
Gene Expression Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Light can actually change the genes that the cells of your bodies express. And that is true throughout the lifespan."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Physical exercise changes your gene expression...leading to the expression of growth hormone for the brain."
"You're literally changing your gene expression when you practice feeling gratitude or embracing the emotions of your future."
"MicroRNAs are the sculptor, the artist, that's chipping away at that gene expression."
"The effect on the female body of the male song is an extended phenotypic effect of genes in the singing male."
"Curcumin in turmeric can inhibit mTOR in multiple myeloma cells... and turn back on a hypermethylated BRCA gene."
"Even your genetics can be changed, thanks to gene transcription. Training, diet, and lifestyle factors won't change the contents of your genetic code, but they can change which genes are active and which are switched off."
"All food is information, not just calories. It's instructions... with every bite so every bite of food you take can change your gene expression."
"What distinguishes cells is not their genes but how these genes are switched on or off by epigenetics."
"The decision to take an RNA strand and turn it into a protein within the cytoplasm of the cell is now considered one of the most heavily regulated decisions that the cell will ever make."
"Chronic emotions shape the immune response and gene expression pattern."
"If I add acetyl groups to the histone proteins, it relaxes the DNA and histone proteins. Can gene transcription occur? Yes."
"Huntington's disease: increase in diacetylation inhibits transcription."
"Twins have exactly the same DNA sequence but they might have slight differences in the way that DNA is expressed."
"These methyl groups are put right down onto a gene to inhibit expression or the methyl groups are removed and then gene expression is turned on."
"What these supplements are going to do is they're going to help the molecular machinery work better and they're going to mess around with how genes are expressed."
"We can alter the expression of any and every disease."
"This is the power of epigenetics, which is the environment influencing the expression of the genes."
"You're not doomed by your genes to be a certain way your entire life, you could actually change your gene expressions."
"By changing your internal states, you can significantly alter gene expression."
"T3 or thyroid hormones enter into every cell in the body, increase the transcription of many genes, and increase the cellular metabolic activity."
"Nad levels decline in aging, you lose sirtuin activity declines which is not good right because you now lose the ability to control easy to control gene expression."
"What we eat can influence the tags that influence gene expression patterns. So even when we don't see changes in the genome, we can see changes in gene expression."
"One of the most effective ways is the way that you relate to other people and with doing acts of kindness it's one of the most effective ways to change that transcription of this particular set of genes."
"The read length is considered to be the number of nucleotides that are sequenced per read. For RNA-seq, 75 nucleotides is a common read length which would be great for studying gene expression or resequencing samples."
"Relieving repression: unlocking mRNA translation at the destination."
"RNA turnover: sculpting the transcriptome."
"The omega-3s are telling those genes like a little trigger. They're turning off the gene expression, they're changing the epigenetics."
"Foods can turn off and on the expression of certain genes."
"So it's an episomal assay that allows you to have a variable region where you basically test 10,000 different enhancers and you have a common region which basically has the same reporter gene."
"Tapping appeared to affect these genes in a very favorable way."
"Meditation itself can change gene expression."
"There are changes in gene expression whenever you become overly hot, like in a sauna or you go into cold water or an ice bath or even a cold shower that upregulate protective genes."
"Each gene, each bit of DNA in chromosomes in genomes has this code for the protein but also near it, it's got another bit of DNA that's called a promoter or an enhancer."
"The cells respond by increasing gene expression to make more proteins."
"The emotion then is what is the information coming back to the body that begins to select and instruct new genes."
"Time ratio feeding might improve cyclicity of many circadian transcripts."
"One gene can often be read in many different ways, giving rise to many different strands of RNA."
"Food is information. So we know that food influences the body in multiple ways. One, it changes gene expression. You literally can turn on or off genes."
"Understanding this interplay is helping us understand how viruses can reshape the gene expression environment."
"Viruses can reshape the gene expression environment."
"Viruses like a gamma herpes viruses are able to dramatically reshape the gene expression environment of a host cell during infection."
"They affect how our genes switch on and off, they affect our stress response system, they affect, I've said the immune system, but also our mitochondria, they affect our neurotransmitter systems."
"Your genetics, your DNA, yeah the base pairs can be the same but gene expression is dependent on your life's exposures."
"Food is not just energy, it's actually information. It gives instructions. So every bite you take, it turns on or off genes that create health or disease."
"Nutrition controls the expression of genes."
"You can change the expression of your genes."
"Expression vectors are plasmids that carry cargo DNA into cells and allow the cargo DNA to be expressed."
"What's really interesting is that if you take genes that are robustly expressed using single cell technologies... you see great variability."
"Module eigengene is a way to summarize the expression patterns across our samples for a given module."
"The WGCNA algorithm includes what we first principal component is what it's calling its module eigengene."
"We can visualize that they're differentially expressed and how they're differentially expressed."
"The next step is to see if these genes that are differentially expressed are in specific pathways."
"Differential expression testing comes down to this question: Is there a statistically significant difference in the expression between two conditions within one gene or transcript?"
"RNA-seq has largely replaced microarray as the predominant method for measuring gene expression."
"Heat maps are a great way to visualize gene expression data."
"Some promoters are what we call constitutive; that will express in all cell types but they vary in strength."
"Whole batteries of these genes can be switched on at once by master control genes."
"Your genes are fixed, you can't really change those, but which genes are expressed, turned on or off, is regulated by everything you do."
"We can change our destiny with respect to the expression of certain genes."
"Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that controls the expression of over a thousand different genes in the human body."
"We're measuring the transcriptome, so what do I mean by that? Well, if we want to understand what genes are active in a cell or the tissue... we need to know what genes are actually being transcribed into messenger RNA."
"Beta actin is a very important housekeeping gene to make sure that every single sample has the same amount of protein."
"We are not just trying to engineer over expression of this gene or that gene, but really trying to understand how to create systems of interactions."
"All these subcellular events can initiate downstream signaling by turning on gene expression and making RNA and new protein."
"Environmental changes and conditions can impact how certain genetic information is expressed."
"Different genes can be regulated differently, expressed or not expressed due to different environmental conditions."
"Responses can cause cell growth, secretion of molecules, gene expression, or apoptosis."
"It's going to dock itself on the DNA and through a series of steps, it's going to travel along the DNA, reading it, if you will, and then it's going to copy down a strand of messenger RNA."
"Once these instructions make it out into the cytoplasm, we now need to actually follow the instructions to create a protein."
"Cells undergo differentiation, which means they become specialized by turning off genes not needed by that cell."
"You can inherit this histone arrangement from your parents, which affects your gene expression."
"The activities of the daily life of your ancestors actually affects your gene expression today."
"You can change how your DNA is packaged which can affect gene expression."
"The difference between the queen and worker is basically the nutrition which kicks in gene expression of these different casts."
"Epigenetics is the heritable change in gene function without changing the DNA base sequence."
"How does a cell know how much of a given protein to make?"
"Localized changes in gene expression are a critical aspect of the occurrence of healing in one case and the failure to heal in another."
"The major determinant in establishing the pattern of gene transcription in the embryo is the different concentrations of the bicoid protein."
"The physical expression of a gene is known as the phenotype."
"RNA velocity is just a measure of the unspliced to spliced reads."
"We can infer time from it; right after transcription, RNA is unspliced, then eventually, after some amount of time, the RNA becomes spliced."
"If you have a lot of unspliced reads and a low amount of spliced reads, that means a gene is likely being turned on."
"We will use the plotting functions to show some of the most highly expressed genes in our data."
"These particular dots indicate that this gene is expressed -- at least at the RNA level -- within these different tissues."
"Epigenetics is the study of mechanisms that cause changes in gene expression but that are not encoded in the DNA sequence itself."
"Gene expression is the process by which DNA directs protein synthesis."
"Controlling gene expression, which is sometimes referred to as turning off or turning on, makes cells specialized."
"About 1/3 of the regulatory sites in the genome skip over a gene that's closest to them to regulate a gene that's farther away."
"You can think of the control region of a gene as the keys on a piano and the transcription factors as the fingers on the hand of the person who's playing the piano."
"The genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to proteins."
"The biggest drivers are microbiome, gene expression, and the mitochondria."
"Gene silencing means that when you're exposed to sufficient nutrients in your diet, especially phytochemicals and particularly green vegetables, we can silence the genes that are abnormal that would normally lead to cancer."
"Transfection equals research, and a core of cell biology research depends on gene expression and knockdown techniques that are dependent on transfection."
"The large majority of those are increased by heat shock even if the two RpoH Sigma factors are both knocked out."
"If you're doing gene expression analysis, this is something that probably places one of the least demands on sequencing depth."
"For just simple gene expression analysis, you generally want like twenty to forty million reads per sample."
"You want to make sure that you have the C DNA, the complementary DNA, so it's corresponding to the mature messenger RNA."
"This is a control situation where no gene is silenced and we can see the cells dividing normally."
"The phenotype is the expression of those genes."
"DNA determines RNA, RNA determines the type of proteins present in a cell."
"Different parts of the DNA are turned on or activated so the parts of the DNA that are turned on in a cell are gonna determine the structure and the function of the cell."
"So the consequence is to remove the Neo gene, remove the brake that prevents the tyrosine hydroxy gene from being expressed, and now you have a normal TH gene."
"So we're going to start with a mouse that doesn't have TH expression anywhere, and it's going to get turned on in those neurons that project to the site where the virus was injected."
"For a lot of our gene expression scenarios, you'll see it's going to be somewhere in between where it's a lot less or a lot more, but it's not necessarily zero or a hundred percent."
"LIMA is basically a software that will retrieve the differentially expressed genes."
"Gene expression, for us, will mean the same thing as production of a particular protein."
"The experience of being cared for from the day that you're born will affect your gene expression, your stress system, your immune system, and your frontal cortex."
"Conducting the genetic orchestra, prokaryotes and eukaryotes determine what genes get expressed based on their environment."
"RNA molecules are definitely a key part of the gene expression."
"Differential gene expression is going to occur because these genes are going to be regulated differently depending on what type of cell is present."
"Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs... they're all transmuted into biological signals that change your gene expression."
"Which genes get turned on or off determine your life."
"The vast differences between different cell types are due only to the differences in the genes they express."
"Eukaryotic transcription factors often manipulate gene expression by manipulating chromatin."
"The control of gene expression is important not only for our cells but for the simplest bacterial cells as well."
"We're not interested directly in methylation but what methylation does downstream, for example, how does it affect expression."
"Every dot here is one gene; the X and Y axis is the expression level of the two conditions."
"Seeing as DNA is only half the battle and gene expression is the other half."
"Steroid hormones... eventually tell the DNA to produce a certain protein, and that protein goes to the cell surface."
"If you need certain cells to do specific jobs, then you're going to need to regulate expression so that certain cells express certain genes to maybe become a particular type of cell."
"With activators, expression would be higher, and the whole point is that cells can maybe prioritize not only what genes are on but how often genes are transcribed."
"Different hormones act on different cells and they cause different genes to be expressed."
"A gene is going to be interesting if it's differentially expressed in one condition versus another."
"The closer to this sequence that a given gene's minus 10 region is, the more RNA is made from it."
"Splicing occurs in almost every eukaryotic RNA or a messenger RNA."
"By understanding the rhythmic cues in DNA, researchers hope to unravel how genes are switched on and off, influencing various biological processes."
"The symphonic analogy extends further when we consider gene expression; just as a musical score comes to life when musicians play, DNA's symphony unfolds when genes are expressed and proteins are synthesized."
"Epigenetics, the study of heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the DNA sequence, has opened up a fascinating realm where environmental factors including sound and vibration can dynamically modify gene activity."
"It's not the genes, it's which genes are turned on, which genes are turned off."
"Thoughts or activities that you do with your brain actually turn certain genes on and others off."
"All of the changes you go through with puberty is due to our sex hormones turning on gene expression during puberty."
"Organisms develop by turning genes on and off in the right patterns during embryogenesis."
"Food is information and the quality of the food changes your gene expression."
"BBL treatments can change the expression of genes associated with the aging process to resemble young skin."
"You couldn't change your genes, but you could change which ones speak, making the healthy ones speak more loudly and the unhealthy ones speak more softly."