
Time Perspective Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Having children definitely changes your time horizon."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we're talking about doing anything, we have to agree that whatever change is gonna come about, it's gonna take some time, and rather than getting involved in dealing with the hereafter, we've got to deal with the here and now."
"The earth is like four billion years old. Cavemen have been here for what, like two million? We've been around for three minutes."
"I want to be better than I am right now, three years from now, and 30 years from now."
"Timelines of mere thousands of years mean very little set against the age of the Universe."
"It's crazy to think we're basically 1/4 of the way through the NBA season."
"More than half of 2014's first round picks have made a Pro Bowl in their career, but it's been 10 years. That's a lifetime in the NFL."
"Use the 10/10/10 rule... how will I feel about this in 10 minutes, 10 months, and what about ten years?"
"It's all about the present taking care of the future."
"The world's gonna look a lot different in a year, two years, five years."
"There's nothing like the passage of time to make the smartest people in the world look like idiots."
"First you're looking at one year, now we should never base it based on one year."
"Did it take 9 weeks to grow this tree or 5 years and 9 weeks?"
"I apologize for it. I mean 23 years, my God."
"We're living in the last days okay we're living in the last days."
"Tomorrow is a gift, yesterday is the past, and today is our present."
"Most of our psychological suffering is mediated by our thinking about the past and the future."
"This ages me a little bit. You've got nothing but time, way more than you think. You could do nothing, nothing right for four years and you'd be nine years younger than I am right now."
"Nobody wants to be patient. Be patient. You've got nothing but time."
"Good times don't last and neither do bad times."
"The way you create permanent change is to do it again over time, not overnight."
"When we gaze into the night sky, we're looking into the past."
"In a hundred years, no one that knows us will be alive."
"Humans are not the culmination; there's plenty of time for post-human species to lead a diaspora."
"I'm just here for a good time, not a long time."
"Fortunately, we can appreciate their existence just like people will do to us one day."
"It's never too late, guys. There is so much time ahead of you."
"I figured it's been 25 plus years, it's 2018, it's a new era."
"You never lose memory of where you started, either into the past or into the future."
"I’m not interested in Live being the biggest thing in 1995. I’m interested in Live being around for 20 years."
"There is more time between the pyramids of Giza being built and the life of Cleopatra than there is from the life of Cleopatra to the first iPhone."
"I feel like you're being more appreciated as time goes on and 10 years after you're done, we will talk about you way more fondly than we did when you were fighting actively, especially in the UFC."
"I believe wins in the end. I believe the truth always wins. Just a matter of what your time scale is."
"Mirrors are very powerful, remember as we're looking at past, present, and future, it's reflections and projections."
"Can't wait to see what the next 10 years bring."
"The party's over. It's not coming back in any time frame that matters."
"It's just the beginning. They've been here for less than a year, mate."
"Three years is not compared to the rest of your life, three years is like a flash in the pan, it's like a wink."
"A million years is an eye blink in astronomical terms, but it's a near eternity in human terms."
"Some people live for the day or for the weekend, other people think long term - 20 years ahead, 30 years ahead, 50 years ahead. #neurosurgeons"
"The best thing possible to focus on is that long-term time horizon."
"The fascination with the future is as old as time itself."
"Remember the year is 12 months long and your life can change in a week, in a day, in a month."
"I'm gonna do something in the next 20 years that is better than these last 20."
"The day you plant the seed is not the same day you will eat the fruit."
"The fact that we get to be able to see back in time is this wonderful gift to astronomy."
"Everybody's changed their minds on something in the last eight years."
"Bitcoin is still very early, guys. It's only December 3rd, it's not December 30th."
"But what's coming next for you is a shift of energy. It might take some time, it might take a couple of years, a couple of months, but this is not permanent."
"Contemplate past, present, and future. What has happened in the past offers us any information, a guidebook, a user's manual for the present."
"You're gonna be judged for what you said ten years ago today, and that's kind of dangerous if you ask me."
"We need to realize this is a serious issue. We cannot judge people by what they said 15 years ago."
"Part of me is like it's really fun that I read it now with the perspective of like 10 more years."
"My confidence has definitely grown compared to what it used to be like five years ago."
"The later you look at your chart the better because if you're 20 and 18 and you're looking at planets... it wouldn't be a totally different analysis of what they saw when they were 20."
"One year, three year, five years, I think we're all gonna make it."
"Around 18 months out, we're gonna look back and go like, 'Wow, what is that going on? It's nuts.'" - Speculation on future events and their impact.
"On a long enough stretch of time, our survival rate is zero."
"At the end of the day, you know, whether you think it's to be this year next year the year after I would argue that time still very much remains on our side."
"These stone tools may not look much, but when you think how incredibly old they are."
"The future is bright because no matter what happens, it's just a question of time before it goes ballistic."
"I was amazed when I saw this. This thing's been around a reasonable time."
"250,000 years isn't even a blink of an eye in the cosmic scale of time."
"March will likely turn out to be one of your favorite months of the year when you look back on it."
"Last year is last year and this year is this year."
"Even if we see some downward price action, those higher time frames take time to play out."
"The relationship between future you, past you, and present you."
"The world existed for hundreds of millions of years; think beyond yourself."
"This is the fourth year, wow, and we still see things that we like and things we dislike."
"Time always tells the truth. I would love Manchester United to succeed."
"I think in a year from now it'll be a different deal."
"You're not running out of time. You're young."
"Your life can look so different in a year in six months and it's just a while to look back on."
"Remember the gentleness of time. You are struggling to be who you are."
"Welcome to 2023, people. Heck yeah, freaking A."
"Hard fortunes can change in the space of 24 hours."
"It's been a while... things change and develop as you build yourself and create that better version of yourself."
"Eight and a half weeks is nothing in the scheme of your life."
"You know if you want to see what you'll look like in three months, a year, or if you just want to leave it open-ended, that's fine."
"This is a big deal, we've been waiting since last year or arguably for the last 10 years."
"The future is ahead, the past is behind."
"When we look at the night sky, we're looking back in time."
"If you compress all of humanity into a 24-hour block, we are a few seconds before midnight."
"Successful people think in decades and poor people think in hours."
"I'm a very macro thinker and I think in terms of epochs, not days."
"All of recorded human history is in the last five seconds of our calendar year."
"If you compress the time of the dinosaurs from when they started till now into one 365 day year, they started on January 1st and would have ended about the third week of September. Humans would have come along on December 31st."
"Modern humans would have been like the last five minutes before the new year."
"There are decades in which nothing happens, and then there's weeks in which decades happen."
"It doesn't matter how long it takes you; everyone has their own story, their own journey."
"Four years is not that long of an amount of time really, and so much has happened."
"You're going to look back a year from now and see where you were and where you came from."
"My time is not like your time; what may seem like years of delay to you are but moments in my eternal plan."
"If you could save a hundred dollars every day for the rest of your life, do you know how many years it would take you to save a billion dollars? Twenty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-seven years."
"Eternity is a lot more important than right now."
"That's when I first realized the gap between like Diplodocus and Tyrannosaurus was longer than between Tyrannosaurus and humans."
"Some of life's puzzles will be solved by understanding how time perspective works for you."
"I think NFTs right now, we're like, we're too early for its time."
"Time perspective is a foundation essential for almost all other psychological constructs."
"Many of life's conflicts we have with people is really a conflict in different time perspectives."
"Once you're aware of that, you stop making negative attributions like you're dumb or you're childish or you're pig-headed or you're authoritarian."
"When you think about the future, you get anxious, and when you think about the past, you get depressed."