
Comfort Quotes

There are 71852 quotes

"The glasses are amazing. I love them because they look great, they are super comfortable, and the optical clarity is incredible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Create that feeling of checking into your favorite boutique hotel suite, but at home."
"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."
"Understanding evolutionary psychology offers comfort and a better understanding of human behavior."
"Comfort is the killer of man, and discomfort, challenge, problems – that is where all growth arises."
"Spirit comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable."
"Choose courage over comfort because you can't have both."
"You're okay, don't be scared. I'm going to take you to a warm vehicle."
"Television... it's just like constant source of comfort you can keep coming back to."
"It feels like a message from Wendy to her younger self, because despite all the action and violence, reading Elfquest is like getting a big warm hug, like someone telling you it's okay to be who you are."
"Touch is a balm. It's soothing, it's calming, it's grounding, it's relaxing. It's everything that de-stresses us."
"The Holy Spirit really really is our comforter and so many times he very lovingly and supernaturally touched me with the peace and the assurance that Jesus is walking this out with me."
"Let's turn the temperature down a little bit."
"Men want a woman that's going to be a safe place for them, a peaceful place that sets a beautiful atmosphere for the home."
"Comfort creates self-care but discomfort creates self-respect."
"You're going to feel more at home than you've ever felt before."
"Being comfortable has something to do with where I come from. I've had my fair share of being uncomfortable in life."
"Take some time to tune into the energies of the cards. Sit back, relax, get cozy and comfortable. Take a few deep breaths."
"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me."
"When I look up in the face of my judge, I will find an elder brother and a friend."
"Everybody wants technology to stop at a level where they're comfortable, where they benefit most from it without hurting."
"Annual revisits to some of my favorite games are comforting for me."
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
"Jesus promises us that if we are weary and heavy laden, He will make us lay down by still waters and give us peace unto our souls."
"She seems like she's just really enjoying it, and she's comfortable, and she's with her family, and she's racing."
"If you look for truth, you may find comfort; if you look for comfort, you will find despair."
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters." - Psalm 23:1-2
"After an incident with her mother, she goes home to her own place and immediately goes under the shelter of her bed cover to read the new chapter of the online novel she loves."
"Poor Aren breaks down crying while Aarono holds her and tells her it's going to be alright, she's safe now."
"When you see a shooting star, that's their confirmation to you that things are gonna be okay."
"Being non-judgmental is a really big part of comforting them into okay, that went well, now I can give a little more."
"God is saying to you today, just like He said to His disciples on that boat, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?'"
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me."
"You'll be endowed with a lot of comforts, lifestyle; you will be able to make continuous gains and able to find happiness and respect."
"Duma is the voice whispering in your ear when the end is near, the voice telling you that it will all be over in a flash."
"You'll be able to fulfill your desire, have success in your venture; there will be excessive wealth, acquisition of comfort."
"In the end, I don't care what bit of equipment you have; there is a young lad sitting in that who is more comfortable, whatever is better, a better fighter."
"Feels good to be back home, even though we don't necessarily have a fancy house, we got our pets and, uh, you know, we got our memories of being here."
"The road to success has a lot of comfortable parking spots."
"Casual dates are usually better for first and second dates as they are a lower time commitment and seem more natural, which makes your date feel more comfortable."
"It gives people a safe haven to feel comfortable."
"Sweater weather is my favorite time because I can bulk up and look a little thicker than I normally am."
"Everything is designed to be comfortable, and we're killing ourselves by being comfortable."
"People like people who like themselves, not in an egotistical way, but I enjoy someone who is comfortable in their skin, who really loves and values themselves."
"It looks like the end of our world maybe, but not the end of the world, and that is something very comforting."
"Being comfortable in your own skin is the secret to confidence."
"It's okay, you can talk to me," he continued, his toothy grin seeming like a clownish parody of my own."
"Breathability: Is it pleasant on your head, and could a home intruder suffocate me with it?"
"This is a nice, dense, thick, heavy foam pillow."
"I've never had this good of sleep in my life."
"That's the great picture of God that you can have, He's standing there with His arms out and all He's saying is, 'Give me all of the burdens and the pain that you're carrying, and let me carry them.'"
"We brought him out into the yard and laid him in the grass so that he could watch the chickens one last time."
"If you're having a bad day or you're just kind of feeling down, it's really a nice song. It's uplifting."
"Whether that God exists or not, it's like the invisible friend that the kid has that can provide legitimate comfort."
"Everyday is a vacation when little wavy's at your side."
"You know the message you’re sending out with those sweatpants? You’re telling the world, I give up, I can’t compete in a normal society, I’m miserable so I might as well be comfortable."
"Everyone likes to be cuddled every now and again."
"This book is the hug that I can't give you in those moments when you need it most, but also the high five in your moments of success."
"She is comfort to her man's mind, she is comfort to his body, and she is comfort to his spirit."
"Nostalgia brings with it this comforting sense of familiarity, it's like revisiting an old friend."
"As we move forward, struggling as we may, let us wrap our arms around one another, offer comfort and solace and love."
"May the pain that you have faced be nothing but paradise in the hereafter for you."
"But the point is this, for Apple, made the choice of taking the battery off of the headset, which means okay, now there's nothing on the back of your head, so you can wear it and lean up against things, and that might be an upside."
"You should be able to share anything, hopefully without judgment, and feel pretty open and comfortable doing that."
"A lot of people just need to hear the words 'It's okay'."
"Boxy is always there to give me a hug when I'm feeling a little bit down."
"When things get a little bit tough, I'm going to give boxy three big hugs."
"It's okay to cry, everybody. It's okay to cry."
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort."
"You are a channel, you're like this portal that people connect to in order to feel at home."
"My seat is incredibly comfortable. Actually, really, really nice. Loads of legroom."
"The comfort zone is where callings go to die."
"You need to fight for it, but the reason you're not fighting for it is because you're not conditioned to be uncomfortable."
"It's a huge mistake to equate comfort and dignity."
"If you've ever been down and out and scared, and you just don't know what's happening next, and where things go from here, and you almost don't believe it can get any better, if you've ever had someone just be there with you, it's comforting."
"If I put the movie on to fall asleep, that means I'm very comfortable with it, and it calms me."
"I fell in love with this movie, as does everyone. It has a very comforting energy."
"Comfort can become dysfunctional when we get it from the wrong place."
"The Spirit of Christ will confront to comfort, not to condemn."
"I don't want the comfort that comes from dysfunction; I want the comfort that comes from God."
"It's okay, everything's going to be totally fine."
"Feel comfort in yourself. Feel comfort in your energy. Feel comfort in your sweetness. Feel comfort in all things that is you. Feel good about yourself and do not accept any scenarios that don't allow you to feel good about yourself."
"Heated grips...when you're out on the road and it's cold outside, there's really nothing worse than having cold hands."
"I am a healer, bringing clarity to our most important questions and comfort in times of uncertainty."
"It's warm... And cozy... And safe! Like somebody's whispering in your ear 'Everything's gonna be okay.'"
"Change is exciting, but predictability is like that warm heated blanket on a winter day."
"Astrology still offers emotional comfort and encourages self-reflection and examination."
"Comfort is coming for you; it's the most dangerous thing to ever happen to men and it's destroying us all. It's making us weak, depressed, miserable, and lonely."
"Being able to drop all those worries and come home to a game I loved, a community I found like-minded people in, was a huge comfort for me."
"Rudy tells Ritz how her brother always stayed by her side when she was in pain and cried for her, which made her happy."
"It kinda lulls you into this place of like, rocking a baby to sleep almost, in a tempest."
"I believed I knew there was an angel in the room with me, and I wasn't afraid."
"It's perfect for when you just want to lay in bed and watch movies all night."
"It's lovely to be back, to be honest, and to be able to make videos and live streams from the comfort of my studio."
"Seeing such a big smile on your face is a rare gift; it makes me feel like I can maybe relax a little too."
"It still feels like a fairly modern car, you know, you drive it for a journey like this, it's comfortable, it's smooth, it's relaxing."
"I feel completely comfortable with myself and accept myself with love, respect, and appreciation."
"Mother Nature has the power to please, to comfort, to calm, and to nurture one's soul." - Anthony Douglas
"It was alive, it was breathing, it was really warm and real comfortable and real loving."
"When we bring physical, emotional, or other illnesses to Christ, we can do so knowing He has the power to heal and comfort."
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"Statistically, if this is applicable to guys as well... it made me a lot more comfortable about relationships."
"This analysis... made me feel a lot more comfortable about myself."
"This room is like kind of short. Our heads are like banging on the ceiling every time we jump."
"He smiled understandingly—much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life."
"You are not alone, and your passed-on loved one really wants to let you know that."
"Freshly clean sheets, Candle on the bedside table, dim light, tea, book ready to be read in bed. This is the best night of my life."
"We seek order to comfort ourselves, and one of the quickest things that we can always blame is ourselves."
"With it, OEMs can create thinner, sleeker, more comfortable, and more immersive glasses users will love."
"One of the next major changes is you are starting to open up much more. I see you letting down your guard, letting down your armor, and being able to feel a bit more comfortable in your own skin."
"Nothing beats the pure dopamine rush of switching from his slacks to his sweatpants, ordering a pizza, and clicking from channel to channel the old-fashioned way."
"I'm a comfort girl. I like to feel nurtured. I like to feel safe."
"You will find some tears are dry; you will hear a good word from them. The Pope is with us, especially in the hours of sadness and bitterness."
"If you're crying after you didn't pass, get yourself a Little Debbie's cake. The black ones, the Zebra Cakes, those are the best ones. And that's actually a fact."
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes; there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
"Gentle as a summer breeze, let us, left us, shall soon follow, and in heaven with joy may we greet thee."
"Allow yourself to grieve and be comforted. Allow yourself to have peace in the midst of your trial."
"It's just really comforting to do one-on-ones with people that have the same role as you who understand what you're going through."
"Therapy that you can have in the comfort of your own home."
"I think most people in the world want to just be comfortable. They wanna do things that make them feel good and that they're good at something."
"I can see the Shire. The Brandywine River. Bag End. The lights in the Party Tree."
"The notion that the universe and everything in it is deeply intertwined with the trivialities of humanity is comforting, that can't be denied, but it’s also absurd."
"You should be concerned with whether or not the people around you are comfortable because that means you're a good community member."
"Intimacy to me is laying on the couch watching TV and falling asleep together. Sometimes, intimacy is not even having to talk, just being amongst one another."
"This car has certainly tilted more towards comfort than performance."
"Oh [ __ ] yeah, it is. Look at that, everybody is nice and toasty warm."
"We're not designed to be comfortable; we're not designed to have cotton walls wrapped around us."
"Sometimes I just need some damn miso soup to make me feel like the world maybe just isn't crashing down around me all the time."
"Little comforts cost money, but they can also make you feel okay for a moment when the rest of the world seems to be falling apart around you."
"Gilmore Girls is like magic to me. I find so much comfort in this show."
"Come to me all you who are weary and laden, and I will give you rest... My yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
"I feel so fortunate to be able to not be dripping in sweat when I film videos."
"Affection, at its best, gives you the pleasures of ease and relaxation of solitude without solitude itself."
"Aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort. The more aggressively we pursue comfort, the faster we age."
"I woke up to my best friend crawling in bed with me and putting her arms around me."
"It's the same function of a transitional object... a child who has a favorite blanket... is practicing the brain's own ability to offer self-soothing and comfort."
"True friends are people you can be yourself around."
"Everyone is different with what they like and what they feel comfortable in, and sometimes you see someone and you're like, oh my god they look so cute in that, let me try it on, and then you try it on and you're like, this just isn't me, and that's totally okay."
"We are the most comfortable generation ever before on this planet, but we cannot say we are the most joyful."
"Fashion is about comfortability combined with style."
"You're okay, you're safe, we got you, you're going to be okay."
"I sleep with a thermostat set to 75. I run cold."
"You wake up, sleepiness fades as your eyes slowly open to a bright white light, and it feels warm and familiar, it feels like home, and your whole family is there to meet you."
"What was most important near the end of life was really what's most important to us everyone during our normal days is, you know, you want to be comfortable, you want people to know how you want to be treated, and you want your loved ones to know specific things about you."
"It's like how comfy does wiping your ass need to be?"
"Feel that stretch, shoulders stacked. It feels good, right?"
"She defined an era, being a steadying presence and a source of comfort and pride for generations."
"America is awesome. Life is so comfortable here."
"Everything about this car is tuned for luxury, comfort. That's the main goal here."
"People like the idea that if you've made a really bad decision that you regret in the past, you can kind of take comfort in the belief that there's another universe out there where you made a better decision."
"Comfort brings stagnation. The biggest thing is, if you're very comfortable, you probably don't make stuff that's very entertaining."
"We should ensure that anyone who doesn't feel comfortable in sex separated bathrooms...has easy access to a space where they do feel comfortable."
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give to you."
"The GLE's cabin is close to perfect, exhibiting excellent usability and build quality that is second to none."
"Comfort is just the beginning of the smooth, quiet performance you can expect from the Aviator."
"Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me."
"Psalm 23 verse 4 tells me that even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil; you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
"It feels cozy, feels cozy, but I don't know how long that's going to last for, I really don't."
"God has a plan for you. Isn't that comforting? God thinks good thoughts about you."
"There's something so deliciously wonderful about a blanket; it adds so much warmth, it adds so much texture."
"You can't put a price tag on being warm and dry."
"It was a beautiful thing, and they're such amazing actors, so it was actually weirdly not weird at all to do it."
"The first words out of an angel's mouth is ‘Do not be afraid!’."
"It's kind of weird, but it feels really good."
"Jesus said, Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
"When you reach a certain level of success, being comfortable is what you've got. But as long as you fight it back, you're going to come out better than you were before."
"Your learning will compound... like your portfolio, your learning will just compound and compound and before you know it, you'll be super comfortable with the stock market."
"He knows just how much you can handle, and he will cause it to stop so that it won't overflow you."
"The seat offers full body support with a power-operated footrest and two pillows."
"Comfort, leather quality, and aesthetics are key features I love in a shoe."
"Learn a lesson which makes you see that actually you're capable of building a life of comfort, of success, of reward."
"A bespoke shirt, or a shirt that fits properly, is going to be more comfortable throughout the day, and that is important."
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." - John 14:18
"Tonight, I will tell you a comforting story about the gift of God's favor, the undeserved grace that He chooses to give because He loves and delights in us."
"He sees you, 'He is El Roi.' Genesis 16:13, 'The God who sees.'"
"I go to sleep with a smile knowing you are with me in my dreams."
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on... that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them."
"Sitting in comfortable silence in a call together is a love language."
"When I think of her, which is every moment of everything I do, I ask, 'What would Heidi say or think?' It gives me comfort."
"It was like liquid warmth and it came all over me."
"The minute I step inside, it feels right, it feels familiar."
"The call of God in our lives is not marked by the comfort of our lives."
"Every single tear that you have cried...has been captured in the palm of Almighty God."
"There's this kind of almost astonishingly simple experience of feeling comfortable with somebody or at peace with something."
"You shouldn't have to settle for anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or doesn't make you feel good."
"Your first theme is a rainy day. We want you to show us your ideal rainy day. Are you cuddled up with a tea? Are you taking a walk through nature, or dancing in the rain?"
"I think the first one you said is exactly what I want. Yeah, just to cuddle up on my couch, maybe a candle, maybe some nice TV on, just having some tea."
"There is nothing more soothing than love and pies. This game is like a warm cozy blanket for your stressed, overwhelmed little soul."
"Can I just stay in my PJs? I like this outfit more."
"Comfort isn't worthwhile, but there's joy in overcoming difficult situations."
"You got to make her feel safe and comfortable."
"God will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight."
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; your sleep will be sweet."
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet."
"Our purpose in life is to make those who are comfortable with others suffering uncomfortable."
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
"Just let your tears fall down, no need to worry about tomorrow, baby, 'cause you got time to figure it out."
"Beauty feels almost like a safety zone in the way that it comforts me, even if that beauty isn't cosmetically related."
"Allowing food to be comforting is helpful and then also having things that are comforting that are maybe not food-related."