moved her shoulders."
"Body language really doesn't lie when you know what to look for."
"Charles Oliveira seems like a cool guy and I've learned that through without him even using language. He's got a good personality."
"The way they portray everything through chases and this music, you don't need words."
"You don't have to say anything or do anything, your complexion just says it all."
"Your body language is not just affecting others."
"Your face tells me everything that you don't say."
"Eye contact essentially equals confidence."
"They're speaking to each other without talking. I fully believe that's real electricity."
"These Technologies are tapping into the same nonverbal non-conscious behaviors that are signs of nervousness, anxiousness, suspicious behavior."
"It's all in like the eyes and the face, like he doesn't really even need dialogue for a lot of this stuff."
"There's something about the eye contact, like a magnetic attraction."
"We never said a word to each other, we just did what came natural."
"He didn't have to say anything but there's a look that he could give you and you're like it was almost like a father chastising a child."
"She cast a quick glance and a wink in my direction."
"It's not what they say, it's what they don't say."
"The doctor stepping into the room standing up against the wall and sliding to the floor all entirely in the background that already spoke volumes."
"These cues can be observed through various channels such as body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and even energy vibration."
"All it takes is that touch to convey a lot of very personal information."
"Their teamwork was flawless. They knew what to do without even talking about it."
"You don't have to say one word, and these things will happen."
"The Holy Spirit can manifest the presence of Christ even if you never open your mouth."
"Roman's smirk hinted at a level of respect."
"You guys know what to do, I don't gotta say anything."
"Exerting force without words or action."
"There's so much information that we get from just looking at someone's face when they're talking to us."
"We've been so intimate we don't have to talk."
"That word on one's face pretty much changes the dynamic of any meeting that you're in."
"It was like those unsmiling, almost threatening kind of winks."
"Body language speaks way louder than words."
"Presence alone says more than any words could say."
"By not communicating, you're communicating something."
"There's a weird, beautiful nonverbal closeness that comes with playing music with somebody."
"In a word there, the defendant expressed... she almost seemed that she wanted to make eye contact with Chief Mat to make sure he looked her in the eye when he was saying those things that she clearly didn't agree with the ruling on this."
"He smiled, and that familiar growl reverberated through the thick glass door between us like a purr."
"The characters managed to express themselves in ways that may not be achieved through words."
"It's like they're speaking without speaking, yes."
"Body language is a very big part. They say body language actually accounts for 70% of communication."
"It's reading each other's energy, reading each other's body language."
"It nodded at me to let me know everything was okay."
"If you own a dog for multiple years, you're probably much better at reading these signals than you may give yourself credit for."
"I treasure those moments because those moments really challenge me in that I've got to in some way project some internal life and some inner emotional life with this character without dialogue."
"She held out her hand. He ignored it."
"Dance became my way of expressing myself without words, without a voice."
"Her eye contact is unmatched, her posture is unmatched."
"I've written 10 books on body language and behavior, spend most of my time on Wall Street and corporate America."
"This is demonstration of the power of body language and micro expressions."
"She doesn't have to say anything, her face says it all."
"Your non-verbals communicate whether or not you believe this person is better than you."
"The better skilled you were at the clandestine art of non-verbal communication, the higher you were on the social totem pole."
"The social nuances of fashion are not merely matters of personal taste; they are forms of non-verbal eloquence in the realm of the affluent."
"...fashion serves as a powerful non-verbal dialect, telegraphing social status and aligning individuals with particular societal subsets."
"A board game is one of those things that people can teach, people can learn, people can watch and people can spread without any writing, without any formal communication but just by demonstration."
"We have genetic memory passed down to be able to read behavior and nonverbal communication."
"Nonverbal communication is absolutely essential; that's how you can judge people and also tailor your message accordingly."
"They may not speak, but they're big bowls of sunshine and put a smile on your face whenever you see them."
"Don't tell me with your mouth, tell me with your eyes and your face."
"The confident page you walk in the room and with a bit of confidence is like speaking volumes without screaming."
"The sorrow in his uncle's eyes spoke volumes."
"There was no verbal communication whatsoever; it was just continuing to kind of enjoy each other from across the room."
"A wise man who understands a nod."
"Actions speak louder than words, always."
"The ending had a lot of heart and much was communicated between the characters without words."