
Health Awareness Quotes

There are 2122 quotes

"PCOS is underdiagnosed and its prevalence is much higher than we think it is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Did you know that the food you eat can play a major role in preventing and even fighting cancer?"
"The more you understand the components of health, the easier it is to be healthy."
"Your support means a lot, and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and remember that you have more power over your health than you've ever been told."
"Almost everyone has had a family member who suffers from heart disease... Just trying to get them to understand that there is a relationship between your lifestyle and your outcome."
"Everybody knows smoking is bad for you. That's like common knowledge."
"The more people who learn that there are natural, healthy ways to address their problems, the less they'll rely on Big Pharma."
"Just because we ate something in the past doesn't mean that it's the healthiest possible diet."
"Health is real, organs failing is real, diabetes, heart disease, all that is real."
"How crazy is it that only two percent of people will ever return to a normal BMI from being obese?"
"Think about your body as if it were a trusting innocent child that had to take into it anything you put into it, even if it were damaged by it."
"You can't generally feel your high blood pressure; that's why it's called the silent killer."
"You don't have to be a size 2 to be healthy, but health is very important."
"If you want to know what's healthy, then you actually need to read the ingredients list, not the marketing information on the front of the package."
"Remember, you don't have to be a size 2, abs are great, but not needed to be healthy. Health is very important mentally and physically."
"It's a real challenge but we have to take the virus for what it is and what it isn't."
"You tell people you have Sickle Cell. That's what she did."
"Your health is a blessing. A lot of people don't understand how it is to wake up every day in pain."
"We can't afford to take health for granted anymore."
"If you notice that you're not as healthy as you once were, then wake up and do something about it."
"As we travel trips around the Sun, your risk for heart diseases is present."
"The seriousness of this disease cannot be overstated."
"Cooking makes you more aware of what you put in your body."
"Cameron Diaz has voiced her opinion on the importance of embracing one's natural scent and has expressed concerns about the potential health risks associated with certain deodorant ingredients."
"Get ready to be shocked and informed about the surprising foods that could be harming your health."
"Pay attention to your body, pay attention to what you're consuming, how you're treating it."
"Listen to your body, pay attention to it; it's crucial for understanding your health needs."
"Knowledge is power. So by telling me that when I get into 40, that this is going to happen, that when I'm in my 20s this is going to happen... it allows everyone to understand that what they're putting in their body can actually activate the gene that they're worried about."
"It was definitely a really tough time because this is something that happened so unexpectedly and I'm incredibly active and healthy, and just kind of makes you really stop and realize that anything can happen any time."
"There are a lot of dumb things out there that are put into products like aromatase inhibitors... that, in certain contexts, can make sense, but it's very context dependent."
"If I had known this sooner, I wouldn't have syphilis and be dying."
"The world would still be better if an awful lot more people got tested. The numbers of people walking around untested with HIV is frightening."
"SOS is that international symbol of danger, or it also stands for salt, oil, and sugar."
"If you feel thirst, you're already five percent dehydrated."
"The vast majority of the world is lactose intolerant... Western Europeans are really the main group of people who aren't. Milk is not the perfect food for people and can be quite inflammatory for our systems."
"Big biceps and big chest may boost the ego, but when you get further along in life, your health and wellness really depend on how fit your heart and lungs are."
"We don't want to take lightly the health of our gut biome."
"Your day job is about a subject that is really close to my heart, immunology...I don't think people realize that, pretty much every chronic long-term health complaint, condition that we have, in many ways the immune system plays a central role."
"Allergy sufferers can never ignore that because they're in a constant conversation with the world around them."
"You might have seen those BPA-free stickers on plastic water bottles before."
"Narcolepsy just goes beyond being tired; there's a lot of other symptoms with it, and it can be debilitating."
"Science comes forward and says, 'Listen, smoking is a cause of lung cancer. You shouldn't do it if you care about avoiding lung cancer.' That's not an Orwellian intrusion. That is just information which is now actionable."
"When there is internal bleeding, you can be hemorrhaging and not know it."
"All the proceeds of this sale are going to Prostate Cancer UK."
"99% of people are breathing dysfunctionally. They don't realize the damage they're doing to their bodies and brains."
"Listen to your body... if we paid attention and listened and learned how to be in tune with our bodies, we're going to actually be a lot healthier."
"I think that mental health starts with brain health."
"We should hope to encourage accurate and helpful self-diagnosis because how can you possibly get a diagnosis if you're unable to be aware of your own situation?"
"Vitamin D is too important to ignore. It governs so many critical functions, so you need to measure, you need to know where you are."
"This was on the front cover of The Economist a few years ago and it actually reflects the situation where we have rising percentages of obesity and overweight in the world."
"Remember, it can take years before that processed junk that you've been putting into your body catches up to you."
"Just because humans took a resource and distorted it into something processed and refined and dangerous doesn't mean that you have to eat it."
"We take for granted our mental well-being up until we don't have it."
"If something can manifest so physically that you're having a seizure, then you probably need to take this more seriously."
"Remember that please have safe sex. I don't care who you are, how old you are, what gender you are, have safe sex always."
"I'm much more anti Ultra processed food... once you absorb that information, you think gosh if I'm having this every day of my life in some form, this is perhaps why we're in such a mess."
"I've always said with boxing, because of the dangers of the sport, I've always said, 'Get in, get rich, get out.'"
"My mission is to get this information to as many people as possible and to help them to take back control of their health."
"Most people don't really care about health, look at the number of people who smoke or eat fast food knowing that it's unhealthy."
"It's never too late... to reduce your risk of heart disease, which is the number one killer of people living with all forms of diabetes."
"We have pretty good reason to believe MDMA can be used in a relatively safe way, but you should be cognizant of the potential issues."
"Bringing you the stone-cold facts about your health."
"If the average cholesterol in America is between 200 to 210, you can get to 200, feel good about yourself, but are you still going to have a heart attack? Very likely, yeah."
"I cannot live without sunscreen anymore. Having been a sun worshipper for all that time and knowing what I did to my skin and how much I regret it, the one thing that I just don't feel right leaving the house or even being in my house without is sunscreen."
"Remember those people around you who may well be; remember those seniors with underlying health conditions."
"Watch your health, make sure you're getting your checkups."
"Chest pains are always serious. Hope everything works out for you."
"Understanding what symptoms mean and evaluating your body's symptoms is about digging one step deeper to look at cause-and-effect relationships in health."
"The smartest doctor in the room is your own body if you listen to it."
"Our hope was that we could truly show you what caffeine is doing inside the human body, even at the cellular level, so you could make informed decisions about how you want to utilize caffeine in your own life."
"Food is medicine, but we've been duped into thinking that boxed, canned, jarred, or bagged items are food."
"Hello, Maddie. I'm Rafael from Australia. I designed/sell a sunscreen applicator since 2019. My sister passed away from melanoma found in the middle of her back, the place where you can't reach to protect."
"Preventing or treating the 11 major risk factors that steal your mind is crucial to keeping your brain healthy."
"Your genes are not a death sentence; they should be a wake-up call."
"Your health is everything, please take it seriously."
"Once you start fasting, you see what [unhealthy habits] do to your body, and you don't want that numbness."
"Before I started my lifestyle change, I would have devoured the entire package."
"It's okay to rest; know when your body needs to rest, it usually tells you."
"Why has there been an increase in diagnosis? It's partly unhelpful because science has improved. It would be a bit like saying, 'Why have we got more people now surviving cancer?' It's because the science has improved."
"Everybody knows someone who's been touched by cancer and knows how shocking and devastating that diagnosis is."
"I'm here with a clear message to other men, especially older men: get screened, get your regular checkups. Prostate cancer has a glass jaw. If your doctor can spot it, they can treat it and beat it."
"Be easy, stay lit, stay healthy out there, black lives matter, and don't forget you can do whatever the hell you put your mind to. All it takes is practice and time."
"Every time that you get a tan, you actually have DNA damage."
"We have decided that we want to take control of our health even more to figure out what things in the future might be a concern for our own health."
"If I save even one person's life because they went to get screened earlier, then it was all worth it."
"A lot of us think high blood pressure is no big deal. It's become normalized. But, my friends, I guarantee you it is a very, very, very big deal."
"Coronary artery disease in South Asians is a huge, huge problem and we've recognized this for a very long time."
"The decision to share this news was difficult and made after careful consideration not only to advocate for the understanding and compassion for Wendy but to raise awareness about Aphasia and fronto temporal dementia."
"Eating 3,000 calories from salmon and broccoli is not the same as 3,000 calories from Twinkies."
"If numerous breast cancer survivors have mixed feelings about a month meant to raise them up, then that should raise some serious red, or in this case, pink flags."
"When you've seen one person with dementia, that's all you've seen is that one person because it affects people entirely differently, and every journey is different."
"Obesity is definitely one of the big ones, and also physical activity. More recently we've become aware of the importance of physical activity."
"It's all for charity, the immune deficiency foundation, so it's all for a good cause."
"In 1999, he established the Nelson Mandela Foundation to combat HIV/Aids, a disease with prevalence rates significantly exceeding 10% in South Africa."
"If you had a broken leg, you wouldn't just walk on it until it stopped hurting."
"The science speaks for itself, whether or not you want to believe it, it's kind of like, if you're given a diagnosis, you can argue the diagnosis, or you can argue the medicine."
"I'm not invincible, and I am going to be here for a long time, so I need to start looking after myself."
"It's not about how I look, this is about how long I can live."
"Yes to body positivity and being beautiful no matter what size you are, but please don't romanticize obesity."
"Stress is not the problem; chronic, unresolved stress is the problem."
"The health threats begin at an a1c of 5.3. And that's not new information. That was published in 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine."
"We have an actual obesity crisis... stop pretending that making people feel validated about how they look is somehow more important than protecting their health."
"Even if you know you're healthy looking on the outside... could you feel better than you currently do? That's the question you should ask yourself."
"Most people are not drinking enough fluids and are mildly dehydrated all the time."
"Your health is your wealth, the quality of life and the experience is not so good if it's not working properly."
"Alzheimer's disease attacks half of us by age 85."
"Mistakes happen to everyone, even when you do everything right... I did everything right, and I still got chlamydia."
"Understanding the ingredients in our food can have a significant impact on our overall wellbeing."
"You've certainly increased my awareness of iron, I'm going to be thinking about my iron intake quite a lot now."
"People who want to take gear should know that the psychological effects are real as [__]."
"Brain health is something that we should all be concerned about, no matter our age."
"Aging is a privilege... but that fear is literally... a sign of sun damage."
"The reality is that being fat is not as good for you as not being fat."
"Just please take it seriously for your dick's sake if not for anything else."
"Time to master diabetes here on the Exam Room brought to you by the Physicians Committee with the Weight Loss Champion."
"Most people are destroying their brains from the inside out without realizing it and then wondering why they don't feel well."
"This information may literally save your life."
"Mental impairment can be just as debilitating as physical impairment, and the both are connected." - DR. BANDY LEE
"Knowing that someone with Hidradenitis Suppurativa you are at risk for depression, anxiety, mood disorders, please make sure that you are at least aware tapped into the mental health services in your area."
"If you don't understand where these viruses come from originally, we're just gonna have this keep happening again."
"We must have solved obesity, which they hadn't because it's now 2018 and I'm still here banging on about it."
"One out of five of you watching this right now might have a parasite in you."
"It's totally natural and it's fine, but long-term it has some effects."
"Sugar is a drug. It is the number one most abused drug that we have."
"I took this upon myself to create awareness in the country for people to know what scoliosis is about."
"Patience is key; honor the cycles of your body."
"Inflammation really just means a response to damage... innocent bystanders sitting there and getting caught up like a hand grenade going off."
"If you watch 10 of my videos, you're probably going to think really long and hard about smoking crystal meth this weekend."
"What we're eating is affecting the way your brain functions."
"You need not be upset about it...your body is 100% on your side."
"The most important thing you need to know about your health is your health is literally the greatest foundational choice you can make for generational wealth."
"Poor cardio-metabolic health is the real issue we should be addressing."
"We ought to be behaving like there's a menace out there that can, if you are careless about it, knock 10 or 20 years off your life."
"The American people are all responding to look after not only their own health but their families and their communities."
"Moral of the story: see your doctor, get your levels tested, know your body."
"Anorexia nervosa has been glamorized by everyone because of the fact that you take this very competitive illness and then you make the diagnostic criteria for anorexia significantly underweight."
"Can we detach the word anorexia from the word skinny? They're not bonded together for life anymore; they've divorced forever, thank god."
"Your health is your responsibility and these wild products could play a big role in that."
"Know your numbers... You're too precious to all of us."
"Yo congrats Mike, yo eff he's online, let's get him in a game."
"That's so amazing to see more guys getting into skincare and understanding how important it is."
"There's a lot of people... almost half of the world's population is deficient in vitamin D."
"Symptoms of insulin resistance: know what to look for."
"Sometimes you have to find out you're sick before you look for a doctor."
"Good Source Foods is all about changing the perception of food and supporting healthier snacking options."
"Inadequate fruit consumption is one of the leading killers on planet earth... the more fruit, the better."
"How addictive sugar is and all the ways it negatively affects our bodies."
"Tooth decay is the ultimate preventable condition."
"Please take care of yourselves, stay healthy, and stay free."
"Sexual health is an important part of our overall health."
"The number one cause of disease or death: heart disease."
"Went to his home and shot him, and he did this poem, and he was talking about people don't like to wear condoms because they feel like it's not cool. He said, you know, it's really not cool dying, dying ain't cool, so be alive, don't be cool."
"Sometimes things just don't work the way they are supposed to. That's not something to be ashamed about, just like other health problems aren't anything to be ashamed about."
"We are now with food where we were a generation ago with tobacco."
"More people need to know the truth about essential oils."
"In this day and age of social media, we still have movements like this which can really help a lot of people out there suffering from skin conditions."
"Get your health checked and know if something's creeping up on you early on so you can fix it, keep training happily for as long as possible."
"People die of cancer because they catch it too late."
"Pain is there for a reason so please don't ignore it even if you can run through it."
"There's a direct correlation between the health of the food and the health of our bodies." - Mark McAfee
"There's nothing wrong with being hungry every now and then."
"Protein is very, very, very important to us."
"Being an early adopter of that... being obese... my family was early adopters."
"The pandemic bit! The bit about the viruses as well."
"I sincerely hope this issue isn't a symptom of something that requires treatment. If it is, then it's better to bring it up sooner rather than never."
"People putting all this stuff in their body, they don't even need or know what it does."
"I think that's a good thing, I want to bring a kid into this world caring enough about myself to where like I just can't even imagine like being on a pill and my heart's always racing."
"A stark reminder of the fragility and resilience of the human body."
"I think the fact that there are tests patients now being identified locally has to do with that increase testing capacity and the change in the definition for who can get tested."
"An unhealthy body is not going to adapt to stressors, and if you're not adapting to stressors, you're not going to adapt to your training."
"Health is performance, you guys. Everything connects to everything."
"Nut consumption may be a marker of a better diet overall."
"This goes beyond being a dessert. It's a Wild Fusion so gloriously unhealthy that your taste buds will throw a party while your nutritionist runs away screaming."
"After 2020 and coming out of this crazy COVID year, we want everybody to get healthy."
"I don't know if everyone is the new tobacco, yeah I think that's of everything that's the worst."
"We can accept that vaping isn't healthy, stop pretending it's a magic alternative to smoking."
"There are men who have cervixes... it's just factually wrong." - Emily Thornbury
"There's a chance um what about the side effects well they can be mild to practically non-existent or they can be pretty darn awful"
"People are not immediately protected when they're vaccinated, and it's important for everybody to remember that."
"I hope you guys are keeping safe, I hope you guys are getting vaccinated, try to get vaccinated as quickly as possible."
"Self-diagnosis is arguably more important. This is absolutely so unbelievably wrong."
"Not everything needs to come with like a food fear-mongering lecture."
"It's just not hard to see how so many Americans are lacking in key vitamins and minerals."
"If you're not going out, if you're not walking around, you don't eat that many calories."
"People realize by taking protections... a lot of these things that have plagued us for our whole lives... can be avoided."
"I went to the doctor today found out something I had no [__] idea about um I'm obese."
"The standard American diet: fast food and pleasure over long-term health."
"Individuals should be mindful of healthy eating habits to reduce susceptibility to and long-term complications from COVID-19."
"McDonald's should make the Play Place into a giant model of the human heart. So when the fat kid gets stuck in the aorta slide, he'll know what he has to look forward to later in life."
"Please start educating yourself on optimal human nutrition."
"Everybody knows like you and I know and so does everybody else that if you lose weight your type 2 diabetes will get better."
"What we put in our bodies impacts our health, our lifespan, our mental state."
"Why does nobody care? If estrogen levels were plummeting and half American women were growing mustaches I think we would acknowledge that as a problem."
"Hey, wait, there's something I can do about my life and about my health."
"If there's ever been a time where you got to take your weight seriously today's the time."
"Real change had to be made... no more pills, powders, potions."
"No artificial sweeteners I said sweeteners this is incredible story has been though I know people have just watching me maybe for the first time do it but proper wall really is good."
"If I don't stay hydrated, will I keep my teeth?"
"Shout out to Dakota he's seven years old and is actively kicking Cancer's ass join the fight give send go Dakota's Army."