
Probiotics Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"Probiotics are one way to support the gut-brain axis and the gut health generally."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Studies have shown that probiotic supplementation actually can reduce belly fat."
"And those probiotics in Athletic Greens are optimal and vital for microbiotic health."
"Don't take probiotic pills... get it naturally through real food."
"Not all sauerkraut is created equal: for probiotic value, look for fresh or make your own."
"You want to have lots of probiotics to increase your number of good bacteria and then you need the prebiotics to help feed the probiotics. Probiotics are the seeds and the prebiotics are like the water, so it's like you need both to help them grow."
"Probiotics have been shown to be beneficial to the intestinal lining."
"Probiotics are so, so necessary. They're so important for keeping your gut healthy."
"Eat more fermented foods...like cheeses and yogurts."
"Good gut bacteria, which is homemade probiotics, has to be aggressively introduced to replace the bad bacteria and fight the microbe viruses attached to the Candida causing inflammation."
"Seed's dso1 daily symbiotic is a broad-spectrum, true two-in-one probiotic and prebiotic."
"You reintroduce all the good bacteria and help restore it to health... think of it as a probiotic but like a nuclear level probiotic."
"Probiotics are very important and you can even take these liquid probiotics spray them on your sewage and it just cleans everything up."
"Probiotics improve liver function; numerous studies show their effectiveness."
"Fermented products from dairy like cheese and kefir are good for your gut."
"Probiotics are key for maintaining gut health and clear skin."
"Sauerkraut juice is so rich in probiotics better than any probiotic you could ever buy over the counter in a pill."
"Remember probiotics are so important, keeping that immune system strong, being vibrant, staying healthy, that's why we're all here together."
"Probiotics affect mood significantly in clinically ill populations."
"Literally as soon as I started taking probiotics within like that month of starting to take probiotics my skin just like it like you know I'm saying."
"You want to get probiotics to people as soon as possible because if it sits on shelves every day that's on the shelf, it's losing probiotic count."
"Introducing more probiotic strains can obviously reseed our microbiome with lots of these beneficial things that we need."
"The probiotic supplements cannot proliferate and colonize if they don't have the prebiotics."
"Yogurt does that thing... those probiotics bacteria are doing remarkable things for our metabolism."
"Fermented foods give the body probiotics which feeds the healthy bacteria."
"I've had people add a probiotic and also they started losing weight because they need to they that was people that are actually overweight and thin they have different microbial balances they have different types of microbes in their gut."
"Fermented foods are so good for you, not only do they create lactic acid that preserves your food and nutrients, but that good bacteria is so good for your gut health."
"It's fermented so it's loaded with probiotics and is a powerhouse nutritious superfood."
"Probiotics and gut health have so many benefits."
"Probiotics are supposed to be an easy way to support your gut and immune system."
"Just Thrive probiotics arrive 100% alive in your gut, making them uniquely effective."
"Nutrasource actually adds a lot of preen probiotics onto their food, which is great."
"In moderation, mozzarella contains probiotics that are beneficial for your intestines."
"Adding back kefirs, kombuchas, sauerkrauts, kimchi is my favorite."
"Probiotics ladies are really important during your menopausal years."
"Benefits of kefir: Helps to reestablish gut flora."
"Probiotics are a very interesting topic because supposedly many of the probiotics on the market right now are made with strains of bacteria that just can't withstand the heat of your stomach acid."
"Probiotics after antibiotics may slow the recovery of the gut microbiome."
"One of the random healthy habits is to take a probiotic every single day."
"This is why I always advise my patients to take probiotics when taking an antibiotic."
"Personalized probiotics are going to be the future as well."
"Probiotics do a few things: they're directly anti-SIBO, they reduce leaky gut, they're anti-fungal, they also improve motility, and they improve the gut-brain connection."
"Fermented foods... are a great source of natural probiotics that can improve the diversity of your gut microbiome."
"Probiotics definitely make a difference in the recovery from COVID-19."
"Lactobacillus rooteri... helps wound healing, helps control your metabolism, lowers excess body fat, protects against colon cancer and breast cancer."
"Greek yogurt is high in protein and probiotics, really good for your gut."
"Taking Seed's DS-01 daily symbiotic has definitely helped me just stay into routine in the morning."
"Since taking Seed consistently, my body just feels great, and honestly, I'm starting to feel more like myself again."
"Probiotics, either in supplement form or in fermented foods, can actually shorten the duration of antibiotic-associated diarrhea."
"I'm just letting you guys know, if you suffer with those things and you haven't been able to find anything to help you, and you're just like, 'What is wrong with me? I'm just not myself,' etc., I would highly look into a probiotic."
"I'm looking like myself, I'm feeling like myself, that's because I went back to taking the probiotic."
"I've been struggling with bloating for years now until I noticed the power of probiotics."
"The probiotic is the living organism itself; prebiotic is the food that feeds those organisms."
"It promotes the growth of good bacteria and kills bad bacteria in the gut"
"Food is really medicine for your body when you have powerful foods that have probiotics in them you can't get any better than that."
"Probiotics are basically bacteria that you're ingesting."
"Probiotics aim to change the microbiome to something favorable."
"'It's full of beneficial bacteria.'"
"Probiotics are one of the most effective tools we have in the gut health Arsenal, so using these correctly is something that we certainly want to pay a lot of time and attention to."
"Thankfully there's one fairly interesting study, a meta-analysis that summarized the available data to date and found that taking probiotics daily is adequate, ample, and efficacious."
"Probiotic utilization is much simpler than most people think."
"There's two major ways of getting probiotics: through fermented foods or supplements."
"Fermented foods and probiotics have been shown to have health benefits."
"Water kefir is a yummy, delicious drink that is really good for your gut."
"When you add probiotic foods to your life, the benefits are just massively huge."
"It's better to get your probiotics in food because the body knows what to do with it."
"Probiotics are great because they're going to reset your gut flora."
"Probiotics are not just for use in humans; they're also used in companion animals."
"I've just been adding different kinds of probiotics and let me just say it has changed my stomach in general gut health just everything down there."
"Probiotic supplementation over Placebo improved bloating stool frequency and consistency."
"The probiotics in Greek yogurt can help heal acne"
"probiotics are one of the few things that I prioritize every single day"
"I think that we're very interested in fermented foods because fermented foods have not only all the bacteria but they have all the fermentation products."
"Having an unhealthy microbiome can lead to problems like breakouts, sensitivity, redness, and a damaged moisture barrier."
"Probiotics are live bacteria on the skin that helps to promote a healthy skin microbiome."
"I have been wanting to add some probiotics to my life and this is raw kombucha. The flavor is Juniper or Elderberry Juniper which I'm very familiar with."
"AG1 helps you do that, keeps your gut healthy keeps the production of those important things flowing through your system."
"You don't need to eat a ton of cultured foods to see the benefits. You can just add small amounts and you'll see huge benefits."
"Kombucha is so good for your gut health."
"In my opinion, the reason why probiotics cause symptoms 90 percent of the time if not more has nothing to do with your microbiome intrinsically in and of itself, it's because of your immune system."
"The tenth recommendation is really number one and if you're fighting candida and you are not using probiotics, you're missing the boat."
"Taking probiotics vibes... my skin is better, I haven't been getting... I'm just feeling good, my body's feeling balanced."
"Probiotics improve and relieve inflammatory bowel disease while also having a favorable impact on the gut microbiota."
"A meta-analysis found nearly a 50% reduction in antibiotic-associated diarrhea when probiotics were used alongside antibiotic therapy."
"It would really be a travesty if you jump ship from trying probiotics prematurely which understandably happens in some cases because people have reaction they don't know how to account for that reaction and they just stop the thing."
"Probiotics will become better and more effective as they incorporate several important principles."
"Modulation of pain perception may be part of why probiotics are beneficial in irritable bowel syndrome."
"In a meta-analysis of 19 randomized controlled trials on probiotics, they were significantly better than placebo."
"The organisms found to be efficacious are Bifidobacterium infantis, lactobacillus plantarum, and high-dose multi-species probiotics."
"The evidence really favors multi-species probiotics."
"Probiotics are live microbial food supplements that have a beneficial influence on human health."
"Probiotics will be the way to go, but you cannot just take any probiotics. You have to study first what is wrong in your gut microbiota composition and customize the right probiotic to fix it."
"I feel like prebiotics, probiotics have had so much fuzz, have gotten so popular."
"It's not a forever thing... if you have to take an antibiotic, take probiotics at the same time."
"...postbiotics are probably the most important missing link between our gut microbiome and the effect on our overall health."
"Probiotics are also potent mycotoxin binders."
"Just remember to drink zbiotics before drinking alcohol."
"Probiotics in general will be beneficial to the population at large."
"Fermented foods are a great digestive aid, they're a great source of probiotics and enzymes."
"...taking a high quality probiotic like this one can really help."
"But seriously, it's a probiotics prebiotics. Those should be one in this commonplace in our households, they, like your multivitamin, prebiotic, like drinking water, prebiotic. They, you should have them, there's, there's just no reason not to take it."
"If you're looking for the most trusted probiotic on the market, look no further."
"One of the most popular things if you're looking to get good bacteria in your gut."
"It's very easy to make, it's delicious, and it's rich in probiotics unlike what you can buy at the store."
"Fermentation is actually so good for you, and there's all kinds of probiotics and all kinds of benefits of eating a food that's still alive."
"It is full of probiotics, so this is like the healthiest hot sauce you can have."
"So healthy with probiotics and not only healthy it tastes really really good."
"Probiotics increase healthy bacteria numbers but also prevent disease bacteria from sticking to the intestinal wall."
"It's a probiotic, good for digestion, helps detox the liver, and very high in antioxidants."
"As people get on the probiotics, they're better able to handle dairy, gluten, other things like that."
"Probiotics injected with a gluten-free diet can enhance the reduction of GI symptoms in patients."
"Probiotics may alleviate symptoms in untreated celiac disease."
"The kefir provides a strong dose of probiotic microorganisms that are important for optimizing the gut microbiome."
"Seed is different in this regard so we have evidence that a healthy gut with an optimal balance of good bacteria can help to support digestive issues and promote overall systemic health like eased bloating gut immune function heart health skin health and so much more."
"These last a very long time because of the beautiful probiotics that are in them."
"Fermentation is a process where you get probiotics in your food. It's really healthy for you."
"Supplementation with probiotics not only improves leaky gut but also levels out or corrects imbalances in the microbiota."
"By improving digestion, improving nutrient availability, improving overall immune functioning, anybody has the potential for their health to be improved by incorporating live cultured foods into their diet."
"Every morning also another thing to help my digestion, I have some proof this is live and active bacteria so basically like prebiotics probiotics and I really find this makes a difference."
"You'll be uncontrollably happy about how much better you feel."
"There's very, very little chance of harmful side effects of probiotics."
"These are the fermented sweet potatoes. They're really good, full of probiotics."
"They're the world's best probiotic hands down. If you want to use a probiotic and you want to get all the amazing benefits that you see in the studies, go with seed."
"Just from taking a probiotic, wow."
"Probiotics and fermented foods are so important to try and eat real food."
"All the credit goes to just Thrive probiotics."
"Good gut health, good probiotics."
"Kombucha is more than just a beverage. It does more than just quench your thirst."
"If you don't heat it up and kill the bacteria, they're still alive and this is still a probiotic sauce."
"Probiotics are foods with living bacteria."
"There's no good evidence that probiotics do anything."
"The question is not probiotics; the question is how do you make the intestinal environment more conducive to the growth of the probiotics."
"Colored fruit, berries, pomegranates these are full of antioxidant and a good source of probiotics."
"Probiotics... there is however very little evidence that they're likely to actually produce a substantial benefit to your IBS."
"Probiotics are viable microorganisms thought to have a healthy effect on the host."
"A lot of autoimmunity starts in the gut... treating the gut with probiotics, healing that intestinal barrier, is very healing to the gut and that will have an impact on your inflammation and your immune function."
"If we use probiotics effectively, they will clean up multiple imbalances in the gut leading to the net effect of symptoms improving."
"Probiotics are actually quite effective antimicrobials whether the microbe be candida, bacteria, or fungus."
"Probiotics improved leaky gut in 82% of the individuals in this study."
"An 8-week course of probiotics was associated with significant clinically meaningful symptomatic relief."
"Probiotics reduced IBS symptoms by more than doubled compared to placebo."
"Probiotics can effectively fix leaky gut."
"Probiotics when added to prokinetics led to a four times greater improvement in motility than just using a prokinetic alone."
"Treatment with probiotics may improve symptoms associated with major depressive disorder by increasing serotonin availability."
"Probiotics have more research being published benefiting candida, benefiting leaky gut, benefiting the symptoms of IBS."
"Probiotics... not only can keep you from getting sick, it can help get you healthier quicker."
"Eating fermented foods is really, really good for your health."
"Bifida ferment lysate is a probiotic skincare ingredient derived from a specific type of yeast from bifida bacteria."
"Probiotics are absolutely amazing for the skin."
"Provide microbial opulence, probiotics at planting; we're going to have weather stress, but the more helpers you have for that plant, the less of that is going to affect the plant."
"Zbiotics is a pre-alcohol probiotic drink; it is the world's first genetically engineered probiotic."
"This one species of bacteria, Lactobacillus reuteri, has already been shown to have these fairly extravagant, wonderful effects as a probiotic organism."
"Probiotics, widely known for their role in digestive wellness, are now being hailed for their potential in oral health care."
"Super dfm is a probiotic for bees."
"Take a high-quality probiotic. The microbes in your gut actually drive some of your cravings."
"Probiotics are one of your tools in the fight against cravings."
"Healthy probiotics tend to reduce cravings for things like sugar and fast food."
"Probiotics really do help. I recommend it if you do take them."
"Sourdough bread contains Lactobacillus reuteri that can inhibit the growth of breast cancer."
"Probiotics contain live bacteria that help maintain the right acidity and multiply the good bacteria in your gut."
"We're creating good bacteria by using the salt brine."
"If they are given probiotics right around the time of birth and for the first two years, their infants have lower rates of atopic conditions as they age."
"Probiotics are microorganisms that strengthen the scalp's protective barrier."
"Roquefort cheese is interesting because it's a very, very, very dense probiotic."
"Sweet amazake is a great probiotic boost that's really easy to eat just on its own."
"The beauty is once we strain it, those apple skins and cores are full of probiotics."
"By adding these probiotic rich foods, it's going to help with your gut bacteria; your immune system is affected by the health of your gut."
"No cooked food contains live bacteria and hence cannot be a probiotic."
"It's a probiotic prebiotic that is literally next level. There's not another one on the market like it."
"The real star of the Estee Lauder eye cream is, of course, those probiotics and those fermented skincare ingredients."
"Kefir is a very powerful probiotic, aiding digestion and supposedly mental health."
"Making sure you have enough good gut bacteria... getting in foods that are rich in probiotics."
"Eating a lot of natural healthy bacterias like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut... is another way of nurturing [the microbiome]."
"You can absolutely get probiotics and prebiotics through food."
"I really do like seed; I think it is one of the better probiotic supplements on the market."
"What makes seed so special? In two seed capsules, you get 24 different probiotic strains totaling 53.4 billion AFUs."
"If you are buying a probiotic, you need to make sure that the company is telling you which probiotic strains are in the product and how much."
"Probiotics can lower blood pressure and reduce visceral fat levels."
"Instead of taking a white supplement probiotic, the best ways to make yourself out of a variety of foods."
"A very good probiotic can make a massive difference."
"A good probiotic... can contribute to increased recovery, better skin, better mood, all kinds of amazing things, less anxiety."
"People with anxiety, low level depression, they supplement with beneficial bacteria and we see enough of a measure towards significant."
"Make sure that you take the probiotic a couple hours after each antibiotic dose."
"I haven't seen a lot of studies that say it changes your life yet, but probiotics... there's some science behind it."
"Taking probiotics... I like to get it through whole natural foods."
"If you're taking probiotics because you think you have to for general health, there's actually a much better and much less expensive option."
"But if you can correct any digestive malfunctions and then get this stool moving through the system like it should, then probiotics can be very beneficial."
"The apple cider vinegar is full of probiotics; it's super healthy."
"It is also characterized by the consumption of fermented foods such as kimchi, which is rich in probiotics."
"Probiotics are the good bacteria that is in your gut and this bacteria helps your body digest food, it helps your immune system, it fights the harmful bacteria that is in your body."
"This is by far the best probiotic on the market by far. It is really fantastic."
"The kefir was an absolute delight to take."
"Soil-based probiotics are important and look for species like Bacillus subtilis in the formula."
"Tula is doctor-founded, clean, and based on probiotic and superfood ingredients."
"You want to get all your probiotics in, you want to get the fermented veggies."
"Kimchi is great for your stomach, great for your gut balance."
"The best and most amazing health benefit of sauerkraut and other fermented foods is their probiotic content."
"Live and active cultures is something you want to see on the ingredients list."
"There's something alive in yogurt, it's called benign bacteria."
"I just started heavy duty taking the probiotic... and noticed significant improvement."