
Hormonal Balance Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Light, dopamine, hormones have a very close-knit relationship, so much so that your light-viewing behavior can actually have a direct effect on hormone levels and fertility."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"True health is when your body's not deficient in any micronutrients and therefore it's hormonally balanced."
"If we want to make a dent to health today, we need to change our mind on what's causing us to be sick. It's your hormones. You are hormonally modified homo sapiens."
"Cutting calories does not fix that hormonal imbalance. Fasting, to some degree, helps it much better."
"The 20-hour fast has proven to give us a chance to reset our hormones."
"Normally our bodies are producing so many hormones simply because we're eating all the time, but when you're fasting your body gets sort of a hormonal reset."
"If you want to burn fat, then you gotta tell it to stop storing fat. It's a hormonal signal, not a caloric signal."
"From a scientific mathematical standpoint, it's actually very, very obvious what needs to be done: You need to change the hormones, not the number of calories."
"Your hormones are never going to be balanced if you don't get your metabolic health in order, and your metabolic health is never going to get in order if you don't build some muscle."
"Intermittent fasting can also help in a major way with balancing out those hormones that cause cravings."
"Optimizing sleep... gives a person the hormonal fortitude to make those dietary changes."
"There's a balance to be had where you could try and keep your hormones as ideal as they can be."
"If you really understand this, it's pretty simple of how you should lose weight, right? You want to adjust these hormones, you want to keep insulin as low as possible."
"There are specific things we can do with our nutrition obviously that encourages leptin sensitivity and really helps to get ghrelin in check."
"Most of the time I see it within the range... free hormones are the active hormones."
"If you understand that what the issues is is really a hormonal issue, then you can say, 'Well, now what we need to do is look for ways not to cut calories because it's not a calorie problem.'"
"Complex carbohydrates in plants help keep hormones under control and support weight maintenance."
"Sleep is more important than you think. That's when your testosterone levels are pumped."
"Imagine a life with no cramps, no bloating, no pain, less blood, and just all-around less hormonal swings. It's pretty amazing."
"A plant-based diet tends to bring the hormones back into better balance."
"My night sweats completely went away and I'm sure that was had a lot to do with my cortisol levels but having my periods again regularly so yippee-i-a."
"You don't want to overdo DHT just like you don't want to overdo E1."
"Relentless stress hormone production disrupts the function of so much inside us."
"Men need to eat broccoli because men are exposed to too much estrogen so men listening me right now and watching me you want to eat broccoli on a regular basis."
"Your hormonal system cannot function properly if your glucose and your insulin are out of whack."
"If there's too much or too little estrogen, there's going to be a problem."
"When we support the liver and the gut during that time and use food as our hormonal tool, we're going to really take our hormonal balance to the next level."
"I have never felt more even in my mood ever in my life... this was a lifesaver because I truly believed it really helped me balance all my hormones."
"When people go towards carbs, it just brings on the sugar cravings, and they start not sleeping well again and all of that. Yeah, the whole hormonal side of cravings and everything that comes. Fat is my energy source for sure, and it can be for you too."
"Just two of them every single day is going to transform your hormonal Health if you have really bad PMS if you suffer a lot with your hormones this is going to help you drastically."
"It's funny because on a ketogenic or carnivore diet you'll hear people say oh my gosh I feel so much better and then six months out they say the diet tank their hormones or their thyroid specifically and it's mostly always that they are under eating."
"If you're not doing hormone support and you're not producing the same level of estrogen, that means you're no longer getting your cycle."
"DIM helps balance estrogen levels by converting estrogen into its less harmful forms."
"Metabolic health is really vitally important to hormonal health."
"The incredible gift that eating in an eating window and fasting clean provides is that we are giving ourselves this rest, this hormonal rest."
"If your periods are very regular and predictable, ultimately we know that brain-ovary system's in check."
"Fasting creates a hormonal metabolic environment that fosters a healthier churn within your fat tissue."
"Begin your journey to better health through balanced hormones."
"Enjoyable physical activities, quality sleep, and stress relief play a key role in stabilizing hormones and supporting metabolism."
"It's usually a hormonal trigger, and there are a few things we can do to get on the right path."
"Our hormonal system is under exquisite control; we make hormones as we need them and switch off their production when we don't."
"If you start eating more cyclically and really balancing your hormones... you'll just feel better overall."
"Really low-fat and really low-carb diets aren't ideal for your hormones for really long lengths of time."
"Increasing fat in the diet improves your hormone levels and increasing sunlight improves your hormones."
"The consistency of staying hydrated will decrease that insulin and decrease that vasopressin."
"Royal jelly may help increase ovarian hormones and promote hormonal balance."
"We want to optimize your hormones to effect, to address the symptoms, and let you get the most out of your life."
"Your body will boost testosterone, it will boost DHEA, and it will boost cortisol."
"Men who laugh more often live longer, have lower levels of cortisol, higher levels of testosterone."
"Consistent weight training is the best and one of the only ways to stop and reverse problems of ruined metabolisms and hormonal imbalances."
"Ashwagandha helps to rebalance hormone levels."
"One of the key pillars I would say to balancing hormones is to balance your blood sugar levels."
"Intermittent fasting can really help to balance normal hormonal control of metabolism, cellular repair, and regeneration."
"A healthy cell receives hormones, and when they send a signal to the cell, this cell does its job."
"Everything in this box takes your hormones into account; it's not toxic."
"We want our diet style to be hormonally favorable, not to create a high level of insulin or IGF-1 in our tissues and in our body or in our bloodstream because if we do that, it'll accelerate our risk of cancer."
"Strength training raises testosterone, it balances hormones."
"Cortisol gets a really bad rep, but it's actually anti-inflammatory and does incredible things for our body."
"A diet change gets your hormones back in balance."
"Addressing the food and exercise from the hormonal aspect helps people to achieve their goals and feel great."
"By increasing the fruits and vegetables, it is going to increase sex hormone-binding globulin and that in turn is going to then help control excess testosterone."
"It's great for the immune system and helps to balance hormones."
"Age is not necessarily the factor; it really is your health and your hormones and all this other stuff that's happening."
"You can change the hormonal balance in your body in as little as two minutes."
"Intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding are effective at reducing insulin resistance and favorably shift levels of leptin and adiponectin."
"I have seriously no pimples during that time of the month and that's amazing for me."
"If you're eating natural healthy animals, you are ingesting a decent amount of thyroid hormone as well."
"Your hormones maybe get better; most people's will, for a lot of people, if they go low carb or ketogenic or carnivore, the hormones will regulate."
"More energy, better control over hormones, generally happier, less stressed."
"When you fast, either a daily intermittent fast or a longer fast, your HGH, your testosterone, all those things move in the healthy direction."
"You need some estrogen, I totally agree, for heart, brain, and joint health."
"The hormone cocktail in my body is making me happier and calmer than normal."
"I am all for doing all of the natural stuff possible to, you know, balance your hormones and get your body back on track."
"As we change from season to season, our body starts producing thyroid releasing hormone which will cause the release of T4 and this will increase our body's basal metabolic rate."