
Unconscious Mind Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The unconscious mind is the supercomputer of the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"According to Carl Jung, water is a universal symbol of the unconscious mind."
"The only thing comparable to the realization that I could consciously change myself is the realization that my unconscious is most of me."
"Shadow work, as I understand it, is uncovering our unconscious which is like the major role in good psychotherapy."
"The unconscious mind is doing all of these things at the speed of light... what comes up from all of that is the conscious mind."
"Freud theorized that dreams represented a window into the unconscious mind."
"So, this is an illustration of how your unconscious mind helps you to see things in an environment that will make sense."
"Over the past two decades researchers have developed remarkable new tools for probing the unconscious or subliminal workings of the mind and this explosion of research has led to a sea change in our understanding of how the mind affects the way we live."
"The human mind does not act as a scientist who's analyzing data objectively and drawing a conclusion but your unconscious mind is more like a lawyer who looks at the conclusion that you want and adjusts the way that you look at the evidence to tend to support that conclusion."
"Our unconscious mind creates sincere beliefs and images of what's going on in the world, and we believe them as being real, but they're not necessarily based purely on data."
"Your unconscious doesn't need you to live a perfect life. It needs you to just do the best."
"One of the things that horror stories can do is to show us the archetypes of the unconscious: we can see the dark side without having to confront it directly."
"The beliefs that are in your unconscious mind are not buried, and they're not hidden."
"The task of individuation: establishing a dialogue with the fantasy figures or contents of the collective unconscious."
"Abstract images or ink blots were used to reveal the otherwise unknown or hidden dimensions of the unconscious mind."
"Dreams are impartial, spontaneous products of the unconscious psyche." - Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition
"Dreams are messages sent up from the unconscious." - Carl Jung, Seminar on Dreams
"I have created this sleep hypnosis session to help you discover your powerful unconscious mind's abilities to quickly create your better healing relief."
"The unconscious mind can't tell the difference between imagination and reality."
"Understanding ourselves through the lens of the unconscious mind includes an awareness of some of what's going on there but also an awareness that we're not aware of it all."
"Helping others is making your unconscious conscious."
"So if we can sense the emotion rising oftentimes they give us insights as to what's going on in the unconscious so tremendous amount of intuition and insight is available through our emotions."
"The unconscious, however, has taken note of them and such subliminal sense perceptions play a significant part in our everyday lives without our realizing it."
"Man's task is the exact opposite: to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious."
"It's the depths of the psyche, it's the unconscious uglies, it's the things you run away from, it's the things you don't want to see."
"The unconscious communicates through symbols common to all mankind but interpreted uniquely by each individual."
"Everything you perceive in this world is a projection of the unconscious mind."
"The anima and the animus are the light and dark aspects of the unconscious mind, and they desire to reunite at some point."
"The tarot is a set of deeply rich symbolic archetypal imagery that resonates with your unconscious mind."
"That's exactly right, so it turns out that the vast majority of what we think and do and believe is generated by parts of our brain that we have no acquaintance with, no access to at all."
"Shadow work is the process of making the unconscious conscious and the unacceptable acceptable."
"Dreams are incredibly meaningful. They're one of the primary ways that the unconscious discloses itself to us and brings us information that we can't really get any other way."
"Shadow work helps you become aware of what you are currently unconscious of."
"Dreams can be a doorway to the unconscious mind."
"Shadow, the unconscious part of you, mostly dark, mostly rejected, mostly denied."
"You might experience some things that kind of highlight some unconscious aspects of yourself."
"We have to transcend, we have to individuate from our own unconscious and from our own shadow."
"In deep sleep, the mind subsides of its own accord."
"The unconscious must be a factor in itself." - Carl Gustav Jung
"Expectation component that is even unconscious."
"When you use subliminals, you influence the unconscious mind."
"Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our life and we will just call it fate."
"You're craving love but at the same time, your unconscious mind is holding you back."
"Anything you say after the words 'I am' is true to your unconscious mind."
"No matter how orderly and safe the outside world is, the unconscious mind is the main source of our psychological problems."
"The unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between you talking about somebody else and you talking about yourself."
"Thus the modern discovery of the unconscious shuts one door forever; it definitely excludes the illusory idea so favored by some individuals that a man can know spiritual reality in itself."
"Whatever man's wholeness or the self may mean per se empirically, it is an image of the goal of life spontaneously produced by the unconscious irrespective of the wishes and fears of the conscious mind."
"Maybe the chaos of their unconscious mind would contaminate yours."
"You are rapidly and easily becoming a happy, calm, confident, accomplished person, and you owe it all to your best friend, your unconscious mind."
"...engaging with the unconscious mind and fostering open communication with it..."
"The task of therapy is to bring the unconscious into Consciousness, to enter into proper dialogical relationship with the self-organizing system of the unconscious mind."
"The unconscious is structured like a language."
"For me with shrooms it's just tapping into your unconscious and that's so exciting I love tapping into my unconscious."
"Lucid dreaming gives us a new way to explore the unconscious mind as well as understand the importance of dreaming."
"...the purpose of the method is to establish and maintain a dialogue with the unconscious."
"The unconscious specifically the collective unconscious are the depths."
"We live in a culture unfortunately that teaches us not to trust our unconscious mind and it devalues that side of us."
"I think I didn't realize how little I was learning of the psychology of being a psychiatrist, of the unconscious motivations in us."
"Consciousness is the tip of the iceberg. In fact, there's all of these archetypes in the collective unconscious which just mean he also called the objective unconscious."
"Ketu ultimately represents primarily our unconscious mind which in its finest and most beautiful form can give us access to our connection of the Divine and access to our intuition."
"Your unconscious mind has got everything inside you need to achieve anything you want."
"The process of allowing your unconscious mind to contribute to the 'aha' moment adds another layer of depth."
"There is such an intensity, the person has come to realize that they are being, their life is being run by the unconscious mind and they've had enough of it."
"If you're unsure, go with your gut. The answers are in your unconscious."
"...it helps us to look for it again and it helps us to ask that question how can I reprogram my unconscious mind."
"Creativity, I believe, real creativity comes from the unconscious promptings, from the unconscious."
"But what is Shadow work? Shadow work, basically working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you were afraid to hold from yourself."
"Everybody has an unconscious mind, and you can figure out things about it if you understand those principles and then look at how that's reflected in their behavior."
"Until we make the unconscious conscious, we could allow it to direct our life and call it fate."
"Seduction is a form of persuasion that seeks to bypass Consciousness stirring the unconscious mind instead."
"The truth about Shadow work is that it's understanding What Lies Beneath the surface, your unconscious, the things that you may not know about yourself or the things that are in your blind spot just out of your awareness."
"The unconscious mind and those early childhood experiences shape your personality and development."
"The unconscious processes of the brain dwarf the conscious mind, meaning that the part of us that we identify as 'I' is not really in control whatsoever."
"All psychologies begin from a recognition and an appreciation of the unconscious."
"Unless the unconscious can be conscious, you will always suffer and you will always call it fate."
"...every night the most rational people in the world still have dreams... acknowledging the images and feelings of a dream allows the unconscious to slowly introduce something at least on a feeling level."
"It's the gateway to the unconscious realm and the key to becoming your true self."
"We do not have control over the unconscious mind and perhaps in some strange way it has control over us."
"I believe that I'm in touch with my unconscious mind."
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will continue to direct your life."
"Your body is your unconscious mind; it does not know the difference between the actual experience that produces the emotion and the emotion that you fabricate by thought alone."
"The most important thing with hypnosis is gaining the cooperation of the unconscious mind."
"It will show you how to access more unconscious and primitive layers of intelligence."
"Our dreams and our unconscious, what's there are archetypes, that there's something that all of us share."