
Misunderstanding Quotes

There are 6194 quotes

"Having communication with anyone that you want to, unrestricted by this flapping air past meat on your face, is a means of communication that's ridiculously prone to being misunderstood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Please, I beg you, don't hurt me. Oh goodness, I know how bad this must look to you right now, but I assure you I mean no harm."
"You're going to ruin my life for trying to talk to a cop?"
"Fair assumptions were made, and I understand why Brax thought everything led back to me; however, that doesn't change that my words and actions caused Brax's pain."
"Texting is our main mode of communication in this day and age, and unfortunately, a lot can get lost in translation."
"Okay, that was sarcasm in case you didn't catch that."
"Since the dawn of time, circa 2005, children everywhere have debated which Avatar bending style was superior, ironically missing the entire point of the show."
"I don't think you know how red light green light works."
"A beast wouldn't understand that," and these words got him beheaded on the spot, leaving his head falling a few meters away.
"I apologize for ever doubting you. I was not familiar with your game."
"You know a hearing's off to a shaky start when a lawyer has to clarify that he is, and I quote, 'not a cat.'"
"Empathy is often seen as weakness by younger souls, and it's actually a superpower."
"Integrity, you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
"I never meant to hurt you, I was trying to figure myself out."
"The gap between someone's impact and their intention is a great way of working out why that hurtful thing happened, and how to stop it happening in the future."
"I agree. I think people misunderstanding, they oversimplify structural racism."
"It's okay, you can talk to me," he continued, his toothy grin seeming like a clownish parody of my own."
"Accountability is tricky because people confuse accountability with lack of compassion. And I don't see it that way."
"Pretending that you can read somebody else's minds and know how and why they do things, you're often going to be wrong."
"The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to excel, who have dreams and want to do things."
"If you think for a second that you know me, that will be the last mistake of your life."
"True artists are usually misunderstood in their lifetime."
"People with true obsessive-compulsive disorder... it's not just some cute disorder."
"Neglected all the time in different ways because I'm like so strong and stuff, people are like, 'Britney doesn't need help.' But that doesn't mean I don't need help."
"A literature review is a preferred method of torture used by professors all over the world. Just kidding! As torturous as writing a literature review may seem, I think they're just highly misunderstood."
"You love these people who are in your life and just because you don't see eye to eye on something doesn't mean that all of that love just completely disappears."
"It was a false pregnancy test, so I'm not pregnant and everything's going to be all right."
"You have to have a willingness to fail. You have to have a willingness to be misunderstood for long periods of time."
"Honestly, after talking for a few hours, I had you all wrong, but you're a pretty cool little dude."
"I just don't understand it from either way... I really don't understand it from a racist perspective but I really don't understand it from racism that's condoned because it's racism against white people."
"Jesus says, 'Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?'"
"A lot of things that we women do is assume, make a lot of assumptions, and sometimes it isn't what you think; you just need to communicate with them."
"Karma, probably one of the most misunderstood words. It's a complex web of chains, but there is just one single pin."
"Orlando, perhaps one of the most misunderstood big cities in the country."
"It's gonna be all right, Jane. Stop calling me Jane. My name isn't Jane Doe."
"Most people misinterpret discipline with punishment."
"He said it's not about disrespecting the Armed Forces and hopes others will soon get that as well."
"Madam, you are mistaken. You are not fighting; you are being subjected to domestic violence."
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."
"They don't do it to be mean. They do it because the truth is the most important thing to them and they cannot stand anything that doesn't make sense to them."
"The importance of this event cannot be overstated, especially since it might have been avoided if not for a simple misunderstanding."
"This misunderstanding of directions on the driver’s part not only led to the death of the Archduke and his wife, but the start of World War 1, which claimed nearly 10 million lives."
"I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?"
"This is an emergency, ma'am, this is a Wendy's."
"So, who wants to talk about someone blatantly misunderstanding things like, oh, I don't know, commissions, copyright ownership, legal transactions, and the concept of professionalism?"
"Preserving the thing that would be preserved by us not doing that is not happening. We're losing that thing, and then we're going to blow ourselves up because we don't understand what the people on the other side are saying."
"Sigma males are innovative and sometimes misunderstood men."
"Proactivity means thinking ahead of time. What bit of proactivity don't they understand?"
"I like that what I originally thought was a dog monument, it turns out is a crocodile monument."
"There are three sides to every story. What you think happened, what I think happened, and what actually happened."
"Fascism to the left means something I don't like. It's whatever I don't like."
"The puzzled reader may ask how could a learned liberal professor have forgotten these elementary axioms familiar to anybody who has read any exposition of the views of socialism."
"The solution that we're offering is the actual message of the show going over people's heads."
"Pure Land Buddhism is likely the most prevalent and diverse expression of Buddhism in the world and yet among many popular writers and scholars in the English-speaking world, Pure Land Buddhism is also among the least studied and thus most misunderstood form of Buddhism in the world."
"More than anything else, people are being kept apart simply because of confusion."
"Don't assume malevolence where you can assume ignorance."
"Modern Art can be weird, frustrating, and confusing, but rather than embracing and trying to understand those feelings, so many people choose to let that frustration trick them into thinking the art is at fault."
"Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding."
"A pause in the wrong place, an intonation misunderstood, and the whole conversation went awry."
"There is some kind of gap that they're trying to bridge between you two."
"Never attribute to malevolence that which you can attribute to human stupidity."
"There are monsters that are not really monsters, they just look like monsters."
"I don't really understand to this day why anybody would hate me. I just do videos on gardening, vegan food, fitness, meditation, and martial arts. What is there to hate?"
"Both sides had dehumanized one another and failed to understand the roots of animosities and grievances."
"Chloe just wanted everyone to be friends; she didn't mean to be creepy or anything like that."
"When two people talk at the same time, we don't get double the information. We actually get none."
"You gentlemen really don't know how this works, do you?"
"It's not the Christmas star, Gris, it's the light on the sewage treatment plant."
"People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer."
"The concept of toxicity is not well understood."
"Are you a racist? What? No, no, Dad. I don't even like racing. I mean, I would never build a deck centered around an Intergalactic Derby. Trust me, I am definitely not a racist."
"Just because I discuss men's issues, people say, 'Oh, you're anti-woman.' I'm not anti-woman; I love women."
"Games that may have been misunderstood or were never given a chance to shine in the first place."
"You don't understand how power works. None of you understand how power works."
"They're acting like you're using it right now, and that you were aiming it at special needs people."
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
"It perfectly captures the tone and feeling of two people who care about each other just having a failure of communication."
"If you know that your intentions are good and it was misunderstood, [__], we need an overstanding."
"Just to make this perfectly clear, I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people."
"He's harassing me, yeah no, he's not harassing you, he's concerned about the dog."
"Why do introverts get mislabeled as creepy just for not talking a lot?"
"This is what you get from living in a segregated society: instead of knowing Black people and Black culture, you've got white folks interacting with Black people like they're making contact with E.T."
"It's not because they're stupid. It's because they were never exposed to this information in a clear, concise, and respectful way."
"Why are you saying bad words? I have Tourette's, I can't help it."
"They were basically saying things like they knew I was a nice guy and that it was just a joke, but they wanted to hear it from me, just to stop my character being damaged."
"I'm very confident that anyone who dislikes me generally does so for misunderstandings or an ignorance of what I do."
"I promise, I'm not peeing. I am just pouring out my hot tea."
"The Bible is the most widely purchased, most thoroughly revered, and probably most broadly misunderstood book in the history of human civilization."
"The more logic that you have to discount their perspective, the more catastrophically incorrect you are."
"It's so easy for people to overwrite someone's story, to say, 'Oh, that person's weird,' because they don't get them."
"You see, it's karma...I mean, not karma, it's reverse psychology."
"But because you didn't know what to expect, you didn't- - No, it just came back with suspicion."
"A person's reasons for deconversion to agnosticism or atheism is something that many Christians speculate wildly about, misunderstand, or simply refuse to believe."
"Instead of a dark creature, there lies a human being."
"You're not a team player when actually what you actually are is that you're smart."
"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."
"I thought she was just saying that so I would stop like beating on her right and they're like oh yeah she's pregnant."
"Do you really think that the right doesn't believe that I mean and I don't know if it's if it's intellectual dishonesty or if they've just really have never spoken to a conservative oftentimes I've just never spoken to a conservative."
"It's something designed to repel them, like a terrible horcrux preserves the soul of the person so they can't die, okay, well then I have no idea what I'm talking about, all right."
"Both characters are dangerous monsters misunderstood by Humanity." - Terry Rossio
"It had nothing to do with women's rights, nothing."
"ABS looks so scary, but you realize he just wanted some friends."
"I was just trying to get on the same page, but it felt like we were in different books."
"I almost felt like this message was taking me down a peg so I took a deep breath and I went back into the message and I realized this person was really really sweet."
"I honestly want to be a part of, why put about to tell me, you seriously get, man?"
"The fact that they don't understand yet is opportunity."
"Blaming misheard for taking this picture of him for trying to help"
"No one across the counter is like, 'I can't wait to ruin this person's day and make them three hours delayed.' They want you to leave."
"The more we treat misunderstandings as genuine signs of harm, the less we are able to talk to one another."
"If you try and tell people what I'm telling you they're going to think there's something wrong with you."
"I wouldn't kill anyone, I mean, your mother thinks it's because of some life insurance and some property."
"Let's just shoot it with the bazooka and it'll get bigger. What, the pool or the whale? The pool."
"I feel this, I got accused of plagiarism in a sociology one-on-one class."
"I realized that I wasn't hearing a bullfrog at all, I was hearing a human voice."
"You're saying that a tornado doesn't make a car. What the hell does that have to do with evolution?"
"There has to be some kind of mistake, I didn't do it."
"I hope one day you see me for me and not the monster in your head."
"Racism is precisely a failure of colorblindness... it is not colorblindness is the antidote to racism..."
"I think if somebody looks at this article and thinks that somehow I'm trying to say that we should support things are Haram and our religion that that's just not accurate."
"It was a countdown he didn't recognize as one for the penalty Quest but instead thought it to be a timer signifying his death."
"It wasn't a vibrator. It was for your sinuses."
"Imagine if she told him in a way where they weren't just going far away from each other and that was like just a moment where he pretended he was okay with it and she didn't even notice."
"The misunderstanding evident in these response videos are so serious...the Christian life is a joy and a thrill."
"Newton would sit there and shock and say I have no idea what you're talking about."
"No, you didn't allow this to happen. Allowing something to happen implies you gave it permission. At no point did you actually consent."
"That's the joke, right? I'm not captain right now like that, you have to update it twice. Okay, that's stupid."
"Damn it is that a creature More Cows horse you think that was all his PE ding."
"He like guys but he wasn't a rapist, let me get that straight as well."
"I hate it when people accuse others of scamming."
"I think the problem we have with the current dialogue on this subject is that you basically have two poles everything the cops do is right everyone the cops shoot the cop needs to go to prison neither one of those are true."
"Of course, she didn't find her mother but Orange heard."
"It's okay to be like, 'Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it that way.'"
"Speedrunning has an image problem... people hate what they don't understand."
"It's the one thing that I think people underestimate."
"I wasn't thinking so deeply into it... it wasn't really meant to be something that people took so deeply."
"I'm sorry... it was not my intention at all."
"You don't like, yeah I don't understand that. I mean he got us into the Middle East, didn't he?"
"A lot of people like there's so many aspects to boxing that people don't understand."
"The challenge for me in this is I just assume and I I'm not going to assume it anymore I assume that people are able to put two and two together and get four not five or seven or nine or whatever it is."
"He thought he was going to the west indies. This is like there once was a man from Nantucket."
"I don't understand how we can ever think that Trump is more closely aligned with that than Biden is."
"Barry doesn't know, he had no clue that Wally West died and the whole time Skeets the robot of a Booster Gold was like dude shut the hell up stop talking."
"By describing something like the Ark of the Covenant as a MacGuffin, you are robbing both the word MacGuffin and the Ark of the Covenant of their meaning."
"I still feel that they mean us no harm and our fear just comes from the unknown, not knowing their purposes."
"For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline."
"I know, it just came off that way, didn't it? I did have a pause for no reason."
"They may not be like acting exactly how you want them to but it doesn't mean they don't care."
"Twitter is blinding us so we have no idea how our messages land."
"I'm a sailor and I love my country. That's just... I don't understand how anyone could be looking at the gas and then be like, 'Oh yeah, Biden took our strategic reserves and exported 5 million barrels.'"
"It's live and I don't think the Pauls necessarily understand."
"To this day, bro, I don't watch it, y'all think it's me?"
"What part of the word 'mystery' didn't you understand?"
"Imagine being labeled that and not knowing why, not having a reason, and not necessarily doing anything that would ever rise to the level of something so horrible."
"Forgiveness for these people, they didn't know better."
"What Martha did not realize was that the address belonged to a shelter for the homeless."
"Either it sounds like it means that people who are abused don't need any special help."
"It's not Kool-Aid, it's coolant from an engine."
"Keep that [ __ ] by my hand 'cause they don't understand what it's like to be a black man."
"Just no one understands me. They don't get why I want to work so hard at everything."
"If you feel like this person just doesn't care about you, that is absolutely not the case."
"We don't understand persecution here in America. We think we do but we don't."
"So don't act like it's a ridiculous position. It's a ridiculous position when you are a stranger on the internet reading into a situation that's 140 characters or less."
"This is not hacking, it's a Roblox game. Not hacking!"
"What exactly is the harm in that? What is the problem with people playing video games? I don't understand."
"I've never heard of this woke, what is this woke that you speak of?"
"What Hitler doesn't actually appreciate is that appeasement isn't just spineless pacifism."
"When people say that very often they are the ones who are missing something such as David Hogg."
"You can't be right for the wrong reasons. But I can do that another time. I think we're talking at cross-purposes here."
"These republicans didn't understand why they were unbalanced ballot books or voter books."
"I don't have a choice you can't do what I'm doing and not be that way that's what they don't get."
"It's not funny because I'm a good woman and a lot of people up people bring people mindset with stuff like that. You don't understand how bad it feels. So I feel good. That's why I'm crying and I'm happy that you know the truth."
"These aren't pictures of Nazi Germany that's the United States after defeating Nazi Germany still burning books just because they happen to have Superman on it."
"I'm so sorry that whatever happened to you happened to you, I did, again, I don't know, but that's not my fault."
"I think it shows a complete lack of understanding and why people are in the street there in the street fighting a system of domination and he doesn't understand that."
"I said, 'The picture part,' okay, so like, 'Did you catch it?' She's like, 'No, I actually hit the video part.'"
"I know you guys are just waiting for something bad to happen, and I don't get any of these guys. I'm gonna get some of that."
"Don't ever mistake tears of frustration with weakness. When you put your all into something, it's hard not to be passionate, especially when people are constantly making false claims and accusations about you."
"I thought you said your dad worked at McDonald's."
"The whole point of me too wasn't supposed to be just believe anything a woman says because that's a terrible terrible message it was supposed to be it doesn't matter if you have power."
"Even if you said something crazy... you guys will communicate through that."
"Carrie was one of King’s most misunderstood characters."
"I'm glad I'm able to explain that to viewers. Most don't know, and I understand it does sound a little slightly unfair if one person is paying and now you want it from me as well. However, that's just not the law."
"Shark attacks almost always are mistakes on human beings, okay? Because we're not in their food pool."
"He's in the right to dunk on me for the other things that I did misunderstand."
"People thought that Francis had died, and it was because he was literally like Moe Szyslak, Moe the bartender, in The Simpsons—he's choking on his own rage."
"Sometimes people don't realize that you are just a human being and you are just trying to do the best that you can in life."
"Why do gamers hate politics? They hate it when they don't understand, when they feel threatened or challenged."
"If you really believe six hundred dollars is gonna change your life you're an idiot."
"I apologize. I thought you were making a joke."
"Nara... You know what, we'll put it in with the heck but Nara actually sounds like it could almost be a city."
"No one should be offended by Gabby Hannah complimenting her shirt."
"First thing I want to elaborate on is what we talked about a little bit ago before we move on to this crazy call, is that Katarana did and I just want to hear you that she reached out to you to talk to Prime then you about this."
"What's happened there is your mum and dad, they panicked. They thought, 'Oh, [expletive], we have missed John. He's a simple sod, get him that big red one, not the mini baby bell.'"
"Learning about impact frames completely changed my approach."
"I don't think you understand the definition of a bully."
"And I realize not many people really truly understand what that word means."
"People just really don't understand where this is going and then there's also amazing financial potential with it as well."
"It's the don't say paddle board Bill apparently."
"There is nothing sadder than watching woke leftists explain comedy to one of the greatest comics of our time."
"Even if you don't get it, you see like oh you think it's on the surface like the people that were like Satan's people that you say the threat was on they didn't get it right."