
Social Environment Quotes

There are 316 quotes

"Surround yourself with people that you like. Avoid people you don't like."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with."
"You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
"If you do genuinely want to quit playing video games, you probably need to stop being friends with the same video gamers because you'll realize that a lot of your friendship just revolves around the video game."
"You have to be relentlessly protective of the information that you take in, the thoughts that occupy your mind, the people that you surround yourself with."
"You have to surround yourself with believers."
"Being around lots of people who are doing different things and adding lots of value to the world also adds value to your creativity."
"I just want to be happy, peaceful, and be surrounded by good people and people who love me."
"Who you surround yourself with is who you become."
"Know that you cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life."
"You're the average of the five people and ideas you spend the most time with."
"If I could live in one world or another, why would I want to live in the world where people are being actively hostile and really mad?"
"Associate with people who are the kind of person you'd like to be... you'll move in that direction."
"For the first time, I really feel like I'm around somebody in an environment where I can just let go and not worry about being judged."
"The reason why it's worth surrounding yourself with courageous people is because they will make you more courageous."
"Having someone in your ear like boosts you just goes to show, man, you gotta have some positive people around you even in life."
"If you constantly have negativity in your ear, you will slowly become negative."
"Everything happens on that path...I try to surround myself with people with positive energy."
"Friendships, relationships, family, any of that, there shouldn't be constant tension... the people you surround yourself with should make you feel better."
"Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded, and positive people."
"There's something that happens when you surround yourself only with people who have good intentions for you."
"Stay positive and enjoy your life and get around positive people. Keep away from negativity and negative people."
"If you spend all of your time sitting around people who talk about how to become powerful and influential and rich, guess what you're going to end up being: powerful, influential, and rich."
"Surround myself with people that give me good energy."
"You become like the people you spend the most time with."
"So basically, it's really important to surround yourself with people who've already done what you want to do because you will rub off on you."
"The people that you choose to be around you become, so just make sure you guys have a good circle of people who are intelligent and driven and going somewhere."
"A reckless disregard for the safety of others prevents the establishment of a comfortable or relaxed atmosphere, essential for tenderness and understanding."
"The friendliness and happiness of this community."
"Surround yourself with positive people. They can determine how your day is gonna go."
"Surround yourself with people seeking the truth. Not those who think they already found it."
"You need to get in proximity, put yourself in the right rooms. You're the average of the five people that you surround yourself with."
"It's just very important to be surrounded by the right kinds of people."
"Surround yourself with people with really good energy and positive vibes."
"So you don't got to act a certain way around, and you could just be yourself, like they're just really accepting, you know?"
"The interaction with cops varies based on where you live."
"Surround yourself with people that encourage you to keep going, keep going with the stuff you're passionate about."
"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you don't see yourself."
"I realized how important it is to have positive people around you."
"Anyone who is invested in the gaming community knows how much negativity exists within it."
"You got to be around the people who know what it is that you truly want to be."
"Be yourself and surround yourself with those who appreciate your uniqueness."
"I want to surround myself with people who remind me of what I want to become."
"Everybody in Vegas is very friendly, way friendlier than I expected."
"Surround yourself with givers not takers, serious policy people who know how to hit the ground running on day one."
"You have good company here, you don't have to let someone or something come in the way of your growth."
"Surrounding themselves with positivity: They choose to be around positive, supportive people."
"As long as you're growing... don't worry about the people around you."
"Being surrounded by positive influences: 'You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.' Really think about who those five people are."
"Surround yourself with more people that speak that type of language. That's not the [ __ ], that's the hard part right there."
"Curiosity and having fun... it's the people you surround with."
"Life's good, we're surrounded by good people."
"The smell of marijuana is everywhere in the air."
"It's all about your circle guys. If you don't have the right people around you, it's impossible to elevate."
"Happiness will come in your life if you're positive and surround yourself around positive people."
"Just having people around you keeps your brain focused on your task and keeps you motivated longer."
"It's kind of like a big high school, that's what I think of it."
"Surround yourself with people that you want to be like."
"Surround yourself with positive people, positive people... because it's contagious."
"When you lead your life and chase your own goals, passions, and desires, you'll never be disappointed at the outcome."
"Surround yourself with reasonable people who support you."
"Offset an entire world of negativity with a few positive people."
"My confidence is a product of who I surround myself with."
"We're products of our environment, I needed to separate myself and create a new environment."
"Surround yourself with people that expand your vision."
"Shift your circle of influence. Surround yourself with the right people and things to help you win."
"You're only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with."
"Surround yourself with positivity and good friends, but don't overlook accountability."
"Creating an environment that's equally important in their social life as well as a competitive outlet."
"You need to know and invest in the people who are physically around you because ultimately they control or they influence the environment you're in and that is more important than the environment you build for yourself online."
"Surround yourself with like-minded people... you need a circle of people that make you uncomfortable."
"Surround yourself with positive, ambitious people who care about family and friends."
"Guarantees an atmosphere of vivacity where laughter flows freely."
"Surround yourself with positive people and situations and avoid negativity if you can."
"College, I think is where you kind of surround yourself with people that are actually cool and friends, your forever friends."
"I usually try to surround myself with people that are smarter than me."
"Surround yourself with good people, but being by yourself allows you to focus a hundred percent."
"I am positive in my acceptance of good and am surrounded by those who think success."
"You want to know how you get better? You surround yourself with people who will call you on your crap."
"You really do become the five people you're closest to. You gotta be so careful."
"If you're around motherfuckers who ain't shit, you're putting yourself in danger."
"If you hang around five people who are telling you quito is toxic helios gonna cause you to have heart attacks and they're broke and they're poor and they're unhappy you're gonna be the sixth person."
"Change your circle. Get around people who are going in the direction you want to go."
"Surround yourself with people who support your happiness."
"We all deserve compassion and to live both online and off in a more compassionate world."
"Surround yourself with people that uplift your energy."
"It's about cultivating a good atmosphere and uplifting people."
"Life is to be defined by the kind of people who surround you."
"I just want to be around people who push me to be slightly better than I was at whatever it is."
"It feels welcoming and inviting like you want to sit and stay a while."
"It's a space that the family can all be together all in one space... It's open, it's airy, it's a very social space, it's great for entertaining."
"Life is too short to surround yourself with unrest or cynicism; you've got to get yourself around people who have resources, ideas, skills, and knowledge."
"I wanted to surround myself with people that had an underlying tone of unconditional love."
"Surround yourself with those who inspire you."
"Good energy and being around people you like are essential."
"For me, it was finding a new focus and surrounding myself with positive people."
"It's an amazing city, full of character. The people are friendly, it's so laid back, it's so relaxing."
"Surround yourself with people that are better than you if you want to improve."
"Surround yourself with who has a great happy energy."
"If you're unhappy, it's because you're spending too much time with unhappy people."
"I love being with my family and all the amazing people I've met."
"Crime does not pay in this country or anywhere else. You stay in a life of crime, you surround yourself with the wrong people, you are going to go down, no doubt about it."
"Surrounding yourself around good dudes helps."
"I wake up every day grateful to be married mostly because I love my wife and family, but also because I simply could not be a single man in this environment."
"Surrounding ourselves with... people in general who are positive... I think that's the key."
"I think it's very important to surround ourselves with people that get the best out of us."
"Surround yourself with people who drive and push you."
"Positive people around you encourage growth and change."
"You are the five people you're surrounded yourself with."
"I feel like your upbringing and who you're surrounded with early on can actually shape you quite big."
"Surround yourself with people who think differently; it helps you grow."
"Surround yourself with people at the same ambitions as you."
"Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you."
"Surround yourself with supporters, not assholes."
"In 10 years, it's never been easier to shine when most men surround themselves with turkeys."
"I am a shining star. I surround myself with people who encourage my brightness."
"Surround yourself with friends and colleagues who are smarter and more successful than you."
"The environment in the west is very conducive for women or men, mostly women and children, to be protected."
"If you can create your work to be your lifestyle and you also want to live a nice lifestyle with great people, that's a pretty powerful combination if you make that happen."
"Surround yourself with people that give you good energy."
"This is your world then? It's a world I don't want any part of."
"Surrounding yourself with Community is really important."
"You are the byproduct of the five people you surround yourself with."
"ESFJs will love the opportunity to be themselves in an atmosphere where it's not all about them."
"Your input shapes your outlook. When you start surrounding yourself with new people, you're going to have new thoughts."
"Your peer group determines so much about yourself."
"You are who you surround yourself with. You got to be in a good environment."
"It's crazy how people never make news stories or talk about all the good."
"Surround yourself with good people and people with a positive mindset."
"A sports bar connects you to the game, and there's no connection in this bar that was being ruined by the feuding owners."
"Your happiness comes from within and the people around you and your life."
"Surround yourself with good, positive people."
"Surround yourself with good, positive people. People who are like-minded."
"The energy that we surround ourselves with is so important."
"Try to keep a positive energy by surrounding yourself with positive people."
"People are super nice in Canada, man. I don't know how they did it."
"Choosing positive people to be around and maintaining a positive outlook on the world."
"A lot of people you hang around will dictate who you become."
"You gotta have good people around you, I [__] rate that."
"Having such smiles and laughter around the Hermitage would certainly make it less lonely."
"Let's strive to surround ourselves with people who contribute to our tranquility."
"It's one thing to be ignorant, but when you are surrounded by people whose job it is to make sure that you have an accurate understanding of what's going on... then being right makes you trust them less."
"Surround yourself with people who are either at where you want to be or are on their way to get there."
"Surround yourself with the best people possible."
"It should feel like an extra room in your house where your friends hang out."
"Live in the positive space; live with the nice people."
"No haters, no [__], just a cool place to hang out."
"Think about how many rappers this kid has probably met. How many basketball player athletes, superstars."
"Always go where people treat you like a million dollars, not where they treat you like five bucks."
"It is a different thing when there's not a single woman around. It changes everything."
"When you surround yourself with positive people, the energy changes and changes everything in you. It makes you almost be in a bit of a frenzy in a way."
"Hang out with people who already are what you want to become."
"The less people are going to turn to outside services, the more your game becomes less of an activity and more of a place to hang out, relax, and exist together."
"You want to be around people who are looking at the positive things, who are talking about the things that excite them, the goals they're trying to accomplish."
"Being able to walk outside and just see the lights and the people."
"Success to me is waking up in a good mood surrounded by people who you want to be surrounded by."
"Surround yourself with positive people if you can."
"Surround yourself with the right people. It is so important."
"You might need a change of environment, a change of people."
"This is what's happened to him. The people around him are really, really, really bad."
"The community of people around you is the biggest factor."
"Surround yourself with people who make you better."
"If you are around a whole lot of nobodies, move out the area until you get a chance to get around a bunch of somebodies."
"Trump supporters are racist, and if you create a space for racists to thrive, they will."
"You gotta surround yourself around that kind of energy, around these kind of people."
"Surround yourself with people, environments, and energies that bring out joy."
"Having a neighbor that's just very not concerned with you as a person can really affect your mental health."
"We all deserve to be surrounded by people who support us and support our change."
"Surround yourself with people that motivate and inspire you."
"Be mindful of what influences you—whether it's media, music, or the company you keep."
"Everyone's friendly and you get to ride horses."
"Someone who's talking sane will sound insane because you're surrounded by the insane."
"I think we like the energy when there's like a lot of people around."
"Create an environment that was not so appealing for her anymore."
"You came here to be surrounded by the most beautiful, uplifting people."
"Surrounding people that make me happy definitely brought up my mood and gave me a healthier mindset."
"Be the change you want to see in those around you."
"Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are on to bigger, better things... this will change your quality of life."
"Beer everywhere, burritos—you can't walk 10 feet without finding some form of hospitality."
"You only want people in environments that are gonna uplift you and add to your joy."
"Go where people value who and what you are now. You don't have to push and force to be something you're not."
"Surround yourself with people who motivate you and remind you of the greatness you come from."
"Surround yourself with people who are going in the same direction."
"It makes such a difference to have neighbors around you."
"Surround yourself with people who are positive."
"I'm going to have a great job I'm going to be around a bunch of smoking hot nurse practitioners so game on right like all the things right."
"Surround yourself with happy and healthy people."
"Surround yourself with good people, and it's going to be okay."
"Life is all about who you surround yourself by."
"Positive thinking and the power of surrounding yourself with positive people."
"Surround yourself with positive, optimistic, fun-loving, heart-centered people in your world."
"I choose to live in Changu is without a doubt community."
"Surround yourself with people who remind you more of your future than your past."
"Surround yourself with people where you don't have to apologize for being yourself."
"If you want to be a hero, don't surround yourself with zeros."
"I've always been to the mindset of surround yourself with people that can make you better."
"Surround yourself with people that you admire."
"Surround myself with like-minded energies and people."
"You are who you surround yourself with... If you want to attract king of Pentacles, it's important to surround yourself with people on that same level."
"This place has had a bit of a bad influence on me."