
Jealousy Quotes

There are 1770 quotes

"Jealousy is an evolved emotion that serves several adaptive functions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stop comparing yourself to others and eliminate jealousy because comparison is the thief of joy."
"I love being a twin because it's like I'm never jealous."
"You learn to tame the jealousy; sometimes you're like, okay, my life's pretty good."
"You're young, you're successful, you're wealthy, and you're tweeting at a girl who's taken."
"Whenever you experience jealousy and you didn't feel like it was debilitating and crippling, you actually increase your appreciation for your partner."
"Jealousy is an affirmation that you don't have something. Let other people's successes inspire rather than frustrate you."
"Envy is a reaction to lacking something... jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something or someone."
"The body moved and became powerful and it was enlightened at once. The rest of the powers became jealous."
"Jealousy is one of the most powerful directional signals...you're only jealous of people that are doing things or have things that you actually want."
"Anytime you can't stand to watch somebody else be blessed, it's only because of your own inner insecurity."
"Of course it's a man who killed his ex-girlfriend in a jealous rage, not the other way around."
"Instead of being jealous, be happy, trust me, I know it works, and you will manifest the same blessings into your life."
"Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is."
"It's a simple case of jealousy. You're just so jealous of my skills at this game."
"You're just jealous that I'm popular and talented, and that you're a nobody."
"Jealousy and competitiveness will make some women go crazy and go as far as to killing you."
"There's nothing more dangerous than an insecure, jealous, envious type of dude."
"The bottom line with all narcissists is they have an extremely low sense of self, very fragile egos, and they're very jealous and insecure people."
"She literally decimated the mountain because she was jealous of how beautiful it was."
"I have a really hard time being happy for other people's successes, especially if they're a woman because my jealousy is so strong. But with Emma, I've been able to surrender that jealousy and love her deeply and seek inspiration from her."
"Jealousy is one of the most petty and one of the most ridiculous emotions to have. For the intelligent person, Allah knows what to give you and what to give somebody else."
"The challenge with insecurity is, I want you to realize this, and the thing that I hate most about jealousy is that it doesn't have to make sense."
"All of us experience jealousy from time to time; it's a universal human emotion."
"Jealousy, the green-eyed monster of jealousy, is a universal emotion we all feel."
"You can be jealous of people for all kinds of different reasons."
"'Well, I don't know if this is good for my mental health,' but I think it is, just to put it out there, just to put out the jealousy and just kind of put it in its place."
"I guess I didn't take this as the negative side of jealousy, which obviously jealousy is not good in general, but people who have something, there's some aspect of their lives that I would like to have in my life."
"And if you love her, you don't need to hate me."
"Trying to make someone jealous is not a nice thing to do."
"Trying to make your partner jealous is basically trying to hurt them on purpose."
"If you'd say that you prefer to make $5,000 a year just so I make 10, that shows that you're a jealous punk, not that you actually care about your living standard."
"There's no such thing as success without jealousy, without envy, or entitlement."
"This bloodthirsty demon jealously attacks women who have what she never will: children."
"Jealousy is a good thing because jealousy is a directional signal."
"Jealousy is a natural human emotion; it can be handled productively with communication and setting clear boundaries that both people in the relationship agree upon and feel good about."
"Jealousy is a clue. It's a directional signal. It's a dot on the map of your life."
"Your jealousy is not going away. It will either continue to consume you or you are going to blow the lid off that blocked desire and you are going to empower yourself to start moving toward what you want."
"Feeling jealousy is normal, but it's how you deal with that that makes you different."
"Jealousy is like a green-eyed monster; it's a really ugly trait."
"Stop being so jealous and insecure. You're so controlling. I'm my own person, and if you don't like it, you shouldn't have acted like that in the first place."
"Jealousy isn't something we can just let go of; it is pervasive, it sneaks up and in and takes over our souls, but it's a wound that needs healing, a hurt that requires our compassion for ourselves."
"Jealousy is really difficult...it can really be a difficult set of feelings, a very hard thing to cope with."
"You shouldn't be jealous of success; you should always admire it."
"Jealousy and envy come from counting somebody else's blessings instead of counting your own."
"The amount of hate she gets doesn't really make sense. A lot of it seems to stem, in my opinion, from dudes who are jealous of her success."
"2020 has really been something, and I know I'm looking forward to toasting its demise come New Year's."
"One day, Aphrodite, jealous of the beauty of the earthly princess Psyche, ordered her son to make the princess fall in love with the ugliest man on earth."
"Is it possible some of these critics were just jealous too?"
"Success is scary; people start wanting to hold you back when you climb up the ladder."
"This just makes it look like it's jealousy. This is just jealousy. Is she just mad that ContraPoints does more than her and affects discourse more than her?"
"The fact that there's jealousy means that there's love, that there is some sort of investment that woman wants to be with you."
"I feel like Connor potentially feels a little bit threatened by you because you got you know better hair and things of that nature."
"Your enemies are jealous of you over how much people like you and how influential you are."
"Not all monogamous people are incredibly jealous."
"You don't have to have a relationship that is loving in order to stop feeling jealous towards other people."
"You want to love someone but you don't want to obsess and stalk and be jealous."
"It's basically a story about jealousy... leading to a literal battle between heaven and hell."
"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me but I can't help it that I'm popular."
"It'll be so tainted if you touch it anyway. He just looked [__] you, it pissed me off every time I see one."
"My ego as a man is too fragile to be in there with another man having sex with a woman that I have put so much time, effort, and energy into."
"We're going to have to deal with jealousy at all stages of our careers... break it by practicing kindness."
"She's beautiful and she's awesome and I think she has like a really great life so anyone who hates on a baby is just like weirdly jealous."
"Envy is characterized by an insatiable desire and resentful covetousness towards the traits and possessions of someone else."
"You get jealous when you're not sure of yourself or your partner."
"The Holy Spirit's jealous he will not let you sit on the throne of your life."
"Pay close attention to people who don't clap when you win."
"It's not that deep you know like I mean I do think there was some jealousy involved too because he's like one of the biggest streamers right now."
"Jealousy is a great indication that your ex will take you back or at least that they're not ready to let go of you just yet."
"Kenichi has a chance of being happy and I [ __ ] hate Shinichi."
"Jealousy is forgetting the plans God has for you."
"You leave these type of [ __ ] situations and you want to stay insecure you want to stay jealous you want to stay like that that is not a trait you want."
"He's doing better than me. They're doing better than me."
"A lot of people just straight up just don't like me because they're either jealous of me."
"Envious people don't want you to have it jealous people can't stand that you have it."
"You are going to get really mad about other women."
"Dolph doing good things out there in Memphis dusty [__] hating on him I hate that."
"Your heart is pure, and they're jealous of that."
"Even their jealousy couldn't dim your light."
"Jealousy is the next best thing, shows they love you."
"Randolph secretly gets jealous of you and JJ."
"They're just hating and they should be worried about their own blessings."
"Love is strong as death, and jealousy is as cruel as hell. It flashes fire, the very flame of God."
"Jealousy is the desire to want what someone else has."
"It hurts so much to think of you with someone else."
"Success has enemies... everybody's listening."
"Jealousy, all it really is is fear, it's a fear-based emotion, it's insecurity."
"Jealousy can be a sign you're on the right path."
"He was making her smile, it was another smile taunting my feelings."
"Comparison is the thief of joy... comparison forces you in a jealous place... count other people's blessings instead of your own."
"The thought of you with someone else upsets them."
"Sometimes people's jealousy gives you more strength to go forward."
"They'd rather see the boat sink than see you sailing."
"Jealousy is defined as the corrupt desire to protect something you have."
"Trust me, I only date attractive women, and I know that when I'm not there, even when you are there, guys are looking, trying to take their shots."
"Whatever you're doing, it's causing a lot of jealousy, okay? Like, it just is. So, I feel like they see that you're happy, you're doing good, you're, you know, where you're going. You're following your north node."
"Jealousy is the trophy that mediocrity gives to excellence."
"The year of jealousy and hate" - a tumultuous period in online relationships.
"So, deception, jealousy, betrayal, backstab, toxic sexuality, seduction, silent treatment in reverse."
"Jealousy is something only weak and incapable people feel."
"Jealousy is normal; it's okay to feel jealous."
"Success leaves clues, and people are always going to try to take away from it."
"Jealousy towards someone, feeling unwelcomed, trying to get their attention."
"One of the main reasons why people will begin to hate on you when you are trying to become successful is simply because they do not have a vision for themselves."
"What did she do that was so bad that you all had to jump her like that? I feel that she's a beautiful girl it was some hating going on there for whatever reason it was some definite hate going on."
"They ghosting you because you got this success thing going on."
"I was really insecure I was jealous of everybody everybody had something that I didn't have and I wanted it and it was just really really self-destructive and I just was very unhappy in high school."
"If my boyfriend just suddenly said I have a girl best mate and like I'm going to go for dinner with her, excuse me, you cannot be friends with the opposite sex, alright?"
"The more you let go of your jealousy of others and other success, the more room you have in your own life to focus really just on making yourself the best musician and best human you can be."
"If travis takes nicer vacations than you that's not for a future storm damn you could get the knife did you just hand it over."
"I hate it when other YouTubers say 'Oh, you're just jealous' or whatever when you criticize."
"They don't want to see you become successful without them."
"The new sleeves that are coming out starting this month bark shadows, I don't even care about the name of it, the picture mark shadow I'm actually legitimately jealous that your sleep din that and I have this."
"Jealousy will have you hating on somebody you should be learning from."
"People just want to see him fail because they can't stand to see somebody rise up above the tide."
"Your ex is praying on the downfall of your new love interest."
"They see success in you and they're even jealous of your success."
"Jealousy opens up your life to tormenting spirits, my child. Learn to celebrate others' success."
"He destroyed his life, he destroyed the life of another, he destroyed his family, his sons, and everybody in their wake all for what? Because of jealousy."
"You ever seen a hater doing better than you? You ever been outdone by somebody doing better? You know the funny part about haters, man, they want to be you so bad, bro."
"99% of hate in this world is jealousy wearing a mask."
"To claim that you're not even weight training and your chest is [expletive] better than mine."
"They'd go crazy if they saw you with someone else."
"Never tell people how much you make or what you got cuz it's always some jealous [ __ ] paying somebody $100 to run a spell."
"They're watching you do your thing, it's killing them."
"People got mad at how successful we got and they stirred up so many three rocks up."
"I better make sure to make it my job so that this comes out great."
"Good jealousy is compersion, when you feel happy for somebody."
"Am I the [__] for getting mad at a guy for sending my girlfriend 500 flowers for her birthday?"
"There's no other pain like it. To know that your woman willingly allowed another man to enter her body, there's no other pain like it."
"Your person saw you moving on, and it shook them to the core."
"Don't play into people and their games. Somebody out there is feeling a bit jealous of you, and you're feeling their negative energy when you're around them."
"They knew from the beginning and they don't want to lose you to somebody else."
"A fool tends to thrive on personal attacks, attacking people that they don't like, attacking people specifically that they may be jealous or envious of."
"Gigi is very upset that Damien brought Francesca to the party especially because it's been two years since he jilted her at the altar."
"Like she doesn't have a father anymore. She doesn't care about me. It's all Uncle Pete. I love it, I love seeing it, but sometimes I get jealous. That's how."
"Don't let them affect you, they're jealous people. Don't always have something to say, y'all. You gotta just like have tough skin and just keep going."
"Imagine what it would've been like to have these two friends who were both nobodies becoming Jedi learns be jealous together and bring balance the force."
"Women feel especially competitive, jealous, and experience distress when it comes to looking attractive, since this is what men, throughout history, have valued the most in women."
"Hatred is one thing, jealousy is another thing. Jealousy is a very human and natural emotion to feel."
"Be inspired, not jealous, and put your own spin on it."
"That's pretty awesome man... And I'm a little bit jealous about that."
"Collins's jealousy-inducing treatment of Michael Jordan at age 23 led to tensions."
"Being jealous or negative about money pushes it further from you."
"Audrey will be there to witness it and she will get very jealous."
"The alpha thinks she's flirting with me because she wants to [ __ ] you."
"Once I see that you're jealous of me, you're insecure, it's not a good word, it's not a happy word."
"Be careful who you trust because a lot of people are jealous of you."
"We've done it! Leeds United reach the Premier League!"
"Just incredibly sad how jealousy can make people do such terrible, evil things."
"Leave the jealousy behind, jealousy kills you in this business."
"Emma Chamberlain doesn't deserve all the hate she gets. People are just jealous."
"Love is holy. Love is jealous. Love is disciplinary. Love is fair. Love is redemptive."
"I think not letting jealousy get in the way of that person's moment is important."
"When you make jealousy the main character, you're gonna get killed off in season two."
"Being jealous indicates that we are not satisfied with what God has for us."
"Don't be jealous of nobody just don't it's not worth it."
"Jealousy is one of the biggest evils in this world." - Jealousy is a powerful force.
"Jealousy serves no purpose for good and it only holds you back."
"Your siblings, your family, they're mad that you're getting all this praise and rewards."
"I want to celebrate people's gain right. I don't lead with the jealousy or the Envy."
"The higher you climb, the more people are going to want to tear you down."
"If a person isn't getting jealous over you, they don't like you enough."
"Most of us learn these hard lessons at some point and I actually am jealous other people who never had to."
"How many wonderful ministries are we missing out on simply because of this spirit of jealousy and bitterness floating around in the body of Christ?"
"You're just jealous that you have to deal with LA and all that smog."
"The test of jealousy: Can you celebrate others who are being blessed in the way you want to be blessed?"
"The rising tide lifts all ships. I mean, obviously, I get jealous, I look at people's stuff, I feel anxious, I'm like, 'Oh my God, why not, why don't I have that?'"
"Pure unadulterated intense obsessive jealous hate."
"No attachment leads to jealousy and jealousy leads to being single on Valentine's."
"They don't want to see you with someone else... stability coming in for you."
"He wants you to feel like somebody else getting recognized is taking something away from you."
"Usually I get jealous of people who are more successful than me. But that's when I turn off social media. It's like, okay, time to get back to work because I'm so angry at my lack of progress here."
"Get your young ovaries away from Usman, AKA Soulja Boy, he's my other first one."
"When your rivals get annoyed about your signing, when they dismiss the player, when they rip into him, when I diss, mercenary, and Dylan Editor, I can smell the stench of jealousy oozing from your pores like bad body odor."
"Writing about how fit and sexy other women are in a highly publicized book? Common, Ned." - Unknown.
"So you don't want someone to succeed because you think that it's gonna steal them away from you? Like are you serious? That's toxic."
"Your enemies were working together to do something here, a lot of jealousy and envy."
"Why would you be jealous of someone if you can go do better?"
"They hate it when you're successful... They will do anything in the world they can to try to knock you off the mountain."
"If I had one word to describe all this art, it'll be late. Yeah, I'm just jealous. I wish I was this talented."
"This relationship is going to make some people jealous, especially your ex, because we have reconciliation here, and that's coming towards you."
"Jealousy is as cruel as the grave, and that's what a lot of this Doctrine is fueled by, right? This spirit of jealousy that exists that has really no business where you have nothing to be jealous of."
"Jealousy will have a negative impact on you and the person you were jealous of. It's very dangerous."
"Let his girlfriend have him, she'll show her true colors soon enough."
"Jealousy is your deepest desires and dreams blocked by your fear."
"Can I 3D print like people into polygamy now boo you can't be jealous of her she ain't real she's fake."
"Every time we resent another or are jealous or envious of another's wealth, we steal from ourselves peace of mind, health, joy, inspiration, happiness, and the laughter of God."
"Jealousy represents a reaction to a threat. Explore why you can't spend time alone, what's scary about being alone."
"Am I still jealous of her? Yes, but I want to transform that into admiration."
"All it took was jealousy over a potential surrogacy for them to realize the feelings they've had going along for a very long time."
"Jealousy shouldn't even exist, if anything, when you see somebody... you should be looking at her like hmm, what can I do to be more like her?"
"I do think this person gets a little bit jealous... they do get jealous of people that would get your attention... and offer you the things that they eventually want to."
"Could you imagine your fiance flirting with another beautiful woman right in front of your face? Hmm."
"Envy and jealousy can be a huge clue, it's not about the other person."
"An ex-lover is jealous of you, they're going to be jealous of your growth."
"You have this very, very average comedian John Oliver trying to take him out. And that is a large part of the problem, we have average people who out of jealousy are trying to take out the good people."
"They can be jealous and a bit possessive, like a dragon protecting its treasure."
"When you are successful not everyone is going to be happy for you, alright? There will be people who want to be like you, so they are going to try to pull you back."
"But what's not normal and definitely not healthy is letting that jealousy totally take over your life."