
Health Promotion Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Salutogenesis is a different orientation toward health and well-being where you're taking on particular behaviors, you're taking on a particular stance towards nutrition and exercise, supplementation, et cetera, in order to promote well-being above where you would be if you were not doing those behaviors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"With a passion for promoting health and wellness, he's used his platform to educate and inspire millions of people around the world."
"We want to help teach people how to use food as medicine."
"Encouraging people to shift their body at any stage to a more healthy state is important."
"She started her career promoting unhealthy food, and now she's promoting healthy food, atoning for her greasy fast food sins."
"Being more restrictive with how we view, promote, consume alcohol as a society."
"The onus should be on promoting exercise and healthy living."
"We should encourage people to live healthy lives."
"Don't you want to be more efficient and feeling better? Don't you want to be feeling better quicker? Two to three times? Well then just do it right here with the Liquid IV."
"We're at a great moment in time where we should be outside getting healthier."
"Walk in a new season of supernatural power, divine health, and prosperity."
"Together, we can make this world a healthier and happier place."
"almost to make it cool to know what your status is."
"It just needs to lead to more people getting vaccinated."
"We need to encourage healthy living and moving away from processed foods."
"Where are the people out there calling for people to get healthy? Where's someone who's a leader who gets on TV and says ladies and gentlemen we've got to decrease our body mass?" - Joe Rogan
"When people hear it they're often facing against all the marketing advice."
"Prevention isn't just about avoiding disease... it's about living a full, healthy life."
"Encouraging everyone to work super duper extra hard is way less effective than just changing the laws governing the types of food."
"Fitness is a great thing that clears your mind."
"Not only are they great at boosting your immunity, they can also promote brain and bone health."
"I will definitely be following her journey towards promoting a healthier relationship with your body and food."
"I'm trying to find that healthy medium, and that's what I'm trying to promote."
"The very things that we're always telling people to do to promote their long-term health actually do fortify your immunity against this virus."
"People would wear sunscreen more if it was given for free."
"Health is in right now, I hope so, we want to make it more."
"Just add in more vegetables and fruit and eat less [expletive]. It's over and over the same message here folks, it's simple."
"Staying healthy is the best way to have fun and keep your friends and family healthy, too."
"I want to be a good example for them and motivate them and want them to work out take care of themselves blah blah."
"May is mental health month and Mental Health America is promoting their free online screening tools."
"Your reviews are so important in helping us grow our audience so that we can help more people live healthier, longer, and happier lives."
"Healthy ingredients go to the link in the description to support the channel and use code broken silicon to get 40 off your order if you order within 10 days."
"Join Connor twice a week on his eight-week get fit training plan."
"So it's great to just set up your environment such that it's going to promote the healthy choice."
"Football has the power to unite us, to bring positive development, and to promote good physical health."
"Football contributes in making active health and healthy lifestyle accessible for all people."
"This is building coordination, strength, endurance, and requires no equipment."
"Go forth, use this workout to help kids get healthier and stronger."
"You receive many of the benefits of elevated ketones, including a healthy metabolism and reduced cravings, without the strict diet of keto."
"Nutrition of whole plant-based foods minimizes disease and promotes health."
"Extra virgin olive oil: the natural anti-inflammatory that can save lives."
"Help us spread the word right now. We're going to teach you today the top 10 probiotic foods that everybody should be eating."
"Sunscreens are probably the most important skincare product that can really help fight off the signs of premature aging, fine lines, and just like skin damage in general."
"I help you take better care of your health, potentially or appearance or beauty or like whatever you want that value proposition to be."
"Facebook announcing it will no longer allow ads that discourage people from getting vaccines."
"Chris Boardman has been appointed the first ever cycling and walking commissioner working for active travel England, which is fantastic news."
"Prayer may help some people feel reassured when they are worried, but to me it makes more sense to spend one's time and energy on more constructive, health-promoting activities." - Stephen Barrett, MD
"By dismissing these powerful and natural remedies one risks missing out on the opportunity to combat inflammation at its roote and promote a healthier more resilient body."
"We need to encourage messages of lifestyle changes alongside immunization."
"We need to have more walking and less driving."
"My dream is that all the kids go home and get involved in sporting activities and then carry on losing weight."
"Why not exercise? Why not get sunlight, get the vitamin D, stay healthy?"
"Throw on your favorite active gear and go out and enjoy your beautiful planet."
"I wanted to do something that would benefit the community and the health of the community and something that would be here for generations to come."
"Create conditions to make health normalized."
"Spread health. So, I want to thank Vegan Linked and Jeff in particular for having me on this channel."
"You want to reduce cancer, diabetes, heart disease, inflammation in the joints, Alzheimer's."
"Starting off the list at number seven is ring fit adventure... what it does to encourage exercise is incredible."
"Bottom line: Being healthy is... absolutely."
"Major medical center promoting veganism in general? That's amazing!"
"What you've been doing for the past half hour is hitting Health home runs and that is why you are batting leadoff for our All-Stars of Health series."
"Serenity kids, serenity now, and sanity later. It's a hundred percent pasture-raised grass-fed beef with kale and sweet potatoes."
"It's crucial for our profession to acknowledge that and to start promoting it."
"There's some exercise for everybody... whether it's running, walking, skipping, or any other activity or sport they like doing."
"I've been promoting vacuum blending for years... make a difference... adopt it."
"Preserve antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients with vacuum blending."
"We're so proud to be supporting regenerative agriculture and helping you all eat nose to tail"
"Their overall message of eating more plants is something that I can totally get on board with."
"Helping people get healthy, that's what it's all about."
"I think exercise right now is highly funded, there's a lot of work going on, and that's one of the biggest things we have to put to the world."
"Incorporating a topical antioxidant in your skincare routine can help reduce the burden of oxidative stress."
"Keep healthy while you're growing, bodybuilding is a great sport."
"Cooking is one concrete behavior. We try to encourage people to eat less salt, less sugar, more vegetables... Several behaviors. And this is just one behavior that if we focus on it, so many benefits can come."
"Here's where the hard work is: changing the lifestyle to make it a healthy lifestyle so people can be healthy, prevent disease. If they do get sick then we help them change lifestyle because that can impact disease more than anything else."
"Water was also given out as a drink to promote hydration."
"Fasting seems like a promising and relatively safe way to promote your health."
"Here at HealthCo, we believe that your wellness matters."
"Listen, I endorse balance of nature here on the show, guess what you can have your pancakes and you take your balance of nature and you got your veggies."
"Visualizing your food grounding your energy, nourishing your body, and promoting health and vitality can go a long way toward pacifying the negative impacts of a vata-aggravating food."
"I'm all about balance; I promote cardio, I promote lifting weights."
"You're selling health. So I'm all in for this."
"We talk a lot about helping healthy people stay healthier, but that's really just one part of what we're hoping to do with the science."
"We're not going to get eight billion people eating healthier by shaming everybody."
"At the end of the day, you're doing good; you're helping not only the business owner but the employees there, their families, and then if it's a good business like a gym fitness studio, you're helping the client's clients as well change their lives, be healthier, live longer."
"Let's not solve this by telling people like eat your vegetables because it's good for you, let's solve this by making it sexy and cool."
"I would rather promote a healthy lifestyle before I promote vaccines."
"We've got an amazing workout here for you."
"This is a game to motivate exercise during a lockdown."
"Promoting good social development... is part of setting the platform for better health and narrowing of health inequalities later in life."
"We believe our purpose is to serve the public conversation; our desire is to promote health in that public conversation."
"If I can find a product that's a little bit healthier, that's a little bit lower in sodium, I'm definitely going to promote it."
"Public health researchers are working to make the environment work for our health, not against it."
"Plant-based diets reduce the risk that cancer will occur."
"Exercise at least one hour every day to promote health and decrease obesity."
"A huge part of what I wanted to do with this thing is just to get people out moving. I think it's really powerful."
"There are so many great foods out there that contain healthy bioactives that are good for you."
"Health promotion is one that is seen within the next 10 years as growing significantly above average."
"Intense exercise that leaves you breathless is also the best promoter of longevity."
"Exercise and proper nutrition are essential for health promotion and disease prevention."
"Libraries also offer free events for people of all ages, promoting health and wellness with yoga or walking groups, even trivia and game nights, all for free."
"Wellness should not just be the absence of disease; it should be promoting health."
"Encouraging people to engage in behaviors which will improve their health, like regular exercise, stopping smoking, and less drinking, is what we know will improve their health."
"My greater service in life is to promote health and get people involved in strongman."
"Oldways brings together experts from different fields; we develop practical and positive programs for consumers, health professionals, retail stores, chefs, food companies, providing reliable and credible information."
"Fabulous! I also love it when people want to know more about it because I'm just excited at the thought that we should help."
"Overall, we should be encouraging increased physical activity and dietary changes in this population."
"You should accept to be happy with whatever you look like, but you should be promoting a healthy body fat."
"Promote physical and mental health and prevent disease, injury, and disability."
"It's really about understanding the balance that needs to be created to promote health."
"We did see a nine percent reported increase in improved hand washing techniques."
"I'm Popeye the Sailor Man, eat your spinach, kids."
"The ultimate goal of patient education is the prevention of illness, promotion of wellness, and restoration of health."
"Promoting healthy eating and an active routine can ultimately have a positive impact on the long term and could lead to stroke avoidance."
"They are designed to help citizens choose diets that will meet nutrient requirements, promote health, support active lives, and reduce chronic disease risk."
"A nutritarian diet is scientifically designed to be maximally life-promoting."