
Physical Appearance Quotes

There are 327 quotes

"Nobody wants to start resembling a folded over envelope or a melted candle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Overall, definitely improved health...I feel a lot thinner, a lot more leaner, a lot less inflammation."
"The most amazing looking people don't have like good personalities 'cause they haven't had to...they never had to build a personality."
"Credit where credit is due, short people don't really age."
"If you search Google for the perfect male physique, something interesting shows up the same for Men's Health. This wasn't always the case."
"Physical appearance is just one of many factors that give people their unique identity."
"Stand up with your stomach in and chest out."
"His shoulders are so goddamn wide that Michael Bay actually hired him to be Optimus Prime's stunt double in Transformers."
"No matter how skinny I will ever get, it doesn't matter; at my smallest, I was less than a double zero and I still had hips because that's my bone structure."
"What he lacked in size, in height, he made out in width. And I think he did it for extra confidence for himself."
"LGN is Look Good Naked, and it's just this idea that one of the things that we are seeking is we want to look good naked."
"He was astonishingly good looking...he looked what he was, a young Greek god."
"Men who have a dad bod type physique are seen, they are judged by both men and women as being better fathers."
"Look at these little noodle arms. How can you look at that and go, 'Well, he's gonna punch me in the face and it's gonna hurt?'"
"We're left with two options: status, which I have the check mark and nearly 300k followers, and looks."
"I think she's a [expletive] specimen and a half though, I think she's great, genetically."
"Just because you look a certain way, you have a physical appearance or your face looks good, or you got a big booty, whatever, whatever, whatever it is, you're a child if you act a certain way just because you look good."
"Your lifestyle is more of a factor in determining how you look rather than your actual genetics."
"He looks like the human form of almond milk, not even the sweetened kind."
"I was not expecting the Dolly Parton titties."
"Physically if you got your full hairline, you got a lot of hair, you got a beard or you got a nice ass like, you know you used to play football or something."
"John Idola needs a new jacket, who's those 24-inch pythons about to burst out of his sleeves."
"Exercise, diet, clothes that show curves, cosmetics, hair, motion, and posture—all play a role in enhancing attractiveness."
"There was something about Brenda, a twinkle in her eye or her big perfect pearly smile, she had charisma."
"He's a beautiful man. He's got a great smile."
"Not even knowing that he's hot, not putting your looks first and not putting yourself on a pedestal."
"He's always had the nicest nipples, even since the Vine days, Magcon."
"Known as the gulper eel or Pelican eel this deep sea find is most notable for its massive mouth which surprise resembles that of a pelican"
"Our lips look so good, I got good everything, what else you got good?"
"If a guy looks stronger, he actually is stronger."
"My body, intellect, it takes you further than, you know, the women that is just the body."
"The back of some people's necks are a good neck. Like, you know, you can look at the back of a guy's neck and think, 'That's a good neck' or 'That's not a good neck.'"
"Probably weighed 300 pounds over six six or six seven huge hands."
"Well the joke is on you my friend because actually my eyes are normal-sized it's just that my head is absolutely massive I mean look at it."
"He's got a Lego nose. He's got a Lego piece on his nose."
"I always think it's funny when actors get jacked for a role... when they go back to not being jacked, something looks off."
"White-skinned and blonde-haired... of the most beautiful past people he has ever witnessed."
"I could steal hoop, don't think just because I'm thick as hell I can't still do what I do."
"Male stand-up comedians are not generally speaking the Adonis model."
"Women like muscles because of the traits and character traits it conveys without even having to open your mouth."
"But nobody could obviously because the dude has huge arms."
"In terms of attractiveness, physical attractiveness is very important but like that only goes so far."
"He looked like he was built like a super hero."
"Looking good because of physical activity is a very, very important component of self-esteem and self-confidence building."
"My biceps are lagging both physically as far as visual analysis like they [ __ ], they're small and everyone makes fun of you wherever you go."
"Vega the man who sees himself as the physical embodiment of male beauty is quite frankly terrifying."
"You can always pick the right hairstyle that suits us to accentuate our physical appearance."
"My waist is just getting smaller and smaller, I just ordered some more orange things."
"Your arms are large like a honey-glazed ham, the chest burly like a big, big man."
"Who doesn't love training biceps... triceps are a bigger muscle group so your arm looks even bigger."
"We are all made of matter, but to women, if you're not good looking, you don't matter."
"I want to look like I'm a superhero, that's all I want, like the broad shoulders, the ripped abs."
"His delts look like pumpkins, man. I got to say it, they look insane."
"Exercise makes you look better naked, so does alcohol."
"Engage in rigorous training sessions and witness your character's physical appearance evolve."
"She was blessed with a handful of attractive features that compensated for the majority of average ones."
"Training routines should focus on overall health and fitness, not just appearance."
"His glorious nose... was the result of two high school-related injuries."
"They're just not as aesthetically appealing as a normal six-pack."
"She had this light... it was almost like she had a little light in her dress or something that's shown on her face."
"Looks do count with phones, I'm sorry, they do for a lot of people."
"A model should have a prominent collarbone and shoulders. The rest should be just flat. It should be like a hanger."
"This guy literally looks like a meaty ass rugby player beside a soccer player."
"Your disrespect just proves the difference between us. Yes, my looks will fade but I will always be a kind and intelligent human being."
"Henry Cavill looks like he ate himself, and all of him went into his biceps."
"I'm joking about Marcus' arms. It ain't got nothing to do with him not having babies. His hair's on his sperm, gone. That's what."
"Physical traits mean nothing when compared to who you are on the inside."
"I realized suddenly how tall she was, she towered over the men when she stood up, probably over seven feet."
"He kinda looks like Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein had a baby."
"You're too stiff and serious. You're also not exactly beautiful either."
"Vader was far more dangerous, not because of his immense force powers, but because of his physical appearance."
"These people, these Chachapoya, are the whitest people I have seen. They are very agreeable, graceful, the women were beautiful."
"How tall are you? Do you have a hard time finding clothes that fit? I'm a little under 5'10" and no, I don't have a hard time finding clothes that fit."
"Posture is one of the first things that people notice."
"When a man has cauliflower ear, he gets respect."
"True beauty: Whatever is happening in your world will show up on your skin."
"I promise you this way of eating will change your body and I'm just talking about the outside. You know how you look on the outside? It will be changed forever."
"When you feel good about your presentation physically your self-image overall does go up."
"Looks will still carry you through the whole relationship."
"Small angles make your cows look bigger. That's probably the most small wrist make your forearms look bigger. Small joints are a blessing in bodybuilding."
"Terrence looks massive on stage, he weighs about 180 pounds but his joints are small, his muscle bellies look full, creates an awesome illusion."
"William's hand... looks very manly, very solid."
"At first glance, Baby looks a little bit leaner."
"She earned her nickname 'la flaca' as a result of her appearance."
"How you look does not define your worth... your value and your worth as a human is far deeper than physical appearance and physical aesthetic."
"Larry McNabney, cut a striking figure, six foot tall, about 200 pounds, but very fit, and women loved him."
"There are myriad life choices you can make that maximize heart health and minimize the chance of disease."
"You might be physically strong or work out or if you don't you're just one of those people that doesn't have to work out that much but comes off as strong."
"You gotta get you a big woman with them little booty cheeks at the bottom."
"You take care of your body, you take care of your muscles, you wear nice clothing, you wear a hat. What's going on with your brain?"
"What's wrong with his face? Oh, don't be ginger anything but that."
"No physical Beauty can ever outshine your energetic Beauty no physical feature can ever outshine your energetic Beauty"
"Life is life, whether it is in pain or happiness."
"You can just tell how beefy these things are."
"Lisa's glossy auburn hair and freed forehead shocked me and I couldn't look away from her."
"Dude is skipping elbow day, what's it looks like he's got Cloud Strife arms here and that is okay."
"Visceral fat weakens muscles, causing abdominal protrusion."
"It's the beard, she was intimidated by the beard."
"Look at those chubby cheeks, that's so cute."
"I think he's a beautiful young man, I really do. You know, his stature, his face, his body, I think he's beautiful."
"This one's not doing it for me, but honestly, she has a great stomach."
"Looks aren't everything but you look strong."
"She's obviously not healthy... her skin is blue... her circulation bad... there's something there."
"Caffeine constricts blood vessels, part of what we see under the eye as a shadow."
"Looks fade, but personality traits like integrity and kindness have staying power."
"Looks is important. I completely agree with you."
"Why would you want testosterone? You want to look good, you want abs, you want muscles, you want a libido, you want to be sexually active."
"A glycogen-filled muscle looks a lot better."
"Your physical body is a reflection of your standards."
"That's perspective, further away you get from it the lower it will appear, right? It doesn't physically change its height, it just appears that way to your eyes."
"When you're exceptionally tall or if you stand out in any way, it kind of puts you inside." - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"Hell could be filled with a bunch of people that are all buffed out but they never got into the spiritual matter of things."
"You have all the other marks there, your natural hair, your skin is clear, you have a nice smile, in shape."
"He looks like a stud though, like he looked, he was out del Rios."
"A little mouse it looks like under Canelo's left eye."
"The lack of proper routine, the lack of proper training principles, has caused the physiques of today to be bigger but lack quality."
"Physical appearance is much more important for a woman than a man in society."
"Dude, she's like the Velma girl, right? No, no, no, no, no, she's the stepmom, oh [__] she's just too much thick woman."
"The biggest compliment you could pay a young man of the time was to say he resembled a bronze god."
"I think what young men are doing is they're confusing what kind of physique looks formidable and intimidating to me as a warrior, yeah, where I'd be frightened of them, like the Spartans in the movie 300."
"If you want a six-pack or a slim tummy, consider a well-formulated low-carb diet."
"How you eat determines whether you look like this or you don't."
"Being able to grow a beard is like the perfect crutch for lack of facial structure."
"You're not sweating at all, Richard! You got six packs there. That's a lineup right there."
"Look at his hair, it's amazing. And the goatee, ah, that's the only reason I was friends with him."
"Beards are no barrier to speed." - Sean Conway
"Thank god that I was born almost six three because I could have been a three out of ten."
"Teeth be all messed up, y'all would be like oh girl what happened to you."
"Shoes and heels are such a good look heels elongate your legs so much therefore making your whole body look so much nicer."
"I hate that my confidence is tied to my physical appearance. I wish that my confidence came from only everything on the inside."
"Oh my gosh, what happened to your ears? Why have your ears done that?"
"Kang's abs are more beautiful than the entirety of Paul Rudd's existence Avenger there's six of them for the original six yeah exactly each AB is an infinity stone [Music] and they're not abs the stones"
"You definitely look pregnant now and your belly has probably popped if you aren't already feeling more energetic expect a change in gears."
"Let me pick up r9... he just doesn't have enough hair."
"If you're not attracted to the way they look, would you get to know them on that deep level?"
"That's just not how our word works. There's so many times where people are worded even though they're physically much larger."
"Your physical appearance is a product of your actions."
"Your skin looks glowy, sun-kissed, and very nourished—it's one of your best features."
"I got to 250 pounds with veins in my abs still which is a real trip to see in real trip to experience."
"Look at that, he's such a beast, look at him and his eyes are so beautiful."
"We could all agree that treya di Matteo is very hot especially when it gets hot in the ocean just gets hotter."
"That was probably 85-90%, but I think you can look at me and go, 'That's a strong guy'."
"Physical attraction is a thing, looks matter too."
"She was so beautiful, her charcoal eyes, her copper skin, her slender waist and curved hips."
"You are the most amazing man, your biceps remind me of the mountain ranges."
"This person feels like that just like would have said, other people seem to actually want you. You actually get the attention of people, and this person feels like that it's because you're physically attractive."
"He had the shape, symmetry, proportion."
"Overall, you guys are very physically attractive and graceful."
"You're very beautiful, your face is popping, your eyes, your hair, and your makeup."
"...he did lose all that weight, he looks really good."
"2009, because of the fact that his body was going in more into a blockier shape in the years before that,"
"He say it's all brown skin, you know, above six-pack."
"You have such beautiful eyes, people always get drawn to them."
"I am African-American early 20s of about 5 foot 5 athletic build but think more like a volleyball player than a shotput Olympian and I'm often told I'm pretty."
"Love it. I don't know what it is about arms, but when a guy has toned arms and definition, immediately attracted. I don't care, love it."
"you can literally go skating on these cheeks this nose this forehead this neck it's slip and slide ready time"
"I like a really tall, muscular vibe."
"Did you see her in Wizard of Oz no there's a scene where she's the the the no the Oz movie that just came out with Franco she was the witch when she crawled when he helped her up into she was wearing those pants her ass is [__] smoking."
"He's the kind of man I like, first of all, his height, and his gesture, and so, his charisma. Yeah, he has nice charisma."
"He's got the 'perfectly shaped' body."
"What did to me was these big titties she had, it's accidentally putting on to her life boy, you know she was set and she was looking good son, that's the truth baby."
"I'm what I have big manly hands. NY, no, you're supposed to go like it's more pointy. You see, that looks ter."
"If the mind ain't right, it don't even matter how you look in the physical."
"That's interesting. This will go away. The face, this part here, will go away."
"You have a nice stomach and a really nice shaped booty."
"Just because he doesn't work out don't try him."
"You know what? Arms here, you're going. Obviously, if you look at Bouncer, he's built different to you. You're the muscle guy. How would you say—"
"I think you're going to realize how hot she is."
"You look f***ing yoked brother, thank you."
"I mean, if she were hideous, would you even be interested? Yes, but attraction is important too."
"Something about her changed as toned and muscular as you can see..."
"Is this something that actually comes through in physical appearance?"
"The way the pants are hugging them and practically showing off the muscle is something that she and the girls fawned over endlessly."
"I'd rather have a physically ass kicking [__] than just a slob who uh on in the program looks really good."
"It was pretty all or nothing like some areas seemed unfazed and then other areas like my nose I remember it looked kind of rough."
"This person has a beautiful smile and a gorgeous voice."
"Usman looks great short notice and at 185 he looks freaking jacked. Got to give him that."
"How's his face looking? Look at that. It's already redening up. Look at his nose, look at his forehead and ears."
"Just look at his bone structure. Hot. Yeah, he's making me rethink some things."
"Some of y'all are physically attracted to people that got bad habits."
"I have hereditary dark circles I hate them more than anything they are my biggest physical insecurity by far."
"That's the most handsome man I've ever seen."
"Chunks is looking slim like whoa."
"I'm a face guy. I don't, I don't, what does that mean? I think everyone can appreciate someone who's good looking, I think so."
"You are very physically attractive, you have a unique look, very sharp and keen eyes."
"They replay a lot of the physical images of you, they were very physically attracted to you."
"They got nice blue eyes, are gonna look at you from across the room."
"Korean guys are so good looking, I have to say."
"What people find physically attractive about you is literally the whole physique, and your hair is very prominent."
"Raman, I gotta say, if I met him, I'd be terrified. He was really tall, man."
"He had the most wonderful shape genetics round musle body superhero look."
"I mean he's probably got bigger arms but he's doesn't have the shape"
"I don't even have to wear mascara, my eyelashes are getting... don't want to jinx myself."
"His eyebrows became wild and bushy, his hair started to become almost a mane, growing out in thick mutton chops and creeping down his neck towards his back."
"That woman does is absolutely stacked."
"He's trimmed down and what a devastating player."
"Pretty awesome and you can see my sexy legs."
"Wardlow looks great. He physically, he looks like a star, he looks like a beast."
"This man I was like, this is the first man I've like done a double take on. So hot."
"Your neck is always visible, and in terms of muscle and size and testosterone and masculinity, oftentimes people subconsciously will see your neck size as the size of the man that you are."