
Alcohol Consumption Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"For a woman who becomes pregnant, the total number of drinks that you should allow yourself per week while pregnant and breastfeeding is indeed zero."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm not an alcoholic, no. I'm just making little changes, and it has been beneficial."
"The people in the house knew that Willie was on various medications and should have at least tried to stop Willie from drinking."
"There is no safe level or safe time during pregnancy for women to drink."
"I do sometimes have a few too many, which causes me to do stuff like dance on the tables or karaoke."
"Drinking booze before bed will improve your sleep is a very commonly used tactic, but it disrupts the normal sleep and suppresses REM sleep."
"There is no benefit whatsoever from doing alcohol. Therefore, if there's no benefit and there's a little bit of risk, just don't do it at all."
"Upon learning that Islam prohibited the consumption of alcohol, Vladimir remarked: 'Drinking is the joy of the Rus, we cannot exist without that pleasure'."
"To be tipsy is a way to describe your feeling when you're drinking."
"The more drunk you get, the less expensive your alcohol should be because you can't taste the difference."
"It's the good point, you're not actually normal when you drink, you're just taking a loan. You're gonna have to pay that back."
"Alcohol consumption has been linked with a variety of adverse health effects."
"Alcohol is toxic to the liver, and prolonged abuse can cause liver damage."
"Drinking responsibly is key to enjoying a social drink among friends."
"He holds up this bottle to me... did you drink this whole thing?"
"I feel sorry for you people that don't drink."
"Alicia and Josh should not be drinking if there are any children or homes that come from alcoholism."
"Estonia sells 34% of its alcohol to people from Finland."
"Did you see the emu story? No? He's had one of the most interesting lives I've ever heard of."
"No one's gonna go sober. Like, you want to go have fun, drink because you're working all week to have fun on the weekend."
"I think my brain is numb, I think I went to whiskey to bourbon."
"Zero alcohol is better for you than any alcohol."
"Thank God that's not me, but I started to notice like, 'Dang, I'm getting invited to a lot of events and I'm drinking almost all of the events. This is not the move.'"
"When you drink, alcohol gets converted into a toxic byproduct in the gut."
"The heavy association that these romcoms created between an aspirational adult woman and the constant consuming of alcohol."
"All he wanted to do right now was to collapse upon a bed with a stiff whiskey."
"Let's learn how to maybe drink less alcohol get proper sleep."
"I don't drink, I don't really drink ever, red wine is the only alcohol I have in the house, and I've already had about half a cup, and that's all it takes folks, I'm not gonna lie, that's all it takes."
"It's worth it. It's probably the only scenario I can honestly endorse drinking a little of it too."
"You can lose weight even if you drink alcohol as long as you're still in a calorie deficit."
"Understanding these scientific mechanisms underscores the importance of moderation and timing when consuming alcohol."
"One night of tequila shots isn’t going to cause your liver to explode, but having a shot of whiskey with every meal and for a snack would do some serious damage."
"Zbiotics is a pre-alcohol probiotic, the world's first genetically engineered probiotic."
"Every time I have a z-biotics before drinking makes such a difference the next day."
"Whenever you drink alcohol, your body delays burning fat and prioritizes burning off the alcohol."
"If we say on the back of a packet of [ __ ] smoking kills, maybe we should say it on the back of a bottle of alcohol as well."
"Drinking is borrowing happiness from tomorrow. You're drinking baby poison, straight up baby poison."
"You shouldn't be drinking six beers a day either but if you're gonna drink like one beverage for fun a day I'm just saying why not have a beer."
"Excessive alcohol consumption poses significant risks to Kidney Health."
"The undeniable reality is that a smaller percentage of Americans now get into a car under the influence of alcohol than used to."
"Normally, at this point, I am usually nine cocktails in, coming into this thing hot."
"Drinking alcohol will make you drunk, did you know?"
"Football's got such a weird culture. It's people going and getting smashed off their head."
"Always good to have a little bit of whiskey."
"It's never recommended to drink every single day."
"If mental health is something that you maybe need to think about or one of your friends or family members need to think about, it's serious stuff. You can't ignore it. It might be life and death."
"The way to save money straight away is people's drinking."
"Alcohol is so normalized but it's actually terrible for your body's really terrible."
"If alcohol was a way of displaying wealth then the lavish lifestyles of the Royal Court give us an idea about how much booze people would have had access to."
"I'm not allowed to have a martini unless I drink because I say [ __ ]!" - PK
"Absolutely needs to quit drinking and focus on his health."
"He'll have two or three beers and then just get a little little too comfortable."
"Drink responsibly and you'll feel your best tomorrow, this stuff works."
"He drank three bottles of soju, he was smashed."
"Not hungover after drinking tequila but regret eating a falafel sandwich at noon the day before."
"Alcohol is directly related to seven different kinds of cancer."
"He was there for a few hours before that... there was some... he was drinking there was a lot there."
"Stoli baby, it's time for a shot, it's time for a shot, boom."
"If you drink beer every day... there are zero health benefits to consuming a poison."
"Bottles of liquor are maintenance things. You can't just buy a bottle of whiskey and have it. If you're using it, you have to be replacing it at all times."
"The problem with doing a live show drunk... when the show is over I need to drive home."
"Alcohol... realized I wasn't getting anything out of it anymore."
"Zero alcohol, not a drop. Alcohol is a huge problem and modern literature suggests that no amount of alcohol has health benefit."
"I went out quite a bit and drank quite a lot."
"Let's just agree if you're not filming a western or if you're not a pirate drinking it straight out of the bottle is definitely not the best way to go."
"When a bartender tells you that they think you've had enough, listen to them."
"I mean, it's like watching an Ali-Frazier fight. Like, those are like, it's like, 'Oh, you can drink? Can you play drinking games? Beer pong, it is.'"
"Who knows? So you remember when people were dying from Four Locos? Yeah, and people would just still drink."
"As soon as I'm waking up and I'm like wanting to drink which happened a few times at like the most recent optic house."
"Alcohol is not nutritious...it is poison to your body."
"We have a real hate on for weight. Instead of somebody, if I have three glasses of wine, nobody is just like 'oh my gosh, you're so unhealthy.'"
"Alcohol gum... the more you chew the drunker you get and No One's Gonna know because your breath is minty schnapps fresh."
"No amount of alcohol is exact. In fact, two-thirds of deaths in Europe were attributed to light consumption of alcohol, not moderate or heavy." - "Alcohol is the number one killer, the worst poison known to mankind."
"Alcohol was always a good one, but only if you're over 18. Or 21 in the US, I think."
"When you are consuming alcohol, your body has to stop burning fat."
"There's no amount of alcohol that's safe, it's poison."
"Alcohol is literally the only drug where I am able to handle what it is doing to me in real time."
"The best way to prevent this type of tragedy is to just don't drink."
"Drink two sips of water in between every sip of alcohol."
"How drunk is Tyrion Lannister? What is this guy's blood alcohol concentration?" - MatPat
"Tyrion might get the award for drunkest in the family, but the overall best drinker is undeniably Cersei." - MatPat
"I accept the fact that ninety percent of people are rarely if ever allowed to drink in the workplace."
"Don't drink too much because you can and so you just will if you're me."
"But if you're someone who's trying to be a chef or even alcohol is a good example, if you can drink responsibly, alcohol is not really a problem."
"I'm off to the event, make some friends, get drunk!"
"Examine your relationship with alcohol and money."
"It's a safe way to get back home if you're going out for drinks and you don't feel comfortable driving."
"We're going to go out and explore and see what there is to offer... we got to look through this entire book."
"He got so drunk that he passed out by midnight."
"I'll send me a respectable citizen then. Yeah right idea of a good day is waking up and drinking till I'm sick."
"Avoid daily drinking sounds... helpful and good for your brain."
"I've seen her drink 10 old-fashioneds, smoke three joints, and eat two of these."
"Alcohol directly affects the parts of the brain responsible for eating behaviors."
"I can definitely handle my alcohol and am responsible while drinking by pacing myself eating food and drinking water in between each beverage."
"People don't get drunk that much in LA."
"For each drink consumed daily, breast cancer risk goes up by seven percent in premenopausal women and 13 in post-menopausal women."
"Alcohol really plays no part in any kind of health or weight loss journey."
"For women, it's recommended to not drink more than one drink a day."
"Be sensible around your decision making, take on board some of the points that we presented today to make informed decisions around your alcohol consumption."
"There's no human being's body that can sustain a pint of pure alcohol a day."
"It's so socially acceptable to get bombed then."
"There is no safe dose of alcohol because alcohol affects the development of synapses of the brain."
"The safe level of alcohol consumption is zero for optimal health."
"As you sip on another drink, the levels of the hormones inside your body become even more imbalanced. You begin to make decisions and do things that you wouldn't normally while sober."
"Imagine Downing around 7 000 calories of booze daily."
"It was a race to see how far can I postpone my drinking to start today."
"No one can drink alcohol and drive safely."
"Tequila... the experience of going home slightly drunk."
"Every time I come to America, my missus is so sweet. She doesn't really drink, and Americans tend not to really drink in the same way Brits do because Brits, we love to drink."
"One of the components is no alcohol on Monday night. Yay! And it's also allowing me to unpack some of the emotions and grieve without the crutch."
"Alcohol is not poison. Wine is probably the healthiest choice. Probably one glass of wine tonight for a woman."
"Be a responsible drinker, please know when to say when, a reminder from Budweiser."
"Always remember to drink responsibly."
"Remember, alcohol is technically a poison. Your body can handle certain amounts of it, but if you go too far, it will get bad."
"If you're ever out drunk and you're trying to cure your hangover, just have a Hydra before bed."
"Drinking a responsible amount of alcohol with friends is fine, but becoming blackout drunk can be incredibly dangerous."
"No man should drink this much alcohol."
"Not smoking, not drinking too much, all of those things can depress desaturates enzymes as well."
"Stop drinking alcohol or at the very least severely limit it."
"I just stopped drinking alcohol because alcohol takes days away from you."
"Never drink and drive because that's just dumb, it could kill somebody, could kill yourself."
"Would my life be better if I was drinking a little bit less? Would my life be better if I was drinking nothing?"
"You can't have any alcohol with medication, period."
"For every beer you have, drink an equal amount of water."
"An occasional drink or two won't really harm your hormones all that much."
"I'm going to stop trying to stop drinking, and in doing that, I'm going to stop blaming and shaming myself."
"We're suggesting that alcohol on almost any level of consumption is still an increased risk of cancer."
"Zbiotics is a pre-alcohol probiotic drink; it is the world's first genetically engineered probiotic."
"If you want to save money on dinner, I would skip alcohol; that's where they really get you."
"Never get drunk in public, period, but never get drunk on a first date ever, ever, ever."
"No amount of alcohol is considered safe to consume."
"No amount of alcohol is safe for the brain."
"In most states, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers is 0.08 percent."
"A glass of wine a day should be okay, but remember, don't overdo it."
"It always hits when you're drunk."
"Don't drink alcohol unless you are the legal age to do so."
"At any point in time, it is estimated that 0.7% of the world's population is drunk."
"The Queen's drinking preferences have been a subject of much discussion, often surrounded by claims that she indulges in four cocktails per day."
"Every government department has a clear and robust policy in place covering the consumption of alcohol in the workplace."
"In the middle of all of this yelling, I suddenly stopped and I admitted... there was at least the possibility that I drank too much sometimes."
"If you're someone who's really struggling to break the alcohol cycle on the weekend, book something on Sunday."
"The more you drink, the higher the craving; the higher the craving, the more you want."
"Drinking too much is bad for your health."
"The fact that Charles drank so much alcohol on board the RMS Titanic on the night of the sinking may have played a key role in helping him survive."
"As the alcohol consumption increases, the risk of dying from liver disease also increases for both men and women."
"Alcohol is a dangerous neurotoxin and a destructive drug, we need to treat it with caution and care."
"Many people drink alcohol, Jim, and don't cause trouble. It's the person's propensity to want to behave badly that's fueled by alcohol, not necessarily just the alcohol."
"Our drinking culture has changed."
"Don't feel like you have to drink to keep up with everybody else."
"If you all don't want to become complete alcoholics, then I would suggest going to your local winery."
"If you are drinking at home, please drink responsibly."
"Drink it responsibly, consume alcohol responsibly, be an adult, obviously don't be an idiot."
"Your body tells you things; your hangover is your body saying please stop drinking alcohol."
"If you're the type of person where every time you drink you get wildly drunk and you do dumb stuff, yeah, you should probably never drink."
"I feel a little bit bad about all the wine."
"In Poland, we drink a lot of alcohol and have a lot of pickled stuff... Poland is the most Korean country of Europe because of the alcohol and pickles."
"Drink responsibly. Drink plenty of water. Be responsible."
"Drinking too much alcohol will absolutely completely dry you out and rob you of all kinds of nutrients."
"Moderate alcohol intake is associated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease and reduced mortality."
"You can only drink on social occasions."
"One step at a time, one alcoholic drink at a time for myself, and I will survive."
"Drinking alcohol has a direct impact on your sleep."
"Any amount of alcohol increases your risk of cancer."
"The way to cure a hangover: drink water before you go to sleep that night."
"You should always put your phone away when you're drunk."
"The safest level of alcohol consumption is no alcohol consumption at all."
"I drink alcohol now, but in very, very small quantities."
"Why can you be 18 and die for your country in military service, but goddamn it, don't let them see you drinking a Bud."
"As always, we remind you to please drink responsibly."
"Must be 21 and older to purchase and consume, please drink responsibly."
"Every time someone smokes or drinks, they take a second, a minute, an hour off their life."
"Warning: Hard alcohol and machetes do not mix."
"It's believed that this type of liver injury from alcohol is still reversible because there's still no fibrosis."
"Some people can drink moderately alcohol and other people cannot because their chemistry is different."