
Future Possibilities Quotes

There are 388 quotes

"I love the idea down the road of humans just getting control over some of the horrible ways that their brains go wrong, like addiction or depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything comes to an end and... sometimes that leaving something great behind will lead to something even greater."
"The 'huge' part is the opportunity to create a future where we can digitally teleport ourselves to other places and into our own memories and to see other people."
"This year we’re celebrating 50 years of memories, and more importantly, we’re looking forward to the endless possibilities that lie ahead."
"Ingenuity will open new possibilities and will spark questions for the future about what we could accomplish with an aerial explorer."
"We might have a future where we're actually able to literally talk to animals, and the animals can talk back."
"Complacency is the great enemy of creativity and future possibilities."
"Most of us now living have a chance for personal, physical immortality."
"On the one hand, if I get cremated, I know I'm not coming back for sure. With Alcor, I have a shot at being here in the future, and I'd love to be here 50 years, 100 years from now and be part of-- part of life."
"I'd like people to be able to imagine a better future, to be open to new possibilities, and ways of being."
"In the future, we might all be captains of our own ships, changing ports and fleets as we wanted."
"Have faith that there's something much more for you here."
"America is [__] ugly, but it didn't have to be this way, and it doesn't have to be in the future."
"I know there is something else awaiting you, unimaginable as it may seem on the other end."
"Once you are living your life, you don't have to be bound by where you came from. You can really choose to take your life where you want it to go."
"No matter what kind of future it is, as long as you guys move toward it, I will never disappear."
"If there's enough interest in new technologies... people can just be adaptive in all sorts of ways that most people aren't imagining right now."
"The future does not lie on a single path; rather, it is like grains of sand scattering before him."
"Does the decision that you're about to make expand you, expand your future, or expand the possibilities of your life? If the answer is yes, then the decision is yes."
"It's a gorgeously realized tribute to their past that also offers glimpses of what the future has in store."
"Psychics say they're telling you a path that they see for you, you can always change that path."
"The promise of this time and point is we may be on the cusp of the most spectacular existence."
"We can have medical advice for everybody that is beyond what we can get today."
"He wants us to create an environment where people can keep dreaming big and where the future is not limited by numbers but is full of endless possibilities."
"Dream a little bit about what a potential 2023 Disneyland vacation could look like for you."
"We need to face the possibility that you know until the end of this country um black people might never be equal that's impossible."
"So everything is tokenized, and the possibilities are mind-blowing when you start to think about all this."
"The path forward, your future, whatever you've been waiting for, is going to be revealed to you."
"The moon's presence meant a potential source of water and the possibility of creating a base for living on its surface."
"The belief that tomorrow you don't have to be in the same spot that you are today."
"The choice is ours, it does not have to happen again."
"If everything fell into place and you could have anything you wanted in the next five years, what would that be?"
"Come on, discover your humanity, awaken now because there are alternative futures, and I believe we can create a beautiful one together."
"None of this can be known before it happens, but regardless of any scenario, whether there is other intelligent life in the Milky Way or not, anything we might discover or not discover will make for an interesting future indeed."
"Right here at the new year, we get to write the future. It's not written, and we get to decide what it's going to be."
"I think almost anyone will be able to go to Mars if they want."
"I have created a new philosophy... the preservation and expansion of possibilities."
"There is still massive amounts of room left for technological development."
"You've got three options: get burns, eaten by worms and bacteria, get incinerated, or get nicely cry preserved and have a chance."
"Sometimes on the other side of that hard journey, there is a much brighter future."
"Do you still have hope that it could be solved? Absolutely."
"Trust in the unseen hands that carve a way through the wilderness, leading you to a future rich with possibilities."
"I am open to incredible possibilities in my future."
"Keep an open mind to what's possible and remind you that the future is up for grabs."
"Starship isn't just a next-generation launch vehicle – it's a platform that could redefine what's possible in space exploration and utilization!"
"There's a future where I really like Remix but we're not in that future just yet."
"The good things aren't nearly here yet, but they're coming."
"The future you want is coming, make no mistake, love is around the corner."
"Acceptance is so big like get to a place where you can just accept that that's just the path you walked and accept that you can do something different moving forward."
"One day, we hope that the DS and 3DS can achieve their ultimate forms… low latency and judder-free TV play... perhaps even 3D support for VR headsets."
"Trust me, trust that something better will work out for you."
"They might finally get the strength to admit some of how they feel for you or take some kind of action."
"If we are prepared to imagine a different future, we can bring about that future."
"I don't even think the world has quite grasped yet what the capabilities of Cardano are."
"You're in complete control over the reality and the future that is unfolding for you right now."
"You will meet someone sooner rather than later once the defensiveness and blocking comes down."
"It's kind of nuts that we are advancing to that point, maybe very soon we will be seeing superheroes jumping around from building to building taking on whatever evil is coming at us."
"Sean Murray and his team have done something incredible with this technology, and it's gonna be fascinating to see what they or other developers can do with this sort of tech in the future."
"Sometimes it's painful to let something crumble sometimes it's painful to say goodbye but it can be setting you up for a more aligned more empowered future."
"I'm optimistic that there are lots of things that can be done."
"You're all on different timelines obviously but my problem is I don't know if it's somebody new or old."
"Nothing is set in stone, our future is in our hands."
"Believe big; there is so much more in store."
"Ethereum is an option on everything that we haven't yet created."
"The dream of supersonic transport was an engineer's dream."
"Potential is never what you've done, it's always what you could do but you haven't done yet."
"I still have that slight urge to kind of try that out at some point."
"Shut the book on your past and write a new future."
"I now believe that we actually can create ourselves. We can create our future by beginning to make new choices now."
"The ending was so sad and opens up so many different possibilities for season three."
"The conclusion by the end of this season is not at all an ending; it's just opening up a whole nother [ __ ] world of possibility."
"The uncertainty of the future and the possibility of replacing characters."
"If a super league happens in the future, I can't say I'm never gonna support United anymore."
"After the final 'no,' there comes a 'yes,' and on that 'yes', the future world depends."
"Imagine what they could do. It's the innovation that could happen, it would be on another level."
"The thing you end up doing might not even exist yet."
"Could this happen? One day, could we see that? And you never know in all honesty."
"Mars is a real possibility in the foreseeable future."
"It could definitely happen within my lifetime."
"If kids can shift to Hogwarts, why can't we shift to the future?"
"The understanding of the past doesn't equal the future. Yes, you're responsible for the past but the past doesn't always equal the future."
"I wonder if this is one of those stories that will remain a mystery or if one day we'll maybe get some sort of answers as to what exactly happened."
"The future is not set in stone, nor is Africa a single country."
"It's incredible, I love it, it's fantastic. Imagine what we're gonna learn in 20 years more studying this region. Mind-blowing, mind-blowing stuff."
"I wouldn't be surprised if some of your grandkids honeymoon on the moon."
"I want to spend less time antagonizing and more time crafting alternative futures where we don't have to fight each other for resources and care."
"We've only just begun to unleash their true potential who knows what phenomenal things they might capture in the future."
"I think sky's the limit as far as where it can go."
"VR technology lays the foundation... for what we're almost on the precipice of."
"They're just getting started... it's just the beginning."
"Our work is just beginning, the pieces are in place for a new world of experiences that flow with people as they manage their lives and move through their day."
"For all the footers in the chat, a burn is still very possible with bone voting in the future."
"What if my desired future reality was really there waiting for me already?"
"There's another man that's gonna come along."
"Open your mind to what is Yet to Come." - Alexstrasza
"The universe is just waiting to download to you, waiting to inspire you and uplift you, it's all out ahead of you Libra."
"It's conceivable that we will one day meet with an artifact or coded message from an extraterrestrial civilization."
"The future is not set; the idea of this single timeline is just not right."
"We're not quite sure the world is very different now there's many different routes we could go in certainly my hope is that it moves towards somewhere more empathetic."
"This concept can continue to be successfully implemented, it will open up new possibilities in space exploration."
"Tahar's notion was that we can see what happened has happened and we should be able to see also that it's not a finished process... there must be another stage."
"There may come a time where an unambiguous signal of some type is picked up."
"I am definitely excited to see where this leads."
"Humanity is facing a big choice. Do we choose annihilation, or do we choose enlightenment, peace, universal peace on earth and in space?"
"This embracing of every corner of the franchise also allows for the film to both feel like a love letter to what's come as well as advancing it into the future."
"Let's push through and become the butterfly. Let's see what's next."
"The future is never set in stone. It can always be changed. It's malleable."
"Enjoy this moment because this moment comes and goes. You're going to climb up there, and then who knows when it's going to be the next time where you climb even higher."
"Just because you're deciding not to go after the astronaut dream right now doesn't mean that you won't find an opportunity, or a way, to work in that field in the future."
"It kind of feels like, you know, this is the best, but the best could still be yet to come."
"There's something better in the works for you."
"The future is open, it's not determined. History doesn't move just one way. It matters what we do." - Brian Glenn
"I am open for things to change in the future."
"Wireless and the Internet can improve healthcare greatly."
"You won, and god bless you. You should have won, and you won. The rest is up to you."
"We must sort through the many possible pasts to find the few possible futures."
"What is it in your life that might seem like a small thing right now but has the potential to become something so beautiful and so big?"
"The future is ours to be won, to be shaped, and to be transformed."
"Vision helps you to focus on the possibilities that await you in your future."
"Maybe even find that beautiful unique power that we have as human beings that will take us into a future that really is unknown right now and could get pretty complex and pretty Advanced."
"I truly do believe that when developers do get a handle on how the SSD can really be brought to bear on next-generation titles we're going to see some impressive and incredible stuff."
"It has a potential to be something committed eventually."
"It seems inconceivable that something like autism won't be treated successfully at some point."
"This is the future of VR, you know I didn't think this was going to be possible in my lifetime."
"I think we're going to merge this metaphysical consciousness type of science with normal science."
"This is where you're going to start seeing the future."
"I don't know when that'll happen but imagine you could do it you'd maybe read an article about a place and you could be there three hours later yeah I just think that that's incredible."
"And this of course means that maybe one day we'll be able to combine these two techniques."
"Amazing things happen at the intersection of imagination and Technology."
"Is it possible that Suri Cruise, as an adult, could do her own tell-all?"
"Once this communication is opening up for you very soon, it's what you do with that that could lead to everything that you ever wanted."
"Science is always pushing beyond the limits and this means that what seemed just a flight of fancy yesterday may well become real tomorrow."
"He wanted to create a space that inspires people to keep dreaming of the future and celebrate the magic of possibility."
"I think this could happen. And you know what? I think it will happen."
"We're not saying that will definitely happen, but we are leaving the door open to potentially adding more trades if this is a career that players enjoy."
"I feel like there's this energy here of this person you being with them in a relationship at some point, I get that heavily."
"We're only getting started with this journey. There's a lot more to come."
"I think if we're thinking about what could happen next, I think we should seriously consider the endless plot threads that are just waiting there to be picked up."
"The sky's the limit on the different things that can turn up in our future for humankind."
"You could become like a meta clone or metahuman."
"Appreciate what you have now; more is coming."
"The best is yet to come if you're willing to wait."
"Infinite possibilities are opening up for you."
"There is potential with this connection for this to be like a relationship."
"If you feel destiny calling and see as I see the future of endless possibility stretching out before us."
"Your life looks totally different to how it does now, in the most positive and nourishing way."
"Ultimately, it's going to lead to something better."
"As our people advance, we realize that our future may hold possibilities."
"I wouldn't say never. You never know what happens in the future."
"A real-life planet of the apes may be just around the corner."
"Live Your Dreams today because tomorrow your reality could be your dreams."
"The next thing is that technology gets shrunk down even further to the point where it's an app on your phone at some point."
"Yesterday was a super great flight and there are also surprises left for next flight. There's so much more coming." - They say.
"Why don't we do it Elon Musk? We go to Mars, we colonize Mars. Then maybe when we're overpopulated, hungry, and dirty, we become great explorers, colonizers of distant planets. Resources await."
"Out with the old, in with the new. We are open to a future of the unknown."
"Showcasing legacy and future possibilities is crucial."
"The best hasn't come yet. No, you're just getting started. There is so much more to come for you."
"Dreams fuel innovation; the world we live in today was dreamed into existence."
"I'm anxious to see what all God does in the future."
"I'm excited going forward, we got stuff to look forward to."
"The future is uncertain and undetermined, and it is what we make it."
"Release the past and embrace new possibilities."
"Nothing matters except the fact that we will be in space, and when we're in space, all our dreams come true. It's true, all our dreams."
"In the last 20 years alone we've seen the rise of the iPhone, Facebook, the Mars Curiosity Rover and more. But these advancements were only the beginning."
"We don't have to be doomed to the same destiny."
"I'm also getting something about like a you could inherit something or come into something that you don't expect."
"You can do some pretty extreme stuff at that level even if you are still running only on the sort of technology we can see ourselves developing in the next century or so."
"I always look at future possibilities when I'm going to invest in something."
"By this time next year you could be living a totally different life and I am living proof of that."
"Your facts aren't always your truth. Your current condition is not always God's preferred future for you."
"A proper space-faring expansion could be such a good flex and a good way to get us off the planet for a while."
"I think most new would agree that a future where we're a spacefaring civilization is inspiring and exciting."
"We must let go of the life we've planned so that we can lead the life that is waiting for us."
"Your feelings are legit nobody's denying your feelings it's just that you have to have faith that something better is to come."
"I'm excited to see where this is going to go."
"Nothing is inevitable. The future is not set in stone, and whatever evils your master has perpetrated can be undone. You will not win!"
"Stick with it, keep moving forward, sky's the limit in terms of your options in life."
"The potential for glass is where they're going to embed the antenna."
"The coming years will either be defined by a utopia we build or they will be defined by a hell we build."
"Tomorrow could be the day that literally changes your entire life."
"There's still unfinished business here. The world card says it is not over."
"Maybe I would encourage you to set a reminder, check back in 20 years and see, maybe we might actually be on track for something like this playing out."
"Your greatest win looks like nothing compared to what God has planned for your life."
"And if it works what used to be science fiction can become an AI reality."
"Maybe we just see where it all goes." - Commentator
"Here he had taken two creatures... and here they were cooperating. Perhaps this was the future."
"We're only scratching the surface of AI's potential."
"This is great Karma this is the world turning again and once you enter this cycle you're gonna have so many more options and you're not gonna be able to go back."
"I think there's too many cool things on the horizon to even think about pulling the rip cord right now."
"There are a lot of stories Bungie has yet to tell."
"Lasers now could one day manipulate rain and lightning."
"Every single choice will open doors to the future."
"There's so much more story to tell and I'm excited to do that one day."
"I think they could do amazing things in the decades to come."
"I think we're going to apply this tech in some ways that we haven't even thought about yet."
"There's a lot of good stuff to look forward to."
"There's just so much potential in the future for this type of technology."
"I feel like they'll still be there no matter what... it's up to me how I want my future to turn out."
"History is about understanding who we are today and where we can go in the future."
"Embrace the mindset of collaboration with AI, and together we can create an abundance of new possibilities."