
Attractiveness Quotes

There are 5474 quotes

"People want to feel attractive and attracted. People want to make sure that there's stability in the relationship."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Imagine I offer you a mate, choose the gender of your liking, that looks like a Greek god or goddess but smells of sewage, or an ordinary-looking individual that smells of sin itself. Who do you choose?"
"An average face gets rid of all the things that are unusual, and people tend to find it quite attractive."
"Babies' preference for attractive faces matches pretty well adults' preferences for attractive faces."
"You are a magnetic energy. See yourself as being attractive, worthy, and energetically compelling."
"Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive."
"Confidence is very attractive and usually with confidence comes success in life."
"Confidence takes you from 6/10 to a 10/10, man."
"Being fat doesn't make you any less attractive than the next person."
"The more you let yourself be soft, vulnerable, authentic, and kind of dreamy on the outside, the more people are going to be very attracted to you."
"A woman who values her health is more attractive and brings fewer complications into the relationship."
"You are beautiful, you are alluring, you are attractive inside and out."
"Feeling confident is more attractive than any item of clothing or any outfit."
"I find that women and men, they're getting sexier as they get older."
"I stayed confident because I'm really handsome and I'm pretty good at chess."
"I believe that I am so worth it, and that self-worth is what makes it so attractive and so beautiful because it's so elegant rather than being vulgar."
"Self-worth is what makes it so attractive and so beautiful because it's so elegant rather than being vulgar."
"Learn how to get the girl, but really it's like, oh, you want to get the girl? Here's how you become the better man that the girl will actually want."
"Authenticity is far more attractive than any set of nonverbal behavior."
"Charisma is not simply physical attractiveness."
"There's nothing as sexy to a woman as a man that prays."
"Humor is a very useful tool because it makes you more interesting... but fundamentally if it's not showing attractive qualities, it's gonna work against you instead of for you."
"The way to attract a good girlfriend is actually to become a better man and build the traits that are legit attractive."
"The attractive quality of kindness... it's sort of a built-in attraction. It's just there. And when a person's kind, it not only shows in their face but naturally, most of all, in their actions."
"Being able to speak competently and passionately about things you actually care about is super sexy."
"Your smile generously expressed can make the difference between a man across the room not noticing you or noticing you and wanting to go walk across to connect."
"Some of the most beautiful people I have ever met have been people who had a beautiful soul, and that energy was so powerful, so unique, so beautiful that it radiated out of them and made them so attractive."
"For an increasing number of men and boys, this otherwise benign desire to be more attractive transforms into something categorically disordered."
"If you love and accept yourself, you're going to become much more attractive to other people."
"A good attitude will take a lady from a three to a nine instantly."
"Being on top of your finances is one of the hottest things you can do for the new year."
"Confidence is really sexy. A sense of who you are is very sexy for men and women."
"Everybody goes on and on about how good-looking you are, but the truly unusual thing about you is your personality."
"People with discipline are extremely attractive."
"The most attractive person is somebody who's really in their heart and like somebody can actually look different when they're in their heart."
"Being recognized for being with someone deemed attractive by others doesn't define your worth."
"Embracing your femininity will attract the type of man you want."
"Being attractive and appealing, comforting character, discerning and disciplined, enthusiastic and exuberant, loyal and liberating - these characteristics make a woman high value."
"I think that they would want me because I'm fit, I'm fun, I'm flirty, I'm beautiful, I have no children, and I'm agreeable."
"Personable animals are ones that are cute or beautiful that people like and those will never go extinct because people will always be willing to put money towards saving personable animals."
"Hot girls don't want to fuck everybody, but they want to know that everybody wants to fuck them."
"Your team has to see you competing... There's something very attractive about the leader at the top competing."
"There's always someone who will find you attractive, no matter what."
"People can become so much more attractive when we see what's underneath, when we see their personality shine."
"You have such a beautiful internal fire, this internal passion that just... it's like a head-turner; people turn their heads."
"The more I practice loving myself, the more lovable I become."
"Self-discipline is sexy because when you recognize how strong your willpower is, you recognize that that ends up being a common thread throughout every area of your life."
"There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness."
"Attractiveness is meaningful in human interactions because it simply advertises good genes."
"Attractiveness really rarely gets addressed as an axis of privilege when in many ways it's one of the most acute ones in terms of the material benefits that it can have on our life."
"Black Moon Lilith...definitely indicates a certain amount of attractiveness in your birth chart, ruling sex appeal, a sense of provocativeness, and being mesmerizing."
"We are just a little away from reaching our attractiveness threshold, and I think there are some easy things that we can do to reach it."
"Your character is what makes you beautiful...it's your inside, it's the way that you make people feel, it's your heart, it's your character that makes you more attractive."
"You're probably more attractive than you give yourself credit for; you just have to start to act like it."
"When other women see that you're a man in demand, they are going to chase after you even more."
"Being an attractive woman doesn't magically turn life into easy mode. Women are people too, and you never know what they are hiding just by looking at them."
"Can you make yourself more attractive without changing your looks, without getting a better body, without earning more money, or without even becoming a better talker? The answer is yes."
"The more physically attractive they are, the harder it is to find an authentic relationship."
"Authentic friendships are so rare for pretty and rich people."
"The most attractive people in society... are capable people, people who just go and get it done."
"You're going to be quite magnetic to people... magnetic to miracles."
"In these more intimate settings, the fact that I was able to express my thoughts and my creativity and really connect with people suddenly made me feel way more attractive."
"Your goal to become more attractive is to become more centered in yourself."
"The least attractive quality, the most unattractive quality I think that any person can have, man or woman, is always being too clingy."
"Fitness is a way of life. One day you realize that you want to change your life, you want to be in perfect shape, you want to look attractive and sexy."
"Your sex appeal is definitely on the rise... there's like an activation in your sacral chakra."
"You're not being ridiculed for having standards; you're being ridiculed for trying to make women feel unattractive if they don't meet your standard of attractiveness."
"A hobby that benefits you in some way, whether it be physically, emotionally, financially, or mentally, is always considered more attractive."
"Having any hobby or interest is always going to be more attractive than a person who is interested in nothing."
"If you want women to like you, be a likeable person."
"Not all hobbies are built the same. Some hobbies are more attractive than others."
"Every time you say no to someone that doesn't deserve you, you get more attractive to others."
"Being a feminist makes a man more attractive, in my opinion."
"She's so funny, her humor makes her go from a 6 to a 10."
"Sexiness is a state of mind. Being attractive is a state of mind. It's an ineffable quality that can't necessarily be reproduced."
"No matter who you are, male or female, if you know how to cook, you're instantly someone's BAE."
"If you are sexier with your content, people are gonna most likely like it more."
"People are attracted to positive people, people who are friendly, people who are cheerful."
"I get it. I'm lit and I'm cute in real life."
"Libra rising is very attractive and one of the...hottest, most attractive rising signs."
"Parks and tourist attractions impact the attractiveness of the city."
"Having a dog in your dating app picture can significantly increase your chances of being liked."
"Charismatic sort of means charming and confident."
"At the end of the day, your physical appearance will only get you so far."
"This person has no problem attracting anyone they want to, but they are really picky."
"A man's going to want someone that is naturally happy, naturally enjoys their own company."
"Value your self-worth, and that's what makes you guys so attractive."
"Men like when women are on their [stuff] and can take care of themselves."
"What's wrong with trying to attract a good quality man? There's nothing wrong with that."
"A man who has a really positive and confident relationship with his own body... is absolutely universally attractive to women."
"If you combine all of our attractiveness skill, we might get to like a nine or a ten."
"Build your own version of what you find attractive."
"The longer a couple knows each other, the less important physical attractiveness becomes for maintaining a long-term relationship."
"Raise your enthusiasm. One of the most magnetic, charismatic, and attractive things you can ever do is be more enthusiastic."
"Having a purpose in life makes you attractive."
"Have love for yourself first, fall in love with yourself and then you know people will come to you."
"Self-awareness is sexy. A man that knows himself is sexy to a woman."
"Being authentic and just being your own person makes you very attractive to other people in all ways."
"I don't know why you girls are so repulsed by me. I do everything I can to appear attractive to you. I'm sophisticated and magnificent. I have a nice car, a BMW."
"Make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying."
"The disco ball is a bunch of broken pieces put back together again. When you're finally enlightened, it makes this mesmerizing, totally attractive light."
"There's nothing more attractive than... seeing him play with our kids and truly be willing to take care of them."
"What makes you attractive to those who know you best is your heart. You are a very loving, giving person."
"It should be illegal for someone to look this good!"
"If someone's attracted to you, that's because there's something attractive about you."
"Safe is sexy; make sure you wear some goggles."
"One of the design notes I recall reading was just, 'Make everyone hot.'"
"Being vulnerable is actually very sexy and powerful."
"I think your talent's kind of weird but I still like you a lot, and you're very pretty."
"You would not believe how hot and sexy this Green Knight was."
"I've got the taking cute pictures and stuff, but that's not gonna really do it. So I decided to do weird things in the combination as well as being sexy."
"A woman's value is not determined by how attractive she is."
"A man's value is not determined by how attractive he is."
"Your sense of humor and your will to make things happen are qualities people find very lovable and attractive."
"One of the most attractive things is the way you carry yourself, how you communicate, your confidence in general."
"Everybody wants to be around you; you're super energetically attractive."
"No matter what your weight or size, you're still very attractive. Don't be insecure because you carry your weight very well."
"You are a lot more attractive than you even think, and you stayed in toxic relationships not realizing how valuable you were."
"If you don't have a Fon plushy, go get yours now; it's the cutest, most handsome plushy you'll ever see."
"Nothing's more sexier than being a gentleman."
"Regardless of your body shape, there is a man out there who's going to find that attractive, and you don't want to change yourself to try to attract men."
"The overall reason why people stare at you is because they do find you very attractive."
"Confidence takes you from a 6 out of 10 to a 10 out of 10."
"Being perceived as conventionally attractive has real financial implications."
"One of the most powerful ways to look more attractive, more confident, or just like people see you in a different light, is to just say it in a different way or just use your voice as like a projection."
"Code Absolu is absolutely killer, fall and winter time this is a beast, great evening fragrance, great date fragrance."
"We talk about a lot of uncomfortable truths in the dating game and teach guys what it really takes to be attractive."
"This is simply the prettiest phone Samsung has ever made."
"Samsung has figured out design and crafted one of the most attractive phones I've seen."
"Men love this scent. Personally, I find this to be like the perfect signature scent, a really nice casual fragrance that doesn't really smell out of place with whatever you're doing."
"It's just super sexy and super addictive. If you wanted something like that, please, guys, go and get it."
"You being your unique self is just enough for people to really want you."
"If you superimpose a set of faces, the face that results from it will be more attractive than any individual in that set."
"I have never played a game of this where somebody outside of the game didn't come up and look at the game and be like 'What in the world is this? This looks amazing!'"
"Just that sense of freedom, everyone is turned on by it."
"Having a sense of life purpose is extremely attractive to women."
"Being attractive and being pretty are two separate things."
"They've perhaps seen your glow up in some way."
"Be okay with allowing the process to transform who you are so you can become more attractive for who you want."
"You guys definitely have a high level of empathy, and that's what makes you super attractive to others."
"Through every challenge you guys have gone through, you've learned how to become more attractive, to become more like yourself."
"You guys definitely are really talented in some area of your life; that's what makes you really attractive."
"What's so attractive about you is your great sense of humor. You guys are truly courageous."
"A guy who's 35 is more attractive than a guy who's 25 to most women, on average."
"There's something so mesmerizing and attractive about encountering people who are just really engaged in whatever dumb thing they're doing."
"Self-awareness is sexy. A man who is a high-value man is an aware man."
"There is nothing that is sexier or more desired in this world to a woman, than a man who is always looking for ways to ensure her of her safety and well being."
"Girls put guys in specific roles because the reality is, most guys are deficient in things that make them attractive long-term."
"Ethan's smile isn't just that, a great smile."
"It's a great fragrance... very masculine, very sexy."
"Like in the words of Marilyn Monroe and woman being pretty is like a man being rich."
"She has an inherent vulnerability that is attractive."
"There's nothing sexier than a girl with goals and a hustler's mentality."
"Confidence is one of the most attractive traits in a partner."
"A bad personality can make even the most attractive person look ugly."
"This will grab you compliments, this will stop people in their tracks, this is just so fresh, also bit spiky."
"The more attractive the girl, the more painful the rejection."
"It's not about getting girls and getting laid guys it's knowing your worth and knowing that I can walk away and I can replace her and there is nothing more attractive than a guy that is willing to walk away from a woman."
"I've never had a problem with girls. I could always get very nice girls, beautiful girls, intelligent girls."
"Curiosity is a sign of intellectual engagement and an open mind."
"Having hobbies is attractive because it shows you're a well-rounded individual."
"Being a man with a plan is incredibly attractive."
"Women love confidence. Own your convictions, bro."
"He's hot! Everyone in the comments here are committing fatherless behavior."
"There's something so attractive about a guy with that kind of a mindset."
"In today's economy, the ability to work from anywhere is really, really attractive."
"This kind of energy is incredibly charismatic and attractive."
"The true rebellion is not supposed to be attractive because it just isn't."
"The willingness to communicate attracts communication."
"You wouldn't be so desperate to go out and chase broken [] instead you'd be out there doing your [] thing living your life shining your light so bright sending out such an awesome [__] signal to the world."
"Men respect you when you stand up for yourself. It's hot when a woman stands up for herself."
"Stay pretty. It's the pretty ones you have to watch out for."
"You looked hot like I sto it it stopped me in my tracks on Twitter."
"This person wants to impress you, they're constantly thinking about new things to catch your eye."
"First, it's Robert the Batman, so he's so hot. Okay, okay, but he's not, he's not hot or handsome, it's like perfect but he's like kind of ugly but also kind of handsome, so that's why it's so good."
"He's a stunner, you know? He's so hot, and even till now, even though he's like 50, he's like daddy, you know? It's crazy."
"Just because I'm not sexually attracted to a person doesn't mean that I can't somewhat assess how attractive they are, you know what I'm saying?"
"Everyone has their own individual preference...but in general, being lean and athletic is attractive."
"You can look sexy at any age but there is a difference between looking sexy and looking trashy."
"Guys who are just athletic, fit...and know what they bring to the table, are attractive."
"A man who is fully comfortable and confident touching women and being touched is going to be attractive to women."
"The widespread online criticism that this show made Zorro too hot is in fact valid and true."
"You know you're one of the hottest people you know."
"He's a handsome devil, that G. Nice hairline."
"Are you attracting people to you because of the Eternal things?"
"Confidence in who you are is the sexiest thing."
"A woman who knows what she wants and can speak her mind openly is very sexy."
"Neediness is not attractive. It's actually a turn-off."
"Authenticity and genuine individuality is why I'm attractive and why I seem confident."
"Red hair stands out and it's rare so it's going to catch your eye."
"The halo effect: the more beautiful somebody is, the more positive attributes you equate to them."
"Women want a man who other women want and what other guys want to be."
"Their self-respect makes them more romantically attractive."
"She's more sophisticated than she looked in the pictures, and she's gorgeous."
"I think you guys are gonna feel really sexy too by the way, I think you might get like clothes that make you feel sexy."
"Strength looks and intelligence, the triple threat."
"Beauty, why do we find some people more attractive than others? While beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, it turns out math has a lot to do with it."
"You're turning heads because you're a different person, you've got that confidence, you are nourishing yourself, you're brimming with that potential."
"Owning cryptocurrency actually makes you super attractive."
"Bald men tend to be seen as more masculine and attractive to women."