
Alzheimer's Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Believe it or not, the symptoms of Alzheimer's have been shown...to significantly improve cognition in people with Alzheimer's."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Alzheimer's being related to modifiable lifestyle factors shifts the focus from a genetic inevitability to something we can actually influence through our choices."
"Alzheimer's is not inevitable. It is not a part of normal aging. Remember that dementia was rare in antiquity, with no recorded cases until 1906."
"Obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome – these are all risk factors for Alzheimer's."
"Fructose causes inflammation in the brain, insulin resistance, and mitochondrial suppression, which are characteristics of Alzheimer's."
"Diet and exercise, strong social connections, and new intellectual challenges can reduce Alzheimer's risk."
"When only love remains: surviving my mom's battle with early-onset Alzheimer's."
"I'm still lucky that I have my mom, and we can have some level of a relationship."
"The path to an FDA-approved Alzheimer's drug has been riddled with failures."
"Now here's the even more striking thing. If Auguste had instead been alive today, we could offer her no more help than Alois was able to 114 years ago."
"Alzheimer's is a fuel shortage or an energy crisis in the brain."
"Alzheimer’s is frequently referred to as Type 3 diabetes."
"The same thing is true for Alzheimer's. Chronically high insulin is a major risk factor for Alzheimer's, regardless of what genes you have."
"Alzheimer's Research UK is focused on overcoming dementia so that future generations will only be reading about diseases like Alzheimer's as much as we read about the bubonic plague and smallpox."
"Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia, and it can be a devastating disease."
"About 200,000 Americans under the age of 65 are living with early onset Alzheimer's disease."
"According to a Harvard School of Public Health Survey, about 25% of participants feared this disease more than any other."
"One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia, and that's a crime when you know that you can fix this, and you can prevent it, and you can reverse it."
"Fast walking 30 minutes a day, five times a week, is linked to 33% less Alzheimer's."
"We're going to talk about traumatic brain injuries, what to do if you get hit, things to support your brain, and what you can do if you or your family has Alzheimer's."
"He said to me, 'Tracy, I have Alzheimer's disease, not the plague. What does it take to be treated like a human being?'"
"A new blood test is boosting hopes for a simple, reliable way to diagnose Alzheimer's."
"Alzheimer's is a subcategory of the bigger disease process which is dementia."
"Huperzine A significantly improved cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer's disease."
"That's a pretty big deal, damn curing Alzheimer's altogether."
"Alzheimer's is a diagnosis, not the cause. Functional medicine helps you figure out what that is."
"It also delays the onset of Alzheimer's. There's lots of studies and evidence that prove that."
"We've got to get the word out that women are the main sufferers of Alzheimer's disease."
"For virtually everyone Alzheimer's and pre-alzheimer's can be reversed."
"Glutathione for Alzheimer's: Supplementation reduces inflammation and cognitive decline."
"Chronic inflammation in the sinuses being a risk factor for alzheimer's because that that that is directly inflammation right chronic inflammation exactly it goes right up into the brain."
"People wonder why their health is deteriorating, why they're having to go to emergency rooms, why they can't breathe, why they're getting Alzheimer's." -
"Reducing lipids is unambiguously the surest way to prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia."
"Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia."
"Deep sleep, however, we've now discovered is critical for decreasing your Alzheimer's trajectory."
"And now for the first time just a two months ago there was a release of the information about a drug which if you like sucked the amyloid out of the brain and that had a beneficial clinical effect."
"Revolutionary Alzheimer's medicine."
"Telling someone that they have Alzheimer's when they don't is one of the worst things that you can do to a person."
"Sleep deprivation is associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease."
"The brain actually is very sensitive to sugar and that too much insulin too much sugar is actually what's driving this Cascade which causes this epidemic of Alzheimer's."
"Diabetics, for example, they have 400% increased risk of developing Alzheimer's."
"...we may actually have a way to actually reverse Alzheimer's, especially early on."
"Inflammatory foods such as french fries and burgers, deep fried foods, are again fueling Alzheimer's epidemic, create an inflammation in the brain which creates beta amyloid."
"This is a film about my mother... 6 years ago my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's."
"I am an Alzheimer's advocate and advisor to BrightFocus Foundation."
"We're now starting to look at Alzheimer's as a biological disease of amyloid, tau, and other neurodegeneration rather than just simple forgetfulness."
"High blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol are risk factors for Alzheimer's disease as well, and they need to be attended to earlier rather than later."
"Research on Alzheimer's might be needed to address some important things."
"My grandpa has Alzheimer's, but every day for the last three or four months he brings her flowers."
"The proof for principle in Alzheimer's is there now for sure so that's why I'm excited."
"Multilingualism is the only protection that we know now against the symptoms of Alzheimer's."
"He passed away from complications of Alzheimer’s at age 92."
"Alzheimer's linked to low levels of acetylcholine, affecting memory and muscle action."
"Alzheimer's disease or dementia it's very very isolating it's in the closet we don't want it in the closet we want people with Alzheimer's and people with dementia to be out of the closet to talk about it."
"...if you get one that is completely normal you're not headed for Alzheimer's anytime soon."
"By looking at brain metabolism, we can predict who is going to end up with Alzheimer's."
"If you average less than six hours of sleep at night, you're six times more likely to develop Alzheimer's."
"the evidence that continues to build in favor of this story that insufficient sleep is a significant lifestyle factor in your deterministic ratio odds of developing Alzheimer's disease is ever stronger now."
"Humanin, the first mitochondrial peptide identified, was found to induce protection against Alzheimer's processes using a death trap approach."
"Alzheimer's is a brain disease. Vascular is not. It's a blood supply to the brain problem."
"People in their 60s can reduce their risk of Alzheimer's by half through exercise. Isn't that amazing?"
"The biggest issue with Alzheimer's is the result of like death of the neuronal tissue."
"People say to me, 'Oh, wait a minute, that's not an Alzheimer's cure.' Yeah, not by itself. But you want to not leave these things out. So the approach is pull out all the stops."
"Alzheimer's disease is not a mysterious untreatable brain disease. It's a reversible metabolic and toxic usually systemic illness."
"Alzheimer's is preventable and in early stages, it certainly is reversible."
"We're noticing that they may be more sensitive at detecting early Alzheimer's disease pathology even better than amyloid scans."
"Looking at an image at one point in time and saying that there's amyloid building up in the brain does that mean that that person is on the path to Alzheimer's disease?"
"Tau scans may be more sensitive at detecting Alzheimer's specific Tau versus other Tau related to other Tau pathies."
"One of the leading hypotheses of Alzheimer's disease is the accumulation of beta-amyloid."
"The need for touch does not go away when someone has Alzheimer's."
"Caring for someone with mid to late stage Alzheimer's disease is very challenging. Regardless of this uncertainty, you can still enjoy parts of the experience that are wonderfully fun and precious."
"The freedom that occurs in the mid to late stages of the disease can be a real treasure."
"People with Alzheimer's become less able to tolerate commotion or excitement as the disease progresses. Shorter visits that focus on the person with Alzheimer's work best."
"Caregivers with a healthy sense of humor do the best. The ability to laugh things off creates a playful atmosphere that is good for the caregiver and the person with Alzheimer's."
"It's pretty much established now that at least half of the risk of Alzheimer's are things that we can modify, things that we can do something about."
"We're on the verge of significant advance in Alzheimer's disease."
"So those are very important trials, that's called secondary prevention because the protein that causes Alzheimer's is already in the brain."
"So we will have there what are those trials called uh the uh the name the lanam ab trial is called ahead uh and the daab trial is called Trailblazer 3."
"People who consumed one fish meal a week had a 60% reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease."
"MTHFR does have a role in Alzheimer's risk, but to me, it's one of those roads, just a metabolic road through homocysteine."
"If a treatment could be found that would delay the onset of Alzheimer's by five years, it could reduce the number of cases worldwide by half."
"To prevent or reverse insulin resistance and control blood sugar...big contributors to Alzheimer's disease."
"This year we saw a significant breakthrough in Alzheimer's treatment."
"Estrogen replacement does not have a comparative limitation when compared to what diet and lifestyle factors can do to prevent Alzheimer's."
"This is part of long-term memory with Alzheimer's patients, they often respond to music."
"...some studies even show it stops the progression of the beta amalo plaques... related to Alzheimer's and Dementia."
"We never saw people in their 40s and 50s with Alzheimer's."
"Aducanumab is a monoclonal antibody that's directed to the n-terminus of the amyloid beta peptide."
"Biomarkers appear to have a terrific impact on early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease."
"There's reduction in Alzheimer's development for women who have estrogen early in their menopausal state."
"If someone has a family history of Alzheimer's, do you recommend genetic testing and is there anything they can do to preserve memory?"
"There's hope for people who think they might be getting Alzheimer's."
"What I want to talk to you about is the new highly profitable treatment of Alzheimer's disease using amyloid clearing monoclonal antibodies."
"...if patients with Alzheimer's disease can engage in some level of exercise they can significantly slow down the progression of the disease..."
"And they just gave her the you know the cognitive quiz and said you have alzheimer's thank you very much that was it it's like okay well now what."
"Exercise reduces your risk of Alzheimer's by 45 percent."
"If you have this variant in your genetic makeup, you're protected from Alzheimer's by about 70 percent."
"People don't actually often think about Alzheimer's in that context."
"So we can really focus on patients who have early onset and atypical Alzheimer's and offer them the opportunity not just to be involved in research, but actually to have access to these new, potentially very impactful therapies through clinical trials."
"We, as doctors, even the experts, let alone the busy primary care provider, really need that objective biological evidence of Alzheimer's to make the diagnosis with high confidence, especially in younger people, where the symptoms can be atypical, unusual."
"A major breakthrough is the development of what we call biological markers or biomarkers, tests that doctors can order that can confidently tell us if they have Alzheimer's changes in the brain."
"If you want to deal with Alzheimer's symptoms, keto is the way to go."
"Have you ever spoken to someone with Alzheimer's disease?"
"Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease... but this actually shows some reversal, which is kind of unheard of."
"The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease usually begin as impairments in recent memory."
"Any step in the direction of alleviating either the pain or completely destroying Alzheimer's is a piece of great news to hear."
"What we know about amyloid is that it starts to build up 10, 15, 20 years before you start to have symptoms of forgetfulness."
"There's more of an awareness of Alzheimer's as a disease as well as an awareness of the fact that there are things that we can do about it."
"Can we correct the abnormal structure of apolipoprotein E4 and in so doing prevent the neuropathology using small molecules called structure correctors?"
"Alzheimer's disease is not a disease of old age."
"Alzheimer's dementia? Some call it type three diabetes or diabetes of the brain. Proper diet can decrease your risk."
"Acting swiftly, he ensured the safety of the driver and her elderly mother who, due to Alzheimer's, faced challenges exiting the vehicle."
"If you can delay the onset of Alzheimer's by a few years, then you die of natural causes or other causes before you get to the really horrible part of Alzheimer's."
"Big breakthrough in Alzheimer's research this week that I just read about where they were able to recreate human brain cells with Alzheimer's in a petri dish and so now they're going to be able to recreate like these brain cells that have Alzheimer's"
"We now have subtypes of Alzheimer's; we can tell you if it's more inflammatory in your case, if it's more atrophic, if it's more toxic, if it's more vascular."
"I'm doing it not just because I'm worried about Alzheimer's... I'm just focused on improving my overall health."
"Let's all work together; let's make Alzheimer's a scourge of the past."
"Alzheimer's disease is progressive, which means that it worsens over time."
"Disrupted sleep is a powerful risk factor for so many of the other risk factors for Alzheimer's."
"We're going to be talking today about Alzheimer's, a disease for which we have no meaningful treatment whatsoever in terms of pharmaceutical intervention."
"My grandmother had dementia, my grandfather had Alzheimer's."
"We are in the midst of a tripling of Alzheimer's and dementia."
"B vitamins can slow brain atrophy, particularly for people that are at risk for developing Alzheimer's disease."
"The more coffee one drinks, the less chance of getting Parkinson's or Alzheimer's."
"The typical Alzheimer's pattern is the medial temporal one; we have hippocampal atrophy memory problems."
"We believe very much that when you are faced with an Alzheimer's diagnosis, it's important to take immediate action and to get access to the best treatment and care as soon as possible."
"The goal is effectively to prevent the symptoms that Alzheimer's disease causes."
"There really are two game changers in this: one is these new generation treatments designed to slow further progression and to keep these brain cells alive."
"We may well be able to either prevent the disease from developing in the first place or at least push out the time at which it might otherwise develop."
"Alzheimer's disease is now defined as a biological entity defined entirely by amyloid, tau, and neurodegenerative biomarkers, irrespective of clinical symptoms or functional decline."
"When you know someone close to you who is dying from Alzheimer's, it is a cruel, cruel disease."
"Alzheimer's disease is the term that we use to describe the specific neurodegenerative disease of the brain that is associated with progressive accumulation of these amyloid plaques and tau tangles."
"Kind of started out of a point of necessity. My father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and we were stuck with this terrible choice."
"$100 billion could eradicate, could find the cure to eliminate Alzheimer's."
"Alzheimer's speaks is a multimedia platform and an advocacy platform where we educate and try to bring people together to connect them to Services, products, and tools all around the world."
"I conduct Research into better understanding the causes of Alzheimer's disease and more recently looking at blood biomarkers for early diagnosis and also looking at lifestyle factors for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease."
"Those who use the sauna four to seven times per week had a 65% reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to those who use the sauna only once per week."
"One in 10 people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer's."
"The great advantage of the fasting mimicking diet compared to drug type of intervention for Alzheimer's is that it just revolutionizes the metabolism of the brain."
"She was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to Alzheimer's and dementia."
"It is possible to live well with Alzheimer's disease."
"Alzheimer's is a horrible disease... if you are able and would like to, then please do give generously."
"I think that's great, it was developed in partnership with the Alzheimer's Scotland."
"Alzheimer's is sometimes referred to as type three diabetes because it seems to be more of a metabolic process."
"If you get less than six hours of sleep at night on average, you're six times more likely to develop Alzheimer's."
"Currently, Alzheimer's Disease has no cure."
"In January 2023, a disease-modifying monoclonal antibody for the treatment of early Alzheimer's Disease received accelerated approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration."
"It's really dramatic what this could potentially do for people with Alzheimer's."
"Alzheimer's is an epidemic; it's been increasing everywhere."
"Even deep inside Alzheimer's, her capacity for love and affection remains strong."
"The Alzheimer's Association is leading the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia."
"Alzheimer's is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and eventually the ability to carry out even simple tasks."
"Imagine giving someone the gift of their memories after spending years suffering from Alzheimer's disease."
"The right diet can also play a key role in slowing down the progression of Alzheimer's."
"Lifestyle changes don't cure Alzheimer's; they can slow down the progression of the disease."
"I could help people reduce their pain and even reduce Alzheimer symptoms."
"People that get less than six hours of sleep at night on average are six times more likely to develop Alzheimer's."
"Right now, 44 million people in the world are living with Alzheimer's disease."
"The Alzheimer's Association funds research programs for the treatment and cure of Alzheimer's disease."
"It's the longest day of the day with the most light, and that is the day that we will shine a light on Alzheimer's and dementia."
"We need something better for Alzheimer's patients."
"When a diagnosis of Alzheimer's is finally made, people have actually been having the process go on for 25 to 30 years."
"If Alzheimer's is the worst thing that can happen to me, I've got the best of the worst."
"It helps people who have Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's."
"A ketogenic diet like a carnivore diet has been shown to be a better treatment for Alzheimer's than every medication ever trialed for Alzheimer's."
"CTE can really present in many different ways and can look during life a lot like Alzheimer's disease."
"I think having Dementia or Alzheimer's is one of the scariest ways to go."
"Even Alzheimer's is called type 3 diabetes."
"Alice's Embrace distributes shawls to patients with Alzheimer's and who are on hospice."
"A cure for Alzheimer's possibly? It's Viagra."
"The whole concept of Alzheimer's disease has changed completely... from a clinical syndrome of dementia, to a biological construct defined by plaques and tangles."
"Alzheimer's disease refers to the pathologic change in the brain."
"If somebody has the biologic features of the disease defined by biomarkers, you have the disease whether you're normal, forgetful, or have dementia."
"Alzheimer's disease now is a medical condition defined by those features."
"We can now get a pretty good picture of how people are doing along that path of physiologic continuum."
"This person has dementia due to Alzheimer's disease."
"Here's the tau scan: positive tau scan, tau scan here is positive."
"So here's somebody who has Alzheimer's disease at the mild cognitive impairment stage of the disease."
"When he starts to struggle with basic tasks, forgetting things, losing his grip on his memories, when a disease like Alzheimer's starts eating away the idea of this perfect... you feel like those children whose world slowly starts crumbling down."
"Many doctors refer to Alzheimer's as type 3 diabetes, brain diabetes."
"Every now and then with an Alzheimer's patient, you can see that they in their eyes know who you are, but that's about it."
"Enjoy me now because I have Alzheimer's. Enjoy me now."
"When you go to visit your grandma with Alzheimer's after a long time and she says she remembers you."
"Cerebrolysin modulates the activity of glycogen synthase kinase 3, inhibiting the development of beta-amyloid plaques characteristic of Alzheimer's disease."
"Vegan and vegetarian diets are protective against Alzheimer's."
"Like so many families, mine is dealing with the pain of watching a loved one decline due to Alzheimer's and associated paranoia."
"This facility created a 1950s town to care for its Alzheimer's patients."
"We're talking about 90% reduction in Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke, without any biohacking or vitamin dijour or any of that stuff."
"Alzheimer's is not a genetic inevitability and a diagnosis need not come with a death sentence."
"It's very hard for people to take care of somebody with Alzheimer's; it wears on everyone."
"Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to 60 to 70 percent of cases."
"We see people improving things like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's to a degree because now they flood their brain with beta-Hydroxybutyrate instead of glucose."
"What we call Alzheimer's disease is really a response to these various insults."