
Human Biology Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"People are shaping each other's biology all the time by way of these chemicals that are being traded from one body to the next through air, and skin to skin contact, and tears."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your brain is a zillion of neurons and it's the most miraculous computer that we'll ever see."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"The heartbeat is the physical cause that keeps us alive, and it's impossible to count all your heartbeats."
"You and I are one of the few animals that do not manufacture our own vitamin C."
"The revolution that just happened in 2008-2010 that is fundamentally challenging our spirituality and our awareness on the science level is the discovery that the human cell is not at the center of human health."
"We are a by-design, low-carbohydrate, salty mammal."
"We also have a microbiome that exists in our nose, in any other location in which our body interfaces with the outside world."
"Lactase persistence is the weird thing; that's the aberration."
"Human life is centered upon the micro-ecosystem, the microbiome around us, within us, and even inside of our cells in the form of mitochondria. We are teeming with cellular systems that are non-human, and for that, we are healthy or not healthy."
"It is interesting that the lateral sleep position is already the most popular in humans and most animals — even in the wild — and it appears that we have adapted the lateral sleep position to most efficiently clear our brain of the metabolic waste products that built up while we are awake."
"The gut microbiome is like an organ we didn't know existed until 10 years ago."
"Our bodies are a good example of collaboration; when that collaboration breaks down, as in cancer, it can kill everything."
"We're one more species biologically; we are a large-brained primate."
"Without the bacteria, you wouldn't be alive. You can't function."
"Right now, you have the most complex piece of biological machinery known to man tucked away inside of your head."
"Morality grows in the same way your eyeball did or your kidney does."
"The human body is an amazing machine, but it's simply not built for a life in outer space."
"We're really just sort of these human hosts that are host to a whole bunch of bacteria and bacteria are so essential to us functioning."
"Of course, we have a species-specific diet. We're no different."
"Human beings are starch eaters. You are a starch eater. Do you figure that out, like a little bit difficult? Once you figure it out, everything becomes easy."
"A baby's cry is biologically designed to grab our attention. When noises happen around us, we have an impulse to snap our attention towards them."
"Men and women in real life are really, really similar, with complementary reproductive systems, and apart from that, it's pretty much the same."
"When we started to cook our food, our digestive tract slowly became shorter as a result of more easily absorbed cooked foods. Our brains became larger thanks to this increased nutrient intake."
"An average person eats around 33 tons of food over a lifetime."
"The human body is a community of approximately 50 trillion cells."
"Neurogenesis is not really the dominant mode of changing neural circuitry in adult humans."
"Our brains, all the way down to our bodies, are sending and receiving light and information. We are an antenna for non-local consciousness."
"The number of people who can survive on seven hours of sleep without showing any impairment, rounded to a whole number and expressed as a percent of the population, is zero."
"Sexual selection in humans: human girls develop breasts at puberty, and they persist throughout the woman's life."
"If you look at the human brain, it is a complex organ, a complex object that's made up of smaller, less complex parts."
"Humans have approximately 3 billion base pairs, and the precise order of all those As, Ts, Cs, and Gs, determines stuff like your hair colour, eye colour, how tall you are, whether cilantro tastes like soap."
"The vast majority of the solid component of your body consists of proteins."
"We cannot live without innate arm. Even now while we are talking, our innate arm is hard at work picking up garbage."
"The human body has a diving reflex that allows us to hold our breaths longer underwater than on land."
"There are more bacterial cells than human cells in your body."
"We are interfering in a way in which the pathogen is too far from looking like you."
"The human nervous system relies on electricity to function."
"Germs: 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells per hour."
"Allow the body to heal itself, and that's how humans are designed to react."
"Despite being surrounded by harmful microorganisms, toxins, and the threat of our own cells turning into tumor cells, humans manage to survive; largely thanks to our immune system."
"You can live longer without food than you can without water."
"Brains are grossly overrated... it's not what it's doing is working in some quite different way."
"The human body is an amazing thing... every single human is unique."
"Speech is such an incredibly complex process... the human vocal tract."
"84-Year-Old Man: Whose body, when damaged and mutilated, can affect the very processes of human death at large."
"Human chromosome number two contains the genes that largely set us apart from all other forms of life."
"Humans require a womb to be successfully born... take nothing for granted."
"Because while we do have some of the best general purpose vision in the animal kingdom, our eyes are really poorly designed."
"The human body is quite the complex piece of Machinery, a well-oiled machine that has all of its parts interwoven with one another to allow us to move, think, and to exist in a world."
"Humans are trichromatic, meaning we see through three cone cells and thus can see many colors on the visible light spectrum."
"Humans are by design low carbohydrate animals."
"Our brains don't stop developing until we're in our early to mid 20s even though we can reproduce about a decade prior to that."
"We're made out of trace minerals, but toxic heavy metals weaken us."
"There's a virtue in actively selecting in favor of traits like a well-functioning immune system, cognitive empathy, conscientiousness, and general intelligence."
"Our bodies intrinsically are designed to go longer periods without eating."
"You're only 10% human, you're 90% microbes, you're a super organism."
"You are a water-based biological computer that is electrically powered, and it is that electricity that contains the spark of your consciousness."
"The terrain inside the body, the gut terrain, the skin microbiota biome, the health of the cells—everything matters."
"People don't realize, it's all governed by the nervous system."
"The iron in your blood and the calcium in your bones was literally forged inside of a star."
"Our bodies, our emotions, and our physical responses are designed to respond to our environment."
"You cannot reproduce another human being without the opposite sex."
"The singular metric from an evolutionary perspective where humans engage in disassortative mating is on what's called MHC, the major histocompatibility complex."
"The human body can defend itself very well against most environmental insults... see the body's own detox system."
"Of all the AB human strains, squats are perhaps the closest to normal humans in physiological terms."
"Shock creates such a freeze in the human body."
"Your body is really good at getting rid of toxins."
"I'm convinced that the human physiology requires the presence of some animal food in the diet."
"Skin is the largest organ that we have. It's porous and we are always absorbing and taking in water."
"Our bodies are only one percent human, we are a reflection of the total chain of being."
"Unique medical conditions that are just so cool and interesting and occasionally gross."
"Polymelia - multi-limbed humans are very much a real thing."
"Apparently, some people are just genetically insensitive to extreme cold."
"Become the magician... plant a seed of inspiration."
"We humans have very specially evolved musculature in our faces to exchange very subtle information about emotion."
"Our eyes have tremors at 75 to 110 Hertz, that means 75 to 110 times per second your eye is constantly twitching and stabilizing."
"There have been numerous cases of humans having deformities or eccentric genes that cause them to look like animals."
"Spending time in space can change various aspects of the human body."
"The body is fascinating in that it can heal itself within reason when given the opportunity."
"Meat played an integral role in the evolution of the human brain."
"Anatomy and physiology are essential to understanding the human body."
"It is considered normal to fart between six and twenty times a day. An average person farts fifteen times a day. Fair enough."
"The human gut is designed for meat and fat, not starches and sugars."
"Stretch out DNA from all cells, and you get a line 6 feet long for each person."
"You have ten trillion bacterial cells in you or on you at any moment in your life."
"I went on a journey to try to discover how efficient the human gut is."
"Our bodies are designed to withstand the onslaught of new viruses and new bacteria."
"Your bacterial cells outnumber your human cells by ten to one, making you more microbe than human."
"Our microbes control us, and when they're broken, we're broken."
"It's not magic, it's our complex organism that we're dealing with."
"The liver is the only human organ that can regenerate completely."
"98 degrees Fahrenheit is a temperature that feels hot even though the human body is of the same temperature. Well, actually, this is about the average temperature of our core."
"What women do is unbelievable. Taking a human being and growing a human being in your body and then pushing a human being out of your body."
"The brain has an enormous energy need that isn't supplied by glucose alone."
"Remember, you're having a biological experience; sleep, sunlight, diet, and exercise affect how you process the world."
"Nothing in our body stays the way it is for very long."
"You are one out of 70 million sperm that made it."
"Humans share 98% of their DNA with chimps..."
"The body works on light, electromagnetic radiation, temperature, vibration, and food."
"The total area of membrane inside a typical human body is about 200 acres."
"When mitochondria max out, you hit the wall, like in a marathon."
"Your fingerprints are more unique than your DNA. No long-lost fingerprint twin for you, sorry!"
"Strictly speaking, there are dozens of senses. Dozens!"
"That landing on the ball of the foot is the way that we were adapted to run."
"Endurance in terms of locomotion is not that different, but that doesn't mean that we're not different in other ways."
"So guys what I'm trying to illustrate is that genetic variability does exist in populations we are not built you know the same way."
"So if you've ever heard you are tallest in the morning, this is generally true."
"Every single person on the planet right now, every single person that has ever lived throughout human history, has a biological mom and dad."
"We can hack the human body just like we hack computers."
"The brain is incredible, how does it know that?"
"Bacteria actually represents a majority of the cells on your body."
"It's so tied into like there's like just so many different types of bodies dude like people's bodies are crazy."
"We all have candida; it's not really an issue, in fact, we need it."
"Historically, we've understood our blood types to be a constant immovable fact of our genetics and of our existence."
"Your skin acts as a pretty good insulator, with a resistance of about 100,000 ohms."
"Your nervous system is wired to pay attention to things that can kill you and hurt you."
"The human body is dynamic and complex and always changing so that calorie measurement has to be something that we have much more flexibility and a bigger understanding."
"Water needs to be the first priority. Your body is composed of roughly 60% water."
"Taking the human brain, what you think, how you interact, memories, how you speak, hear, write, read - everything that makes you you - can be hijacked by a virus."
"Your body may be 99.1, I might be 99.2, picking up frequencies that shape our reality."
"We're diurnal creatures so we're meant to eat during the day I'm not saying that we need to eat as soon as we wake up right um but we're meant to eat sometimes shortly after we after we arise."
"There's more information in one cell of the human body than all of the books in the world."
"When they smell food it causes their stomachs to respond and that in turn causes a pain..."
"We have a gastric pH of 1.5, lowest in the animal kingdom for the specific purpose of eating meat."
"We've been eating this way since time immemorial, and that is obviously what we're designed to eat."
"Kids in places where they're out in the sun all the time... genetically have a body that's shaped like that."
"A bigger brain doesn't automatically make you smarter."
"There are 2 to 5 million sweat glands on your body, producing two different kinds of sweat."
"The body's so clever it cuts off blood supply to the things you don't need."
"We're high sugar creatures. We need to have that simple sugars coming straight into our bloodstream and hitting our brain and satisfying us."
"Blue eyes are considered the second most common eye color, found in between eight and ten percent of people worldwide."
"We're perfectly adapted to break down and absorb meat."
"You can grow a new human being faster than most missing toenails can grow back."
"We're an ecosystem and we need to build that bacteria."
"The human body is so miraculous, it just staggers the imagination."
"Understanding the retina won't give us a full understanding of how all this works, but if you don't have your retina, you also won't see. You won't even have a chance to see."
"The human body has a tremendous capacity to store fuel."
"So here's the way that I would explain this let me draw an analogy okay if I were to say humans are sexually reproducing species that is an absolute fact yes that's the only way we able to evolve and stay alive."
"The body is not a math equation, it's a complex chemistry lab."
"Around 1% of people are missing a special lens in the eye and can see ultraviolet."
"Your sense of smell helps you taste 80% of the flavor of any food. That's why it seems so dull when you hold your nose or have a snack while traveling by airplane."
"You can't breathe and swallow at the same time. When you're breathing, the pipe leading to your stomach shuts down. When you're swallowing, the gateway to your lungs temporarily closes."
"Your heart beats over 2.5 billion times over your lifetime."
"Your skin cells renew themselves every 28 to 30 days."
"Humans are not merely walking vats of microorganisms, carriers serving their existence."
"Three percent of our genes are dedicated to smell."
"Humans have the biology of transcendence, our biology is to go up and out to the stars."
"There's billions of years of artifacts of billions of years of history inside our own bodies."
"F1 engineering is like a miracle but compared to the human hand the human heart to the human brain like it's just not even it's nothing it's a joke."
"One of the really important things as human beings is to understand the circadian rhythms of the day."
"The only way to achieve this is to eat the way you are designed to eat as a human being and to exercise appropriately which means means appropriate volume appropriate intensity appropriate rest days in between."
"The most important thing that I learned from that is that you can go up to 90 days without eating. If you're lucky, you can go three days without drinking water. But you can't go five minutes without breathing. So the most important organ in your body is the lungs."
"90% of humans are right-handed while just 67% of humans are right eye dominant, so cross dominance, for example, being right-handed but left eye dominant isn't too unusual."
"All your systems are functioning right now without you having to tell them to."
"We're learning how human bodies react to life in space and how to keep crew members safe and strong on long duration exploration missions."
"Every healthy human being is host to more than a trillion bacteria just mind boggling numbers."
"We're all walking bags of chemistry."
"An adult human is composed of roughly 30 trillion body cells and then you can have up to 100 trillion more bacterial cells on and in your body."
"We are just as much microbe walking around as we are human."
"Proteomics has quickly evolved to become an integral aspect of human biology and medicine."
"Bone formation occurs through one of two processes: endochondral ossification and intramembranous ossification."
"Development is the process by which you go from a single fertilized egg into something wonderful and complex like a human being."
"The nervous system is a common denominator in all human beings; we all have one."
"As DNA and a huge amount of our body structure and function is universal between organisms, animal studies can be used to inform us of human body structure, our body chemistry, and function."
"We're supposed to die at about age 47, but we're living long enough to have 2.1 billion heartbeats."
"Our biological preferences are something that should be considered when designing."
"At the very outset of the Scientific Revolution, there was no hint in the initial discoveries that human biology was in any way special or ordained in the laws of nature."
"The brain is only two percent of our body weight, it gets 15 to 20 percent of blood flow."
"Ready to see some amazing experiments? We're going to show you how your incredible body works."
"99% of our genes are bacterial, isn't it remarkable?"
"Our bodies are adaptation machines and are incredibly sensitive to change."
"We human beings are a complete anomaly when it comes to our relative amounts of REM sleep."
"You could actually heat your house with just 70 people... humans radiate approximately 100 to 200 watts of heat in normal conditions."
"Your body actually becomes rather like a sort of a factory really for the growth process of this human being."
"Perhaps the greatest detective story in science has been to understand how our cells combine to make up a human being."
"They're unique to every individual other than identical twins."
"A genuine scientific estimate of the number of cells in the human body has come up with 37.2 trillion cells."
"Remember, 60% of our body is water, and these water molecules, the liquid fluid in our body, has memory."
"It's so applicable to day-to-day life; you get to learn about the body but also ecosystems."
"We rely on our lungs to breathe; no lungs, we don't live."
"Humans have 46 chromosomes, and that remains constant generation after generation."
"Extended space travel can change your DNA... the changes were caused by the stresses of space travel."
"The human body is primarily designed to preferentially use ketones as a fuel source."
"Humans have 10 times the density of eccrine sweat glands compared to our closest primate relatives."
"Our bodies regenerate... we have stem cells that actually live in our bone marrow."
"We're only using about 2% of our DNA."
"Everything in our body is structure like water, and if the structure falls apart, we fall apart."
"Intermittent fasting is probably a good thing for humans."
"Humans can reproduce more successfully due to a reduction of miscarriages and a reduction of spacing between children."
"What an amazing piece of wetware we carry between our ears."
"The nutrients that we get in animal products are bioidentical to what we crave in terms of our biology and our own bodies."
"If you take a biological view of human behavior and human thinking, that then means that we can do something about that biology."
"This is what makes us so significantly different from many of the other animals on Earth: we have this big complex brain that allows us to do all kinds of things."
"The idea that there are five senses is kind of a misnomer because there really aren't."
"If your DNA was stretched out, it would reach to the moon 6,000 times."
"Together our five senses process 11 million bits of it every second."
"Humans cannot create iodine; they must get it from their diet or they must get it from supplements."
"We have very large brains, we have a unique way of walking around on two legs, and we'd like to know how that happened."
"Humans have the most endurance out of all mammals."
"Humans' blood contains iron, that's why it's red."