
Dogs Quotes

There are 1398 quotes

"Dogs emit emotional tears when they reunite with their owners."
"We call a dog a man's best friend for a reason."
"Whether or not dogs can actually sense spirits can't be proven by science, but what we do know is that our canine companions are naturally gifted with senses that are much more powerful than a human."
"High school cross country team takes shelter dogs out for a run."
"I feel like Huskies is probably the best one. Energetic and athletic, Huskies have a spirit that can't be broken."
"Dogs are the greatest thing that have ever been invented."
"Well-trained dogs are really happy dogs because they know exactly how to act."
"Why do we love dogs so much? One of the reasons is loyalty."
"We call dog man's best friend for a reason; you can help those who need it most."
"I love it so much, especially those cuddly dogs."
"Arthur Morgan can do one of the most important actions in modern gaming: interact with dogs."
"Dogs are beautiful. They're so...dogs are beautiful."
"Dogs are not judgmental. Dogs are, to me, the most honest species on the planet."
"The biggest mistake is that we're not respecting the right of a dog being a dog."
"If you communicate to animal and fulfill the needs of a dog, then you're going to accomplish what everybody wants, which is the obedient dog."
"Dogs are our partner in survival and a magical animal."
"Dogs are the number one deterrent for home break-ins. Fact."
"What a cool job: to be a researcher who studies what dogs’ tails are telling us."
"Dogs are man's best friend. Of course, they're going to save our lives at just about any chance they get."
"Selective breeding by humans has greatly impacted the morphology of dogs."
"It might seem silly to us as people why that's important, but wind can majorly influence the way a dog responds. They're just getting flooded with different smells."
"Dogs really experience the world in huge part through their nose."
"Dogs have been described as man's best friend for literally thousands of years. As well as playing an important role as a constant companion, they also hunt, herd, pull loads, protect, assist the police, military, and the disabled."
"The relationship between humans and dogs is mutually beneficial. Having a faithful dog assures a listening ear, a warm pot to hold, and even strong legs to run beside."
"Having a faithful dog assures a listening ear, a warm pot to hold, and even strong legs to run beside."
"Dogs, they are the fraking best dude. They're always there for us, they love us unconditionally, and their babies are cuter than our babies."
"The conclusion of this video is you just need to buy a mut. They just have so much love to give and are miles above every other dog in terms of health."
"Wouldn't it be cool to be able to breed the dogs together and get some kind of mixed coat variant?"
"Dogs just want to be loved, and they just want to give love. That's it. That's all they're here for: companionship and love."
"Train a release cue once your dog can stay in the position for 5 to 10 seconds."
"The most important part of teaching a sit stay behavior is proofing the release cue and adding stimulus control to that release cue."
"Dogs are the best. They really are. Love them, unworthy of their love, I tell you."
"Our relationship with dogs goes back a long, long way."
"Trophies are awesome, but dogs are even more awesome."
"According to new research, dogs do understand the meaning of nouns."
"Dogs can't recognize themselves but they can recognize their owner's reflection, proving that they kind of do understand how mirrors work."
"Dogs don't work for paychecks, and they don't work for food. They work for that praise."
"Over 200 dogs surprised a lifelong dog lover for his 100th birthday."
"It's important to teach your dog a come around."
"Dogs are the first time that we went, 'oh wait a minute, like something else can do this for us.'"
"You're constantly updating what the hell a dog is."
"That's a beautiful thing to see a dog running around with a frisbee in their mouth."
"I'm really trying to teach her how to leave Indy alone."
"Digging is a nice release; it seems to be satisfying and recreational to dogs."
"Staffordshire Bull Terriers are renowned for their kind natures when they're around people in a family environment."
"Pugs may be small in stature but they have big personalities and are extremely intelligent little dogs."
"French Bulldogs are known to be the clowns of the dog world but they're quite intelligent with a mischievous and playful streak in them."
"French Bulldogs are smaller in size and are exceptionally playful and good-natured characters that easily adapt to different lifestyles."
"French Bulldogs are a firm favorite of many celebrities worldwide, including Hugh Jackman who owns a dog called Dolly."
"You know there's a lot of reasons the dogs make noise."
"I feel like dogs give some of the most unconditional love ever, you know, more than we could ever love somebody."
"We didn't teach dogs fetch, it was already programmed into their software."
"If a dog's tail is wagging to the right, it means it's more relaxed, and a left wagging tail means stress."
"Not all dogs are great swimmers, but all dogs love swimming."
"Researchers at University of California say they have found puppies are middle-aged by the time they're 2, with dogs tending to age more slowly in later life."
"Dogs can smell sniff out cancer... That's crazy."
"Dogs are smart... They can smell strokes, see seizures."
"I would love to rescue a billion dogs if I could."
"Dogs, yup, that's it. Dogs. Puppies. Who doesn't love dogs, man?"
"Pit bulls and American Bullies: misunderstood heroes."
"Dogs are a man's best friend and sometimes they're more than that though I don't mean that in a romantic way."
"Bred into its nature is bravery and a territorial attitude which made it the perfect dog for livestock and people guarding."
"People who think dogs are the kindest creatures are completely correct."
"Dogs are the best dog's the best you treat them well they'll treat you better"
"British researchers are trying to find out if dogs can be trained to sniff out people infected with the CCP virus."
"Miniature Schnauzers are awesome dogs, they are extremely intelligent."
"It's interesting how the dogs just immediately go into attack mode even those little ones."
"If you want to have the best friend you'll ever find in your life, go to your local shelter, adopt the dog. They're fantastic."
"Apart from race car driving, dogs are best known for their incredible loyalty."
"Adam and Bruno became recognized as one of the best dog handler teams serving in Iraq."
"There is not an animal on earth that will love you more than dogs."
"Golden Retrievers are truly man's best friend."
"A dog is going to bark from the day it's born to the day it dies."
"When dogs and humans make eye contact, it releases oxytocin in both."
"Dogs are essentially hugging you with their eyes."
"When dogs are looking at you, they're essentially hugging you with their eyes."
"Survival of the friendliest is what really summarizes the link between dog and human evolution."
"The term that may best describe dogs' evolutionary success is survival of the friendliest."
"I love animals especially dogs, yeah not cats."
"Humans have domesticated dogs for centuries, and while their uses have pivoted throughout the years, one thing stays the same: we know dogs to be a man's best friend."
"Dogs are prone to sneezing, and it's always funny."
"This is dog paradise! Would you look at that, I have five wolves now!"
"Dog saved deer: Golden Retriever rescues drowning fawn."
"The Boerboel: Intimidating breed with an ingrained ability to defend homes from terrifying predators."
"The Band Dog: A huge problem for any wolf, with the courage of an American Pit Bull Terrier and the size of a Mastiff."
"Tibetan Mastiff: A real pain for any predator to try and take down."
"Set small and achievable goals and just little ones. Say, I'm gonna get through this just one day."
"The Staffordshire Bull Terrier... awesome with children including babies..."
"The Saint Bernard... known for being rather nice and loving..."
"People all over the world love their dogs... known as man's best friend."
"The Rottweiler... known to be scary-looking, fierce, and pack a mean bark and bite combination."
"A dog helps you through so many difficult times."
"Bloodhounds... personification of curiosity in the form of a lovely dog."
"Irish Wolfhound... gentle giant despite the imposing size."
"The American Pit Bull Terrier is a beautiful dog, both on the inside and outside. They are loyal, affectionate, obedient, and love to please."
"Boxers: playful, intelligent, and high-energy, but also loyal and protective."
"The Newfoundland: a large, powerful, heavy-boned, and dignified doggo that loves having a job to do."
"If you've got a large house and a large wallet, then you can buy a large dog, and what better than a powerful, playful, gentle giant known as the Great Dane?"
"The Rottweiler: a breed to stay away from if you have never owned a dog before."
"For our final entry into this surprising world of deep sea fishing, what better note to end on than with the man's best friend?"
"German Shepherds have an unmatched work ethic."
"Siberian Huskies are like watching poetry in motion."
"Bernese Mountain Dogs are impossible to resist."
"Socialization is important to show dogs good manners."
"Dogs on a beach, of course! This is hilarious."
"Dogs show Love by what they do not what they say."
"Dogs can bring newspaper inside and hand it over, what a good boy!"
"Every modern dog breed, no matter how big, small, or cute, can trace its genetic lineage directly back to a population of wild wolves living on the steppes of Siberia some 27,000 years ago."
"It's obvious just how glorious and regal these dogs look."
"They're known for being very good with children."
"All of the information for all of the genetic diversity in all of these different breeds was already present in the dog kind."
"To me, a dog is everything pure in the world. Dogs experience the world through a lens of pure joy that I don't think other animals have."
"Dog senses earthquake aftershocks... Sophie the Labrador appeared to feel the earthquake before it hit."
"Our four-legged Pooch Pals have a range of impressive skills... dogs can sniff out cancer."
"Instant 10 out of 10 when it's a show about dogs."
"No diet is the perfect diet for every single dog."
"Training your puppy to love being on his bed can be really valuable down the road."
"Dogs are man's closest friend, love that, absolutely love that."
"The domestication of dogs was a revolutionary achievement."
"Most people love dogs with their infectious smiles, unconditional love, and protection. It's pretty easy to see why."
"Dogs just genuinely love you for who you are."
"Watson and Kiko: Two dogs named Watson and Kiko... when Watson then went and hugged Kiko..."
"Dogs are such a part of my soul, and I love them so much."
"Have you ever noticed just how many different kinds of dogs there are and how different they all are? Think about it. Can it be possible that a chihuahua and a great dane are actually the same species? Well, they are."
"Dogs are lovely creatures, they're man's best friend."
"Dogs waiting at graves and mourning isn't as uncommon as you might think."
"Dogs are really smart, they can really understand what you want."
"I decided long ago that the only way to end the game would be to rid the cosmos of the earth entirely."
"Mutts are the greatest dogs. All the genetic material put together usually makes the healthiest person." - Ron McGill
"Dogs are the best. I mean, they're man's best friends."
"When I think of a nice dog, I think of golden retrievers."
"Dogs are very responsible for turning up bodies, they genuinely are."
"Dogs, puppers, doggos, no matter what you call them, they're man's best friends."
"Hachiko is arguably the most famous dog in history."
"Humans have been coexisting and evolving alongside dogs for centuries now."
"Represents intelligence, playfulness, curiosity... dogs often represent unconditional love and loyalty."
"Tail-wagging is a communication signal given from a dog to help get their message across."
"Everyone loves dogs, and why shouldn't they be loved? They're the happiest and most awesome creatures on the planet."
"I'm such a dog person; they always show you so much love."
"It's crazy how in a short period of time a dog can make such an impact on everyone."
"Most people do love dogs, that's right."
"Megan Leavey, this is going to be for military folks and dog people."
"Dogs truly are man's best friend."
"This is the percentage breakdown of each of the breeds detected in your dog's DNA."
"Dogs don't care about money, they don't try to manipulate people, they're just pure souls."
"Every dog loves peanut butter, for the most part."
"Pomeranians, the cutest dog. No cap."
"The one thing about dogs is they don't lie, they don't hoax, and they're the most faithful of animals that maybe on God's Earth."
"We've got some dogs to help us if we need to like send them in to go look at it."
"Let's go grab the pups and see what they think."
"The heart-wrenching story allows us to notice and honor the loyalty of all dogs, especially those who exceed the level of devotion seen even in human relationships."
"More than just very good boys, these dogs are perhaps the best evidence we have of true loyalty."
"...March 3rd is known as 'What if cats and dogs had opposable thumbs day.'"
"My favorite days are when I wake up and the dogs are super sleepy; it's so cute."
"Can you pet the dog? That is a timeless thing."
"Every time it was something different about the dogs and what he needed money for."
"A brush pile challenge helps dogs navigate obstacles and develop confidence."
"Let your dogs roll around and play with sticks, it's natural."
"Dogs go through a period where they need consistent affirmation."
"If you make hiking fun, the dogs want to hike."
"A lot of times you'll see a super athletic dog pile up with a not super athletic dog."
"Both types of dogs are friendly, outgoing, and easy to train."
"I'm going to do this to my dogs next time they want to bark me awake at 5:00 in the morning."
"Dogs are excited to see you every day because for every week of their lives, they only get one day."
"Dogs are God's gift to the world... people are not so."
"Not the a-hole. You were very clear with this guy that your dogs have a special diet and he continued feeding them anyhow."
"I don't trust people who don't like dogs."
"This is our new dog. Someone just gave this to us. This is going to be the most amazing dog."
"Dogs having anxiety about stuff they don't understand going on is great."
"I wonder if anybody here has hounds and has had an odd moment where all the dogs went 'oh my god, get me out of here'."
"We've spent so long domesticating dogs to get dogs that work as pets for us, companions for us, and then some dudes come in there, they're like I want a wolf again, like what's wrong with you?"
"I feel like there's so many things that you buy for dogs and they don't like it, but like the Furbo, this, it's so clear that they love it."
"Ancient cultures from the Greeks to the Romans to Koreans all have myths about dogs having Supernatural ability."
"Dogs are welcome at most of St Pete Beach and especially Passa Grail."
"I love dogs. I really do. Walking dogs wouldn't even really seem like work to me. I mean, it's getting to hang out with dogs while getting exercise. What could be better than that? Unless you're a cat person, in which case, I'm sorry for you."
"Dogs can sniff out anything. They can smell cancer, gunpowder, cocaine. Tumors have a smell, everything comes with a smell."
"A dog can smell if you have cancer. And the really good news? If your dog tells you you only have a year to live, it's really seven."
"Dogs have had a long and storied evolutionary history, but even if you ignore that dogs are still very special to many people around the world."
"Dogs are arguably the most beloved animals alive today."
"Dogs are kind of a gateway drug, I suppose, to understanding much more about animal minds."
"Any place that lets dogs in the workplace has got to be a good place."
"I love that. If I ever get another dog, I'm gonna name it Fomo."
"They tried throwing in a little bit of the gay thing with the dogs."
"Dogs can hear much better than we can."
"Dogs man's best friend for sure for sure."
"I got a new dog Kirby, he's not here right now."
"...luxury dog items... this is a very very long trend that dates all the way back to about the 50s until now and continues to grow and evolve in a very predictable manner which we think is very strong indication of where this is going to go in the future."
"People love to pamper their dogs."
"A dog can make 100 unique facial expressions."
"Dogs are wonderfully therapeutic, and that's a huge part of what our dogs do for us, and help people with their emotional regulation."
"If you're as obsessed with dogs as I am and you want to get more Oso time, then check it out."
"I love them, yeah, you got to have patience and you got to, well, I was just going to say, there's a few things required to be able to handle a dog, and number one, the Robertsons have not got the first one that you have to have for working dogs: Jesus."
"Dogs and puppies crave consistency."
"I love dogs. Only dogs I don't like? Police dogs. They're bad. They're bad dogs."
"Dogs don't love bones, they love steak. They settle for bones."
"I love bully breeds, you know? I love their protective nature."
"Every single day that these dogs go to work with me is the best day of their life."
"Dogs in particular they are they are sent from the heavens they truly are."
"Some dogs bark and some dogs bite, but Romeo sings like a dolphin in the sea."
"Bird Dogs are my favorite, but they hold the water, dude."