
Performance Optimization Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"Learning to control your core body temperature is one of the most, if not the most powerful thing that you can do to optimize mental and physical performance, regardless of the environment that you're in."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's it's the coolest thing and so they've been tweaking performance, they've been tweaking trajectories."
"We want to have control over our memory and that is how we get performance."
"It is essential to restart Android smartphones at least once a week... for optimum performance."
"Instead of dropping down to the sustained PL1 limit immediately, Adaptix adjusts the PL1 limit over time to maximize performance based on the limits of the system, and these limits are typically thermal limits."
"The all-new Hayabusa is equipped with the latest electronic control systems designed to optimize performance characteristics to match the needs of the moment."
"Proceed with caution, not just to reduce the risk element, which of course that does control and help, but it's also about generating the best results because we need to train, but we must rest."
"Every day we should be looking for minutes, even are there things we can do that will make our performance even better, even stronger."
"Streamline your system for maximum efficiency."
"TJ Miller does no wrong for me I think I loved him in Silicon Valley I think him being cast as an internet troll in the future is unbelievably just like perfect casting."
"Game mode prioritizes performance and reduces latency with wireless accessories."
"To maximize your effectiveness as a gamer, it's always a good tip to turn your graphics settings down."
"Just getting a high-end gaming laptop GPU doesn't mean you're gonna get the most performance."
"That's what it's all about, is not leaving performance on the table."
"Optimizing your critical CSS can be a bit of a time investment but is something that can just make sure that your page is getting styled as soon as possible."
"The main thing I think that console games need to rely on is stuff like dynamic resolution scaling and or reconstruction those are so critical to achieving good image quality and good performance on these machines."
"Shader on demand compilation: cutting down on excessive wait times for Shader compilation."
"Couldn't the dnsses all work together to adjust themselves to hit a Target flame rate the quote unquote Auto setting in dlss 2 seems to be just another name for performance at 4K output resolution which is exactly what it is exactly right."
"So there you have it, guys, there is the 2017 updated version of the CS:GO ultimate FPS increase guide. I go ahead and put a ton of research into these guides for not just CS:GO but plenty of other games as well."
"Helping you achieve the very best FPS possible, regardless of your system specs."
"NVIDIA Reflex low latency mode is toggling an option that's essentially free in terms of frame rate."
"Understanding how many people have visited your site, how long they have spent on each page, will give you invaluable insights on your overall website performance."
"This video is going to help you guys achieve the very best FPS possible, increasing overall visual fidelity."
"Leveraging digital technology seeks out ways to optimize organizational and individual performance."
"Turn off the losers and leave on the winners. See we're always trying to beat our best result."
"Focus your builds on first unlocking tuning options and getting the right tires, suspension, and transmission setup."
"For the best performance possible, these are going to be my recommended settings."
"When it comes to quality score, it can take some time to improve your historic click-through rate. Focus on account structure and make sure your keywords are relevant."
"We're getting the best out of these players."
"Every training session every mesocycle microcycle everything you do is setting yourself up so that at the meet you have the best possible result."
"Sony's focused on how can we get the best looking best performing games."
"We believe that technology and the infrastructure already support ramping up things like way higher resolutions and higher frame rates and better lighting."
"This is going to be a very pretty high definition game running at 60 frames."
"Spider-Man 2 offers a variety of configurations, from 4K High Fidelity to performance modes targeting 60 FPS or 40 FPS."
"If you really want to make your code fast, it is possible to modify the assembly code by hand."
"I'd rather play control with rt than without RT and the best way to enjoy the experience is with dlss and higher frame rates right that's my take on it so yeah."
"Adjust NVIDIA settings, set low latency mode, prefer maximum performance."
"Adjust Fortnite in-game settings for best performance."
"Set resolution to native or highest available, cap FPS if needed."
"Everything's ready, the rebuild is done, new bars, controls set back correctly, new pipe."
"Achieve a fantastic FPS boost across the board."
"The usual rule of thumb is one task per physical core on the machine."
"If you're coming into this... you might want to play games that have come out in the past two three four years that have traditionally said... maybe not dx12 maybe that's not where we're going to get performance where our current players are."
"We're going for the best possible performance that we can get."
"Ultimate FPS increase guide for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, allowing you guys to achieve the very best FPS possible."
"Optimize gaming experience by adjusting graphics settings."
"The contra-rotating props on the c-fire 47 were able to absorb the power of the griffin engine with less blade length than either a 4 or 5 bladed prop and do it efficiently."
"It pretty much guaranteed all new games had at least a 60 FPS mode and I've become pretty accustomed to that now."
"Being that we're using these two AMD products in the computer, the computer can take advantage of the shared PCIe 4.0 capability and AMD Smart Access Memory, which optimizes the computer's performance."
"There's something to be said for the correct amount of downtime in a speed run that allows you to play at your best."
"This engine can operate in the mode that optimizes efficiency and it can then switch modes later into a mode that optimizes performance."
"It's about just getting the best result possible when the opportunity presents itself."
"There's a new mod for Cyberpunk 2077 that tries to improve performance while still using the path tracing or RT overdrive mode."
"Compiler optimizations involve finding higher-level properties of the program to improve performance."
"Performance updates promised post-launch due to optimization issues."
"Angular apps saw a reduction of 30% in bundle size."
"Overclockers are trying to take advantage of that headroom."
"It's a lot better running and looking game due to the fixes."
"We had to absolutely nail the usability and the speed."
"In order to prevent that, we need to make use of an index buffer..."
"The CPU limitation means that most of the settings in the game menu will not at all help with performance for most users."
"Turning down [volumetric fog] is a nice way to increase performance without much visual sacrifice."
"It's important to formulate a strategy that maximizes your percentage of results."
"Right now we want to fine-tune the optimal way of playing."
"The advantage of a PC... is that you can tweak the options to allow you to get better performance in certain areas."
"I love the idea of maximizing the performance out of a very beginner level rig like this."
"And there you guys have it, that is the ultimate FPS increase guide for Apex Legends Season 9."
"Dynamic module imports let you import code only when you actually need it, improving performance and reducing unnecessary downloads."
"I like to make the game look as good as it possibly can while still running great."
"Always play on full screen. Full screen will always get you the lowest input delay."
"Maximize your mouse's polling rate for lightning-fast response times."
"Optimizing your power plan is key to unlocking peak performance."
"The Intelligent Standby List Cleaner tool is a game-changer for reducing input latency and optimizing RAM usage."
"We dropped almost 70 processes, that's insane."
"Intense personal suffering doesn't lead to optimal performance."
"I think the game will run very smooth with this kind of setting for the next-gen consoles and people will love to play the Crisis One, Crisis Two, and Crisis Remastered on the next-gen consoles."
"Why spend all this money on other things with an RTX 3070 and not get a monitor that's going to allow us to take advantage of that graphics card?"
"Time spent chasing performance gains is usually time poorly spent."
"You want to maximize performance while minimizing costs, but that's easier said than done."
"Consider using service worker. In 2017, if you aren't considering using service worker, you're leaving potential performance wins on the table."
"Consider using PRPL pattern: prioritize loading code that a user is immediately going to use."
"Precision Boost Overdrive can help you eke out every last percentage point of performance out of your CPU."
"That's how you're gonna make sure your facebook ad performance does not get throttled."
"GPU overclocking is about squeezing every last frame out of your system."
"Custom frame rate limits ensure optimal performance without unnecessary strain on your GPU."
"You're going to get huge performance benefits by data locality and storing information together."
"Turn off every unnecessary Windows option and setting that is running in the background to increase performance drastically."
"Bullet velocity is so important in this game if you see 100 bullet velocity in the attachments definitely use it."
"Do what you find optimizes your performance."
"Know what your MRV is... making the fastest improvement without training too hard."
"A couple of tips for those of you playing the game on a weaker pc that are hoping to get some improved performance."
"Let's just make sure we win single, dual, and quad threading workloads by as much as possible."
"Using the clock object in pi game helps limit the frame rate and ensures consistent gameplay speed."
"If this bike had 50 to 100 more cc's it would be in that magic moment."
"Capcom Vancouver was able to have zero load times within the game and have a full open world."
"Do a bunch of tiny jumps, always try to get perfect landing."
"The simplified checkbox allows you to set a lot of different parameters that can reduce the computational weight of your scene when you go to render it."
"This GPU in this laptop is really meant for 1080p 60fps gaming with high settings."
"It really is very very important to make sure you're optimizing your cylinder head for the engine you're building."
"By fine-tuning your technique, you can increase your stimulus to fatigue ratio."
"The pure impact of having a front intake fan and a rear exhaust fan, how important that traditional setup is if it's unobstructed with an actually good case."
"So, what would give you better performance? What would make that additional mod ability not come at the cost of the game's fundamental functionality? Well, a remaster."
"It's important to note they don't imply that AKC's getting bad roads or driving badly. All it is testament to is just how much you can get out of this game's engine and the mechanics."
"Transitioning between dopamine and serotonin systems can boost performance."
"And finally, because your VR experience is always better with higher frame rates, you're going to be able to play these games at 120 hertz."
"Designed for enthusiasts, people who want the most out of their gaming experience."
"It is vital to make sure that you are running on the correct Windows power plan."
"Each successive model offers increasingly powerful performance allowing users to select the optimal balance of intelligence, speed, and cost."
"With all my safety strats and other optimizations, I think I'm seeing myself getting like 105, 106 maybe 104, I don't know we'll see."
"Persistence will actually show that you have balls and will turn those girls on."
"Between the years of 2002 and 2004 there was one Goldeneye speed runner that essentially ushered in a new age of movement optimization."
"Experimenting with suspension settings can maximize your riding experience."
"Dirt 5 is also confirmed to have 120 frames per second support on Xbox Series X and also PlayStation 5...delivering more frames to assess the breaking point of a corner..."
"You can switch over to GPU and get the best out of it."
"Knowing which curves to use is key to a really fast lap time."
"Performance matters, it can sometimes feel like a secret discovering where to start optimizing."
"We're going to take this all the way up to 5000."
"RB Kings so we try and ultimately make everything that we can."
"Stream Connect: making split-screen multiplayer without any performance penalty."
"Expect higher frame rates, textures, anti-aliasing—you can choose whichever resolution you want to play at."
"When you need a thousand things to go exactly perfectly for you to have a chance to beat your PB."
"Achieving the best fps possible alongside reducing input latency, cleaning up the image, and allowing for a much more competitive, fast, snappy, and responsive gameplay experience."
"These settings will give you guys the best balance of visual fidelity, FPS, and removing some of the clutter within the screen."
"Celeste plays perfectly fine after updating a couple components."
"Optimizing its behavior depending on the title you're playing."
"Fine-tuning can allow you to often achieve a level of performance that would be impossible without fine-tuning."
"Shows you just how much performance you can squeeze out of these very basic starting approaches."
"You want to give yourself the best chance possible."
"This is what makes React super powerful and super fast because if we use state, it knows automatically all the small little changes that changed and it's only gonna re-render that part which makes it super fast."
"Streaming setup goals: optimized for peak performance and visual appeal."
"Absolutely, that's the whole reason for going there. There's our main reason for going to the Nordschleife was to actually be able to tune it so that we could do that."
"Wasted movement is the absolute worst thing in these games."
"Training splits establish that performance rhythm that then enables your coach and yourself as an athlete to really lead to that monster response that you want to get when you're competing inside whatever sport that you're doing."
"It's a great time to be a gamer, the best hardware ever with literally almost no bottlenecks in it for the first time ever in console gaming."
"Having faster memory is a great way to get more performance out of your Rison processor."
"I need to be on point every competition." - Cynthia Gautier
"Most of the time, 80 or more should be spent below the first ventilatory threshold or endurance zone in order to maximize results."
"Why wouldn't it run at 60?... it can be done very gracefully."
"A driver dropped from Nvidia heavily reduced hitching in combat, making the gameplay experience smoother."
"Turn down textures and settings for better performance."
"Developers want that great on-deck badge, so they make sure that their games are optimized as such, making the experience way easier for us."
"If you have a 10 out of 10 comp but you can only execute it 20% of its efficiency, then you're better off playing a three out of 10 comp at 100% efficiency."
"Columnar database reduces file size and allows for quick calculations."
"If you have a bottleneck in performance, consider replacing with cuDF."
"If you want the most value and most possible performance..."
"Any joint to not only build resilience and prevent injury but also to massively improve performance."
"Our mission is you write AI programs and it compiles performantly and we're starting to crack that properly."
"If you want your code to run faster, do less."
"Turns out in order to unlock maximum performance from your mind and body you need chaos but a certain kind of chaos dealt with in the right way."
"Starfield did get a separate surprise update just yesterday and this may improve your performance if you do have an Nvidia GPU."
"There is actually a very effective way of getting deep large neural networks to perform very well on human-level AI tests."
"Every small possible advantage is the only way you're going to separate yourself."
"If you're not training your glutes maximally, they're not going to be getting the most out of your athletic performance."
"We want to essentially provide the same developer experience that you're used to with Angular but with much better performance that the modern world expects out of, like, internet running on mobile devices."
"If we can get that octane up, we can raise the octane in the cylinder, we can run more timing, and be a lot more controlled burn, and we can get a lot more horsepower from it."
"Because we ran the Tron script now everything is relatively responsive."
"Agile approach puts a focus on achieving desired outcomes and optimizing performance."
"You always get included a baseline performance of 3,000 IOPS and 125 megabytes per second, and you can configure the maximum IOPS and throughput that you want so that you aren't paying for performance that you don't need."
"It's a great way to strike the right balance between power and volume."
"Even with Bun, which I assume is super optimized... there's still actually performance left on the table."
"When you do these types of performance optimizations you also have to essentially build up a deeper understanding of the tools and libraries that you are using in order to really benefit from these optimizations."
"Heavy limitations have been imposed on how extensions can work in the name of performance."
"If you're doing C++ s simd is interesting for you because you care for performance."
"Get as much RAM as you can afford."
"You get a huge potential performance boost by bringing your data together."
"Tapering is key to make sure you're on best form for the race itself."
"It's a fundamental design goal of ZGC to reduce the amount of tuning required to optimize performance."
"All the GC work has been moved out of the pauses so it doesn't matter how big the Heap is or how large the live set is."
"Lazy loading is a technique allowing the deferred loading of certain parts of an Angular application, reducing initial load time and improving performance."
"In my next video, I am going to talk in detail about column store index and how it helps in improving performance for analytical queries. Stay tuned."
"You get two to three times the performance, but for only about 50% more power."
"So, if you're new to them, you're probably afraid that if I use a lot of this meta programming stuff, my compile times are going to slow down, and you're absolutely correct because anything you use, you're going to pay for. But how much do you have to pay for it?"
"Ultimately, what does that mean for us as the owner operator of the aircraft? Well, it means you're going to have overall improved performance, you're going to have reduced maintenance and reduced maintenance costs as we'll talk about the longevity of the unit."
"So in order to really improve the performance of this quad, we need to get rid of these first two modes before we can really unleash the full performance of the frame."
"Your database is just a stack of 8K pieces of paper."
"If we increase by another order of magnitude to 100 billion rows, we can see that actually the compute time has gone down to a very small amount."
"It is important equally for application developers to have a strong grip of SQL Server performance concepts."
"It's your One-Stop shop if you want to absolutely kill it in real-world speed."
"So, in order to reduce latency, I'm going to talk to you about a few techniques we've discovered that allow us to really rein in the long tail of latency without increasing the performance cost of the system too much."
"Whether it's optimizing performance or automating mundane tasks, source generators offer endless possibilities for enhancing your codebase."
"When performance improves in Snowflake, that's closely tied to cost, and that means that when we make performance optimizations in the system, your costs can go down—it's free money."
"...they've thought of everything to make sure that the high-quality components inside stay cool and operate at their best."
"Move heavy-duty tasks to child processors or worker threads."
"Ensure that heavy-duty tasks are handled in child processors or worker threads."
"Let's create a functionality where we can manually set FPS (frames per second) for the animation speed of our Sprite sheet."
"So, we've done a lot there in theory of what the correct biomechanics are from both a stress fracture point of view in terms of what's bad and what's good from a performance point of view."
"Use your GPU. If you've got the option, make sure you're using that."
"Object pool design pattern solves performance issues caused by memory allocation and garbage collection processes when we are quickly creating and discarding many objects."
"By running this in an async fashion, it actually runs very quickly."
"It turns out you would have a model with really interesting properties. It scales really well because you can take all these things and put them on one CPU or put them on a million CPUs and they work exactly the same."
"You often want to look at Miss ratio to determine whether your cache is operating efficiently or not."
"Lazy loading helps Spark in its performance optimization."
"Using a UUID version that supports ordering can mitigate some of the performance and storage impacts."
"Table partitioning is a powerful feature to optimize the performance of data load and data query."
"This is going to lead to faster initial loads for applications and just increase performance."
"This is where we're headed with human performance and optimization."
"The CPU is optimized for minimal latency, so you want to be able to quickly switch between different operations, and the GPU is optimized for throughput."
"The other main benefit of a hash table is extremely fast inserts and retrievals."
"And after we get done building it, we'll talk about the performance side."
"Utilizing warm start... you can inherit that parent tuning job."