
Positive Experiences Quotes

There are 275 quotes

"You can get incredible plasticity of positive experiences of things that you want by engaging this high focus regime and then rest, non sleep deep rest, and sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The feeling of gratitude opens me to new positive experiences."
"When good things happen, you should allow yourself to marinade in them as much as possible."
"Travel is usually a positive experience and it creates many happy memories. This creates an emotional bond between a person and a place."
"More people having a nice time is never bad."
"Every positive experience we have also creates memories in addition to the experience itself."
"It's because we've just had a damn good day of Mortal Kombat."
"My entire experience was just meeting with you guys, the fans, and the people from the community. I had an overwhelmingly positive experience at Pokémon Go Fest."
"I've never had nachos sad so I just know when there's nachos here, we're having a good time."
"You're going to have a wild ride with this person, but in a positive way."
"The common experience is that middle group who leave knowing that they've had a great time and it's changed their life."
"But it was really just so nice that they actually exceeded those expectations. You love to see it."
"Some of the most fun I've had in a very long time."
"Destiny is just killing it with like the positive memories and stuff."
"Don't let anything in your head stop you because I can guarantee it, you're gonna absolutely love it."
"I had some good ass [ __ ] I had some bagels okay nice cream cheese look lightly salted on the bottom was real good."
"It felt amazing, like a giant accomplishment."
"Church was fun, church was enjoyable. Like, wow, you can actually go to church and actually have a good time."
"Try to enjoy times with your friends or family, this is going to be a positive time for you."
"You are meant to create changes. You are meant to experience positivity."
"I'm ready to learn in a different way. Show me love, show me joy, show me satisfaction, show me opportunity instead."
"2022 has genuinely been a good time to be a WoW player."
"I have never been around so many nice people in my life."
"Flow is an innately positive experience it is known to produce intense feelings of enjoyment an experience that is so enjoyable that it leads to positive affect and happiness in the long run."
"I kind of felt like I needed that, I needed that really good fun weekend where I got to interact with people even if it was remotely and it turned out really well."
"Say 'yes' to more things that make you feel good."
"Be prepared for the nostalgia, and I just hope it brings a smile to your face."
"I am attracting unconditional love, abundance, clarity, and high vibrational experiences."
"Nostalgia is triggered because something truly great was experienced."
"Make sure they have by and large positive conscious experiences."
"That lets us know you're having a good time."
"This is not what I expected at all, this is [__] incredible."
"It was fun and it was exciting and it was good for us."
"It was really, really good, every single experience."
"My favorite thing in the past ten years of zombies is absolutely without a doubt the community, the events, and the friendships that have come out of this game mode."
"There's something really special about leaving people with a good taste in their mouth." - DAN LEVY
"The best moment was when the judges shake his hand... it was a good day."
"It's been a phenomenal experience, a genuine pleasure."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, my name is [Name], and may your games be filled with awesome memories and even better friends."
"Okay, that's actually perhaps the best thing that has ever happened to me"
"I've been having the absolute best day ever."
"There's warmth and love everywhere and it feels good."
"The higher ranked options are where no matter what subclass you're picking, it is going to be a good time."
"The tower is just a shit ton of fun. It really, really is."
"I loved every second of that, not to mention we found Goose love, and that's a beautiful thing."
"When you do get something good, it feels so good."
"It's these little things that put a smile on my face."
"The whole experience has been wonderful and it's only going to have this family move forward in a more positive way."
"I don't know exactly what we've created here, but I know it made my day a little bit better."
"I feel really, really lucky that that happened so yeah thank you so much for everyone for being so cool."
"It's been such a joyful experience, everybody's been super helpful."
"It's kind of wonderful... it's a whole delightful thing."
"Honestly, not going to complain, that was pretty fun."
"That was lucky, getting around that. This thing is crazy, I love Rampardos."
"People thought I'm human today. Good. Today was a good day."
"I feel like I could pretty much get adjusted to most situations but this one has been just super cool."
"That was really good. I had a great weekend just simply because of that."
"Anything that makes the embarkation process easier, I'm for it. I like it."
"I wasn't expecting this at all, it's really cool."
"I can't just not do that again. This is good."
"Don't meet your idols unless it's Dolly Parton because she does not disappoint."
"This is the best Randonautica experience ever."
"Denny's has a positive impact on me. It left a positive impression on me, and it's a place I'm gonna be coming back to from now on."
"I felt like I was appreciated and it was absolutely wonderful."
"By the end of 2017, Rey stated that it was one of the best years of his life."
"It was so wholesome and pure and wonderful and it made me so happy and I loved it so much."
"So that was a really, really good day, lots of success."
"This was a really awesome stay here at Perry Lake Campground."
"I mean overall, the rally was very encouraging, very positive."
"It's sick dude, the atmosphere is incredible. The atmosphere is genuinely incredible."
"I never thought I was going to get to this point because I am horrible with technology like me and technology are not friends yeah but it's been an easy process like it's been good it's been fun and I really really like it."
"The first feeling of breaking dirt in the morning, it's a good one. It's a real good one."
"Seek out joyous experiences to bring balance into your life."
"What a day what a day I'm glad I missed my flight this is the best day ever."
"That was honestly one of the best nights ever."
"Every single person I have talked to on this trip has been wonderful."
"You deserve this, Aries. It's your birthday month. Beautiful things."
"This is incredible, I wasn't expecting this to happen."
"Hyatt has just never let me down, they've just always been so good to me."
"Cherish those good experiences and relish in them."
"Getting shot down and beaten up wasn't that bad. We got to meet some amazing people and do some amazing things."
"Any day that the sun is shining and we're outside is a good day."
"Never meet your heroes? Try and meet them because every now and again you're gonna just be bowled over by them."
"Everything's better when you eat the potato."
"We've been loving this place. It's been amazing."
"We connected immediately... it was fun, not awkward at all."
"It's just a good time, just have fun and learn."
"Bucky is always happy, everybody that goes in the monkeys comes out happy."
"I don't know if it's the in thing to do, but I'm so glad we've done it."
"Honestly, I'm loving it, loving it, loving it."
"When it's good and when it's going well, there's nothing like it."
"You will always be tolerating something negative but also experiencing something good."
"I'm really excited, but everything I've seen up to this point has amazed me."
"But this was a lot of fun so thank you so much."
"The first two movies were so much fun, just a really unexpected joy to watch."
"It has been a wonderful, wonderful day and I will see you all later."
"This is the best Monday I've had in a long time, just because of this moment right here."
"That's when you know you're having a good time."
"Golden well...it gives you those vibes, those good vibes."
"When good things are happening, they seem longer."
"Positive experiences can arm us with the tools to be resilient."
"There was a bunch of love in the room. I just hadn't had fun like that in a long time."
"Absolutely. I'm absolutely loving this year's race."
"It was an amazing experience, it really was."
"I guess the last thing, and on a good note again, going back to the world boss, I did think the world boss was a lot of fun..."
"It's awesome I hope it continues and I've enjoyed every second of it."
"I'm having a fantastic day in the snow today."
"This feels like a video game in all the right ways."
"It's the best thing we've ever done as a family."
"I don't want games to be terrible so I have bad games to review. I want people to make the things they want to make, and I wanna play good games."
"That's an absolute win of a day, my friends."
"Seth is just a consistently great demon in just about every game and I don't think I've ever had a bad experience with him as an ally."
"What a brilliant day, I've loved it and I'll definitely be back next year here to the Great Dorset Steam Fair."
"This trip has been amazing. It's been fantastic."
"It brought me joy to see how happy people were to see you."
"Your words can persuade people to do a lot of things."
"Surprise! Have a beautiful surprise plan for you, so you both might really like to surprise one another or there could just be some good surprises around the corner in this connection."
"Love laughs. Did you like the experience? I want to laugh all the time."
"Had ourselves a fantastic day, but above all else, G-bud."
"It's just been such a wonderful kind of like dream of a week."
"We've actually finally made some good positive happy memories here."
"2024 is your glow-up year, lots of great experiences, and shining your wonderful light."
"You deserve to be hopeful and have positive experiences."
"This has been a super cool day, a really, really special day."
"All the adventures that I have tried out from Pathfinder have been absolute slam dunks."
"Mostly it's been quite positive, and I think the reason that it's positive is because everybody's played Tetris."
"Anytime I could skate and laugh... those are good times."
"It's fantastic to see, it's unexpected to see, it's just great. So great, I'm confused."
"I'm just happy that we're having a good time, you know?"
"You're aligning with some really good love experiences."
"Good times with great people and two amazing company."
"I thought we had a really good day; we had a lot of fun."
"I'm enjoying life, and I shared as hell enjoyed this weekend."
"Nothing feels quite as good as playing a good remaster of a game you enjoyed when you were younger."
"They want you to have fun, they want you to have a good time."
"Sweet results wait and they take you by surprise."
"Dunks always make you feel good, you can't deny it."
"It's been a blast this last two hours has been the best two hours of my entire day so far."
"This is so fun! There's actually kind of cool to be honest."
"I'm so excited to be here today, this is great."
"I put my headset on just to talk to people and I was amazed because I talked to nice people and like I've met this one dude and we played like five or six games together had a nice conversation he never called me once ler it was incredible."
"It brought me so much joy, you have no idea how much fun I had."
"It's the best feeling in the world when you get to enjoy people."
"Every time something good happens to you, pause and be thankful for the experiences that led you here."
"Time really flies when you're happy and you're having fun time really flies honestly."
"Moments like this are pure joy because you see the resilience."
"Animal Crossing has always been such a relaxing, comforting, fun, and cute experience."
"What a lovely thing to happen on a holiday, huh?"
"He said, 'Dad, this is great. I'm experiencing super nice things.'"
"Surprises are gonna be good. Did you enjoy the surprise?"
"The whole experience had me beaming the further we went up the better it got."
"Thank you guys for being here, this has been a blast."
"Yes, in a lot of ways it did give me the confidence in myself. It was such a positive vibe."
"I'm sticking to my guns. I'm enjoying this happening."
"It has not been the disastrous thing that everybody said it was going to be the opposite the opposite has been such a pleasure."
"I've started to just kind of condition myself away from it with positive experiences of really breathtaking views."
"If you feel you're having fun or there is something that brings fun into your life, that's a great thing."
"It's been an amazing couple of years."
"I just felt so immediately at ease, very comfortable in a way that I haven't felt before."
"I've had nothing but great experience with it."
"Everybody I met in New York was absolutely [ __ ] awesome."
"Everything has been so good so far, magical, and we've done like so many adventurous things."
"I am having such a good day and I just need to say that because I feel like the past week or so I don't know I just, I felt off."
"It was a wonderful experience after another, after another, after another."
"I had a really great time, a super fun time. I hope you had a great time too."
"Golf has changed my life, and everybody I speak to, it's changed their life too, and it's always for the better."
"An absolutely fantastic swimming Zone."
"When someone tells you something and they're overflowing with enthusiasm, like chances are it was a good time. Like latch on to it."
"From my experience, I do hope that they work out their quirks, they deal with the issues they've had, and they continue to move forward and they continue giving good experiences like I had for other people."
"A lot happened but it was the best day."
"I love it here in St. Johns, this is so great."
"And it has been it was just been an awesome experience no joke a very awesome experience."
"A lot of things happened that I didn't expect, a lot of positive things, and grateful for every one of them because at the end of the day I'm doing the thing that I love doing most."
"I've had a perfectly splendid time ever since traveling abroad."
"Patients who come off as abrasive or programs that come off as not worth trying... can also evoke very positive memories and experiences for you."
"Every new place we go seems to get better and better."
"Everyone I've talked to so far is extremely nice and friendly."
"There's so much if there is some version of normal life that we will get back to one day, I hope to take a lot of what we've been experiencing right now with us because it's been so positive."
"Honestly, guys, that was one of the best experiences I've had in a long time."
"This is a silly example we ended up um moving homes and we kept our our previous home we started renting it out and we just got new tenants in and they're the most wonderful people in the world"
"He still did a lot of good things with me. I have good memories of him even till today."
"Arrange the environment for successful and positive first experiences."
"It was a beautiful weekend, a weekend that you would dream of."
"Thank you again. It's been the best trip ever."
"It honestly feels like that but in a great way."
"We have had such an amazing week in Stanley."
"...they were having an amazing time."
"Just doing it more and more and more, you build up such positive experiences that they outweigh any of the negative ones."
"I've met some really cool people this year."
"...working with him has just been a fantastic experience that I wouldn't want to work with anybody else with."
"So all in all, fantastic couple of days, great news from the doctors, great dinner, great friends, yeah, good times all around."
"It's just awesome, it doesn't get any better."
"This was one of the best things I could have done for myself."
"Last night was gorge... had a very good time."
"Had the most beautiful day so far."
"Even though it would end up in such a mess when they were little, the joy outweighed it."
"Honestly, you cannot ride the carousel and not laugh and smile. It is just so fun, absolutely amazing."
"Summers on the other hand can be absolutely fantastic."
"We're pretty excited about everything, guys. This is like the best time we've ever had."
"I have great times when I go, and these are events that had no alcohol."