
Relationship Health Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"We also discuss some of the strategies that humans can use to make healthy mate selection choices, and for those that are already in committed relationships to ensure healthy progression of those committed relationships."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If a couple comes to you for therapy and there is absolutely zero humor left, it is diagnostic."
"The relationship is healthy if both individuals are able to grow in the way that they want to grow and that complements the other person."
"People should have relationship checkups to discuss what's missing, what needs to return, and what needs to be adjusted."
"A boundary is really being clear about what is okay with you and what is not okay with you in relationships."
"Gaslighting is sneaky; it sneaks right up on you because you don't realize it's happening but when you get to a space in your relationships where things are unhealthy and you're questioning yourself and you haven't done anything."
"Love shouldn't be difficult. Love should not be painful."
"You should make sure that your partner is as happy and as healthy as they can be."
"You need two healthy people to make a healthy relationship."
"It's very easy when you have a relationship where you can talk about things."
"I want you to know that you should not be responsible for my happiness, and that I'm working on myself and how I can maintain my happiness for myself."
"Trying to make someone jealous is not a nice thing to do."
"The best predictor of a marriage failure is one partner rolling their eyes, ignoring and dismissing the words of their partner."
"Love isn't supposed to hurt. I'm worth something good."
"Solid boundaries create healthier relationships."
"I feel like everybody in my life truly right now just wants what's best for me and I want what's best for them and it's so incredibly healthy and I think it all stemmed from also taking care of myself and putting myself first."
"It's okay to leave a situation for both people involved... if you are compromising your morals and your mental health... it ain't worth it."
"If it's meant to work, it will be working... I'm in the healthiest relationship of my life right now and I'm like, this feels great, this is what it's supposed to feel like."
"Boundaries aren't about being inflexible, boundaries are about you being inauthentic."
"Self-love makes healthy relationships better."
"Your partner is supposed to make you feel confident and sexy, not depressed and insecure."
"Be very open about your needs, what you like and what you don't like."
"If you can't be honest, you can't have a healthy relationship."
"I don't think it's normal for couples to fight, what I mean is I don't think couples should have such unhealthy conflict because it's not good for them."
"Stress is the thing that causes the most pain physically for us mentally emotionally, and it causes relationships to die."
"The best thing you can do is work on having the healthiest relationship."
"Understanding is the lifeline, the air source to any relationship."
"I know you guys want to see her in the videos as often as possible, but you have to understand that it's not healthy and it could cause problems in our relationship if we are with each other 24/7."
"Trust and independence are vital for a healthy relationship."
"Learn to forgive and then forgive every single day."
"Healthy relationships are built with two healthy individuals."
"Nobody's supposed to control you, demean you."
"Only you know if this is a healthy relationship, only you know if it's perfect."
"Boundaries are crucial for both the relationship and individual well-being."
"Recognizing healthy and unhealthy or coercive relationships... that's potentially on the table."
"He deserves better than that, but I would rather it be just us and us have a healthy environment without all of that toxicity."
"If you can't maintain a healthy relationship, then there's no way you're going to thrive in your business environment."
"You can't love between two people if they're disrespecting you."
"Couples who engage in BDSM are happier than couples who don't."
"Couples that engage in BDSM are healthier than couples who don't, but the population matters."
"A healthy relationship is built on two people respecting one another's triggers."
"You need to be knowledgeable of yourself in order to make this relationship healthy, in order to make it the healthiest that it can be, in order to make it work."
"Cheating is always unhealthy. It's a trust-breaking betrayal."
"A healthy relationship is always a beautiful figure of eight in terms of energy, flowing between two people."
"I think love involves sacrifice, but it also doesn't involve misery."
"It's healthy. You cannot love someone else until you love yourself."
"The happiest couples always consisted of two emotionally healthy and independently happy individuals."
"No one should feel controlled in a relationship."
"Revisit your core values every year: 'You can't have a healthy romantic relationship without revisiting your core values.'"
"Boundaries exist in the physical world for a reason and so they have to exist inside us in our relationships as well."
"Seeing a relationship just work and seeing them be happy for each other... It's very nice to see."
"You deserve to be comfortable in your relationship and have your boundaries fully respected."
"This is not healthy, this is not a good dynamic at all."
"Having a strong sense of trust in a relationship leads to a healthier relationship regardless of whether I feel good or bad."
"If the relationship is not producing good fruit, that's a clear indicator."
"This is not a connection where you're supposed to come away feeling stuck or feeling bad about how you behaved in it or what choices you made."
"People confuse passion with something toxic, but you can have passion and still feel safe and comfortable."
"You can't put all of your grief and trauma on someone especially your romantic partner."
"Sometimes we need to see that a relationship is not serving us; ties need to be severed."
"An open and fresh dialogue here is very important to having a healthy relationship."
"Maintaining those other things is good and healthy and ultimately also really important because it allows us to have other places to derive our worth from beyond just the dynamic that we have with the partner."
"Don't ever let there be unfinished emotional business because then it builds up, and then resentment really builds out of that."
"Find the middle ground that allows the relationship to flourish while honoring individuality."
"If you can talk about your hopes, your fears, your anxieties, all that jazz, you're going to be alright."
"Your spouse or your partner should never be hurting and you're not hurt at the same time."
"Communicating our needs and feelings openly is essential for maintaining healthy relationships, preventing misunderstandings and resentment."
"Building a healthy relationship starts with self-respect."
"You realize that self-love is necessary to love another."
"Healthy relationships don't include shaming someone who's asking you to take accountability."
"If you don't like the person that you're becoming in this relationship, that's when you know."
"A solid romantic relationship with well-intended emotions."
"If something makes you uncomfortable in a relationship, it's unhealthy and needs to be addressed."
"Healthy only dates healthy, damage is a decision."
"Feeling safe and honesty are key in a healthy relationship."
"Communication is truly the key to any happy, healthy, successful relationship."
"Don't bash your own marriage, it poisons your relationship."
"A twin flame connection is not based on narcissism, it's not based on cruelty or manipulation in any shape or form."
"Just by talking about certain emotions very openly."
"Communication is the lifeline of a relationship."
"What's the one most important thing to having a healthy relationship? Communication."
"How are we going to make this like not only a healthy relationship but how are we going to make this like a healthy like uh like business-wise and and long-term goals family?"
"Affection is the lifeblood of a relationship. It's the oxygen of the relationship."
"Defining what a healthy relationship looks like."
"You are comfortable enough to say I don't like this I'm not happy about this."
"Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries is a sign of self-respect and creates a solid foundation for a healthy and balanced relationship."
"Your home life affects your happiness, relationships, and even your health, so it's essential to take action steps to bring about a peaceful, safe, and happy environment."
"Relationship security is something that you are consistently working on every day in every interaction."
"If you really love somebody, you wouldn't want them to go through the pain of you constantly withdrawing from that bank account."
"In each moment, you are either creating or destroying relationship security."
"Stability, loyalty, trust, abundance, and love - such a strong energy."
"If you want a healthy connection, you have to be vulnerable and learn the balance between setting boundaries and opening up."
"Seeking balance in your relationships is not selfish, it's necessary."
"Find self-care things that you can do together."
"We truly wish you guys a Happy Valentine's Day, lots of love, lots of sex, and healthy relationships. Amen."
"My wife and I are in a much better place now."
"I attract healthy relationships. I speak my truth, I listen to understand another's truth."
"Loving to me, is this healthy? Is this kind? Is this supportive?"
"If you feel complete within your own life, that's the time you'll be healthy to have a good relationship."
"No more abusive relationships, whether it's like abuse that's happening in the form of people withdrawing love from you."
"I can commit to not hurting you in the present with my words."
"I think giving each other space is very healthy in a relationship."
"It's all good on this side, and I think these are things that even the best relationships can sometimes kind of reveal, especially after a few years of being together."
"In an emotionally healthy relationship, there's not control. There's respect."
"The relationship that is going to be healthiest for you is going to be the relationship that is suitable to your purpose."
"Financial stability is shifting, paving the way for healthier relationships."
"Keep a healthy relationship by not being afraid to talk about anything."
"A healthy relationship is one in which both parties... need to be confident and independent and happy by yourself."
"This is the first healthy, grounding, and supportive relationship."
"A good relationship will be one where both people really feel comfortable with one another."
"Healthy relationships don't involve snooping."
"We love each other and we're really good at communicating our feelings with each other."
"Healthy relationships are built on reciprocity. Otherwise, they're parasitic, right?"
"If you feel incomplete and then you try to have someone in your life to feel complete, that's not the kind of energy that things work in."
"Communication is the best thing you ever do."
"I take care of him and health, and that's great in a relationship."
"A relationship ought to make you feel like you're a blooming flower, not a wilting one."
"Communication is a pillar of any healthy relationship."
"Possessiveness in relationships is very unhealthy."
"Being yourself and not having to change is how you know someone's right for you."
"Communication is so important, built up resentment and just like toxicity in some relationships are so unnecessary."
"Checking in with each other, making sure we're good."
"Let's normalize healthy relationship and healthy communication."
"Respect is a huge component in a healthy happy relationship."
"Boundaries are the key to a healthy relationship."
"We turn to each other now, and because of that, our marriage is stronger, we are stronger individually, we're more secure individually, and overall just happier as a couple."
"When you honor your woman, you provide an environment where she feels like she can trust you and relax."
"Relationship advice with Flip: It's okay to have different interests."
"Overall, this is a great relationship that works for the both of them because they're both super comfortable with."
"You need boundaries... to protect yourself, your energy, and to teach people what you will and will not tolerate. It just makes for a healthy you and a healthy relationship."
"In a relationship, jealousy should not be a thing."
"You laugh a lot together, and if you're comfortable enough and you've got the same sense of humor, then that's a really good sign."
"If she encourages you to follow your passions and participate in your hobbies, that's a really, really good sign that she is a team player."
"Losing yourself in another person is not the way to have a healthy relationship."
"Love shouldn't hurt you; it should stimulate your growth and development."
"A happy relationship means you laugh a lot and enjoy each other's company."
"A healthy relationship is any relationship where after spending time with that person, you feel better."
"I feel like you're in really healthy states with this person, and there's a lot of love."
"This is gonna be a very healthy relationship."
"Relationships should be cultivated with authenticity, vulnerability, and trust, not toxic patterns from the past."
"It'll feel great to keep your relationship gentle like this and to get past the shame of overreactions."
"Everyone has boundaries, every healthy relationship has boundaries."
"Having a strong support network outside of the relationship is a huge green flag for securely attached people."
"This feels like a very beautiful healthy relationship, family situation."
"A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your family, your friends, your dreams, or your dignity."
"Taking breaks in a relationship can be good for gaining independence."
"Healthy relationships are created by our internal experience of ourselves."
"We always communicate and we're humble we never go to bed angry we always talk before so yeah it definitely did make us stronger and I'm happy we went through that."
"If you marry for the right reasons, then you will have a healthy relationship."
"Fighting or arguing is not necessarily a sign of a bad relationship."
"Reactivity destroys the safety within relationships."
"Being open about your needs is crucial in any relationship."
"Recognizing and addressing issues early on can prevent the buildup of frustration and lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships."
"In marriage there is no give and take. When you have two human beings taking is abuse."
"Understanding who your partner is and respecting them for who they are and valuing the things that they bring to the table is really, really essential to have a healthy, harmonious, happy relationship, right?"
"Ultimately, this wears away at the overall connection in a relationship and the overall trust between you and the other person."
"...once you put a name to these behaviors and you really understand how they're present in your life and in your relationship you feel more empowered to fight back or to make sure that they don't exist or to change the patterns that exist in that unhealthy relationship."
"What makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy is the same thing: it's communication."
"I need alone time, and I believe that alone time is absolutely healthy and critical for a relationship."
"Good communication is one of the basics of a healthy relationship."
"Are you in a relationship that's healthy, that's serving you, that's growing you, that's benefiting you emotionally, spiritually, some type of lee?"
"Part of having a healthy and functional relationship with a woman that lasts a long time is having a partner that handles fights well."
"Love doesn't hurt you. You may have challenging experiences in love, but if you're in a 'loving' relationship and you keep on walking around here hurt, bruised, damaged, then at a certain point in time the fault becomes yours."
"A healthy relationship is two people who are willing to change where needed in order to make the relationship work."
"Another huge point of security in a relationship is being able to maintain healthy interdependencies."
"Healthy relationships are good for your health."
"Healthy relationships have these natural filters."
"You can't have a lasting, thriving relationship unless you learn to talk about your needs."
"If your approach to money is about shared goals and responsibilities, the relationship can thrive and survive."
"Good marriages are not marriages without anger; everybody gets angry. Good marriages are marriages where you can process it quickly."
"If you can just walk around and do very normal things with each other and enjoy it, that's a good sign."
"I think it's important for our overall health as a couple for me to have alone time."
"If genuine proof does not convince them, then that means it's unhealthy."
"Healthy relationships take time to build; deep intimacy and authentic communication does not happen straight away."
"If we choose a partner from an insecure place, it can affect the health of the relationship."
"If you are in a relationship where you regularly feel compelled to check a partner's phone or devices... that's already a sign that it may not be a healthy relationship."
"I do think it's possible to have a healthy relationship."
"Our relationship is healthier because of it."
"Intimacy builds emotional safety."
"The whole relationship between the two of you needs healthy boundaries set up and maintained."
"Relationships should be nourishing and supporting."
"When a relationship does more harm than good, it is a clear sign that changes are needed."
"Your boundaries are about your safety, your relationships, your joy, your ability to function in and out of every day."
"Part of healthy thriving relationships means knowing our own needs."
"If your relationship puts you in a position where you're constantly having to tiptoe around the other person, then that is not a healthy relationship."
"Being transparent about your feelings is what I want to hear."
"Open and honest communication can make a big difference."
"Healthy relationships require healthy boundaries."
"A healthy relationship is not supposed to fill in for all other aspects of your life."
"Jealousy and being controlling is not synonymous with love."
"It requires two healthy people for a healthy relationship."
"Healthy relationships have healthy people."
"The best way to make a healthy relationship is to be a healthy human being."
"Inside of any healthy partnership, there has to be really solid communication."
"Disagreements are normally talked to one another; fighting and going low is not healthy."
"When you avoid conflicts in order to keep the peace, you're actually in the long run harming your relationship."
"If we have too little self-ness and too much we-ness, then we're enmeshed."
"What I call the elusive obvious: how do you form a relationship of trust and health."
"If you suspect something's wrong with your relationship, listen to what your body is telling you."
"It can be really healthy. It can actually help your relationships."
"Being feminine means nurturing a relationship, keeping it healthy."