
Health Goals Quotes

There are 403 quotes

"To be able to cure, prevent, or manage all disease by the end of the century."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being able to hit that list of health things you want to do every day...it's a lot easier for me to work out, meditate, stick to juicing skincare."
"If you're eating a whole food diet and you're exercising regularly... and it's just not quite getting you to your goal, then you could consider adding on that extra level of carbohydrate restriction or fat restriction."
"The goal here is health... it's not so much looking good in a bikini. It's about how you're going to age so that you can be as healthy as possible."
"A big goal of mine in 2023 is to do at least 30 minutes of consistent, consecutive movement every single day."
"I'm aiming for in 2023 is eating more protein because one of my big goals for the year is to gain 10 pounds and just like gain healthy weight and healthy muscle."
"The common consequence is fat loss, but that's not the primary angle that we're going after. We're going after health first."
"LGN is Look Good Naked, and it's just this idea that one of the things that we are seeking is we want to look good naked."
"Would it be hypocritical of me to sit in front of all of this food and say in 2023, 'New year, new me. I'm trying to eat healthier.'"
"The reason I'm always like, 'That's not enough,' is because yes, you will certainly lose weight on that, of course, but the goal shouldn't be just losing weight; it should be losing weight and keeping it off."
"The goal of my plans are to lose weight, keep it off for the rest of your life while being healthy."
"It's not about being perfect, it's about mostly doing it and you'll get most of the benefit."
"My only goal would be to create a healthy lifestyle...I didn't want to discourage myself...I really just focus on the fact that I wanted to be healthy."
"Our goal is to cut cancer death rates by at least 50 percent over the next 25 years."
"Every single one of you is able to get yourself better...stronger than you can ever imagine possible."
"If you increase your body weight by 60 pounds, 50 pounds, 100 pounds over the next five to ten years."
"Most people that say 'I'm gonna start January 1st' fail. But it doesn't hurt to just try. I mean, a lot of people fail all through the year when they're trying to lose weight."
"The first thing that you're gonna have to do to lose the weight and actually keep it off is approach your goal with the right mental disposition."
"If your major goal is to fit into the wedding dress, you need to consider your diet rather than simply exercise."
"I'm gonna try giving up sugar for the entire year."
"For most people they want to maintain lean muscle mass, they don't wanna lose lean muscle mass."
"Genuine authentic change and growth and a desire to accomplish your goals or your weight-loss journey has to be done with you being honest with yourself but also a motive, an incentive to actually do it."
"What are you looking forward to in the future? Being healthy."
"I want to live the longest life possible as vibrant, as healthy as humanly possible."
"Exercise: burning fat calories, that's what you want to be doing."
"Wouldn't it be nice if we were as healthy as possible until that happened?"
"It's going to help you achieve a weight loss goal and heal inflammation."
"No candy, she's just trying to put 30 lbs of candy in my cart and I told her we're trying to be healthy this year."
"I think the goal should be for people to be healthy and happy by default."
"Abstinence is a legitimate goal but it's not the immediate goal for everybody."
"Skinny is not the goal. Strong, fit, healthy, that is my goal."
"I truly believe you can have both the health and the body you deserve."
"Metabolic flexibility which is what you actually want."
"My goal is to help you keep that weight off for the rest of your life."
"Make it a goal to consume 10 of these cancer-fighting foods this week."
"Rather than go for your dream physique it makes a lot more sense to go halfway there a physique that you can maintain that you won't suffer and be starving for."
"I hope that my work helps people sort of reverse the type two diabetes."
"Start where you are with your health goals; it's about good, better, best."
"Worry about truly loving yourself, loving yourself enough to want to live a long [ __ ] time."
"Losing body fat while not being hungry would be the ideal situation, right?"
"You have to lower sugar, eliminate sugar, and lower the carbohydrates enough."
"We're designed to eat a lot of food... but the goal really is metabolic flexibility."
"We need to bring those things down and that's what I'm trying to do because I want to be around."
"Losing weight is a great goal, it's hard, you gotta stick with it."
"I truly feel like my care vitamins have been helping me support all of my health goals which make me feel like the best version of myself."
"A win for me is a win for the Israelite community, a win for the black community."
"I'm probably gonna be in this phase for a while and then I'm assuming I don't know I'm assuming once I feel a little bit more comfortable and I have enough structure then I'm going to again probably transition into a weight loss mode."
"Let's get America back on track, let's get a nation of people who are fit."
"If you keep walking five miles a day when you're used to being sedentary you're gonna keep losing weight and so that's been my major goal."
"You can't lose 120 pounds in 180 days on a 700 calorie daily deficit."
"Once losing weight and fitness takes over your life and you're no longer enjoying life, what's the point?"
"Remind yourself of your goal weight and the core reasons for eating healthier."
"If you usually have trouble reaching your 10,000 steps quota, then that could be a thing of the past by laying down roots in the Paro Valley in Bhutan."
"Once I change my body and turn them into a machine that knows how to handle food and burn fat, your body becomes a lot more forgiving."
"If we can just get people to look at the future self like the longer term outcomes like you said like weight loss management like keeping it off and like that's going to be so much of a better long long-term outcome for everyone."
"You would be far better off instead of having a target body composition for some movie role and then rebounding rather drag."
"Reducing the protein in your urine should be the main goal of treatment."
"My goal has always been health, not just long hair."
"Breaking your health goals into really small goals that you can do in 10 minutes is a really easy way to kick-start good behaviors."
"I hope you all had a very happy new year and the first week of January has gone well for you and all of your new health goals."
"Every day he would walk and say 'I'm so happy and grateful, I'm at my ideal weight,' within I don't know five months he lost 60 pounds at his ideal weight."
"You need to be getting 10,000 steps in a day, it's good for your health."
"My Christmas wish is to have the motivation to exercise on a more regular basis."
"It's not about living 10 more years, it's about the years you have being able to feel the best that you can possibly feel up until the day you're taken from the yeah amen so you can get the most out of life."
"Is she faster, stronger, fitter? I'll answer that."
"It just has to be a healthier you in the new year."
"Everybody can lose weight, it's just not easy."
"Everyone wants to be healthy, don't they? Maybe not through the work that it takes or the mandatory lifestyle changes, but that destination that is so desired is on everyone's minds."
"I have lost 20 pounds and I'm looking to keep losing more. I have lost 66 pounds."
"Helping people pick up their grandkids again, that's the big goal."
"Sleep is free - make it a goal and brag about it."
"Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, that's a good goal."
"The goal is to have him just basically lose I would say about one pound per week."
"The scale is ultimately going to go in the right direction."
"Well, one, I need to give up all the fried foods, at least most of them. - No, all of them. - I'm trying!"
"I'm gonna do everything in my power to get approved for surgery."
"Your goal is to love being healthy. It shouldn't be a challenge whether you eat hot cheetos or not."
"Your goals can't be achieved if your health is garbage."
"I feel alive, I feel healthy, and I keep wanting to get better and better."
"Physical confidence means not getting winded."
"I want to work out more, be healthy and make that like a constant in my life."
"It's always eat healthier, lose some weight."
"Now's the Time to do it new year new you new body except this time lose the weight keep it off for the rest of your life."
"This is the year that you're really thinking about changing a lot of habits, patterns, changing health, you'll get healthier."
"New year, new me. I really want to start taking my health seriously and I know that you guys love junk food as much as I do."
"Time speeds up so fast... I see myself healthier, mentally fit, physically fit, spiritually fit."
"You're gonna lose this weight, just so you know."
"An increased health span is a really worthy goal."
"Exercise as a way to nourish ourselves and set awesome fitness goals that have nothing to do with weight loss or size or numbers."
"I've always said my goal is that by the time Jade hits puberty, they'll be able to tell you right then if you have PCOS or not."
"It's all about those little wins. First thing you do is try and cut out that refined sugar."
"I want to get as healthy as I can as fast as I can to make sure that when my daughter takes her first steps I get to take those steps with her."
"What better time than the start of the year to get your health together. Don't let another year go by and you still be stuck in that same old."
"For good. That means to not gain it back because if you lose the weight and then you gain it back then what was the point of it all."
"I would like to be in crazy shape for my kiddos, though."
"I want you to feel younger and more vibrant."
"Incorporate both standing and mat work for a well-rounded fitness routine."
"I just want to gain my weight back; I just want to be happy and enjoy eating without any worries."
"Why would you want testosterone? You want to look good, you want abs, you want muscles, you want a libido, you want to be sexually active."
"We can still try to be the best and most healthiest versions of ourselves and we can all have our own individual health and wellness goals while still working on being loving and accepting to exactly who we are right now."
"I've lost 12 pounds in just over five weeks, so I'm really pleased."
"I think one of the misconceptions about individuals that are trying to lose fat, or trying to get into shape, is that we starve ourselves."
"Focusing on body recomposition should be the goal when it comes to weight loss."
"The goal of the aging research is ultimately to make aging a modifiable risk factor."
"Ultimately the best diet is the one that helps you achieve your health and wellness goals."
"Staying in that healthy 125 rating, you want to give yourself room to get up to 150 pounds after adding 30."
"How fucking awesome would it be if the daughter lost the weight and was back at a healthy weight?"
"Your body wanted to be this healthy all along."
"Hopefully I can maintain the weight loss that's one of the major things I get fearful about."
"I want to have the highest level of health and longevity."
"Remember our goal is healthy skin, it's not perfect skin."
"We do specific things to help us achieve our health goals, like taking Balance of Nature fruits and veggies in a capsule every day." - Denesa D'Souza
"Stay physically fit, mentally tough, and emotionally resilient. My goal is to live to a hundred years of sound body and mind."
"Too much body fat can obscure your chest definition."
"Success at these development goals would mean no unnecessary deaths."
"I'm trying to get in the best shape of my life currently."
"You're one step closer to your goal of physical health and mental health."
"Fitness is a journey that everybody should start but nobody should finish."
"Dude, yeah 15 pounds. It's like that's like the main thing that we're going for here."
"If you want a six-pack or a slim tummy, consider a well-formulated low-carb diet."
"It kind of depends on just how much like how quickly you want to lose weight because if you..."
"I'm excited to be back home and get back into eating healthy."
"The pursuit of health is not just about being healthy, it's about what health brings."
"Wellness is the goal, so we're adding in additional ingredients that will help us achieve."
"I want to have a sustainable healthy lifestyle."
"We're on the right path but like Tim said what's exciting is we're going to go even further on that journey."
"More than 60 percent of users lose 5 or more of their body weight by 16 weeks."
"The purpose of keto is not just to lose weight, it's to modulate inflammation."
"If I can not have any diseases and be able to lift as much weight as I want and do the things I want to do I'm much happier about that than if my biological age test tells me that I'm 35 right or vice versa."
"You deserve to be healthy, to have a normal body weight, to have normal blood pressure, to have a normal A1C."
"Visualize being successful, visualize being healthy, being very grateful."
"Quality carbs are quality fuel... may actually help you in getting closer to your body composition goals."
"The reality is we also want to live for a long time."
"You're not gonna see results in four days... it's gonna be one of those things that is slower."
"People will be making New Year's resolutions, and the top New Year's resolution is to lose weight and get fit."
"I lost 10 to 12 pounds within a month's time... really motivated... this is really gonna work."
"I think it's really putting your best foot forward if your ultimate goal is to burn fat and maintain muscle mass."
"This week was a turning point, I'm determined that I'm going to put extra time in to exercising."
"Let's keep crushing those health and fitness goals together."
"A physical fitness goal is really monumental."
"Improving your metabolic health is the primary goal."
"The hope for life is to be resilient and healthy, resistant to these diseases."
"Weight loss is not the goal here, lifestyle changes are the goal."
"A target blood pressure goal for most patients is generally going to be less than 130 over 80."
"With Factor, I can eat well, I can meet my health goals of eating good real quality food without having to sacrifice my time to do it."
"We're looking for healthy, we're looking for happy, and we're looking for strong here."
"The goal of type two diabetes care is not management, it's reversing it."
"We're trying to really decrease frailty and disease."
"Restoration of function is our primary goal."
"Summer body's postponed until 2021. Yeah, exactly like we were on it. I mean, we're still on it. I mean, we're still eating healthy, we were literally on a healthy kick, we were working on it every day, and then this happens."
"Spend less time meal planning, shopping, and cooking and more time hitting your health goals with food you actually love."
"I'm a big lifestyle person myself and I need to work on all these things listed: eating well, sleep well, move more, reduce your stress, try, you know, don't smoke and drink less alcohol."
"Wellness routine whatever you want to call it is comparing myself to when I was really healthy and in a really good Zone."
"Simplified health goals and trackers ideal for someone who has a few goals they really want to focus on."
"They offer veggie, pescatarian, and fit and wholesome meals to make it easy to stick to your goals."
"For me, my big 'why' going forward is I don't want to get all those things."
"Your body is beautiful and it's okay to want to get a little bit healthier or lose a little bit of fat and tone up."
"...you can love what you are and who you are and how you look and also want to strive to be healthier..."
"If this is going to be a lifestyle thing for the rest of your life, then why I wouldn't stop at just the carnivore diet, I would maybe utilize that diet to eliminate a lot of foods but my desired outcome would to get to the bottom of things like that."
"Do exercises you enjoy. Fitness is not 'I want to lose weight in 6 weeks,' so you've got to find exercises that you actually wake up and you're excited about doing."
"I want to feel healthy again, I'm done."
"You can't outrun a bad diet no matter how hard you try, but if you have a good diet and you have some issues you're trying to get rid of, then this healthy lifestyle is the way to go."
"They really have a game plan on, you know what? I want to stay healthy."
"Healthy, healthy health is my main goal."
"No fizzy drink for me today. Now I have completed two months of having no fizzy drinks."
"I decided to sign up for a half marathon. I want to make some changes in my life and work at being healthier for the long-term future."
"This is for your body, getting one step closer to the health and the body that you want."
"There is no one diet that suits everybody. I think it's much better to begin with what you're hoping for, and the answer to that will help you decide how low carb are you going to go."
"The ultimate goal is not to rely on anything for sleep."
"We wanna be as healthy as we can, and be free of symptoms for as long as we can."
"I'm telling you right now I'm going to completely heal myself and I'm going to walk unassisted in a hundred days and I will have no health issues whatsoever."
"Everything I think is like standing desks...I just want to be a very active old woman with great posture."
"Burn calories and build muscle, yes you can!"
"The goal of integrative medicine is to set a goal that's beyond returning people to a disease-free life to getting people to really feel well."
"Think about what you want to do this for. Are you trying to lose weight? Are you trying to get fit? Are you trying to get healthier? Well, now's the time to do it."
"Resolving to eat healthier this year was easy, actually doing it not so easy."
"This isn't some distant fantasy, but instead, for most people, it's totally possible simply by boosting their metabolism."
"The most important victories are the non-scale victories; you want to improve your health, that's the most important thing."
"Together we can end new cases of HIV by 2030."
"I am a PhD candidate using scientific studies to help you reach your weight loss, fitness, and health goals."
"Caring for the whole person is and should be our ultimate goal."
"Health and happiness, my mission is to make people healthier and happier."
"The goal is to be healthy; being obese is a byproduct of usually unhealthy eating habits and not exercising enough."
"Different models of ketogenic diet are used depending on the goal of therapy."
"I've been trying to cut back on sugar, add protein to my diet, and stay on track with my fitness goals."
"I want to live a long and healthy life for the rest of my lifetime and I do not want to compromise on that."
"The game is how do I become a person who lives their life and doesn't need to turn to food."
"So every child we're trying to aim for a fasting or preprandial glucose between 90/130, bedtime and overnight, 90/150, postprandial, two hours after a meal, less than 180, and then hemoglobin A1c is less than 7.5."
"Picture yourself being good enough, you being successful in your health, making your health better."
"Moving your body, doing some type of activity that you enjoy for at least 30 to 45 minutes a day, is definitely going to help you reach your health and possibly your weight loss goals."
"You just want to be able to still walk and run and move."
"I want to be healthy for the first time in my life."
"Nine cups of vegetables a day... if you cook them down, then it's not quite so kind of insurmountable."
"We want peak performance, we want optimal health, not normal because normal means average."
"I'm really working on trying to get a little bit healthier."
"The goal is not to eat a diet low in fat; the goal is to have a low body fat."
"Every human needs a different diet even though we have quite a bit of genetic diversity and we all have different individual goals that we want to optimize for."
"You only succeed at losing weight when you put losing weight and working out and eating healthy as a priority for you."
"My goal in life is to be able to stay around this range and never have to worry about being heavy again."
"Sustainability is also a key factor as well as making sure you get that balance between fasted and fed."