
Human Emotions Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"Emotional tears... we emit in emotional situations where nonverbal communication is critical and key."
"The emotions of human beings would be the only generator of energy capable of creating impressions on the observed reality."
"These are not my humans; these are humans, and they have emotions and feelings just like I do."
"All fear, judgment, evil, anger, and suffering are delusion and falsehood."
"My hypothesis is that there is one mineral associated with every human emotion we're capable of interpreting on this human plane."
"Your sadness or your pain doesn't mean they were special. It just means you're human and capable of feeling."
"These movies... hit me in the genuine true depths of human emotions."
"The tools are driving us to this outcome. The real problem in humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology."
"We all experience changes in mood; sometimes we feel happy and energetic, and other times we feel sad and irritable."
"Love is a label that we put on a complex variety of human emotions and experiences."
"All of us experience jealousy from time to time; it's a universal human emotion."
"People don't actually tend to be in the mood to love when they're irritated."
"You can be jealous of people for all kinds of different reasons."
"If people really love something or really hate something, or really want something, or cry, or scream, or cheer, if they're strong feelings that means there's something going on there, something human, something deep."
"From mistress to queen...she looked terrified...very human."
"There's no such thing as success without jealousy, without envy, or entitlement."
"When humans see children being exploited, abused in these horrifying ways, the overwhelming majority of humans have a natural anger and sadness response because we want to protect children."
"Lust, the sex drive, our craving for sexual gratification; romantic love, our adoration for the one partner who seems to be all that we seek; and attachment, the way we develop a secure union with a long-term partner."
"Grief is the emotion commonality between all of humanity."
"But also, greed needs to be tempered by fear. Both of those emotions need to be there."
"Love exists, it's beyond survival instincts."
"Companionship, love, and the human struggle against mortality continue to resonate."
"Companionship is the offspring of pity and empathy. It reflects the wish to protect and to shield each other from the hardships of life."
"Hate is an everyday human emotion, like love, like anger, like jealousy. It's not the police, but it's not nothing to do with the police until that hate becomes the motivating factor in a criminal act."
"They do have emotions very human-like, very close to us, that attachment."
"Sometimes you just don't feel it, and I think that happens a lot."
"The pain they feel is evidence of their humanity, their abiding sense of fairness, compassion, and justice."
"All prejudice, all hatred, all war or anger comes from the same lost place of lack of self."
"Art is often an expression of our dreams, our hopes, and horror stories are an expression of our fears."
"But I'm also a Pisces, so I'll punch you in the face, but I will cry my eyes out about it later."
"Envy, resentment, and hunger for that matter are not satiated by the downfall of the old regime."
"But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to know that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice."
"The most super heroic feat on display might be the film's ability to keep human-sized emotions and relationships front and center."
"To love is the most glorious thing we can do."
"Being attracted to someone isn't a preference, it isn't a choice."
"People will always love you and people will always hate you, there's no in-between."
"Failing is not bad at all. Glorify that failure and capitalize over it."
"Hate and love, there's going to be way more losers than there are winners."
"There's a reason that evolution has given you anger... rage... righteous indignation."
"Innocent people get truly angry, and real anger or emotion doesn't flip back and forth like a switch."
"That is so creepy and I feel like people are so extremely brave."
"I've never been one to subscribe to the belief the U.S should maintain a strong economy by pointing weapons at other nations."
"Human emotions are incredibly complex, and the idea of identity is incredibly complex."
"To feel secondhand embarrassment or to feel ashamed about something someone else has done, to be embarrassed because someone else has embarrassed themselves."
"It's trying to tell us that emotion isn't something that you should put into a human being, which is absolutely incorrect."
"Obsessions usually begin in a fiery cauldron of anger, jealousy, love, or revenge."
"Loneliness is one of the scariest human emotions."
"Humanizing and normalizing pain, emotion, stress."
"It's kind of like saying, 'You want me, but you can't have me.'"
"Laughter is the shame what tears are to grief."
"Sometimes suffering involves things that are embarrassing and shameful, and that's very different than a blaze of glory."
"When we are the most emotional often we are also the most truthful."
"Sadness is one of the human emotions just like happiness or anger."
"Everyone chill, I'm not depressed that day I just felt sad, like this morning you probably woke up happy but tomorrow you're probably going to feel sad and you don't know, it's just like standard human emotions."
"I bleed just like everybody else. I cry, and I cry, and I bleed just like everybody else."
"We're all scared, we're all having existential fear now."
"Fear of the unknown is a powerful motivator."
"Love, happiness, rage, jealousy, and fear—all roiling cacophonies that make us who we are."
"Humans are emotionally charged beings capable of love and attachment."
"The drama is the hatred is the jealousy and those things then lead to actions that will challenge duality to the max and that is when lives are taken over."
"Trust emerges and make no mistake of it trust as a feeling a distinctly human feeling."
"Human emotions are human emotions. They're human. They're normal."
"Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone."
"Photography is able to conjure those emotions of joy, despair, fear, or anger."
"Human emotion produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics."
"I love seeing the look of happiness in people's faces."
"Sometimes there's other emotions other than laughter."
"The one silver lining is that we, as human beings, have a far greater understanding of death, and the grief it causes."
"When you feel pain, you really feel it. When you feel happiness, you really feel it."
"Jealousy is one of the biggest evils in this world." - Jealousy is a powerful force.
"Love to me is uh the strongest emotion that that humans can have and we are ultimately emotional beings."
"Even the coldest villains are sometimes wives and mothers, women who loved and lost and hoped for something grander in their lives."
"Desire is a really powerful human emotion... if you take that desire and you don't handle it properly it can eat you alive."
"Awe is almost certainly a uniquely human experience."
"Videos like this remind us why these animals can spark a profound unease in some people."
"Being afraid is part of what makes you human."
"These shows have phenomenal writing, wonderful messages, and encapsulate the human emotions of desire, control, justice, and more."
"Envy and schadenfreude is always relative to our own personal status."
"Have you ever noticed that envious people tend to take unique joy in the suffering or pain of others?"
"I love the big themes in life, love, bravery, fear, war."
"It's okay to argue. It's okay to be sometimes to be angry because we are just humans."
"We all have things to be proud of, we all have things to be ashamed of." - George R. R. Martin
"Every event in history comes from people feeling something and then acting on those feelings."
"Desire is such an awesome, powerful controlling element of life."
"Sometimes people get lonely, and that's part of life."
"Faith is tied to love in a way that logical deduction and reason are not."
"I'm not a robot, I feel... moments where it's hard to get up and show up."
"It's like anyone who thinks this is always like uh you know this is just like cut and dry and it's not like a complex human emotions."
"Some of them you'll love, hate, or be indifferent about - that's the way of the world, isn't it?"
"No shame, I can't begrudge anybody for getting frustrated."
"The characters feel incredibly human, vulnerable, and flawed."
"Resenting happy or accomplished people breeds envy."
"Love is a product of our higher level of reasoning and intellect. It is through our own guidance and training as parents that a human child develops sympathy, compassion, empathy, and consideration."
"Is there anything more fundamental than pain? Love."
"Joy is easy for humans to understand, and so that perfectly timed picture of her with her hands over her mouth was one of the first to congratulate her for her work."
"Compassion, ideas, joy, and sorrow aren't made of matter but are as real to us as our arms and legs."
"The quickest ways to people's hearts are love and fear."
"It's our emotions which separate a lot from engines."
"Jealousy is nothing new, one of the Ten Commandments is about envy."
"The deepest human emotions, those of sin, and sex, and suffering, and rebellion, and parenthood, and fear, and rejection, all of them are wrapped up in the story of Adam and Eve."
"When the human heart lets hurt sit in it too long, it eventually turns to hate."
"Anger is a healthy, normal human emotion. It's not the problem; it's failing to deal with it or forgive that leads to sin."
"Be nice to them. They're real people and they have real feelings."
"NASCAR is not about cars. It's about human beings and human dreams and human hopes and aspirations and fears and Taking Chances and living and dying and worse than dying to be triumphant you have to take the chance of disaster every day."
"It's not unreasonable to expect the anime to also use its fantastical premise to say something poignant about human emotions."
"Don't feel bad that if you cry a bit, that if you're sad, that the pain stays even for the rest of your life. That's a normal thing for a human being."
"The reality of Falling in Love is based on someone trying to fill that void and emptiness that we feel as humans with how they make us feel."
"When we study aesthetics, we're really considering many different kinds of basic human drives and emotions, and it allows us a way to actually think about it more generally."
"She’s a complex human being who can laugh or cry, go wild or get angry, just like the rest of us."
"One of our most basic and inescapable emotions as human beings is fear."
"He would capture the expressions of the humans of this world that were inexplicably dreamy, somewhere beyond life and death."
"Every single human being on this planet has a whole range of emotions: love, hate, fear, anger, sadness, happiness."
"I understand feeling lonely. Sometimes you can feel the loneliest in a crowd of people or with someone."
"A scary movie happens when it plays on real legitimate human fears."
"Everybody has love in them. Everybody has rage in them."
"Having fears is a regular thing in fact I'd argue being fearful of certain stuff is what makes us function through day-to-day life."
"Human qualities and emotions like love, charity, compassion, tolerance, patience, friendship, desire, hatred, ill will, ignorance, conceit, etc. need no sectarian labels. They belong to no particular religions."
"...I felt bad for her, she looked a little sad."
"Crying is water. When does water come out of us? When we cry."
"Most of the problems today among people are envy and greed."
"Few people laughed. A few people cried. Most people were silent."
"...the Psalms, the anatomy of the human soul."
"Grief is a part of the human experience; human beings are basically wired for it."
"Indifference is more dangerous than anger and hatred."
"God feels a full range of emotions like we do because we're made in His image."
"That guilt feeling is just a feeling that you feel because you're human and that is so normal."
"Learning about human emotions and the subtleties of life."
"Every person fears rejection more than anything else."
"Alien contact could evoke a mix of emotions ranging from wonder and excitement to fear and anxiety."
"Humor is just one part of the gamut of human emotions and there's no reason why it should be excluded."
"Get ready to see what happens when humans get mad."
"George is really good at concealing supernatural things behind mundane fundamental human emotions."
"Everyone gets envious of other people sometimes."
"Everybody cries, and everybody hurts sometimes."
"Why do we laugh, why do we cry, why do we hate, why are we happy, why do we fall in love?"
"There's only two kinds of feelings we got really: feelings we want more of and feelings we want a whole lot less of."
"Anger does not have to equate to violence, physical or emotional or otherwise, and it is valid and human for you to experience anger."
"It's human to have emotions, it's human to be sensitive, it's human to be insecure."
"All humans deal with bouts of sadness and chemical imbalances; it's just scientifically true."
"I'm a very sensitive person, so when I'm happy I cry, when I'm sad I cry, when I'm angry I cry."
"There's such a fine line between contempt and empathy."
"I was a human being with feelings and emotions and drives."
"When it finally lifted, I was in shock that a human could feel as happy as I felt."
"My father tried to teach me human emotions. They are difficult."
"Like it or not, we have all felt insecure."
"We're all afraid of the same things."
"Men are human beings too... we have emotions, we have hearts."
"The human heart itself is impossible to understand."
"We feel powerful emotions; joy and sorrow, ecstasy or terror."
"We're still dealing with human beings with emotions and feelings and they should be treated decently."
"A professional intelligence officer is no more immune to human feelings than the rest of mankind."
"For the most part, everybody laughs and cries at the same thing."
"The only thing that counts is what a human being feels in his heart."
"It's not the remorse that is necessary; remorse is a symptom of empathy, it's a symptom that you care."
"Everyone gets nervous. I suppose we all show nerves in different ways."
"Of course, we are people too, and we can experience the full breadth of emotion that anybody else can experience."
"Feelings are not only forgivable, they are the very meaning of life that only pre-silicon carbon-based entities can ever grasp."
"Moments of joy, courage, sacrifice, sorrow—it's all these things together."
"The difference is between pity and compassion."
"A strange and baffling thing, human emotion."
"Life, all of our lives are unique, we're going to have unique and different experiences, but our emotions are what connects us."
"It is okay to feel and to struggle with everything that concerns us as humans."
"Fear moves through all of us, and we decide when to surrender."
"He was human and that he had these emotions and it's someone we can relate to."
"You're seeing a person from the point where there's joy, there's grief, there's happiness, there's sorrow."
"I get nervous too sometimes, so anxiety is a totally normal part of the human mind."
"Each tear shed is a testament to your human capacity to feel, to love, and to endure."
"Love is so part of human connection."
"Feelings are instinctual, none of us learn to feel."
"It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate."
"Empathy is complicated; there's different kinds of empathy."
"The trial case was a stark reminder of the complexities of human emotions and the consequences of actions driven by jealousy and greed."
"Humans go through happiness, sadness, anger, everything."
"It's nice to be wanted sometimes."
"Our consciousness, our thought and decision-making, our intelligence, compassion, love, the care for individuals, our science comes from the cerebral hemispheres of the brain."
"We need to know that our human feeling has that scope and that dimension for our own happiness, for our own sense of meaning in this lifetime."
"To see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to feel, to laugh, and to love."