
Health Risk Quotes

There are 354 quotes

"The best way to blow out your hearing for good, to eliminate your hearing is to have very loud sounds super imposed on a loud environment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As a 30-year-old, you don't get excited about exercising your sleep, but there's a 400% higher risk of dying in the coming year when you compare the fittest two and a half percent to someone at the bottom 25%."
"Each of those people who protested illegally, I'm sure have loved ones they're going to go home and risk passing that virus onto their most closest people to them."
"Loneliness is on the rise globally and it's being declared a health risk."
"One of the easiest ways to become insulin resistant is to have irregular sleep-wake cycles."
"Estimates are that one in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes sometime in their lifetime."
"If I have a heart attack, it'll be live on YouTube right now from my Red Bull."
"If you get less than six hours of sleep on average, then your risk of death from cardiovascular disease is up 200 percent."
"Insufficient sleep is probably the most significant lifestyle factor determining whether or not you will develop Alzheimer's disease."
"Remember that while the risk to the average American of contracting the coronavirus remains low, the risk to senior citizens with serious underlying chronic health conditions is very significant."
"A battery lodged in the esophagus can burn a child from the inside in just two hours."
"Microplastics have a high probability of ingestion."
"Plastic breaks down into smaller pieces, entering the food chain and posing a health threat."
"You could have died if I'd, you've ever had to drink that water."
"Pollution steals 5 Years From people's average lifespan."
"The biggest culprit for germs is the tray table one test showed that tray tables held over 2,000 colony forming units per square inch meaning that the bacterial and fungal cells on there are able to multiply."
"Cytokine storm: A deadly uncontrolled both local and systemic inflammatory response."
"Elevated D-dimer is associated with increased risk for multi organ failure and death."
"The present time, the risk to the American public does remain low."
"The risk of dying from COVID-19 is near zero if you are young and healthy."
"There was a 45-fold increase risk of coming down with SARS-CoV-2 if you're unvaccinated."
"For tur horst, an outage is more than just an expensive inconvenience. 'This isn't like I'm going to lose a casserole in my fridge. You know, this is I may not be alive tomorrow.'"
"People who are over 65, there is a decent risk for people over 40, and the risk diminishes for people who are under 40."
"The risk of spread in the United States is increasing."
"The risk of actually an adverse effect from one of these vaccines is greater than the likelihood that you will avoid hospitalization from getting the covid."
"You're endangering people for no reason other than the conspiracism that you have adopted."
"Your lipstick isn't safe if you're finding metal shards in it."
"Loneliness is actually a better predictor of early death than smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"The celebration happening despite NYC cases skyrocketing."
"I think to be honest while there is kind of fine doing what he does if this is what I think should happen no third fight I agree based on what I've read if you do a third fight while there could be permanently injured for the rest of his life"
"For every 10,000 people with the risk factor... you know that only a hundred are actually going to get the cancer."
"The main risk is that people can die unnecessarily."
"We're all at risk of getting sick but let's be clear we are not all equal risk of getting sick."
"If you become irradiated, then you are just as dangerous."
"With the amount of cyanide in these pills, anyone who had taken them would be dead within minutes of consuming them."
"The bracelets were found to contain dangerous levels of lead."
"We cannot sustain our country on a complete shutdown."
"This could lead to a massive uptick in cases as people are gathering indoors."
"Without aggressive additional measures, more people will get sick, more people will die, and our economy will suffer longer."
"The most popular weed killer on the planet causes a rare form of cancer."
"So yes, under this legal statute, that would still be illegal until there is a clear threat to the mother's life."
"The probability of death increases with increasing age."
"If your triglyceride levels are elevated, you're definitely proven to be at increased risk of heart attack."
"Spread is guaranteed if there is one person who is infected in these parties, they will be infecting other people."
"The biggest risk to that progress is the risk posed by a new variant."
"It doesn't matter if you look fit, if you look young, you are still at risk for getting and spreading and dying from coronavirus."
"Insufficient hydration can lead to a cascade of adverse effects on kidney function."
"There's so much corruption that the food we eat is unsafe and nothing is being done about it."
"There's no such thing as a safe abortion. It is inherently unsafe."
"Presence of msh3 can cause more severe disease."
"Cancers might start occurring if DNA repair cannot be done."
"Considered by a lot of people to be the number one preventable health problem in the western world."
"Somebody choosing a party over the life of my grandparents basically it like cut through me."
"The number one risk for meibomian gland dysfunction is aging."
"The condom snorting challenge... It entails inserting a condom into one's nostril, snorting it back through the throat like a spaghetti noodle, and coughing it out of the mouth."
"Refined carbohydrates can increase your risk for a number of diseases, but whole carbohydrates reduce your risk for chronic disease. Period."
"You're making the decision not to just eight different people at one time and possibly get a yeast infection, wow that's policing."
"Even a country with lower levels of infection than the UK is still threatened by the virus."
"Asbestos ends up in makeup because of poor regulations involving cosmetic grade talc."
"If you have anything from asthma, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure... you are high risk."
"It's particularly important this year because if someone has COVID-19 and influenza at the same time, their chances of dying are 2.7 times higher."
"I sequenced my genome, it told me things I was at risk for."
"The country seems to be divided, which will provide an open door for the virus."
"Rooting out a bad habit costs lives, whether the government deliberately intended to poison American citizens or not."
"For someone who's less than 65 and has no underlying diseases, the risk is completely negligible."
"Efforts continued Wednesday to control a large industrial fire in Richmond. Air quality being monitored for health risk."
"He was so into steroids it isn't true and I guess it would have killed him in the end."
"The Chernobyl accident resulted in the deaths of two workers but leaked radioactive waste into water supplies and the surrounding area."
"Carbon monoxide is what happens when you burn gas and you don't have enough oxygen, and that's very dangerous."
"Maybe they are using the stove a lot, there are studies that show even levels as low as three parts per million carbon monoxide regularly can cause some respiratory ailments and mental impairment."
"A deadly fungus was striking residents and visitors on Vancouver Island, Canada, once a strictly tropical infection, a virulent strain of Cryptococcus had migrated to British Columbia where the population had little immunity."
"We can predict your risk down to the month when you're likely to see symptoms."
"To prevent those he was conning from discovering that they were consuming an industrial bleach he didn't call it MMS instead he called it healing water."
"In total Baldwin's network was able to con 50,000 Ugandan Xin to drinking MMS."
"Prison napalm: That would suck. That's like a hospital trip and a new [ __ ] face."
"The Pokemon variant poses very high global risk... the world must prepare."
"Oral sex is now the leading risk factor for throat cancer, guys. The main cause of this cancer is the human papillomavirus, also known as HPV, which is also the main cause of cancer of the cervix."
"To people who are unvaccinated, you are pretty much screwed. So just get vaccinated."
"But we know that chronic stress is not good for us, it's an indiscriminate killer."
"Pill users are 250% more likely to have heart attacks and strokes."
"This is probably one of the most important pieces of information that you could be exposed to as a living breathing human being today because nobody understands what's being done to them."
"Putting 13 people to a room in the middle of a pandemic is obviously not right."
"The manchineel tree produces cursed fruit, with just one bite being enough to cause hours of agony and even death."
"These dangerous air quality conditions are clearly an urgent reminder that we must act now."
"A deadly combination of heat and humidity known as the wet bulb effect is already a factor."
"BBLS are the most dangerous and the most deadly cosmetic procedure that there is."
"Further testing revealed that all three witnesses were suffering from radiation poisoning."
"Nothing quite sends dread into your soul more than an invisible threat like a highly infectious virus or bacteria."
"Once it spreads enough, even killing the infected without burning them will make things worse for the immediate area, spores in the air your body will care."
"You did what? You took developing brains with their delicate sensitive wobbly brain chemistry and you basically ran a sledgehammer through the center of that cortex. That was dumb."
"The virus is still a real danger to the sport."
"Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of death from COVID-19."
"Wild mushrooms can cause severe illness, even death."
"A winter of severe illness and death specifically for the unvaccinated."
"Could you imagine virus throwing a whole kickback in your face because you wanted to be so close with someone?"
"Stress is the number one killer out there right now."
"50 milliamps is when current becomes very fatal, especially if it passes through the chest causing respiratory paralysis."
"Combining multiple dangerous foods accelerates the decline of health."
"As long as this virus is out there anywhere, replicating, we're gonna see more variants, and those variants are gonna come back and bite us." - Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
"Morality aside, that's where the next deadly variant may well evolve."
"One concussion doubles your probability of committing suicide."
"If you stop exercising, you'll be more likely to gain body fat."
"It's two reasons: one, I drank part of a glow stick, do you know that they have it, uh, like there's electric crackle."
"Our genetic data confirmed that blood group type O is associated with a lower risk."
"I thought that was very clever a decent number of people did show up despite health officials saying that sitting still in a closed space for hours strangers and your mask off is probably the you would do right now."
"The worry is that the virus has evolved to become more transmissible than the delta virus."
"Fatphobia isn't just an inconvenience, it isn't just hurt feelings, fatphobia is a threat to our lives."
"Migraine is completely and totally a magnesium deficiency disease."
"The air quality is bad, like you can feel it, and I don't want it to be detrimental to his health."
"If it gets into the domestic animals, serious problems."
"Just a week of significant sleep deprivation will induce a state of profound insulin resistance."
"There is so much unknown... an elevated LDL cholesterol and an elevated risk of plaing in the coronary arteries."
"New information about an arrest in the case of a group of West Point cadets who overdosed on fentanyl-laced drugs."
"It's like when a guest won't take the hint to leave, except these guests came with a risk of rabies."
"Animal foods accumulate toxins from their environment, leading to higher toxicity levels."
"The thing with COVID is that they are putting themselves, their children, their loved ones at risk."
"Emergency room doctors are in critical condition with coronavirus, reinforcing concerns."
"A 19-year-old male has effectively a zero risk from covid, I mean it really is zero."
"Starting a fire in an enclosed space is not a good idea, it can very easily lead to carbon monoxide poisoning."
"While there is some evidence that eating unprocessed red meat is associated with increased risk of disease, its evidence is weak and insufficient."
"Keto diets maintain long term lead to a higher risk of premature death."
"...you're at higher risk of clotting."
"It is true that heem iron is very easy for our bodies to absorb, but too much heem iron markedly increases your risk for heart disease and heart attack."
"Obesity is a huge risk factor isolated by itself for heart disease."
"...the granddaughters of women who experienced food scarcity during this window of development are at an increased risk of diabetes."
"Lowering LDL-cholesterol by 1 mm per liter, or 38 points in the US, for a time of five years, we know that's about 22% lower risk, that's the number we started the video with."
"What caught the doctor's attention was that the article concluded that tickborne disease was a risk for golfers but it was a much greater risk for bad golfers because they often would have to trek off into the rough."
"For each drink consumed daily, breast cancer risk goes up by seven percent in premenopausal women and 13 in post-menopausal women."
"Pregnant women eating hot dogs and children have an increase of childhood brain tumors."
"Fried and processed foods increase risk of breast cancers."
"The real concern is fine particles in the air."
"What are we breathing when we take in a lungful of air?"
"When we're understanding how air pollution affects our health, it seems as though the entire body is potentially at risk."
"It's like tobacco smoke--there's no such thing as a safe background level of tobacco smoke. It is all toxic."
"Pregnant women are at increased risk of DVT due to compression of the IVC and hypercoagulability from increased systemic estrogen."
"Ten years ago we thought that being homozygous for e4, so being in that roughly one percent of the population that has two copies of the e4 gene, that was a death sentence. Their risk is deemed at about 20 fold that of the general population."
"A four to one ketogenic diet is virtually unsafe for adults."
"The number one risk of atrial fibrillation would be the risk of stroke."
"High blood pressure been killing people for a long time... if you don't get it under control."
"Cockroaches secrete an odorous liquid. They are proven disease carriers."
"Sitting is worse than anything else in this world."
"Walnut is actually quite hard and uh... it can be quite aggressive on your lungs."
"Sleep apnea untreated can increase your risk of dementia significantly."
"You will cause one breast cancer that didn't need to happen and maybe that doesn't sound like a lot but when you extrapolate that to the six million women on HRT right now that's a solid 41,000 invasive breast cancers that don't have to happen year after year."
"Being very active and having a very good lifestyle reduces their risk as well."
"You can get stroke cerebral vascular accidents."
"Early menarche and late menopause prolong estrogen exposure, increasing risk."
"Exposing the gutter oil incident, safeguarding the health of White Cloud sect disciples."
"The issue with airbrushes is you are spraying those acrylates on your skin."
"CTE runs rampant through that whole extreme sport industry."
"Toxic is dangerous to your health. It's not slightly difficult, it is dangerous, it is harmful to your mental, emotional health."
"This chemical could evaporate from the ground and enter people's homes."
"It is also clear that racial and ethnic minority groups are at increased risk for COVID-19 hospitalization and deaths."
"The most unhealthy population are people with little muscle and lots of body fat."
"It's like asking somebody who's got a heart condition to go out and run a marathon. It's going to end badly."
"...sterile necrosis can be associated with mortality of up to 10 percent."
"...if infection sets in, that mortality can be as high as 30 percent."
"Wrestling John Moxley can be hazardous to your health."
"It's a superhero that's fantastic, right? But here's the other side of that. Her organs don't know when to cool down. If she doesn't keep her body temperature around 62 degrees constantly, her organs could actually just fry, overheat, and kill her."
"Even if you're eating right and exercising, if you're not getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep, you're at risk for obesity."
"The risk of death when you have low muscle mass, low strength, and/or low VO2 max is 150 percent higher."
"Wheat, an ancient food for over 10,000 years, has become a toxic junk over the last 60 to 70 years."
"The risk of having a heart attack increases with high LDL cholesterol."
"Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 10.7 folds."
"There is a correlation between the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries and the risk of dying."
"The more you consume these foods, the higher your risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease."
"Biodegradable cigarette filters with flower seeds help nature in two ways: by planting trees and killing yourself."
"It's very dangerous for a pregnancy to go beyond about 41 or 42 weeks, and therefore intervention should be undertaken to prevent a pregnancy going beyond 42 weeks."
"Illegal drugs definitely dangerous."
"Withdrawals from benzodiazepines and alcohol can be dangerous; they can be life-threatening."
"Disrupted sleep is a powerful risk factor for so many of the other risk factors for Alzheimer's."
"Carbon monoxide is a silent killer; it's odorless, it's tasteless, and you won't even know it's happening until you're done."
"Inhaling paints or gasoline fumes can damage your brain, liver, kidneys, or other organs."
"If too much of these chemical fertilizers is used, the harmful chemicals get inside the fruits and vegetables and that makes them very dangerous to eat."
"They estimate that it could kill as many as 10 million people per year by 2050."
"The steel dust is incredibly toxic to your lungs over a long period of time."
"What’s the leading risk factor for death in the United States? What we eat."
"Mothers who have a significant MTHFR problem have a 60% increase of giving birth to an infant with neural tube defects."
"These superbugs are trying to take our fortress by stealth, creeping into our hospitals and homes, invisible and potentially deadly."
"An over-exuberant immune response actually can cause a lot of damage."
"Smoking increases the risk of MS by approximately 50 percent."
"At least 45 percent of America's tap water contains what are known as forever chemicals."
"Ninety percent of Americans are choline deficient... this leads to fatty liver and liver damage."
"The National Osteoporosis Foundation really wants us to look at the risk of a man having significant morbidity and mortality."
"The greater the exposure, the greater the health risk."
"We are breathing asbestos fibers, and I want to know how much and who's at risk."
"Pollution is killing seven million people a year, that is happening right now."
"Your chances of dying from a heart attack are eight times greater than your chances of dying from breast cancer."
"Blood pressure, defined as a mean arterial pressure above 90, is associated with a significantly increased risk of stroke."
"The biggest risk factor for Alzheimer's is age."
"One hour of lost sleep... we see a subsequent 24% increase in heart attacks."
"Patients who have elevated micro albumin have increased cardiovascular risk and they also have increased long-term mortality."
"Everything you work with will produce dust that if not controlled will damage your health."
"Carbon monoxide, a colorless odorless gas formed during incomplete combustion, can be a dangerous indoor pollutant."
"If one of them goes up too fast, the water pressure, which must be slowly decreased, can cause gases to start bubbling."
"The more times a woman menstruates in her life, the higher the risk of breast cancer."
"Eating 50 grams of processed meat daily increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer by about 20%."
"The biggest risk factor for ARDS, believe it or not, is actually sepsis."
"If you get less than six hours of sleep at night on average, you're six times more likely to develop Alzheimer's."
"Significant changes in blood pH will interfere with cellular functioning and if uncorrected will lead to death."