
Breakup Quotes

There are 1306 quotes

"It raises questions about whether or not the mourning period post-breakup, whether by decision, by death, or by some other phenomenon that's forced to breakup, has something to do with an olfactory unlearning."
"It's a great example, a breakup. It will affect you mentally, and then spiritually, and then physically."
"Edwin, I'm breaking up with you. Are you seriously dancing right now? This is a break-up, Edwin."
"A friendship breakup is 10 times worse than a relationship breakup."
"This breakup was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Ultimately, you have opposing attachment and intimacy needs and are bound for more dissatisfaction and heartbreak."
"A growing chorus of voices now views Russia's breakup as not just inevitable but desirable."
"I don't wish anything negative on her. I wanted her to go on and be okay."
"Your life because of this breakup is now going to be much bigger, and I want you to keep reminding yourself of that every single day as you're going through the pain of this breakup."
"I'm really hoping that they can take care of each other if they are breaking up, that they do it in as amicable way as possible."
"When a long-term relationship ends, you will need time to heal and recover."
"The relationship is over, no second chances, grow and transform your life."
"Your videos helped me stay positive right after my breakup."
"Sometimes a breakup is just a blessing in disguise."
"We're more likely to break up than see civil war."
"Johnny and Courtney 4Never, 4Never, dying's what exes are for." - Funeral crowd
"Johnny and Courtney 4Never, Johnny and Courtney no more, Johnny and Courtney 4Never, 4Never, dying's what exes are for." - Funeral crowd
"Why make me wait so long? I'm gone. Don't look for me."
"A bride called off the wedding because her to-be husband couldn't read the newspaper without his glasses on."
"The reason I broke up has been a reason for a while so it's easier to kind of rip off the bandage."
"Rituals for breakups help us understand that while the relationship may be over, we are not over."
"Major breakups... a painful time in your life but such a beautiful time where you get to return to yourself."
"The breakup is primarily because there was a drop in emotional attraction."
"The pain of the breakup is because you're ripping the seams apart, one stitch at a time."
"A breakup is not the end of the world, it's a learning experience."
"Stay classy. A breakup is not changing you as a person, it's making you grow."
"Yeah, bro, she's gone. I'm just gonna dude. One day, bro, I'm gonna fly her out."
"A breakup is a symptom of something being wrong or a relationship that was never meant to be."
"Recognize and acknowledge the breakup was necessary."
"Healing isn't just about this breakup, it's about everything you've been hurt from."
"After a breakup, sometimes it's good to reinvent yourself a little bit."
"I'm the prize, man. I'm the prize. If it's over, hey, it ain't my loss."
"In the beginning, you feel like you're never going to be okay and you're always going to want this person back. And as the time goes by slowly day by day, parts of you start to forget about what it was like being so in love with them."
"There's something very glamorous about being broken up with."
"If y'all broke up, who would have a harder time finding someone? Why would I have a hard time finding anyone?"
"We just needed to stop dating... for her sake because damn, this guy's a good guy."
"A breakup can be traumatizing and rough, but it's the best Catalyst on Earth for you to catapult into a new dimension of Excellence as a man."
"You're losing the reality that you built, that false reality, that's what you're breaking up with."
"I think the relationship was over before it actually ended."
"So which would you prefer the bad breakup or the amicable?"
"I'm completely healed like literally when he moved out I came to terms of it pretty quick and I am one of those people that take things as a lesson and I move on from it."
"If that's how he feels then this is not the right relationship for either of us."
"There was basically a breakup if there was not a full breakup there was a in the past here there seems to be an ending."
"You already look so much better, see? I told you you didn't need him."
"That person is your world. When you get broken up with, you literally feel like you don't want to live anymore."
"My relationships be perfect until I'm ready to leave."
"She's happy they're no longer engaged because she knows she has better options."
"Monophyletic groups provide a complete picture of evolutionary relationships."
"Not only is she pregnant, but she's also dealing with a breakup."
"It felt like a relationship, you know. I didn't want to just stop cold turkey on it."
"Things get easier, you may think it's the end of the world when you break up, but it's not."
"In the wake of the breakup, men tended to report that they felt more depressed, more lonely, less happy, and less free than did their former girlfriends."
"Even when people fall out of that passionate love, breakups are still often really, really hard for them."
"Even if we don't work out, I'm still glad I met you."
"This relationship is a little bit unhealthy and it's breaking down, and it's going to be taken back to foundations."
"You need to break up with her because I've read at least five warning like red flying warning signs in here"
"Every relationship ended on my terms" - a claim to authority.
"They've not left on bottoms, you guys, but they have broken up. It is over between these guys."
"You're reconstructing your future without this person."
"I felt the need to Eddie okay we're done does this feel good do you feel less stressed yeah loads and loads of clothes here yet his contacts his contact solution."
"If we didn't break up when we did, for the reasons we did, I would be dead."
"Anyone who's had a breakup where you just want the other person to be happy can relate a lot to the sorrow displayed here."
"Silence towards you was me building up my strength to leave you. I'm done, we're done."
"The best thing that ever happens to someone in batch world is getting dumped."
"Ghosting is the most cowardly way to break up with someone."
"I completely broke up with her. That woman was cheating on me."
"I don't think it would accomplish what you want to accomplish if you contacted your ex I think that's a wonderful way to say it."
"Celebrate that the relationship that they have and celebrate the fact that you're free to find someone else yes and go find someone else go exercise be the best version of you possible."
"I love her, and the thought of breaking up feels like the ground opening up beneath my feet."
"You keep telling me you don't show up in a way that I can understand emotionally, or that you even give a [__]. I'm gonna go. That's what we do."
"Even though that you guys are on a break and there's been a breakup and there's this difficult situation, deep down you still have the hope that this can be reunited and celebrate."
"They might be regretting the disconnect or the breakup because they're still thinking about you."
"I just feel tired at this point... I know I deserve better and I am sorry but this is not going to work anymore and it's over."
"I got a call from her, and she said she didn't want to be in a relationship anymore."
"The relationship is over, no second chances."
"She insisted on staying in touch maybe staying friends or something but I had to go no contact it was the only way that we would really get over each other."
"Your ex isn't always going to be upfront and honest with you during a breakup."
"They do miss you too and they are having a hard time with the breakup also."
"They're feeling that loss too, they're wondering how you are."
"Some relationships after a breakup can be brought back together."
"I literally just feel like I can't live without her but I know that I have to."
"That being said after we broke up and he walked off while I was left holding the bag for this horrible mortgage I felt like I had to go out and well make the extra money one way or another."
"All the girls are in a circle and my ex-girlfriend, she's crying, she's like 'Quickie I just miss you so much, I just want to be with you ever since you broke up all I could think about is you.'"
"Just say what it is, like okay, we've been dating for three months, I used to like you, I don't anymore, it's over."
"If you can't communicate with your partner, then it's going to eventually run its course anyway."
"People hate a breakup but they love a breakup song."
"She said in true Michelle fashion, 'I paid for the tickets, I'm going, I'm breaking up with him, I'm starting my life over.'"
"He knew she was leaving, that was it. She made it clear she was done with his ass and he had that mindset of if I can't have you no one can, so I'm gonna take your life before you can even leave."
"Can we normalize wanting to break up with your partner in a long-term relationship?"
"If you're going through a breakup right now, especially if you're in the early, early stages of it, do know that things get better."
"I don't think the answer is necessarily cheating, I think it's like you should just break up with it."
"We're witnessing a public breakup. It's almost like we're watching a Hollywood split."
"The fact that she deleted all the photos first shows that she was the one that was hurt the most in a sense."
"Have you guys ever had a prolonged breakup where it took like you knew it was over but it took a little while cuz you're still trying to work on it?"
"For people going through a breakup, you need to treat a breakup like an addiction because it is an addiction."
"He's the sort of person who ends a relationship with you."
"The breakup was very smooth and very peaceful."
"Can you imagine how much it would suck to have your ex celebrate the day you broke up every year with fireworks and a barbecue?"
"I feel like if you really cared about that person and that whole relationship, you're not really going to be outside the day y'all break up."
"Don't sit there and wait. See, the problem with so many people is you break up with somebody and then you stand still."
"The relationship dismount, how to stick the landing when exiting a toxic relationship."
"Unfortunately, it's going to end between you and the Scorpio because of emotional unavailability."
"A breakup is a symptom of problems in a relationship okay and not all of that is on you you both created that relationship together."
"Put his pictures and his plants in that box, and you fix your makeup, put on your big girl shoes and go find a man that wants to be with you."
"The shocking news is that you're gonna hear that someone is ending something with someone else and it's going to bring lots of grief."
"If you don't have the level of chemistry they have, like thank you next."
"He breaks things off and leaves. If you ask us, it's because this is not just another fling for him."
"I really should have broken up with my boyfriend a few months ago."
"There's a breakup that's happening in the near future and spoiled with manipulation."
"It's just like getting broken up with over a text message. It just stings that much more."
"That breakup was the best thing that's ever happened to me and it could be the best thing that's ever happened to you too, right? Right. And it's so interesting because our journeys are so similar."
"I didn't love him anymore. It feels like that person I loved is already dead, and I'm just stuck with this useless guy in his body."
"The pain that you felt when things first ended is the pain that they're feeling now."
"Some of you, this fresh pain is a breakup... And that is hard and that's painful but you're realizing it's the healthy thing to do."
"Emollient. The woman wept tears of emollient pain from the break-up."
"They regret letting you go, letting you walk away."
"Two months was all it took for her to leave me."
"The realization that you're doing better since the break-up is really gonna help spark their curiosity."
"I didn't come here just to save you, I came to tell you I've been seeing somebody else."
"That breakup video became one of the most watched, I mean definitely the most watched breakup video of all time, but one of the most watched, you know, YouTube videos of that era."
"You broke up for a reason. If you couldn't make it work after a year or more, then you have to realize you broke up for a reason."
"Gentlemen, the chick breaks up with you... the correct response is always okay."
"It's not you, it's me. Assume that it's on them."
"Leaving her even if you know she's not the right one is hurting her more than anything."
"You don't respect me; you gaslight me; you refuse to back down—bye."
"A brittle Alliance can never be mended, it can only break."
"When you break up, you never want to go home because you don't want to be alone."
"I want to talk about what that experience is really like, why it's perfectly normal to be upset about it."
"Cory and I broke up. We are stuck in quarantine together but that's just it. We are friends and always will. Have a good day."
"I'm turned off after our last fight, I'm turned off and done."
"I did go through a breakup. I did lose the one. And she's thriving, but I'm gonna be okay."
"I didn't break up with my ex, my ex broke up with me."
"I've called it off with him, I need someone who's proud of me and caring."
"The way she left you is so cold and so messed up, like do you really want to be with that person who would leave you that way?"
"You can have a beautiful breakup, you can make it a beautiful thing."
"Even though Trump's been married three times, this might be the biggest breakup of his life."
"Sometimes the thing that you're looking for in that urge to reach out to an ex you can get from a friend that's in your life."
"Now he's starting to doubt his decision, now he's wondering if things could have been salvaged."
"The panic and anxiety and heartbreak that you experience after a breakup is intense."
"Whatever happened with this heartbreaking situation, it caused this person to have to break up with someone."
"You're gonna get over him. Stick to your decision. Do not get back to him. Don't do it."
"I'm breaking up with you. Roses are red, violets are blue, you're a dirty rotten cheater, I'm breaking up with you."
"I stopped seeing her because it was too hard on me."
"When you're broken up with, there's this strong incentive to improve yourself."
"If we're going on a break, we've broken up. We're done."
"In conclusion, friendship breakups are very common more common than you think and they don't always look as explosive as you might think of them."
"It's a monumentally satisfying track to come after any break up."
"Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone."
"We are never ever ever getting back together."
"I've got one less problem without you now."
"I'm glad I dumped you after all. I can never like a guy like you."
"Olive Garden is where you take people to break up."
"When you cease to be delicious, you get dumped."
"It's important that you don't say, 'Well, I already told him that we're done.'"
"If they couldn't even be a healthy friend to you, what makes you think that they were going to deal with the breakup in a healthy way?"
"Thank you for breaking up with him, Karen Suzuki."
"Can you live without her? If the answer is yes, man up and forget her. Don't string her along."
"The devastation of a bitter breakup... is sadly a feeling that one never forgets."
"This video is only for people who are going through a breakup."
"You got to get out of here. I don't want any flowers. I don't want to see you. I don't want to talk to you. I need you to get out."
"Doing what? What the wrong with you doing what? You're pathetic. You got to leave me alone."
"Breakups hurt so bad because not so much the person that you miss, it's the potential you thought was there, it's the lies they fed you and you actually believed it, that's true you know what I mean?"
"I began a couple solid weeks of taking screenshots, drinking, and detaching myself from the relationship."
"It's finding out, looking back, I knew it was all over between us."
"The breakup of DIY, it's heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking."
"She deserved to have the ring since Kat had no use for it anymore now that she was single."
"David dumped my ass, at Senor Frogs, of all horrifying places."
"We've broken up, but you and I would both find happiness again"
"I broke off the engagement three days ago via phone call."
"You won the recount, but you lost me."
"It took all I had to make a final break."
"Your ex is their own person with their own life. Wish them well and let them go because their story is not relevant to you anymore."
"Worrying about what an ex is doing or how well an ex is doing is like wanting to know how well a car is doing that we already gave back. A relationship that ends is a rental. It wasn't ours."
"Honestly though, let's be serious, if your girlfriend is going to go ahead and do that, she did you a favor. Let's be serious, you get her out the door and don't even bother with her anymore."
"Yeah, it's a breakup, a good breakup with the planet."
"Relationship breakups can be a blessing in disguise."
"Finally, this mess of a relationship ends when Dean comes to pick up Rory from her grandparents' house. He breaks up with Rory, and he should not have done it publicly."
"That's how you win a breakup, that's how you do that [__] yeah."
"If in fact you two decide not to be together, there will be a judgment in his favor in the eight hundred seventy-six thousand ninety-nine cents."
"Very honest. In your opinion, does that change depending on who broke up with who?"
"No. No, you know, I don't think it depends. Like I said, like what they said, if y'all broke up on neutral or respectful terms, I don't think it matters."
"No, that door is completely closed. It was disrespectful, I'm not going back there."
"They were supposed to be begging for me back, they were supposed to be desperate for me."
"Not the a-hole. You're not responsible for their breakup."
"I ended up telling her I never wanted to see her again."
"You're better off without him sounded like you were effectively a single mom anyway."
"Anniversary he took me to a Knicks game I broke up with him at half time."
"The shortest path to being loved is out the door of that bad relationship."
"I think if it's in you, no I'm glad, yeah, these experiences you learn, I learned from early because some men are still going through that now like in their 40s they have a first breakup and they don't know what to do themselves."
"Ex-girlfriend and I broke up after she cheated. Saw her new boyfriend making out with someone else at the bar. Thanks."
"Give them the breakup. Let them have it. Walk away, back away, disappear, go silent."
"After a year into the relationship, he ended up breaking up with me, saying I was too obsessed with the idea of the relationship, and I'm too immature to be in one."
"Guys typically have sex within six months of their breakup, and all respondents stated that it helped."
"In my past experiences with breakups, there are usually multiple conversations leading up to the main event that took place."
"The most loving and honorable thing to do is to end it."
"Do you think that you should give an explanation if you are a social media couple and if you guys break up?"
"She was a parasite and I'm so glad I got rid of her."
"Move on. Let go. Is it really that easy to get over someone?"
"...that's like me every time I go through a breakup I was like I wish I never dated him but I was like you know what but I learned."
"For Taylor to even say but you know what girl I'm grateful at the end of the day, literally just that's like me every time I go through a breakup I was like I wish I never dated him but I was like you know what but I learned."