
Health Effects Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I'm really intrigued by the data on L-carnitine, both for women and men in terms of egg quality, sperm quality, fertility, and a bunch of other interesting effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a lot of science-based evidence... of the effects that sound has on your entire system, on your physical body, your mental body, your emotional states, your immune system."
"At the end of the day, it's a rather lengthy list of what substance abuse can do to your brain."
"Prolonged exposure to SCP-292 can cause nausea, migraines, vertigo, hallucinations, seizures, and symptoms consistent with temporal disjunction, somatic, psychological, or both."
"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression, fatigue, mood changes, feelings of hopelessness and sadness."
"If you skip meals, it's gonna have such a negative effect on your body."
"The science is very clear on this stuff; it can have a really profound effect."
"The body’s natural reaction to being poisoned by alcohol is the dreaded hangover."
"It's totally natural and it's fine, but long-term it has some effects."
"How addictive sugar is and all the ways it negatively affects our bodies."
"Sugar does exactly the same thing so we know mechanically how that works."
"During stage two of SCP-742 effects to the nervous system causes the infected subject to ravenously consume large quantities of protein-rich food."
"Simply the power of belief, the power of like new information of being told 'yep what you're doing is going to have this effect on you' made that effect a reality."
"Weight gain happens when we consume artificial sweeteners."
"There are still a lot of people suffering post-vaccine effects post-infection effects and we need to help these people as much as we can."
"Potions of poison make our hearts green and slowly kill us until we're at one half heart."
"Long covet is the persistence of symptoms beyond the initial infection."
"Sugar is linked to... mental health challenges, diseases, weight gain."
"Black coffee's mild diuretic effect can help eliminate excess sodium and waste products from the body, potentially preventing issues like fluid retention."
"Sugary and processed foods have short-term and long-term effects on the brain, gut, and immune system."
"High levels of insulin will also make you more hungry because if you experience lack... now your body is desperately going to try to make you eat more."
"Lots of sugar. So it's pretty much sugary water."
"Literally switch overnight and they don't have bubble guts at all."
"Maybe they are using the stove a lot, there are studies that show even levels as low as three parts per million carbon monoxide regularly can cause some respiratory ailments and mental impairment."
"The reality was every single morning I'd be bloated as fudge balls obviously I'm getting bloated just now I'd be so bloated after drinking all this I had a banana baby."
"Maybe you lose more weight faster because it might make you a little sick."
"This is a virus that does seem to have some lingering effects in a portion of the population."
"It's not just about fiber satiating you, fiber does really interesting things in your body."
"By just touching one of these new frogs, you could wind up with a number of different potion effects."
"So far they're we haven't seen really any adverse effects."
"In blocking LDL production, we've short-circuited the body's repair process within the endothelial system."
"These same technologies that can create Havana syndrome type bad effects can be used for healing and for good effects."
"Visceral fat weakens muscles, causing abdominal protrusion."
"Caffeine has a quarter life of 12 hours, meaning that if you drink coffee at 9 in the morning, at 9 o'clock at night, you've still got a quarter of that caffeine in your system."
"Caffeine constricts blood vessels, part of what we see under the eye as a shadow."
"What happens to our bodies when we don't get enough sleep? It's not just that we're tired."
"We are accumulating oxalate every time we eat it."
"Right about to go on a run now, gonna see if I feel any effects from the Beet smoothie."
"Anytime she'd get the vegetable oil going to fry the Puri in, my throat immediately would feel inflamed."
"So what is inflammation anyway and why does it make us sick and fat well inflammation can be a good thing right it's part of your body's own defense mechanism if you have a cold or an infection you bang yourself inflammation helps your body heal."
"Racism can make us sick, which is exactly what happened to George Floyd."
"They're destroying our society, they're destroying our country, they're destroying the economy, and it has many mental, negative, and physical effects on people as well that aren't good."
"As your immune system is trying to get rid of this bugger, it's creating collateral damage."
"Blue light can cause a lot of free radicals in the skin and is also playing a major role in hyperpigmentation."
"Highly likely what else is going to give him the absolute runs."
"Coffee actually reduced depression by about a third overall... probably due to the antioxidants and the anti-inflammatory compounds found in coffee."
"Unhealthy foods counteract the benefits of healthy foods with those processed or foods that are high in animal products."
"I've lost my smile. I've lost my taste. That sucks."
"Fructose will basically cause destruction of those tight junctions and causes them to be transiently dysfunctional."
"Scientists across the world have run incredible experiments showing that when your glucose levels are not steady, there's too much glucose in your system, so many things start happening."
"Just five days a month of the fasting mimicking diet is able to reverse all the problematic effects of this high-fat, high-calorie diet."
"...another example of tea-mediated health effects that don't even require the tea crossing the intestinal barrier and entering the bloodstream, it all happens right in your gut."
"Air pollution affects us in ways we never imagined."
"Alcohol consumption compromises muscle protein synthesis and hydration."
"During the 1990s studies found that soldiers who had witnessed nuclear tests experienced higher rates of several types of cancers."
"Cigarette smokers and alcoholics look so old because their behaviors, their poor diets, and their poor choices create more free radicals."
"Methamphetamine does not cause sudden rises in blood pressure but works more gently and lasts longer."
"At real-world levels of pesticides that you find in kids, you see ADHD, memory problems, low IQ, learning disabilities."
"Mercury is a neurotoxin, it causes brain cancer among other things."
"A powerful radio signal that may be affecting human health has been monitored."
"Researchers have tried to stay on the ball to all the different health effects that COVID-19 coronavirus infections have."
"So beans have like a 24 hour effect in that regard like a long lasting effect they're like a time release capsule so to speak I mean that's pretty incredible."
"Gluten-sensitive individuals can often experience deficiencies in B vitamins, vitamin A, C, D, E, and K, as well as minerals like iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and chromium."
"Sugar is converted to fat in your liver."
"What happens if you accumulate stress over your lifespan?"
"Eating monk fruit extract has been shown to not just lower blood sugar but seems to stimulate an insulin secretion effect."
"The study of the environmental and health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids have been limited in the United States."
"At the end of this journey, you will be as surprised as we are by their powerful effects."
"This time-restricted eating is one simple behavior change that will have multiple effects."
"...the total phosphate intake remained the same, but when it comes from a vegetarian source, the biologic effects are quite different."
"CO2 is not only dangerous in high concentrations but it can also cause drowsiness, tiredness, decrease our productivity level, and so on."
"Our objective today is to be able to describe both the environmental consequences and the human health effects of increasing greenhouse gases in our atmosphere."
"Sugar makes your eyes very blurry; yes, sugar and alcohol will deplete your vitamin A very quickly in the eyes and cause vision blurriness."
"It's important to understand the biological effects of radiation."
"The effect on the human body is another big research area."
"You don't need to have a severe COVID infection to have the post-COVID manifestations."