
Smell Quotes

There are 331 quotes

"Imagine I offer you a mate, choose the gender of your liking, that looks like a Greek god or goddess but smells of sewage, or an ordinary-looking individual that smells of sin itself. Who do you choose?"
"Sense of smell is very important; it's used to give you a sense of danger, for attraction, and recognizing your kin."
"Our sense of smell is wired directly to our inner consciousness."
"Different receptors are wired to different parts of our brains, so when a menthol molecule locks into its specific receptor, it triggers that minty fresh sensation."
"Our sense of smell is fascinating and mysterious as it is, but to think that when I encounter a particular scent, and that sets off a whole wave of memories and emotions in my mind, that is underpinned, that it's triggered by quantum mechanics, I think makes it even more remarkable."
"Recent research showed that people are actually able to distinguish between more than a trillion smells."
"We experience flavors mainly thanks to our senses of taste and smell."
"Literally, the smell was like rotten sewage."
"Everyone could smell this terrible smell coming from her like burning fecal matter."
"Oh wow, that smells so good! Can smell from here."
"It tastes like vegetables but then I can smell like goat or sheep or something in there too."
"The entire room right now just smells like a bouquet."
"Flavour is a combination of roughly 20% taste and 80% aroma."
"The smell that came from that hole was indescribably bad."
"The sense of smell, for instance, to be able to smell the things they smell, the cinnamon, the Lotus, the cedar."
"I feel like my body would want to throw up if I swallow that. It smells like moldy chlorine."
"About 80% of what you believe taste is actually smell."
"Oh yes, oh yes, I'm going to rank this for smell at ten on ten."
"Smell is a very powerful sense associated with memory."
"It's the most smell of Rome you know, it's just lovely."
"They can smell the food cooking, and that is another problem."
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
"It smells like what relaxing would feel like, or smell like, I mean."
"There's one thing you guys can not experience and it is the smell it is just wonderful."
"Yo, my room about to smell like a taqueria for the whole [expletive] rest of the week."
"The laundry smells so good, oh my gosh, I love it."
"I'm obsessed with the smell; I can't describe it, but it smells really sweet, like a cupcake."
"I love the smell of burning gunpowder in the morning."
"It smells really good, I wish actual [__] smelled like this."
"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. Smells like slime."
"My house smells just like the zoo."
"It smells like leather, that's awesome."
"That's a thousand dollar smell right there."
"The smell is pretty good. The house smells good."
"This smells like royalty if anyone has to describe a fragrance like that this is the one to do it."
"It's kind of crazy to think about, but a majority of what we taste actually comes from our smell."
"This smells just so good. I love a cashmere vanilla shea butter smell."
"The smell of wood and meats cooking, there's nothing like it. Oh, I'm so excited!"
"He always loved the soap smell that the restaurant have in the afternoons."
"I cannot tell you how freaking good this chicken smells. I can't wait until it's cooked."
"Wow, this smells wonderful. It smells like Ramen."
"That's the first thing I noticed when I walked here was like wow it smells good as hell."
"Love the smell of lemons. Let's uh generously apply it."
"Can you smell it? Oh, I can smell it."
"It smells like buttered popcorn to me."
"I really like the color, it smells pretty good."
"That smells so good, okay now it is a 10 out of 10."
"Let's put them in and I'll have some leftovers for tomorrow too. They smell really good."
"It smells amazing." - Expressing satisfaction with a fragrance.
"Childhood is very important for smell and smelling. The first moment in life when you smell a smell is the essential moment."
"It tastes and smells of those flowers all around you: daisies and roses and peonies and lavender. Their sweetness puts you even more at ease."
"Old shoes are comfortable, but they stink."
"Does that smell like narcissism? You better believe it."
"This is my Lion's Mane steak. I wish you could smell this. It smells absolutely delicious."
"what is my favorite smell in the whole entire world"
"Nope, that does not smell good. That smells like grandpa. Old man scent, which is not me yet! Not there yet, give me a couple years, maybe when I hit 30 and it'll smell like that. It'd be a real darkness situation."
"When we look at what is most evocative of memory, it's the sense of smell."
"It tastes like sea monkeys you can smell the taste and taste the smell yeah it tastes like sea monkeys."
"I can only imagine what it smells like under there. It's WD-40 and regret."
"Flea Bottom is known for its horrible smell and a certain dish they feed the poor."
"It smells terrible. Oh my God, I don't fit."
"But smelling is just little tiny particles of that thing dancing in your nostrils yeah that's what they say"
"Gas was my favorite smell, it was your favorite smell."
"Gas was great, gas, cigarettes, I like the smell of cigarettes."
"And it smells even better. Oh my god, so good. A lot of flavor."
"It's so dirty. It smells like armpits and stinking butt and vomit. It's putrid."
"It smells like sardines in there but like in a good way."
"Oh no, what is that smell? Smells so good."
"Our sense of smell is the key that opens up this world of complex flavors."
"Flavor is the combination of the taste from your tongue and your sense of smell."
"Your tongue... that's the wheels. But your nose... that's the engine."
"What smells better than a cinnamon roll? Two things apparently, and bacon."
"Even people who don't like coffee really, really love the smell."
"The signature stench of the salami has filled the room. It's not going away on its own."
"It smells like Freedom burning, biting, powerful Freedom."
"If McDonald's had Brie cheese flavored chicken nuggets, they would smell like the lady next to me in this train."
"Literally the best smelling thing I've ever smell in my life."
"Smell is one of our core senses and it is a very powerful one. It's basically the most evocative primal sense that we have."
"That's proper, like, I swear on my life, on my grave, on my family's grave, it is like... It smells like the garbage truck. It's rotten fish."
"It smells wonderful, our house smells so good."
"They're so pretty. They're like all sparkly and has powdered sugar. Smells like butter and powdered sugar."
"It's a bit like me smell a leather you can still smell it 1900 year old leather isn't that absolutely amazing."
"It's smelling like fishy, it's smelling like tuna, salmon, [ __ ]."
"I feel like my sense of smell has improved but then there's some things that I really, really love like for instance like nearly every single one of my perfumes that are like literally my lifelong staple favorite perfumes they still smell like really bad to me."
"It's really amazing, I mean the aroma coming out of here guys, it smells, you have no idea."
"The whole kitchen smells like lobster. It smells so good."
"It's the best smell in the world."
"The smell of anything? Yuck, smells sour like really off milk or something."
"Just a very unique Ferrari smell from at least these vintage cars that you don't get anymore."
"Wow, still smells, do you reckon?"
"Three percent of our genes are dedicated to smell."
"You know, when I smell, which is really amazing, is the apple."
"Hey, do you smell that, bro? It smells so good."
"This car smells like [ __ ] brakes, smells like tires."
"Oh, it smells so good, boy does it smell good, you hear me?"
"This smells like Love Don't be shy it just doesn't smells good just doesn't smells good."
"Sourdough bread did spreadable. Oh, God, smells good."
"It smells delicious, like I mean I just can't lie about that."
"Oh wow this smells so good so I just I applied it to my skin just because I wanted to see the formula and actually be able to smell it."
"If you want to smell like armpits that have been sweating all day, then sure, go ahead and buy that perfume."
"The smell of the Toyota Grand Highlander is just okay."
"Alright now when it does catch on fire it won't smell quite as bad."
"This hotel always smells, I don't even know what to say, what it smells like, like a perfume."
"Honestly, this smells so freaking bomb."
"You smell that? I don't care how much cologne costs, it's worth it."
"It smells so good. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited."
"This one smells so freaking smells good."
"Worms don't smell. They really don't."
"This time I believe these are rhododendrons, maybe I'm saying that right? They're gorgeous and they smell so good."
"...and then you've also got that smell associated with an amazing day and amazing memories as well."
"Smell is our most primitive and least understood sense."
"The problem is that it smells nothing and has no taste at all."
"This smells like after dinner candies."
"I love the smell of the sea. Don't you?"
"Astronauts obviously can't smell space when they're in it because they can't take off their helmets... what causes this smell is the presence of hydrocarbons that float around in space."
"Wow, they're not good. It smells like a Funyun."
"There is nothing quite like the smell of fresh baked bread coming out of the oven."
"If you're into those kind of smells I think you'll really really love this."
"Out of all the senses we have, smell is the most acute one."
"It smells really sweet like candy now, so that's kind of cool."
"I like that smell a lot. A lot of people say they hate it, but I'm all about it."
"The smell is just amazing. It's a much more rich smell than your standard mall pair of leather shoes or bags or whatever."
"The smell that comes off this is pretty awesome."
"It smells like freshly laundered clothes."
"That actually smells really good."
"It smells like Thanksgiving, because you know Thanksgiving just has its own special smell."
"Simply put, guys, this smells phenomenal. That's why it's on the list. Check it out from the brand of Armaf, this is Iconic Blue."
"It smells like a fresh paint job or a new car."
"The smell of sea air and ozone, fantastic."
"My goodness you guys the smell is incredible."
"That electric motor... makes a weird smell, dude."
"It's hot, wow, it smells so good."
"It smells good, it's old, it's warm, there's wood on it. It's like one of the coolest pieces of furniture ever built that also happens to sound great."
"As soon as you walk inside, you are just hit with the smell of chocolate, holy cow, it smells very chocolatey in here."
"Smell is the sense most associated with memory."
"It just smells so good it just smells so good take the plastic off this baby is here to stay."
"I thought for some reason it smelled good. I want to say, 'Oh my God, is this you or Logan Crochets that made it smell so good?'"
"It literally smells like a freshly baked vanilla cake. Oh, it smells so scrumptious, so sweet."
"...just the smell of these cars too, man, just the rounded mirrors on these things."
"I've got to tell you, this kitchen smells so good."
"I used to just adore the Disneyland Hotel smell before they renovated this hotel."
"Smells have a stronger link to memory and emotion than any of our other senses."
"I actually do really like the smell of it."
"Oh, that smells so freaking great dude, chocolate-covered strawberry."
"I don't know if I'm the only one who loves the smell of eco earth but I love the smell of eco earth."
"It's rather incredible how much the sense of smell brings back memories. This smell of óleo de dendê, or palm oil, brings me back directly to when I was six, seven years old in Salvador, in Bahia."
"the award for the best smelling Pavilion still goes to Norway it smells so good in there"
"I just love the smell of wood and wax put together."
"Everything smells so good too so it's just it's such a fantastic time of year."
"This smells like wearing a cozy fluffy white sweater, that's what it smells like."
"The smell was gone, that doesn't smell."
"I'm not into super sweet smells or super... no, I like clean smells."
"It's a really, really great smell."
"It smells good, it smells really, really great."
"They're kind of very thin fragrances, They Don't Really perform very well but overall as smell they are really really fantastic."
"Smells like a niche fragrance, only it costs nothing."
"It's like this really unique, almost, I guess roasted garlic, but it's like a really umami smell coming off of those beans."
"It reminds me of baking, as soon as I smell it, it relaxes me."
"The smell of a warm donut going in glaze, wow!"
"If something smells good, it smells good."
"It smells great. It's a more of a gourmand type fragrance."
"This smells like clean laundry in the best possible way."
"It smells so warm and creamy, it really does smell like a vanilla Mocha Cappuccino."
"It smells fabulous, very similar or identical to the gouda Davina."
"Smelling absolutely delicious, I love the smell, edible, yummy, scrumptious."
"He opens the door goes inside and cooks himself up some lunch and it turns out to be a very good lunch because Gine can smell it"
"Sulfur stinks... but that's the most offensive smell that we are exposed to."
"Well, actually, it smells bad but it tastes good. Exactly."
"Nothing smells worse than a rotten egg, let's be honest."
"It smells amazing. At the moment, it smells like Christmas. Cinnamon."
"It literally smells like Tinkerbell is flying on top of a garden and spreading some fairy dust behind her."
"It smells amazing in here. No one ever smoked in this car."
"It smells like cotton candy, way more cotton candy than the regular pineapples. The bottoms, they smell so good. They smell really, it reminds me like the ones in Colombia."
"It smells absolutely amazing. The coconut oil has got nutmeg in it and it actually just smells like chocolate."
"It smells really good. What they doing right here?"
"It smells good there's no weird chemical smell there's just a beautiful stained wood smell and I I'm glad I bought it I'm glad I bought it."
"The first thing we noticed was the smell of urine."
"The smell of rust in here is the strongest I've ever smelled in my life."
"That's the smell of money because when it smells bad most people don't want it."
"He smells really good. He's very clean. Isn't he the best? God, always smells like freshly laundered. They're so crisp and narrow and—oh no, disgusting."
"Sensual deep smell, by the fireplace."
"The air smelled of ash and defeat."
"The label of worst smell in the world should also come with a disclaimer... results may vary."
"Nothing smells better. Like nothing. It's the best. It's a bomb."
"It's like that plasticy little bit gross leftover tupperware smell."
"Everybody smells like cigarette smoke."
"Distinct smell they do it on purpose and."
"They ain't gonna smell an eighth, but they're damn sure gonna smell a pound."
"The scent was like rotting flesh and garbage."
"It just smells really nice, very sweet, fresh."
"I want to smell it again and again."
"I genuinely smell like I don't often meant that make it smell like cherry but it smells like baked goods almost I'm quite upset."
"It stank very strongly of Epoxy paint and glue."
"I personally like ozone smell, it's the same smell you smell on a rainy day and I like that."
"It doesn't smell bad. It smells pretty delicious."
"As an empath I have a higher sensitivity to smell and I can smell those kids and they stink."
"If you love a fragrance then if you want to smell it at its absolute best the closest you can get to the purest form is the best it's ever going to smell and for me that is in an oil."
"They say smell is our number one sense for memory, and that may be true. Whenever I smell blood, I feel uneasy."
"Wow, guys, look at our muffins! They smell like something you would get at a nice store, not my house."
"Love, sexual desire, etc. that you experience is determined by smell as well as sight."