
Life Pace Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"We can control the speed at which we experience life. We can slow things down or we can speed our experience of life up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In general, in our culture, people are too much in a hurry."
"To allow the speed of your life without fighting it and to find the slowness in it."
"Life is happening fast, and we're really busy as a human race. Figuring out how to be more present more often... the stakes could not be higher."
"Life comes at you fast; if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you might miss it."
"Everything moves so [__] fast, and I'm with Scatman John; I want to be a human being, not a human doing."
"Life happens fast, and if you don't stop and smell the roses, it'll fly right past you."
"We're rushing for what we don't even know. What are we rushing for, exactly?"
"If the pace of your life causes you to rush past moments with the Holy Spirit, you're moving too fast."
"It's like when you surrender the attempt to dictate the speed of the experience that's when the real experience can begin."
"There's something so nice about not feeling like you have to do something or have to go somewhere."
"You got this! Life's so fast, you gotta just chill and get off of social media too, 'cause it actually is cancer."
"I think it's like when life slows down and you have meaningful conversations with people that have nothing to do with media tweets none of that those are the real meaningful moments."
"You've got to let things happen at its own pace."
"I've been advocating for this since day one: some of y'all need to slow the [ __ ] down."
"Take it easy, slow down the pace, and accept that slowing down as being vital."
"Crypto comes at you quick, life comes at you fast, and now we've got a crash we're dealing with."
"Slow down, because you do not make good decisions when you're going fast."
"It's a powerful time for rest and reflection, not necessarily trying to be in action and change everything all at once."
"Life comes at you faster than you think it does."
"How fast you go is determined by how much you grow."
"In our world that moves at a million miles an hour, Ferris Bueller's wisdom still rings true: 'Life moves pretty fast.'"
"We all aspire to do things and achieve dreams, whether they be minor or major, and at times we may feel like we’re in a rush to get there."
"Life's just moving real fast, you know, and it's like sometimes you just gotta take a step back."
"Life is not about rushing, life is not about hustle culture."
"Life is busy, life is crazy, time is precious."
"It's kind of nice sometimes to be forced to slow down and take in the beauty that's around you, and this road will force you to do that."
"You're feeling like things are going kind of fast here."
"There's no rush, everybody's journey is different."
"They were more relaxed, like they were walking up a ladder instead of my family seemed like they were running on a treadmill."
"Sometimes we need a slower pace. It helps us navigate the way and see things we wouldn't rushing."
"It's time to contemplate, slow down, let go, find meaning, and experience peace."
"Slow down, do not be in a rush. Life doesn't wait for anybody. Even when we want things to happen now, things happen in divine timing."
"Back off your mind, let go, slow down, and surrender."
"You realize just how much of a privilege it is and how fast you can grow."
"It's not about speed but about growth. It's a journey, not a race."
"It's hard to keep track of how fast we're moving because it's every day."
"Slow and steady is going to be much better. You're going to gain a lot more insight from the experience."
"I don't even know where the time has gone, it has been flying by."
"Take your time with this life, don't grow up too fast and don't believe some of the information out here that they're really putting out about who you are and what our culture is."
"Life comes at you fast. Life comes at you really fast."
"Life is speeding up, and it feels like you're just gliding along the road. It's an open road, a sense of freedom and flow."
"Don't wait for the world to slow down, take the time now."
"I've been going around taking these quick breaths treating my life that way, and I wasn't slowing down enough in life to take a deep breath and let it come to me."
"It's remarkable and frightening how quickly time moves on."
"Since the years start coming and they don't stop coming."
"Take it slow. Enjoy the experience. This will leave more room for fulfillment and a solid connection."
"Slow down, calm down, you've got your whole life ahead of you."
"You got more time than you probably feel like you do."
"Patience allows you to remain calm and composed even when things are not moving as quickly as you'd like."
"Life demands that you pick up the pace. If you don't pick up the pace, you're going to be left behind."
"The mountains provide areas for stillness, reflection, exercise, and recovery from the hurried pace of life."
"You don't have to rush, do whatever you're ready."
"Life is happening very quickly, but many new beginnings are taking place."
"Life is better when you go slow because your friends can be there with you."
"Just take your time, you know, don't rush through it."
"Life goes by fast, if you blink you'll miss it."
"Slow it down, become the witness, savor the happiness."
"You're not ahead of or behind anyone. You're exactly where you need to be."
"It's been kind of nice not to chase something every week."
"At what point do we slow down and understand?"
"Stop and smell the flowers... take your time."
"Life moves fast, people. Sit back and enjoy it when you can."
"Life happens too fast, like I can't believe it's... I just want to sit here for the rest of my life."
"Not everything has to be rushed on anyone else's time but your own."
"Our tracks were meant to be slowed down today and we just have to embrace that."
"Life is speeding up, you're on the fast track to progress, let it shine, freedom is yours."
"I wish I took more time to kind of savor each moment because it just happened."
"At the end of the day, you might have the last laugh because by slowing down you might get to see more of the scenery."
"Sometimes it's not about how fast you move in life, it's about moving at a pace that's appropriate for you."
"Life on the ave's ich...when you just slow it down, live a little simpler..."
"Life happens fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
"This is your life you want to be a victim that's fine but you get off to the side of the road okay we're going fast around here and you're at a dead stop."
"They see you as someone who's maybe raced ahead through life."
"Slow and steady wins the race. There will be moments when things speed up, and that might be scary but also exciting."
"Life's too fast, you've gotta learn to live it slow."
"You just gotta slow down a little bit, you know this isn't a race."
"The pace of life... it really has hit home with me."
"Like sometimes you just need a minute."
"There's no race. We all are on a different path. Do things at your own pace."
"I never took a thing. I never had time."
"You're realizing that we all do things in our own time."
"I want to move at the speed of purpose. I don't want to move at the speed of my gift or the speed of my flesh."
"Life literally goes by so fast... I don't want anyone to like get so caught up in chasing, chasing, chasing that they don't really have the chance to live in the moment."
"What's the rush? Like, let's slow down. Why does everyone need to become a consultant or like, you know, become a millionaire by the time they're 30? Just chill, have a breather, enjoy life."
"Life is not a speedy race; it's supposed to go slow and steady."
"Sometimes we just gotta take it slow and steady."
"I feel like my weeks are going by crazy fast."
"In general, life is just more relaxed."
"Slow films can serve as a temporary respite, an experience of time that is not dictated by deadlines and rushes and points of arrival."
"If you're always rushing, the good things will never catch up to you."
"In rebuilding a broken world, we will have the chance to choose a less hurried life."
"Just take it easy, it's not something that you want to rush."
"Being able to accept your pace in life and not compare it to other pace of people you know people you don't know and allowing it to energize you versus discourage you."
"I wish it would all just stop, or at least just slow down."
"I'm in no rush. If it comes to me, then it comes to me. If not, it doesn't matter. I can wait."
"I think the biggest thing I've learned is to just chill and go really slow, be really gentle."
"We'll see, there is no need for me to kind of rush into things, I'll just take it easy."
"The only way I can address that is two words which is slow down. Take your time."
"If you don't slow down and just smell the roses once in a while, you wake up and all of a sudden you're 32."
"You can take your time; there's no rush on anything. Take a breath, take a break, we're gonna be okay."
"I just don't want anyone to ever rush themselves or ever feel pressured to do everything so fast."
"I feel more mindful, more grounded in the present, just more okay with the actual pace of life."
"You know how sometimes like everything around you is moving faster than what you can keep up? That's how I feel."
"In reality, the world just keeps moving faster and faster, and before you know it, it's all over in the blink of an eye."
"We all move at different speeds in different areas; that's how life is."
"Where are the weeks going? Everything just seems to be going full-speed at the moment."
"I'm not rushing it, I'm taking it slow."
"I love how they slowed down for us, so I really appreciate it."
"Never feel like you're behind in life; you're not behind."
"The Valley of the Moon, where life moves slower and moments like fine wine are savored."
"She did not see that living life like a race and spending every day consumed with such haste meant she had missed out on the beauty of dreaming and learning what it truly means to be a human being."
"Justice at the speed of life, but ultimately it's more important to get it right."
"There's a lot to observe when we just kind of stop and slow down."
"You really want to just take your time and enjoy things that you normally wouldn't."
"Everything is fast, nobody's in a rush, you gotta slow down, you have to take time."
"Life is better when you take your time."
"Exist slowly and tenderly and gratefully."
"Life in general is just flying by, so I feel like for us personally, having a routine is super important."
"Time is going too fast, and I wanted to slow down."
"I swear time goes so quickly, I don't know how to keep track."
"We shouldn't always be trying to do things faster just to do twice as much."
"We move much slower through everything and take it all in, and leave space for gratitude."
"Life is moving fast and with life moving fast, there's people moving around you."
"It's important to slow down and enjoy the adventure."
"Life goes very fast; it don't stop for nobody."
"The pace of life is conducive for growth."
"For once in my life, I'm not in a hurry."
"Baseball moves at the speed of life, there's no clock that runs out."
"I've learned to stop running. Who is chasing you? Why are you running?"
"It's not about that; it's about taking your time."
"My only advice is just to take things slowly."
"I don't wanna live life fast, 100 miles per hour might crash, 'cause it's a good die young."
"I've got so much time, I've got all the time in the world."
"You can't live life in the fast lane all the time."
"It's really not a race to the finish line."
"You see a lot more when you slow down."
"It's therapeutic, it's just getting back to kind basics. We our lives are running too fast."
"I was happy to take life at my very own pace."
"Take everything ten times slower."
"Feeling how life just slowed down when I was out there."
"Life constantly getting faster and faster is a terrifying prospect."
"Life is speeding up, slow and steady wins the race."
"You made it when you realize that you're not in a race to get anywhere."
"Everyone has their own story and everyone's doing everything at their own pace, so there's no right or wrong timing."
"Take your time, you know. It's not a sprint."
"It's like a cold morning and you wake up, and then it hits you that you got nothing to do today, and then you roll over and press the snooze button and just get all warm and go back."
"Life slows down, and you find yourself thinking remarkably clearly."
"Being in a place like this is a reminder that we need to slow down and actually live."
"Let go of the requirement or of the necessity to have things happen to you quickly."
"Let's really start to focus on slowing everything down."
"It was nice to go slow, take my time."
"One of the things I loved about it is that we felt like our life was speeding by and all of a sudden it's slowing down again."
"Life moves at the speed of relationship."
"It's not a race... there's nothing wrong with relaxing and taking your time."
"Sometimes when you want to hurry up, you need to slow down."
"You can't let other people set the pace for your life."
"What speed are you supposed to enjoy life at?"
"Don't feel pressured or in a rush to keep up with everybody because that's not realistic, that's not everyone's life."
"I'm so happy, like, I always like... sometimes I just, I'm going too fast that I don't ever stop and smell the roses."
"Don't feel rushed to live life because that's how I felt, and I don't understand why I felt that way."
"It's okay to give yourself a break and just live your life at your own pace sometimes."
"To move forward, sometimes you just have to slow down."
"Everything's changing... it's quite an overwhelming thing, but you just go with the pace that you need to go at."
"You're in control of your destiny, you dictate your pace."
"You're all moving at different speeds on your timeline; the energy is always there."
"Happiness: to slow down, please do you know how."
"Life feels a lot slower now that I am not constantly consuming social media."
"Sometimes you got to slow down, man."
"Time gets away from you very quickly."
"I'm just happy we got to slow down for a bit."
"Life will fly by if you're going at that pace all the time, and then you look back and realize how much you really missed."
"It's not about doing it fast, I think it's about enjoying the process."
"The hustle and bustle of life seems to slow down just a little bit."
"Life is so fast that you need to sit down and really just take it in and express how grateful you are for it."
"Time travels in divers paces with divers persons."
"Life is so fast-paced, and I can feel myself growing older as the days go on."
"Taking our time with every step and just enjoying and relishing everything."
"It ain't a race; there's some wisdom in that."
"You have so much time, don't speed it."
"Sometimes slow and steady is the way to go."
"Life moves so fast, it's like we get bored quick."
"This [stuff] a marathon, not a race, twin, so slow down, enjoy life, and that's what I do."
"Just focus on living, focus on finding out who you are and what you like, and stop rushing so many things in life."
"Sometimes life moves pretty fast."
"It's a great feeling to not feel compelled to rush."
"Sometimes the Lord will basically slow you down."
"Life was moving so fast... it forced me to take inventory of my emotional state."
"It all locks in its own pace when it's ready."
"Everyone has their own timetable."
"You need to kind of pause and soak it up and think about what's going on."
"You can't hear in a hurry, you can't sleep in a hurry, you can't love in a hurry."
"Be present in the moment, slow down and let go of the busyness and frantic pace of life."
"We recognized long ago the importance of a slower pace of life."
"Everyone has different paces of life, and you don't have to rush."
"I'm 23, I'm in college, I'm living my life, I'm moving at my right pace."
"Life travels so fast, if you don't stop to look at it, you might just miss it."
"Everybody grows at a different pace."
"We all get into a bad habit of racing to find what we can, but sometimes you just need to take it slowly."
"Sometimes you may need to slow down."