
Fear Quotes

There are 31765 quotes

"Humans emit a specific body odor when in a state of fear, which can influence other humans."
"Decades of work by neuroscientists have identified that this exact same set of symptoms in mice and men are the result of the hard-wired fear reflex of the amygdala."
"We started with a millennia of ancestors in which fear was needed for survival, but we're now in a society in which fear as often causes harm as it does good."
"Fear lives in a part of the brain called the amygdala."
"Imagination is what sparks 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared' in the first place and kept it going. It's not only okay to get creative, it's encouraged, even if you are scared."
"We're not reacting, we're not scared by it either."
"If something doesn't scare us, if something doesn't challenge us, it doesn't change us."
"Our biggest fears always carry with them the greatest opportunity for personal growth."
"Fear can be fuel, and it's very powerful fuel."
"If you hear that the brush rustling at all, you're gonna get scared, and if it rustles and some lizard runs out, you may well briefly see a snake where there, when there is in fact a lizard."
"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely."
"Fear is the unknown... if you're fearful, find the problem or find the unknown. When the unknown is exposed, there's no longer a problem."
"Courage does not mean you're not afraid. Courage means you're afraid, but you do it anyway."
"It might have been scary to not know what's going on, but it also, I feel like, would be you'd have a sense of awe and wonder all the time."
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear."
"Facing your fears is crucial for personal growth."
"Don't be afraid of the reflection in the mirror because that's all you can be afraid of. Once you overcome that, you've done it."
"You can either live your life through love or you can live your life through fear."
"Love and fear cannot coexist at the same time... Which do you want to pick?"
"Don't be scared okay, we're here to help you."
"Most people give up their dreams and they give up all of the things that they think they want for themselves because they're afraid to step out and do things in front of people who are never going to try."
"I thought everyone was looking at me. What is this loner doing here? It was an irrational fear, but we all have it."
"There's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have these crazy fears."
"A big opportunity is coming to you, but you might be scared to take it."
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear."
"You can't be grateful and fearful simultaneously."
"Courage is the skill of overcoming your fear when you feel fear and do the thing that you're scared of anyway."
"Your growth will be optimized if you lean just beyond your fear."
"For the man who flies from and fears everything and does not stand his ground against anything becomes a coward."
"Change can be scary, but what's scarier is allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing."
"You will not be able to make the right decision if you're operating out of fear."
"Fear and worry is like prepaying for something that's never going to happen."
"You can't walk in fear and expect all these wonderful things to happen."
"Courage is the ability to act in spite of your fear."
"I think a lot of people are afraid. I think a lot of people are in a position where they just don't know what to think, they don't know what to do, they don't know where to turn."
"He talks about his wife, how he proposed, and how she passed, and how he knows that he's getting older and how it scares him."
"I'm scared of cats because my boy got a cat and the cat swung on me."
"If you're worried way too much about other people's opinions, which is the biggest reason you don't take chances, because you worry about how people judge your failures."
"It is the scariest thing when tax people call you up on the phone. It's like your dad is calling you up and he's just visibly angry."
"Fear of Michael Jordan: You hear players from his era talk about it, you hear his fans brag about it, and you hear the NBA media preach about it."
"Fear is the number one reason why we struggle to accept love."
"A visceral depiction of what happens when a society is consumed by fear and superstition."
"Our instinct when we have fear is to be quiet and shut it down, but actually saying it out loud... it dissipates."
"Courage is not saying that you don't have fear; it's not saying that you don't have anxiety. It's about facing your fear and doing it anyway."
"Fear is the thief; it takes the past and projects it onto the future, robbing you of the only opportunity you have to change."
"Fear is a thief and it takes the past and projects it into the future. It robs you of the only opportunity you have to create change."
"Fear is not merely some psychological problem... it's really a universal problem of consciousness."
"All fear is predicated on falsehood and misperception of reality."
"Life is a love simulator...that life is going to present you with fear over and over and over again so that you can learn how to love it and therefore transcend it."
"You can't build a Great Society on fear; it has to be built on vision, and on love, and on higher things."
"There could be some deep healing that you're doing around...these certain fears are almost going to become your strength."
"We think the enemy is hate, but the enemy is not hate. The enemy is fear." - Gandhi
"In those very moments, you will have a choice to proceed, and you can either choose fear or you can choose love. And I hope in those moments, you will choose love."
"Everything that you've been afraid of in this connection is going to be shattered."
"Fear is not real. That's something in your brain; it does not exist."
"Remember, fear departs where action is present."
"Freedom is scary, but that's the price of liberty."
"Courage is about doing what it makes sense to do, even as you feel the fear."
"Seeing what new forms of consciousness might come and seeing how I might be transformed is both exhilarating and terrifying."
"Our fear is great, but greater is the truth of our connectedness."
"Being perceived by this many people at the same time is inherently scary."
"You can be really impressed by what has been accomplished here while also being really scared for what it means about the future."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear. It's the determination to walk through it."
"Everything in Elisa's body is telling her to scream the truth, 'No, everything is not okay. They're beating me; they keep threatening me. I don't know when they're going to let me go.'"
"The only difference between fear and excitement is what your brain is doing."
"This is bringing you to abundance. You might fear losing certain things in your life by being authentic, but actually, this is going to bring you more abundance than you ever had."
"First, when there's nothing but a slow glowing dream that your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind."
"I could never muster up the courage to tell you how I felt; I've loved you from afar every day."
"Keep moving forward, don't let your fears cloud everything up."
"Look at your life and look at the pain you must be in. I want you to ask yourself what you're really afraid of."
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, that means you trade in fear for trust."
"It's not the monsters in the forest that scare me; it's the thought of losing you."
"The greatest battles we face are not with monsters, but with the fear within ourselves."
"Heroes aren't born from the absence of fear, but the determination to stand despite it."
"The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion; who provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul."
"Fearing the beginning of a life of crime over a $5 umbrella."
"Fear... it's a compass. Anytime you feel lost... listen to your fear."
"The paranormal's elusive nature, coupled with its striking ability to tap into deep-seated fears and curiosities, fuels a sense of wonder and intrigue."
"Don't move backwards just because you're fearful."
"That's all the reason I need to overcome my fear."
"The irony is that it's the fear of not making a mistake that actually creates regret in your life."
"The more you do it, the more you do it afraid, the more confident that you get."
"Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."
"It's like we fear what may happen, and we fear the repercussions of failing or we fear the repercussions of putting ourselves out there."
"We do not fear death, only the death of the soul."
"How many gifts have you left unopened? They're still wrapped up. You got them, and you have access to them, but they are still unopened because you're scared of what somebody else will think about it."
"Invasion narratives capture the ecosystem of the culture in which they were made, what that culture fears most."
"I think the biggest fear is the moments before death as you lay there and realize that you're dying."
"My biggest fear is that I will never make anything that is important."
"Something is coming, something even they are afraid of."
"I can't think of anything much worse than looking for your child, having no idea where they were."
"I want to be a better person. I don't want to be afraid anymore."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that what you want is more important than your fear."
"I was too afraid to tell you how much I love you."
"Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying."
"The number one reason why people struggle is their mindset, the fear, the limiting beliefs."
"The universe does not want you to be afraid; the universe wants you to be prepared."
"The opposite of fear isn't courage, the opposite of fear is love."
"Fear is a natural human emotion... it's an alarm bell that I need to pay attention to."
"I'm very much motivated by the things that scare me; they seem to direct the things that are worth doing in this all too short life."
"Sometimes we're afraid to ask for what we want."
"You are destined for greatness, but you need to let go of that fear and take control of your life."
"That our fears matter even if others dismiss them, that we can overcome the things we’re scared of and ultimately, that there is no shame in being afraid."
"Fear and faith cannot cohabitate in your mind."
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"Courage is not the absence of fear; courage is fear walking."
"Nothing makes you appreciate existence more than the fear of oblivion."
"Fear is expecting the devil to move, faith is expecting God to move."
"Recognizing that when we get hurt, we become protective, and when we're protective, we become fearful."
"Fear is kind of not useful. The futility of living in fear... damages your body and doesn't really change the outcome."
"Yes, guys, to say we are nervous is an absolute understatement. We are terrified."
"Courage is not the absence of fear but the determination to face it head-on."
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
"It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing."
"All fear is fear of the infinite self and the infinite self is just identical to truth and to love."
"When you change the frame from fear to joy, the dream gets way closer."
"Where there is fear, there is no faith. But where there is faith, there cannot exist fear."
"I was lying in bed and I felt something staring at me from the corner of the bedroom."
"Expect a powerful change and work through your fears."
"Fear that we're not good enough or that we won't be loved and accepted are the biggest self-created mental obstacles and barriers that prevent most of us from reaching our full potential and achieving our grandest goals and dreams."
"The psychology of fear and the necessity of willful exposure to combat that fear."
"If you exposed people to say three things they were afraid of, they would go out voluntarily and expose themselves to all sorts of other things that they were afraid of. So, you didn't make them less afraid; you made them braver, which is very different."
"People who are telling the truth but fear not being believed behave very similarly to people who are lying."
"When you cut out a man's tongue, you're not proving him wrong, you're only showing the world that you fear what he has to say."
"I would not want to be chased by that at 3am."
"Courage is moving ahead in spite of your fear."
"Every guilt I ever had involved the fear of being found out or a fear of consequences."
"Your greatest fear is not that you will fall. Your greatest fear is that you will live a full life and never fly."
"You're not afraid of dying; you're afraid of dying before the world sees who you really are."
"They're scared to be fully authentic, scared to be fully themselves."
"Most fears on Earth, if not all of them, boil down to the fear of losing something."
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
"They say she's a monster, that she can peer inside you into the very depths of your soul, that she can become those you hate, those you fear, those you love."
"Life is hard. Fear is very real. But courage... you have the fear and you do it anyway."
"Release any fears you have about failure or rejection because you're definitely gifted."
"Courage is not just the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."
"I'm not actually scared of the dark... only when it's like, really dark."
"Strength is about feeling that you can overcome all of your fears."
"Don't let the fear of making a wrong choice prevent you from making any choice at all."
"I think you should lie to yourself. Lie to your mind, cheat fear, and steal back the confidence you were born with."
"Excitement and fear is the exact same thing in your body; it's just what your brain calls it."
"All forms of fear are caused by too much future and not enough presence."
"Fear is so real. In fact, there are probably things that you're afraid of doing right now in your life, in your relationships, at work. And the fact that you're afraid, that's robbing you of all of the experiences that you want to have in your life."
"Fear and excitement are the exact same physical state. Your heart races, you might sweat a little bit, you might feel tightening in your chest. The only difference between fear and excitement is what your brain is doing as your body is all agitated."
"We're scared to dive into our lives, what made us who we are."
"Work through your fears. Not hiding from them, giving yourself time to work through them and face them."
"Devils are creatures born from the fears of man."
"Don't be afraid of failure because that is the way to succeed."
"Fear is a fighter's best friend. Fear keeps you sharp, it keeps you awake, it makes you want to survive."
"When what you fear the most happens, and you survive, you realize how strong you are and like nothing's ever going to hurt like that again."
"Fear is the opposite of love, and the way you conquer fear is through love."
"If we're seeing these weird things, something is probably going to come and try to attack the house."
"Radical confidence is being afraid and doing it anyway."
"Knowledge, carefully considered, is not quicksand, but nor is it bedrock. Epistemology frightens me. And I need to be fearless to get... Closer to Truth."
"They received eternal life as they had desired but are doomed to a fate more terrifying than death."
"If we can learn to turn our fear into our foundation, we can build on that fear, turn it into building blocks for a foundation."
"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
"The blood evoker is real, and he's really freaking terrifying."
"Banish fear, look at that freedom of fear and surrendering to your destiny, the universe, your fate. Things that are better for you are coming."
"When someone outsources their truth, that is a very scared person. A brave person doesn't outsource their truth."
"Fear is a super freaking healthy human emotion. The unhealthy part is trying to escape it."
"Love is the opposite of fear. Love will actually neutralize inappropriate or excessive fear."
"AI is one of the most amazing things that we will experience but also one of the most scary."
"My biggest fear is that I worked this hard to leave and people made me out to be a man I'm not."
"By facing and sharing my fears, I commence to outgrow fear."
"You run fastest when you're running towards something and away from something."
"I don't want to compel my child through fear."
"When you're scared and when you don't want to do it, do it anyway."
"The world was scary, and that barriers were put in place to protect him."
"The one thing that actually genuinely scares me is the passing of time."
"Policing in America contributes to a Culture of Fear."
"Fear is not the opposite of love; it's the separation from it."
"Sounds terrifying? Well, so is going to the dentist, but you should still do it."
"Captain Hook's fear of the crocodile... is so genuine."
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - H.P. Lovecraft
"The narrative about the amygdala became about fear, and I think also just when we think about survival... escaping a predator is paramount."
"If you get people to voluntarily confront what they're afraid of, they get bravery."
"If we can sit with our own fear, then we can sit with our children's fear."
"You're sitting here in the nine of swords, having sleepless nights, thinking that the worst has happened, when the worst has not happened."
"Whispers are sometimes heard on Imperial worlds of an Astartes force rarely spoken of or seen, but to those enemies of the Imperium who know their names, forever they are feared."
"There's nothing to be afraid of; fear is an opportunity."
"The amygdala is centrally involved in fear and anxiety."
"A song like Blossom is about being so in love that you become afraid to die for the first time."
"Don't let fear paralyze you and realize that you're going to grow through this and come out better on the other side."
"Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back."
"I know for sure that we can get into ways of thinking that do not allow us to even contemplate thinking another way, and that's very scary."
"You have to set your own goals, educate yourself on how to reach them, and execute at the edge of your fear."
"Sometimes you're so afraid that you will not allow yourself to even know what you want."
"How can a civilization function where there's one group of sentient people who live in constant fear that they might be eaten in cold blood by the other?"
"In Tier two, fear is replaced by curiosity and care."
"Fear is false evidence appearing real; faith is finding answers in the heart."
"A very reliable way to drive down libido is to make an organism terrified. Fear as suppressive of reproductive behavior."
"These conversations are happening because these experts are scared."
"Facing something, you end up realizing it wasn't as big as you created in your mind."
"Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real."
"Fear is creating a known result from a situation we haven't experienced yet."
"The thing that makes artificial intelligence so revolutionary, and extraordinary, but also so terrifying, is that it really is its own beast; it's its own intelligence."
"Every fear that I have, if I master it and I go all in on it, something magical and beautiful happens on the other side."
"Step aggressively towards your fear... that step towards your fear is the step into bravery."