
Diminishing Returns Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The law of diminishing returns applies. So doing a little amount of what I call lifestyle interventions over a long period of time is going to be far more helpful or efficacious than doing a lot and then doing nothing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Money will buy happiness if you make more money, assuming you're living in a first-world country... but it does fall off; it has a diminishing return."
"Efficiency is good... but there is a point of diminishing returns to using efficiency as your only strategy for productivity."
"After you start making enough money, you don't really have things that you want to do with the money...for many people...it has diminishing returns."
"There's a diminishing return on a beard, and I was at that point."
"I think there's this diminishing return on a beard, and I was at that point."
"At some point, there is diminishing returns to more capital, to more money."
"Eventually one gets beyond the point where it's doing them any good."
"It's the same story: 41 million has become 13 million, 18 million has become 7 million."
"Diminishing returns above 90 frames per second."
"As that drops, the reward for doing all this cow towing and pandering and censorship and premeditated propaganda is going to get less and less passionate."
"There's diminishing rewards on what we promote."
"If you say 'hey, I ran a marathon' everyone's like 'oh my god.' If you're like 'hey, I ran two marathons' you don't get that much more of an 'oh.'"
"You start hitting diminishing returns then you start to get stuck right like on both sides you can get so fixated on productivity your work starts to become formulaic."
"Achieving really exceptional results takes an amount of effort and time and commitment that starts to become disproportionate to the rewards for most people."
"That's what why we're gonna put my finger on like why I think the first movie is so I love it and then why I think the movies were diminishing returns is like the antagonists in this movie or the dinosaurs."
"There's definitely a law of diminishing returns."
"I think my answer to the uh to the final part of that question is just yes it does seem to be the case that there are limited returns Beyond eight cause."
"Once you get to like hour 100 of playing it, they start feeling like less minor things."
"The Lego Movie 2: a cautionary tale of franchise fatigue and diminishing returns."
"I'm always trying to find the point of diminishing return with everything."
"Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing."
"In the bull market, every positive thing he said about Dogecoin and Bitcoin thereafter kind of had diminishing returns."
"Items physical items objects things you can buy a store are not going to make your life significantly better it's also a law of diminishing returns as well."
"Star Wars ain't gonna give it to you anymore. The first hit's always the best, and then you're just chasing that high for the rest of your life."
"Diminishing returns is very logical as you would expect since there isn't truly infinite supply of money to inject into Bitcoin."
"That was the big Ender that was your bigger this is the third time you've shown the game and each time you've shown the game you've shown less and less and less."
"The demon kind of is starting to have diminishing returns, and we need the next time the demon comes out to really, really mean something."
"There's a diminishing return to the amount of layers that you can add to a network."
"Despite the iPhone upgrades not being as substantial as they used to and they probably never will be that substantial again."
"If you have more unlimited time then there may be a point where there is no actual return on the training."
"Once you get locked into this path, it starts actually taking away from your ability to have joy."
"At a certain point, you're just spending more and more money and you're not getting a whole lot more."
"Diminishing marginal utility is that, as you get more and more money, the increment in utility for each extra dollar diminishes."
"Money can buy you happiness until it's just kind of, it doesn't really do much afterwards."
"Past a certain point, you see a drop-off in happiness."
"The movie suffers from the diminishing returns of how sequels were viewed in the past."
"The devil is in the detail, and the more you pay for a lens, the tinier the improvements become."
"The more you consume something, the less pleasure you get from it."
"You have some killer options, and this is kind of where you get diminishing returns after this price point because there's just so much good stuff to pick from."
"Do I really have to finish? Do returns always diminish?"
"It's really just the variety over time. We know that even if we want to train as specific as possible, you can't just do that because diminished returns will set in."
"It's cool the first few times, but when half the seasonless can blow up the universe, it starts to feel less impressive."
"Beyond that, it doesn't exponentially increase your happiness, actually."
"The law of diminishing marginal returns states that decreasing marginal returns must happen eventually."
"Utility functions exhibit diminishing marginal utility; they are not linear."
"We get this law of diminishing marginal returns."
"The law of diminishing returns is one of the most important concepts in economics."
"The longer you do the same thing, the less result it's going to produce."
"Diminishing marginal rate of substitution tells us that the more of good X we have, the less willing we are to give up units of Y for it."
"Adaptive resistance happens on a negative feedback loop... the more you do a specific task, the less profound the results are going to become."
"The average cost curve is U-shaped because of the law of diminishing marginal returns."
"Diminishing returns is an absolutely powerful thing to keep in mind when deciding how to program."
"Everything in life is awesome for a while, and then you keep doubling down on it and keep going and eventually you run into the law of diminishing returns."
"As you gain proficiency, you must consistently make larger and larger investments in order to yield progressively smaller and smaller returns."
"Amadahl’s law demonstrates the law of diminishing return."
"The dirty little secret of loyalty programs is that they all tend to add an effectiveness over time because people get used to the reward."