
Studies Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"It has been shown again and again and again, to have positive effects on brain function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"That intense music tends to be played for about 45 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the study one looks at."
"Hidden champions are these globally successful small firms, and studies have been done on which country has the most hidden champions in the world."
"We're always looking for participants for our studies."
"Implicit bias against black skin is a thing. There are numerous studies that show people see black people as less trustworthy, less hardworking, etc., just on appearance."
"There have been studies on this before, and they've actually quantified the number of serial killers based on birth and found that mutable signs are most common in serial killers."
"Every study that I've ever seen regarding immigration has shown that immigrants are a boon to the economy."
"Non-violent peaceful resistance...works. We've seen the studies showing it works."
"Express your gratitude. Studies prove that the expression of gratitude affects us on a deep biochemical level."
"But there's actually been a wide variety of studies that show there is no long-term risk of psychological health decline."
"These real world studies are now having real world impacts on policy decisions."
"Television absolutely had a significant impact on children. Studies showed that more than two-thirds of kids and their contemporaries were influenced by what they saw on television."
"The single best predictor of lifelong happiness, according to longitudinal studies from places like Harvard, is the existence of close relationships."
"The studies done on the emotional and intellectual predilections of people who tend to support authoritarianism are pretty substantiated."
"Other studies have confirmed these findings since Parsons' discovery."
"Overwhelmingly that there is a racial bias even when accounting for other factors."
"Over the past few weeks, there have been studies in Finland and Sweden."
"The only thing worse than not having access to information is having access to what you believe is legitimate studies."
"Common sense should need studies quoted even."
"It's very powerful; many studies have shown that medication adds even antidepressants at 10% above the placebo response."
"They're literally reporting on a study that somehow measured the wokeness of various companies."
"It's good for you, like we've been plenty of studies showing."
"Studies show that our mental health even changes based on how many or how few wrinkles we have."
"Every broad study I've ever found seems to show that when you increase access to firearms, violent crime tends to increase as well."
"Many studies have shown that women like bald men."
"Consciousness studies is not a new field; it goes all the way back to the upanishads of India."
"I don't think it's a coincidence that when you look at the studies, some places in Scandinavia say they self-report being the happiest places in the world."
"Studies have actually shown that the people who sit in the front row are more likely to be successful."
"Retinoids... have been shown in studies to reverse early pre-skin cancers."
"There's definitely trade-offs and the final thing is just there's studies out on kind of the electric scooter business."
"Can you or is the question is can you do it? Yeah. Can you and should you? Yeah. So can you is yes it can be done the studies prove it out should you is you that's why it goes back to your boundaries and what you State."
"The reverse is also, it's huge, right? Like often, you know, scientists get very excited about like 10% changes, so that is a so... I think you look at the... and these are studies that been done on hundreds of thousands of people."
"I'm excited that after proving obscure for most of the 20th century, it's finally receiving extensive scholarly treatment and a variety of studies over the past 15 or 20 years."
"Micro needling has been studied for decades and as such there were studies which back its claims."
"Studies have shown that these peptides can increase growth hormone levels anywhere from 200 to a thousand percent above Baseline."
"...his studies over the last few years of his post here had kept him sane of that he was convinced"
"The Mediterranean diet is incredibly well studied... literally thousands of studies about the Mediterranean diet."
"Recent studies have unveiled some surprising results."
"They've done studies you know. 60% of the time, it works every time."
"As studies have shown, these factors create a perceived sense of quality."
"With plant protein, it is maybe a little bit more variable, and there are studies suggesting that absorption could actually be significantly lower."
"Creatine has hundreds of studies behind it."
"These types of huge data sets and studies are really coming on board now."
"But we have a growing body of evidence here that arguably suggests that at least a significant minority of patients, in the studies I looked at about 25 to 40 percent, showing such improved regional volumes or growth."
"Two recently published studies suggest that chicken domestication began in Southeast Asia around 3 500 years ago."
"Partying has been a way of life in America ever since the founding of Boston University. Studies show that many people have trouble throwing a successful get-together in their home."
"I wasn't putting much effort into the studies because I knew this is me, this is how I can achieve what I'm looking for - the financial freedom."
"Emerging studies on plants seem to show the possibility of intention, intelligence, memory, and learning, all elements of what people would typically call consciousness."
"These studies are fascinating... a four times increase in hair counts."
"I don't trust studies. We have 27 studies, then why did you tell me to read this one?"
"These are all ongoing studies that they'll be looking into and reporting on."
"Our studies are always too small, and I've also found that when I work with real people, the studies are always too large."
"There's been so many studies that intermittent fasting has helped boost brain power helped boost immune Health colon Health Digestive Health everything."
"It's not just about the studies, it's about what works in practice."
"You'll be enlightened by studies such as 'Is God fair?', 'When Jesus comes for you', 'The secret of answered prayer', and 'Bridge to a satisfying life'."
"Different races have different skull shapes, and it's quite well documented by studies."
"Every study shows that pornography worsens relationships with significant others."
"Certain studies, especially those trying to understand mechanisms of action, find twins to be a powerful tool."
"Studies are finding more gray matter, less chances of Alzheimer's."
"There's studies that have come out that have shown anti-depressants and regular physical exercise are almost equal in a lot of situations."
"There's plenty of studies that say that it does survive brain death and even after the brain has completely been depleted of oxygen that Consciousness is still hovering around the body."
"The recent studies also used machine learning techniques to try to discover anything at a distance of 60 to 80 AU from the center of the solar system and intriguingly they seem to have discovered 12 different objects"
"I'm not saying it's all from one thing, obviously, but knowing that there's like studies that prove that elite soccer players Elite Pros lost 2% body fat, yeah, you bet your ass I'm feeling pretty confident taking it like this is probably helping me strip some fat."
"In a world where infidelity and promiscuity are increasingly experienced few Studies have focused on their emotional and sexual domains."
"To get a full picture, you can't look at one study, you can't look at two studies, you have to look at a lot of studies."
"Studies show that blocking blue light improves sleep quality significantly in most people."
"Every study says that students do better in school with less homework, workers do better with more vacation days and shorter shifts."
"I wish you the very, very best of luck with your GRE studies and take care."
"Positive affect found to be protective across studies."
"There are very good prospective studies that have shown clear benefit of moderate alcohol consumption for other diseases like prevention of stroke."
"You know what you want to do, you're making time for your studies, and you're taking time to have fun."
"You need to be diligent in your studies."
"Now studies of links between emotions and health show that people who are chronically upset, constantly irritable, or anxious for example, have doubled the risk for getting a major disease."
"It's been really fun. I'm having a great time with the things that I'm studying."
"All my life, I have been devoted to my studies, and my love life was secondary."
"Studies show that artificial stimuli provided by carnivals relieved tensions of everyday exigencies."
"Most of them have been conducted in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease."
"Study after study shows that students who can pay attention longer without becoming distracted have higher GPA."
"Instead of just sharing my personal opinions and experiences... I want to start doing videos where I'm also really trying my best to look at academic papers and scientific research studies."
"Studies have shown that multitasking really doesn't work."
"Good luck with all of your studies."
"Meta-analysis is the study of results of previous studies."
"A meta-analysis is the study of studies."
"Just wishing you the best of luck with all of your studies and I hope that things go well for you. Good luck!"
"...I always loved English, I always loved history and I loved modern studies stuff like that."
"They're spending a lot of money on all these studies and whatnot, but in the long run, that's money well spent."
"I'm proud of these; I think this is the first time I sat down and actually did like genuine figure studies."
"One of the most important things, of course, is to have old studies for comparison."
"Good luck with all your revision, and I'll see you."
"Studies have shown that it do be like that sometimes."
"More formal studies like this one, even if they are observational, are needed."
"It is high time we extend a warm welcome to Tamil into classical studies."
"Studies have found that you people, you guys are more attractive and that you're more intelligent and smarter than people that don't."
"Many studies have shown that if you actually have a strong community, you live longer."
"This habit not only keeps me physically fit but also helps me stay focused and energized for my studies."
"Where they differed in studies, they found common ground in music."
"He had to escape also from France and went to Switzerland in Geneva where he started his studies."
"Naruto had delved into his fuinjutsu studies like a man possessed."
"A meta-analysis is a study of many studies."
"Best of luck on your studies, everybody."
"Again, thank you so much for joining us, and we wish you the best of luck in your study endeavors."
"Our fathers really that necessary? Studies done in South Africa found that without the presence of older mature bull elephants, the younger bachelor males were more likely to exhibit aggressive, destructive, and straight-up menace behavior."
"The field of Quranic studies is in need of renew of conceptual framework of studying the Quran."
"...women with baby-like features are judged as the most attractive in cross-cultural studies."
"Best of luck with your MCAT study."
"That's impressive. Are you working hard on your studies?"
"It was important to me that she could concentrate solely on her studies, as she was genuinely dedicated but found it challenging to balance both work and school."
"This has been the ultimate CM4 revision video, and just all the very best of luck with your studies. Good luck!"
"There's more studies should be done with the detail of actually how language is actually being learned."
"Internal validity is present when the study results represent truth about the sample population."
"Congratulations, I wish you the very best of luck in your studies."
"Good luck on your family medicine rotation."
"Unconscious bias is a concept well documented in psychological studies."
"Stop putting your energy into boys and relationships and start putting it into your studies, your extracurriculars, build up your resume."
"Studies have shown that there is a reduction in prescription medicine."
"I would recommend catching up on your studies so you can be ahead of the game when you get back into the class."
"Studies have shown that value is created through an MBO."
"We were able to take the data right from the studies."
"Studies have estimated it being at least 5,000 years old."
"The Credo studies... have been able to show a demonstrable difference between those students who enter traditional district schools versus those that enter public charter schools."
"Studies have shown that only children are virtually no different than their peers when it comes to personality."
"Good luck with your revision, you've got this."
"Study after study after study has shown that GMOs are not hazardous to human health."
"Thanks for watching my A+ training course, and best of luck with your A+ studies."
"The solution was described in a book of well-known chess studies."
"All your examinations, all your studies, all the things that one has gathered through years and years, centuries, absolutely worthless."
"Studies have also shown that the longer your holding period, the more likely you are to be profitable."
"Good luck with your studies, have a lovely night."
"His travels and his studies led him to an important but still devastating realization."
"I try to put poker on pause and just focus on my studies."
"I'm finally done with my studies. Yes, I done my final exam today, and I'm so happy."
"Good luck with your future studies."
"That's why I've been working so hard to study both for my exams and work a part-time job."
"All the very best of luck with your studies, good luck!"
"Hopefully all goes well for you during your studies."
"Good luck with your revision, good luck with your studies."
"Meta-analysis... they take a large number of studies and they look at it in an aggregate form."
"Have a great night, Tom, best of luck for everyone who's studying."
"Consciousness studies... go all the way back to the Upanishads."
"Congratulations to Lona Mend for that Journey to the US for further studies."
"I just need to go back home and study, you know, be a good student."
"All kinds of educational studies show that's what helps people learn."
"The Caribbean for me has been a fascinating arena."
"So whatever you do, don't lose your heart for God in your studies."
"Help them to be disciplined in their studies, Father God."
"Best of luck with your revision and upcoming exams guys until next time, peace."
"The world of astrobiology considers both of these studies as historical milestones."
"I hope your studies are going in full swing."
"Did you know that studies show there are six distinct types of screams?"
"There have been dozens of studies showing that a low-carb diet can fix problems like obesity and diabetes and prediabetes and metabolic syndrome."
"Having your numbers in range is healthier for you and that's been proven time and time again with multiple studies."
"Good luck with your studies and good luck with everything in your future."
"I love books that are full of studies and like psychological facts."
"I'm sorry, I'm focused on my studies at the moment. I'm not going to be dating anyone."
"Good luck with your studies," Izuku smiled brightly and waved goodbye.
"According to a study done by Harvard University, the percentage of an impression of a person based on their appearance is only about 30%."
"Common sense doesn't always prevail, in fact, it rarely does. Knowledge upon studies usually does a way better trick."
"Give them enthusiasm, O God, for their studies and keep them connected and committed to you as they journey through school."
"That's why you look at multiple studies broadly showing the same thing."
"I'm getting pretty tired... but I have to study for my exam."
"You can really be very busy if you want to, besides the studies and exams of course."
"Those who are drawn to nosis find themselves in esoteric studies likely involving mysticism, alchemy, healing, or perhaps science."
"Youth and community studies is my degree, and I'm just about to start the final year."
"Enjoy the rest of your week, enjoy your studies."
"I wish you the best of luck in your studies and in your work."
"We have broader studies on people's happiness before and after gender transition, whether that be hormones or surgery, and overall the results are consistent and very promising."
"Keeping up with your studies can be tough, especially because curriculums are getting harder."
"I've decided this weekend needs to be so productive because my first exam is on Monday."
"Thanks for watching and best of luck with your studies."
"There's been studies showing that if you have spoilers, you actually enjoy it more."
"You could be signing up for your studies for academic studies for maybe a new course, a new class of a spiritual nature."
"Redcap is beneficial for multi-site studies."
"Focus on your studies because it's going to matter in high school."
"He seemed exhausted from his studies and cramming for some important exams."
"Save your time by tracking your studies."
"If you look at any of the studies on social mobility, the US has one of the lowest degrees of social mobility."
"Women, especially with breast cancer, especially estrogen receptor positive. But also there are studies showing in estrogen receptor negative patients that it also has benefit."
"Many studies have shown that physical punishment... can lead to increased aggression, antisocial behavior, physical injury, and mental health problems for children."
"I will concentrate a hundred percent on my studies."
"Belief in God... religious people are often shown in studies to be much happier."
"Enjoy your revisions and all the best as you sit for exams."
"Hope you found this debrief useful, and I just like to wish you all the very best in your future studies."
"It's important to structure your time to factor in time for studies."
"Best of luck in your further studies of the finite element method."
"Good luck in your studies in Korean."