
Weight Training Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Heavy weight training, but not weight training to failure where completion of a repetition is impossible, leads to the greatest increases in testosterone."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Weight training...has a great value not only for muscle mass but for health as well."
"I found weight training. I found the weight room, and it was just nice to train in a way not just specifically for a sport."
"Bridget believes that there are a lot of assumptions about weight training, such as it being a male-dominated sport that females can't be a part of."
"Please, please, please do not be afraid to lift weights. You are not going to bulk up, you are not going to lose your curves."
"Consume sufficient carbohydrate and usually that amount for somebody involved in weight training is about 2.7 to 4.5 grams per pound of body weight."
"I really enjoy doing weight training exercises."
"Adding more weight means we're just adding muscle."
"The secret to getting toned arms like my arms are starting to finally get toned... is you have to lift weights I cut the cardio okay and I started lifting."
"I definitely do a lot of weight training but cardio, not a lot."
"What can I expect from your workouts? At least two hours of weight training, preferably in the morning."
"Instead of hitting the cardio super hard, we need to focus on weight training."
"Focus on contraction: not just moving weight."
"Performing curls inside a squat rack... take your barbell and curl outside the squat rack so others can do squats."
"Honestly, I use an extra weight because when I'm holding it, I can feel the engagement even deeper into my core."
"I just love to have dumbbells and weights... I don't really use a lot of the machines."
"Change your weight training protocols when you're cutting."
"Weight training happens to be one of the best natural preventative measures for loose skin."
"But if you never try those weights, we're never pushing up into the place where we reach our full potential."
"If I'm doing a lot of weight training particularly heavy weight training my appetite skyrockets."
"Everybody's gonna have some metabolic adaptation but yeah right hoom weight training is gonna you know muscles gonna burn more fuel than anything else."
"So, Adele's three workouts a day starts off with weight training in the morning."
"So what this means is for the typical person who hasn't done a lot of weight training, you need to do at least five sets per muscle group."
"It is that very screen presence that inspired multiple generations of kids from every continent in the world to take up weight training."
"Water can be a substitute for traditional weight training."
"There's no randomness to weight training. Everything in the gym, if you're doing the right thing, you're doing it with form, you're doing it methodically."
"Weight training is just a tool. It's just a form of exercise that does a really good job, better than any other form of exercise, at strengthening muscle and improving functional ranges of motion. That's what it is. Bottom line."
"Adding weight training into my workout routine has literally helped me so much it made all the difference."
"Because you've never weight trained before, you've never been through this process. Everything will work for you. But after that, it won't. You won't be able to do it again unless you really lose weight to nothing."
"It's been proven like even like weight training can make you live longer."
"Every third move we do today, we're going to put our weights down and have it be a little more cardio-based."
"Always control the weight, don't let it control you."
"When it comes to training with weights, bigger is not always better."
"It's nice to slow things down a bit and challenge yourself with weights."
"Focus on your nutrition, focus on your supplements, focus on your weight training two to three times a week minimum."
"Consistent weight training is the best and one of the only ways to stop and reverse problems of ruined metabolisms and hormonal imbalances."
"If you've never tried weight training, try weight training; it could make you feel powerful and confident."
"Pull with your elbows, not your hands."
"The weight training is what's really made a difference."
"It's not always the harder weight the better; you want to do lighter weights so that you can make sure the right muscles are working."
"I probably work out between four to five days a week, weight training, and not a lot of cardio."
"Her weight training was never focused around just getting big, always movement, keep your flexibility and injury prevention."
"You lift weights, you keep your muscle healthy; it's an organ, right?"
"Weight training, if done correctly, provides cardiovascular benefits which also aid in burning calories."
"The barbell is the closest thing to the fountain of youth that we've found."
"I thank that barn for what it's done for me every day."
"Everything I truly possess has come from weight training."
"Using a lighter weight with perfect form and more volume will work wonders to make those muscles grow."
"Weight training is cardio, and that's something I just didn't realize when I was younger."
"When I do weight training and muscle toning, I can actually start to change the shape of my body."
"It's given me a lot more confidence."
"Another reason I really like weight training is for injury prevention."
"Don't focus on weight, focus on your muscle."
"Don't get caught up in the weight."
"One of my goals for this year, as far as my fitness is concerned, I really want to be more serious with my weight training."
"Control the weight, that's where the strength comes from."
"I always like to work myself until failure. 'Cause you wanna choose a weight where you can do 10 reps but you really can't do any more than 10, but you get to 10 with good form."
"We're not just back and forth like this, throwing weights around; we're really focusing and getting the most out of it that we can."