
Control Quotes

There are 27636 quotes

"A sense of control makes stressors less stressful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love the idea down the road of humans just getting control over some of the horrible ways that their brains go wrong, like addiction or depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're realizing that you have more control over your life than you previously thought."
"Positive thinking is about learning how to take control of internal processes and understanding that that will shape your external environment."
"It's very important that people take control of their mind and their body in a way that allows themselves to calm down."
"Anger is a powerful servant but a terrible master."
"Instead, you want to base your productivity on something you can control because when you base your productivity on something you can control, then you can control it."
"Discipline's good because we can control it a little bit more than we can control motivation. Over time, we can strengthen our discipline."
"You're always in control, so whatever decisions you make, make them confidently."
"The mind is something you can control. The mind is real. The mind is the source of everything."
"80 percent of your longevity and your health in old age is controllable."
"You cannot control the things around you, you can't control what's going to happen... but you can always choose what you do next and what you make it mean."
"We are more optimistic about things that we believe we have control over."
"In that space, growth happens, and that's the space in which you get control over your life."
"Your life doesn't end up an accident. Your life is a series of actions that you initiate or don't initiate, and that your thoughts are going to control that roadmap."
"Recognize that you are on a path to being in a position where you've been able to control to some level where you are. You've been successful in your business, in your work, in your interaction with others, with the family that you're in."
"Releasing control, because we're really never in control."
"We have 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day and studies show that 80% of them are negative and repetitive... You can't control 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day, but you can control the first thought of the day and the last thought of the day."
"The only way to happiness is to cease worrying about things which are beyond my power of control."
"You have to take conscious control and realize that you're in a sandbox; you can play around, you can be creative."
"The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiation is giving the other side the illusion of control."
"So many people give the pen to someone else."
"You cannot control anyone's choices, circumstances, or other people's choices; you can only control your own reactions."
"Discipline is the pathway to feeling powerful and in control."
"You can't control that and it shouldn't be up to you to try and push that. But, yes, also making sure that that forgiveness is for yourself as well so you can move forward."
"You cannot control the events and circumstances of your life... you can control your reactions."
"Don't try to control anyone else because you will lose them."
"There's a lot going on in the world that is beyond our control. But investing in your child's future is something that you can take control of."
"You are not stuck with the thoughts that you think."
"It's a real-life example of how our need to feel important can really control our lives."
"Gratitude is really the super powerhouse for positive emotions inside of you because it's totally within your control."
"Focus on what you're in control of too, don't stress over things you're not in control of."
"I really never felt more in control of farming for items in a loot game as I have in Last Epoch."
"You're not in control of everything that happens to you, but you are in control of your response."
"The world may feel out of your control, but your happiness doesn't have to be."
"The best thing to say is, okay, look, whatever happened happened. I'm gonna take control of what I can, I'm gonna go forth and conquer."
"Leadership is not about controlling or fighting for power. That's a very antiquated notion of leadership."
"You're finally taking back your power and taking back control to lead your life."
"Money is a store of value, a unit of account, a medium of exchange, and then there's a fourth characteristic that we don't talk about: it's a system of control."
"Stop trying to control their reaction; you'll have peace."
"Too much control is resistance; we need to truly surrender and allow things to unfold in the way that the universe knows best."
"Let go of control issues. Allow this situation to unfold naturally."
"Stay informed, of course, but just remember to unplug at times too and focus on what you can control."
"Your Awakening is happening for you already. God's the all-doer. God's in control."
"Now you have a name for it, you've got some power over it."
"We’ve fallen in love with the prospect of reigning over miniature worlds."
"Control the things you can control, don't worry about the things that you can't."
"If you can control the carrot, you control the culture."
"Trauma does not have to control us; we can understand it, we can get our arms around it."
"These technology systems have taken control of human choice. They're controlling the information that all of us are getting."
"Control can sometimes be an illusion, but sometimes you need illusion to gain control."
"You're not in charge of your legacy... We'll decide what your legacy is."
"Once you understand meditation and how to meditate, you are then in control of not only your feelings but how you live your life."
"Certain things in your life that may feel a little bit out of your control...they're meant to not go your way because it's meant to shift you onto a better path."
"Her quirk reacts to her thinking and her desires, so it isn't just as simple as using it straightforwardly."
"The secret of resilience is to know the difference between what we can and cannot control."
"I think life just surf waves; stop trying to control it."
"It's better to serve these waves...you cannot control the market at all."
"It is only when you give up forcing or controlling anything that you begin to get the kind of control you always wanted, but never knew existed."
"You get to do whatever you want when you make music. It's under your total control."
"You are destined for greatness, but you need to let go of that fear and take control of your life."
"You don't get to choose your desires. If you don't control your desires but your desires control your actions, then you don't control your actions."
"Lucid dreaming is when you, not your dreaming self, your conscious self, controls the dream. You are literally a god; the universe is your playground."
"You're focusing more on what is within your control and what you can rely on."
"Let go of control issues. There's something better that you would not have been able to imagine."
"It's one of the most unique sigs in the entire game, no one has stage control like this."
"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control."
"Bitcoin is the one asset in the world that no one can control."
"Your personal threshold for failure in a given field is something that you have absolute control over."
"Failure is something that you can't control, but giving up is something that you can control. You don't have to give up just because you failed."
"You cannot stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair."
"I don't want to accept it and what I have decided was, look, I didn't have any control over how getting fired happened. All I control is what I do next."
"Everything that happens in life, there's very little that you control. With everything that happens, you have an absolute ability to control what it means and how to react to it."
"People are happy when they feel they're in control of their lives."
"Control is an illusion. Nobody has any idea what's going to happen in the next five minutes."
"You can't love someone and control them at the same time."
"Nobody is going to save you. Your life is within your control."
"You can always control what you think and you can always make a decision about the actions you're going to take."
"If they get to know you a little better than you know yourself, game over. They can manipulate and control you, and you will not even realize it."
"It's a delight to surrender to the power of another person and then reverse that charge and have them surrender to your power."
"All I can control is how my actions are going to influence the future, and that's it."
"You cannot choose joy; you can only choose your priorities, and your priorities control your joy."
"If you control the food, you control the people."
"You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond."
"You are clay for me to mold and sculpt into whatever hideous shape I prefer."
"Take control of your destiny, Jesse. Push out the hiss."
"By causing you pain, by agonizing and torturing you, the narcissist reasserts control, regains a sense of mastery over his life."
"Stay optimistic and just let go of control issues."
"Allowing the universe to rearrange things...if we try to then control it...it's like sometimes we don't know what's best for us."
"Okay, so this, when charged, can summon the Grim Reaper at will. That's all we needed."
"If you want to change your life, you need to start by being in control of your thoughts."
"Don't try to control the things you can't control. The stuff you feel shame about, no one really cares."
"I can't control the stimulus but I can control the response."
"If you have any interest in putting content on the internet, starting a YouTube channel, then do it. You have complete control."
"Sometimes things are in your control, and that should make you happy."
"The feeling that we have no control over our environment...is deeply, deeply amiserating and compels us to act in certain ways either attempts to find positive ways of power or doing what you call covert ways of getting power."
"For a relationship to be healthy, it has to be give and take. One way to control a relationship is to be constantly the giver, constantly the power figure."
"The tool is controlling us... Technology has grown into such a pervasive force that it surrounds us completely."
"I know you want to control this room, but this isn't Burger King. When the sign changes to Burger King, you can have it your way. Right now, this is my courtroom, and you will answer my questions."
"So punishment, avoidance, and the sense of control that if you think ahead to something awful, that you're imagining is going to happen, well, maybe that will let you avoid it, right?"
"Anybody that's ready, that's open, that wants to be hypnotized can be. It's not mind control; it's actually learning how you can gain more control over your own mind."
"In a cruel twist of fate, you've ended up in a haunted house, possibly by the hands of some malevolent mastermind controlling every action."
"The only reasonable approach is to focus on the elements that are within your control and to try to influence it, to try to shape the conditions to the best way possible."
"I personally put auto aging to off straight away as soon as I play because I want control over like when they age up."
"When you can control someone's beliefs, when you can control their prayers, when you can control their families and when you can control their money and their home, you really at that point in time have slaves."
"Lying is really about one thing, and that's about control. Any time someone tells a lie, they're actually trying to control the behavior of another human being."
"When we lie to ourselves, that too is about control because we're trying to protect ourselves or control a particular opinion that we have about ourselves."
"We're in a new world where your own fame, your own notoriety, your own success, financial and otherwise, is all within your sole control."
"The wise clinician understands what they have control over, what they don't, and is able to let go and accept the things that they can't control."
"Manufactured consent is the idea that if you control the airwaves, if you control media, you have the ability to construct the consent of people who listen to you."
"Consciousness is the controller of the mind."
"You always have more control than you think you do."
"When a person has a master key to a facility, that means that they can unlock any door."
"The game always favors its creator. No matter what game you're playing, the house always wins."
"Totalitarianism stems from being so terrified of death that you give the group complete control over your life."
"You're not in control of what happened to you, but you are in charge of your healing."
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
"Stop trying so hard to control everything, and all the doors will open for you."
"Surrender the things that you cannot control."
"You got a lot of technological advances being imposed upon mankind that is literally going to make one robotic, easily manipulated, and controlled."
"You have to take control of the small areas of your life where you can."
"We can't control what's going on outside, but we can control what's going on inside."
"People should have a degree of control over and participation in their lives."
"The socialist idea was this: if you allow a small number of people to control the means of producing all the goods and services we all need to survive, they're going to use that control to make the system work for them."
"We have been programmed to believe that genes control our lives. The new biology says wait, you control your genetics by the way you respond to the world."
"One of the most powerful currencies in the world, in my opinion, is having power over your emotions."
"If we can control the sources that control us, we are more likely to control our own behavior."
"He who controls the food supply controls the people."
"You manifest your own reality; you are in control."
"Exercise...gives you a sense of control, a sense of mastery, and it gives you the payoff immediately."
"You can't control how you feel... but you can always control what you think and how you behave."
"Separate things into two categories: is this up to me or is this not up to me?"
"Visualization is the human being's vehicle to the future - good, bad, or indifferent, it's strictly in our control." - Earl Nightingale
"I feel as if I'm controlling time... giving the illusion that you're controlling time."
"When you take control of it, there's so much satisfaction and enjoyment; it gives you better peace of mind."
"I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote or how, but what is extraordinarily important is who will count the votes and how."
"We don't control what happens; we control how we respond."
"You're going to have an urge, you're going to have an intrusive thought. We can't stop that yet. All you can control, Conor, is your reaction to what happens in your mind."
"God never called me to control people's lives...I'm not here to control your life."
"Health anxiety doesn't need to control your life."
"I need to be in control of my life... I don't want anybody to ever tell me when to move, how to dress, how to live, how to work."
"Free yourself; it's time to take back control of your life."
"Invest in the things we can control: our minds, our bodies, our emotional state, our spiritual state."
"Everything has a center of gravity. Take a hold of it and unbalance the remaining structure, cutting supply lines, belief systems, and chains of command."
"High expectations coupled with low control; that's burnout."
"I control my body in all the shapes, all the positions as I want. It feels awesome. It's like having a superpower."
"Judgment and control are intertwined. As long as you're judging, you're going to try to control."
"Control is the origin of suffering, and surrender is the origin of peace."
"Focus on the things you can change instead and there are things you can change."
"When you visualize, you're taking conscious control of the process, optimizing it, and using it very consciously and deliberately to plant those ideas in your mind."
"Fear has always been the control mechanism of man."
"We should perform a kind of triage in which we distinguish between things we have no control over, things we have complete control over, and things we have some but not complete control over."
"The goal of cryptocurrency is to not be controlled by any one government; it's supposed to be controlled by the people."
"Understand in what ways it works and in what ways it doesn't, and it's through familiarity with who we are and how we function that we gain control over ourselves."
"To achieve creative greatness, we don't need to seek total control but instead transcending and escaping that control."
"You can't control but you can care and you can act."
"The magician card is all about control meeting willpower."
"Don't let just a label, no matter what side you have or what mental health issue you have, are you gonna let it control you, or are you gonna try to take control?"
"Epigenetic control [means] you are the master because you can regulate the environment that will then manifest the genetics to conform to the environment."
"Identifying those two camps and being at peace with that, accepting that you can't control some things, that's really hard but it's hugely important."
"Save your gifts for people who are worthy recipients and keep in mind that this gift-giving dynamic in a narcissistic relationship is actually a way that people often feel in better control in these relationships."
"You can't control the events in your life, but you can control your responses."
"Be more of the thermostat of life rather than the thermometer."
"A positive attitude is where you feel that you have the ability to control your world and to control your life."
"He who controls the waves controls the world."
"I was trusted because I was authentic. I was efficient because I didn't obsess over outcomes I couldn't control."
"You already control your life. Do what you're comfortable with and mind your business, and you will go a long way."
"You cannot control the things around you, but you can always choose what you do next and what you make it mean."
"Turn to what you can do, what you can control. Don't look to blame anyone, don't look to scapegoat anyone, don't look to escape through denial, but choose the thing that you can do today."
"Simply watch and reflect on the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings you had in those moments when you were out of control."
"God doesn't control everything; He's in charge of everything."
"Makima, the devil of control, more powerful than many other devils, with the ability to control the will of others."
"There's so much in our lives that we can't control. What you eat, deciding to get up every day and move your body, you can control that."
"The real power, the real masters control themselves, and everybody else around them changes."
"Janelle played everybody like a fool, like they were all just puppets in some sick twisted game of hers."
"Virtue is necessary to gain control over any emotion that you don't have perfect control over."
"If you think that you can control the ring of power and then use that ring of power for your own side, it is only a matter of time before it falls into the hands of the other side and is used against you."
"No one should feel controlled by you; they should want to be with you."
"You control your own destiny, you control your own fate."
"Just because you don't have control over something doesn't mean that your life is something that's not worth living."
"People can have things happen to them; it's up to you how to respond to things that you can't control."
"Take control while being vulnerable. Ask for what you want but be open to receiving."
"Biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside of you so you have full control of your own biology."
"The best thing with this build, however, is your ability to stick onto opponents and just the control you get with this build."
"Freedom means being in control either as an individual or as a member of a small group of the life and death issues of one's existence."
"Detachment is the conscious acknowledgment that you cannot control other people and you will drive yourself crazy if you try."
"Detachment can help you control your reality without letting it control you."
"Fear controls our lives, and how we can overcome much of the things which we fear to find more freedom, more peace, more happiness."
"When you control the pen, you control how the story gets told."
"Anytime we're attached, we're trying to control. We're running around, trying to make things happen...but the current is taking you where you need to go. Just chill out, relax, don't be attached, don't try to control, just be."
"Awareness precedes control. You cannot control that which you are unaware of."
"The purpose of democracy is that you control what happens."
"Manage your image and don't let your image manage you."
"The most important thing is understanding risk, recognizing risk, and controlling risk."
"You can't control life, but you can control the way you look at life."
"The only thing you can control in your life is yourself. Look at your feet and just get better every day."
"A good combo is one that puts you in a position of power, not exclusively by life remaining but also the options it restricts from your opponent."
"The important takeaway here is that you should be in control of your ego and not the other way around."
"Let go of your ego, let go of the control, and let love take over."
"I am completely in control of what is going on around me."