
Visualization Quotes

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"Visualization can work. It doesn't work as well as real physical training and practice, but these effects of 35% or 13.5% increases are pretty considerable. They're just not as great as the 53% increases that come from actual physical training."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The story about Jim Carrey... he would drive up Mulholland Drive here in Los Angeles and visualize himself acting in the main movies."
"Man must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become, and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the Supreme that all his desires are granted to him."
"If you visualize or look at your action board last thing at night, then you are priming your brain to tag in order of importance the items that are on your board or that you visualized just before you go to sleep."
"Anything you can visualize has the ability to happen; this is a great manifestation placement."
"Did you know there's a really fascinating experiment done on weight lifters? They lifted no weights for two weeks, they just sat there and visualized themselves lifting weights. They had a 13% increase in muscle mass."
"Be very clear on what it is that you want, visualize those things being true, and then give gratitude for that."
"Every time you do one of these visualizations... it feels good to be a winner. I feel the feeling of what it would be like if I was there right now, having accomplished this."
"Our visualization tools, like space and time, necessarily ignore most of the data and compress it into something we can understand."
"I guess I do this thing sometimes when I'm making a song, I'll sort of close my eyes and envision the music video or the place that it's sort of transporting me to."
"Nobody's doing better than you will ever criticize you. They'll mentor you."
"If you can visualize it, you can actualize it."
"Positive affirmations and visualization can significantly influence the subconscious mind, aligning it with your desires and goals."
"Visualization is... reprogramming your reticular activating system, that system of neurons that act like a filter in your brain, so that it's spotting opportunity."
"If you expect to achieve your goals, if you expect to reach your potential, if you expect to have your dreams come true, you must become a master at visualization."
"Visualize what your life looks like and how you're going to feel about yourself when your self-worth has improved."
"Our selfie stick, if you will, is 150 million miles long."
"It provides us with a way to visualize as if we were on Mars... and be able to visualize that."
"With all these 14 color bands... we can make some color images that allow us to go a little bit beyond human vision."
"One cannot actualize his goals until he visualizes them clearly in the mind's eye."
"You get to paint a new picture of whatever it is that you desire."
"Visualization is very powerful. Allow yourself to embody the emotional fulfillment of that desire."
"Visualization is a great way to see connections and underlying patterns in the problem that can later be relevant to the solution."
"Imagine a pure white light coming down from the cosmos... it works whether you feel it or not."
"What is something that you desire? It's time to start actually visualizing it and planning it, and putting that plan into motion."
"Visualizing the perfect day...trains your brain to ignore the negative bits and focus on the positive."
"Visualization is the most powerful and popular manifestation technique ever."
"Write your goals in the present tense, as if your goal had already been achieved."
"We're the only animal that can visualize what our future could be like, why do we do that? We do it so that we can make it happen. This isn't mental masturbation; we want to make this go."
"I think it's a freight train on the tracks and then they just stopped it and then all the carts flew up in the air from the inertia and just scattered all over."
"If I can see it and if I can believe it, then I can achieve it."
"A Kanban board is a work management system designed to visualize your work."
"And it was so, as he was talking, I was seeing images and I was seeing a future that is so bright and so brilliant."
"Every one visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success."
"Persistent effort to understand the law of visualization and make practical application of this knowledge opens to you free access to all you may wish to possess or to become."
"The exercise of visualizing keeps your mind in order and attracts to you the things you need to make life more enjoyable in an orderly way."
"The stronger the emotion you feel from the inner event, the more you're gonna pay attention to the picture in your mind."
"Simply put, we recognize now that visualization and our ability to work with our imagination is one of the key determining factors of bringing forth success."
"If you're right, can you really conceive a scene, a scene which if true would imply the fulfillment of your dream? Just imagine it."
"Everything must be first imagined before it can become a fact."
"Visualizing, or making a mental picture, you are not endeavoring to change the laws of Nature. You are fulfilling them."
"The key thing about visualization is that you should visualize stuff within you, but don't worry about anything outside of you."
"Visualize on yourself for 15 minutes, imagine your muscles growing, imagine you being more successful, and it will cascade down into your physiology."
"People who visualize themselves as successful are more likely to be objectively successful because it changes the way they interact with the world."
"Imagine on an energetic level that whatever it is that you want to achieve, you could project yourself out there, see that, feel that, know it."
"You build the image of what you want but every new create you create twice, once in here, once out here."
"Visualizing prosperity will open up the mind and set the thought turns toward increasing supply."
"Visualizations, like imagining that I'm a gigantic sea monster or a dragon, it's just so great for me to go to bed."
"The joy of reading... is you're imagining, you're visualizing."
"If you could dream it, you can do it. If you can write it down, if you can imagine it and write it down, then the only question you ask is, 'How do we do it?'"
"Visualization is the human being's vehicle to the future - good, bad, or indifferent, it's strictly in our control." - Earl Nightingale
"Anything that you can envision in your mind clear enough and long enough, you can make happen."
"Visualize the steps that lead you to the thing that you want, not the end goal."
"If you want to change your life, you must become a master at visualization."
"Visualization helps you build skills. The more you visualize things, the greater your confidence is going to be."
"The ancients poured their hearts into crafting masterpieces that echoed their deepest perceptions of the universe, using powerful methods of visualization to bring their unique creations into physical reality."
"Visualization is rooted in the concept of eternity, suggesting that time is not linear but an infinite and boundless field of possibilities."
"Goal visualization focuses your subconscious on the final picture, providing insights into the intermediary steps that will allow you to get there."
"Visualization is seeing and feeling yourself in your own mind already being, doing, and having the good which you desire."
"The role of visualization is to impress upon the subconscious mind the vision of your desired state as a present reality."
"You must visualize the steps that lead you to the thing that you want, not the end goal."
"Visualizing it leads you to doing the work, and it's only through actions that you will get the result that you want."
"Visualization is the practice of imagining what you want to achieve in the future as if it were true today."
"Visualization... if you impress that through conscious efforts into the subconscious mind, it then causes thoughts and emotions and behaviors."
"Visualization is an extraordinarily powerful skill."
"The more that you actually believe in yourself and you start thinking and visualizing yourself speaking up, the more confident you're going to become."
"Being able to visualize the board in their head allows chess grandmasters to see the board without actually seeing it."
"If you can visualize how something is going to happen truly in your mind, you can simulate virtually anything and play out any scenario you want."
"Visualization is powerful because it gets your mind soaked in the imagery and the goals, creating a sense of motivation so you can go out there and be inspired to do the things you want to do."
"To achieve big goals, you have to be driven by a sense of inspiration and motivation, and imagery is the way you do that with your mind."
"When you visualize, you're taking conscious control of the process, optimizing it, and using it very consciously and deliberately to plant those ideas in your mind."
"Visualization is one of the most powerful manifestation techniques."
"Visualization is a very powerful technique and tool that we can use as self-development junkies."
"Our lives are a product of our imagination. We can create the life that we want if we believe in it, if we visualize it."
"Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals."
"The progress paradox is this idea that if we think about something, or explain it, or visualise the outcome enough, then we fool ourselves."
"When you visualize yourself doing the work, visualizing it leads you to doing the work."
"Visualization is like a mental rehearsal and can create changes in your brain as if you were actually doing the activity."
"Read your desire or plan over as many times in the day as possible and always just before retiring, because on going to sleep immediately after contemplating the picture in your own mind, a full impression is left upon the human consciousness."
"If you get down to the scale of being able to see individual microbes, you start off with a zoomed-out view and you see something that looks like fecal material that's digest inside the gut, and you zoom in, and you start to get to the microscopic level and see the microbes. They are just packed side to side, end to end."
"It's just wild seeing historical figures in the flesh."
"Make it as exciting as possible for yourself to learn English. Set goals, print out images of what your life is going to look like."
"Have faith and visualize and ask yourself what it is that I want, what do I want to create in my life."
"Your mind in visualizing and feeling yourself taking those actions begins to believe that it's happening."
"Scientists do not yet know what we will see – but this technique, enabled with real-time processing and visualization, now allows the scientific community to discover new unseen events like this."
"So you have to modify your self-image and visualize it first."
"By creating an ideal within your mental sphere by assuming that you are already this ideal, you identify yourself with it and thereby transform yourself into its image."
"Visualizing the best possible version of ourselves helps to manifest the changes we desire in our lives."
"It's most effective to pre-visualize in your mind the image that you want to take before you take it."
"For self-compassion, it can help to think of somebody who is loving or particularly loving towards you... and really visualizing them extending you warmth, love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness."
"Beautiful and performance visualizations often catch people's attention and create the wow effect, and it definitely makes your storytelling more powerful."
"Visualization focuses your brain by programming its reticular activating system (RAS) to notice available resources that were always there but were previously unnoticed."
"Believe in yourself: See yourself doing well and you will."
"It's worth remembering that whenever you see 2D illustrations of space-time planes, wire frameworks, and things like this, these are used to illustrate the concepts so that your brain can more easily understand the principles being described."
"Visualize a beautiful golden octahedron. This is your template of infinite love."
"I need to envision it and I'll envision it in a thousand ways before I do anything and then when it feels right, then, yeah, then it's good for me."
"Imagine a volleyball orbiting a tennis ball; that's what this space couple would look like."
"This really shows that humans at this time were very capable of visualizing their goal, planning for the future form this tool would take."
"Set your clear intention of what you want to manifest, make that in the present tense as if it's already happening, and then visualize whatever it is you want to achieve."
"You are capable of becoming anything and doing anything you can visualize."
"You cannot have wealth in your material world until you first visualize the wealth in your mind."
"Begin by writing 'I am so happy that I am...' and then describe the person you truly want to become in as much detail as possible."
"Believe it, see it, dream it before it happens."
"Retirement isn't just financial; it's very emotional. Visualizing your retirement can help ease the transition when the time comes."
"Transport your mind to becoming this version of you that has these things."
"Visualization is far more than mere imagination; it is always more complete, more detailed."
"Visualize the solution to your problem...Imagine celebrating that the problem has finally been solved."
"Vision boarding for me is just a really great and fun and easy way to visualize your goals into the future."
"If you have that image in your head of where you want to be and what you want to achieve, you can do it."
"Before I get something, I have to visualize it."
"A picture is worth a thousand words... create better imagery for yourself."
"Visualize what your training session is going to look like, also anticipate the what-ifs."
"We can create the life of our dreams. We can manifest our thoughts by visualizing, by telling ourselves what we want, who we want to become, and taking those actions toward it."
"Go ahead and take a look at what heaven looks like."
"Making sure to visualize, understand, and keep close track of those goals and the progress you're making is of the essence."
"If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hand."
"You can't lose when you use chocolate in your visualization."
"Focus on the feeling that you would have if you had everything you already wanted and just by bringing that feeling into the present moment will make you so much more powerful."
"I like to keep them very visual. I like to stick things down that either have a meaning to me or from my real life or just things that I like the look of."
"Visualize it and let yourself feel how that would feel as if it was your actual day because it will draw that experience into your life."
"Visualize abundance in all forms. Everything you visualize eventually becomes reality."
"I want it to be styled beautifully but also want it to be clear enough that they can envision their furniture, their family photos."
"Contrast can be represented by color or tone, so dark on light, light on dark."
"With your next inhalation, I'd like you to visualize a beautiful bright white light... see and visualize this beautiful healing white light moving through every part of your body."
"Visualization for reading is absolutely so important. It helps me so much with my comprehension at any speed."
"Every time that I'm reading something, I'm drawing a mental image."
"Visualize your goals vividly as the brain can't tell the difference between what's imagined and what's real."
"This is enabling those pioneers inside the professional type spaces who want to get the best out of visualization, the best performance capabilities, and even next-generation concepts like machine learning and AI."
"This isn't targeted towards gamers; this is absolutely targeted towards those use cases where visualization is at the forefront and compute capabilities are following right behind."
"We're democratizing visualization in design and manufacturing, making it more widely available."
"I speculate that we can author [our future] from within the simulation... that the visualization of your future might be the mechanism by which you're actually steering yourself through infinite possibilities."
"Plant the seeds now and start imagining all the abundance that can grow."
"Keep your picture in mind until all sense of aloneness has disappeared and you feel an unmistakable sense of companionship."
"The future isn't just going to be about onion serving a bunch of separate markets. We're helping architects visualize their creations now, and that's awesome."
"Visualization simply makes the brain achieve more."
"Your brain sees no difference whatsoever between visualizing something and actually doing it."
"Your brain is a GPS system, but it needs a destination...stated in words and then visualized in pictures."
"A picture is worth a thousand words...because visual pictures are much more powerful...the subconscious thinks in pictures more powerfully than it thinks in words."
"If you're willing to decide what you want, believe it's possible, consciously envision the future, feel the feelings of what it would feel like if you'd achieved this goal, you can have anything."
"With enough positive self-talk and positive visualization combined with proper training, coaching, and practice, anyone can learn to do almost anything."
"Imagine if you hadn't seen your child for years."
"I visualized this. I visualized the tour. I knew I was going to be there, and I knew I was going to skate."
"We can use our imagination to see the pictures in our mind."
"Power is the ability to close your eyes, imagine a world, a beautiful world, the world that you want to exist, open your eyes and then be able to actually make that world come true."
"I have the power to create change take a deep breath as you own that power feel what it is that you want to create feel the love and think that love will guide me on the path that I want to create the future that I want to create I can see it I can feel it and it's okay for me to want this I give myself permission to follow my heart."
"Your beliefs of the past have created this moment and all the moments up to this moment. Pay attention to your thoughts and make sure you are dreaming in color."
"Visualization clarifies abstraction, making the journey beautiful."
"The ability to hold that picture on the screen of your mind."
"For years, Groot has been in the comics, but somebody actually had to, before there was a James Gunn involved, one of the artists had to be like, 'What would Groot look like for real?'"
"Thanks so much for watching, I appreciate it, and I'll see you guys soon. Peace out."
"It's all about effort and what you could visualize in your mind. If you can't think it can happen and if you don't have confidence that it's going to happen, it ain't gonna happen."
"It's all about effort and what you can visualize in your mind."
"Your brain cannot tell the difference between a real or an imagined experience... the more of that visualized experience that you put into your brain, the more you think it's real."
"Opening up to new connections and reconnecting with people."
"Create vision boards and put your dreams out there."
"Train my mind seeing it in the future as if it already is happening."
"I want to make something that looks like this, right? So this is a hypercube, otherwise known as a tesseract."
"If you can see it, you can create it. If you can dream it, then that means that you are capable of creating that reality."
"Visualizing, scripting, affirming - fundamentals of manifestation."
"Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image."
"The riches they receive will be an exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision."
"Assume the feeling of being married. Imagine a wedding band on your finger."
"Visualizing your desired reality is the best way to help manifest it into existence."
"I'm big on manifestation. Write it down, put it in your vision, and watch it come true."
"Success is within; see it first and others will follow."
"I'm gonna pick the biggest one, and maybe click and drag just a little bit, and because I'm moving one of them, all of them are exactly the same size."
"Macro watch explains this in very simple terms with lots of charts."
"He smirks as he Muses that the advantage of using production skills is that the finished product will take form that you envision."
"The entire purpose of what we are doing right now is to raise the line from this dotted line to this top line."
"Follow your ideas, believe in your visions, and manifest them."
"Connect particles close enough with lines, similar to constellations effect."
"Mind over matter, take control. All my visions are set in stone."
"Like all displays, a projector's image is made of light. Wherever the image should be all white, the projector will send out full brightness red, green, and blue light."
"Particularly as networks get larger being able to visualize them in this way is enormously powerful."
"Make it real, make it exist in front of you."
"Willpower is never enough. What you have to have is imagination. You have to imagine the outcome and you have to imagine it like it's happening right now."
"Visualize your goals—it's easier to change habits with a long-term goal in mind."
"The one thing I've always focused on is the act of visualization."
"We want a way to see what this thing looks like in the browser every time."
"If you can see it in your mind, then you can hold it right here in your hands."
"Picture your ideal audience when speaking to the camera."
"Know what you want and keep the picture in your mind always."
"Your mate selection is the most important decision you will ever make here on this earth."
"What you vividly imagine, you're rehearsing."
"Visualize yourself saying what you need to say."
"I made a vision board for 2024... it's basically just a collage of a bunch of pictures of what you want your year to look like."
"Visualize success; see yourself doing well in this situation and have faith in a positive outcome."
"Can you just take yourself there? Can you imagine that moment?"
"It's sort of like a puzzle... I just visualize each piece of the equation."
"Dream big, focus on success, and live as though you already have it."
"One of the cool things about this going back to our bird's-eye view again here is just how obvious it becomes that where there are larger roads, I want to build kind of city buildings and that kind of stuff."
"When we can tell stories and give specific examples in our stories, we're allowing our audience to visualize what we're saying."
"If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand."
"I think the best part of writing a script is when you've visualized the whole entire puzzle."
"Half a million just imagine half a million people standing in front of you that's just crazy."
"Create a new picture in your mind of a desired end result... Joy and love. That's what we all want, right?"
"Close your eyes to Envision what you want instead of surviving through what you have."
"You can create something that looks like a piece of treasure or a bunch of coins or a really delicious looking pie."
"This is Gandalf in the minds of Moria lighting up his staff and flashlighting them through."
"Visualizing is a powerful method to focus your intentions."