
Reflection Quotes

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"Just doing something meditative or reflective every day or so, and it hardly even matters which one you're doing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm not able to create my best work if I don't live. I'd rather go live, hang, eat, kick it with my partners... then I can go back and I could just reflect."
"Reflection is critical. We've got to look back...to come to a place of gratitude."
"At the end of my life, I'm going to ask these questions about life: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?"
"It either takes reflection or action to generate serious sustained motivation."
"Let's be real, if everyone's mistakes were recorded, where would we all be at?"
"When you reflect, accept, and act by progressing yourself in the form of movement, you become not only a competent man but an emotionally intelligent and mature man as well."
"The most important conversation I ever had with is with myself."
"Self-improvement is extremely important to me. Out of all the personal values I stand by, it's the one I actively think about the most."
"People should consume less information and spend more time reflecting and digesting what they already know."
"The most important conversation is the one you have with yourself."
"There's lots to be grateful for, but also lots for you to be proud of."
"Instead of judging them, what you do is you turn it back on yourself."
"2017 was a year filled with fantastic decisions."
"A fully lived life and a life pissed down the toilet, that's the difference."
"We do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience."
"This is the time for soul reflection, soul-searching, a period or phase of quiet is needed. Take time off to work on healing and recharging."
"Every single day at least once a day I think about how happy I am."
"Why not have the fourth R be reflection, that if we can build up this, you know, anterior insula strength, that we can build up reflective skills which basically no one is doing, we have an opportunity now to shift the compassion in our culture in a very different way and to boot, we'll probably get better academic performance, why not?"
"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again too few to mention."
"We are all walking mirrors of the energy we put out."
"Enjoy your family. I lost my family and didn't have anybody. I'm in a 100,000 square foot house by myself."
"Lift your eyes... lift your eyes out of your life for a minute, get a different view, change things up."
"Mind is the master power that molds and makes, and man is mind, and evermore he takes the tool of thought, and, shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills. He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass."
"When is the last time that you thought to yourself, 'I love TikTok, or Twitter, or Instagram,' and it loves me back? Yeah, me neither."
"The Bible is the only book that when you read it, it reads you."
"This space has done some good, and it's done some harm, and it can also do better."
"Just being in that state of mindfulness and reflection, it really revealed a lot to me."
"Give back your heart to yourself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you have ignored for another."
"Still, this all got me thinking about the memories we make while playing games."
"Every time I was ashamed, every time I was embarrassed, every time I was guilty of something...all led me to this table today."
"This is the time for soul reflection and soul-searching."
"You're going to learn so much about yourself because this person's gonna reflect it back to you."
"All it requires is in the waking state to sit back and calmly reflect upon what happened in the dream state and to make a breakthrough there."
"Karma is like a mirror... it's constantly showing you the reflection that you're giving it."
"We're losing traditions of thought about the world that are very, very important, beautiful, inspiring, and so on and so forth."
"It's been a great ride, man. It's been a great ride. We've learned a lot about ourselves."
"Every day I have to live, knowing that I survived and so many others didn't."
"The world and the universe is a magnified mirror."
"The world is a magnified mirror magnifying everything that you are conscious of being."
"Sometimes when you're at the top, you're just looking for reasons why you could be better."
"These are bookmarks to our life, aren't they?"
"One of the recommendations I give is to not have kids just do lots of questions for homework but to actually ask them to reflect on what they've learned."
"Saturn is going retrograde for most of the year, adding a lot of reflection and reassessment."
"The stars are like a mirror... when we're doing SETI, yes of course we're thinking about alien life but we're also thinking about human life."
"The Simpsons acts as a mirror reflecting the concerns, curiosities, and absurdities of society."
"We need to think about our purpose in life. We don't want the day we are resurrected to be the first day we actually think about why we were here."
"But Zlatan would like to remind you that after some time passes and some thoughts faint, a new question will rise again and maybe, just maybe, you will find the answer to this one."
"Pondering on the Quran is extremely crucial."
"One day you might just look back on these times as the good old days, and you might just start crying."
"When you see on the television women and children dying, and you're just beyond their control, and it's totally oppressive, it just really makes you think and ask yourself, 'What am I doing? Am I sitting here desiring convenience?'"
"That's when I thought about what I thought about when I got the email: 90 days and the end of a marriage."
"When I was done shooting this gun the other day, I'm watching the sunset out there in the desert, and it's gorgeous."
"Think before you do anything else next time."
"Just say alhamdulillah, think of where Allah has brought you."
"Every time I read the Quran with contemplation and reflection, it's like I'm reading it for the first time."
"It was just so classic, like parenting in hindsight. Like, I'm and retelling this story, I'm really kind of, I like this memory."
"What happens when you're gone? The people who love you will miss you."
"Don't ask yourself at the end of the day if you did everything right. Ask yourself what you learned and how well you loved, then grow from your answer. That is perfect parenting."
"As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man."
"Comedy is more than just jokes; it's a reflection of our society, our pains, and our joys."
"I guess it's just one of those things that you don't realize till it's gone."
"Once the moment has passed, it's past; then you can learn from it and change your actions in the future."
"It's been a hell of 5 years of covering this game."
"Self-inquiry, reflection, purpose, and individuation."
"Look at yourself a year, two years ago and look at yourself now... you are improving, growing, working on yourself."
"This show forces us to look back at the enemies we loathed, the heroes that we loved, and the conflicts we cheered on, in order to make us confront and re-evaluate our own thoughts and expectations."
"Don't think about the times you fell; think about the times that got you here in the first place."
"Even long after the expedition in the dungeon had ended, Tsubaki's words still remained in his head. They haunted his mind as he walked around Orario."
"It's very special that a nice couple of years from now, I'm be like one of the OGs."
"These are my biggest surprises over the course of the year, pleasant surprises."
"Look at the growth, bro. Who would have thought?"
"As he lays in bed, he begins to cry as his memories of Eugeo reawaken."
"If I could go back in time, I would do things differently."
"The grave will supply plenty of time for silence."
"Reflecting on the past year is something that I personally feel is super super important to do because not only does it just remind you of everything that you went through, that you've grown through."
"When I'm on my death bed, will I regret not doing this?"
"If every other YouTuber that's on the show has a positive experience... and you are the only one that has the problem, then I'm 99% sure that you were the problem in that situation."
"It's never too late to set yearly goals, set goals, do a reflection of the past months, year, whatever. It is never too late."
"We were not created to receive glory, we were created to reflect glory."
"Being reminded of how fragile I am... really brings me back."
"I chalk this up as one of the inflection points in my life."
"Are you better off today than you were four years ago?"
"Everything happens for a reason, and it's an important time to stop, think, assess, and refocus on what you truly want."
"It's often the moments of struggle that we look back on and smile about."
"It's time for a time-out. In many ways, the last year of pandemic has been a global timeout for humanity."
"It's from the moments of struggle that we look back on and smile about."
"This is really exposing how fragile our civilization really is."
"Everything that enters your life, I mean absolutely every single thing, is a mirror of your consciousness."
"Hindsight's brilliant, and we look back and go, 'How could he have done that?' But also, that we need to be very careful of the law of unintended consequences."
"I believe 2020 is a year to face things. It's a year to heal."
"The world of dew, a world of dew it is indeed, and yet, and yet."
"I've been keeping a running list of all the most important principles that I wish I knew when I was younger."
"And then the last step is really what we talk about as reflecting on what this experience is for you. It’s not just enough to have the experience but how you then incorporate back into your thought processes, your beliefs, your experiences in the world."
"Anything you're seeing in this external world is all a reflection of your internal world."
"It's always a moment to recalibrate, look at everything, and then come back stronger."
"Mind you speak about reflection, introspection, self-control, discipline; emotions left on their own are impulsive, reflexive, reactive."
"I love being able to look back and be like, that was such a different time, I understand what it was, it's over with."
"The first act of correction or cure is always 'revise'."
"The outer world is a reflection of our inner world."
"The world without is a reflection of the world within."
"Driving through the Midwest states was a hypnotic and sobering experience."
"What does this mean, to become more awake? To become more awake is to recognize that the external world is a reflection of the inner world."
"Deeds are raised to Allah subhana wa ta'ala in this month, and that in and of itself should give us some pause."
"Ramadan opens for business on the first night and there are people that arrive at the gate of Ramadan and they are told, even though you are alive, stay outside."
"Guys, remember the thousands of games that you guys have had and particularly remember the ones where it's just felt really good."
"I have been thinking for a while how much fun we have been having."
"Thank you for everything; I don't know, I'm just in that mood you know on your birthday when you're reflecting and stuff like that."
"I didn't even realize how close to the bottom the things that I wanted for me were, until I saw it in front of me."
"And so I remember thinking that this is maybe what it must be like when you're living through history."
"A habit of some small habit of daily learning... some sort of physical activity... and then, a process, a habit of reflection and review."
"Nostalgia is not a bad thing; it's just an important reminder to enjoy the things you have at the moment because before long, you'll be looking back on it in a few years and wishing you'd appreciated it more."
"We are most to be pitied if we think we've reached the fullness of what God intended for His church here on earth."
"These games aren't just old games but time capsules of our past, the old positions of life where you can look back and reflect on the old you."
"You know what, the fact that I recorded for this long is probably a good sign about the world though, right? Like, the fact that I talked this much about it probably means there's a lot to say, so it's good, right?"
"I'm sure we'll talk a lot about habits in this conversation, and one of the meta habits that's really helpful is some kind of habit of reflection and review because it allows you to course correct."
"The goal is to always look at a previous iteration of yourself and cringe a little because that means you've changed."
"What do I want to do with the time that remains?"
"Sometimes it takes having football taken away from you for a brief period of time to really realize how much you truly care for it."
"The wavelengths that get reflected produce color."
"Stand up, step back, get a little different perspective."
"They wish that they could have treated you better, in the very least they wish they could have told you some sort of truth."
"Critical thinking... requires you to pause and examine for a second instead of reacting."
"The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs."
"The equinox ship and crew serve as a dark reflection of Voyager."
"Years from now, when you talk about this, and you will, be kind."
"I was praying about what I could share with you and not just about my dad's life but about your life, asking God how can we use this moment where we're celebrating to also take inventory of our own lives, to also be stretched, changed, and transformed in our own life."
"It's wild to watch, it's an interesting time to be alive."
"The veneer we call civilization is only skin deep."
"Everything in your life and reality is a reflection of you."
"When you look back 10 years ago to what you went through, there were a lot of lessons and blessings and opportunities that came from the pain, the trauma, the tragedy, the suffering."
"Reflections on your past year is something that's so super important."
"I've done some soul searching in my life and I've done some reevaluating."
"What the hell, man? I wonder if I'll laugh at that one day. Probably not."
"First, think. Begin with a moment of reflection. Close your eyes, and recall a very personal secret."
"The irreversible change that comes with endless re-experience."
"People wake up in the morning and the first thing they do, you know, their brain is a record of the past. They start thinking about their problems and those problems are associated with certain people, certain objects, certain conditions, and certain times in certain places."
"I try to be very mindful of [expletive] like that. I don't want to look back in five years and realize, 'Oh God, I was just saying things because my audience likes it.'"
"Humor is very reflective of the culture of the people that are there; that's undeniable."
"Pain plus quality reflection would give me progress."
"I'm actually very grateful that it happened to me because it allowed me to really consider what the media was."
"It's easier looking back, isn't it? The trick is seeing what lies ahead."
"It's pretty crazy to actually think this place was a hotel."
"Don't look back and wish you went harder... Look back and say I gave it my all."
"Certainly, I think everyone does. But it's a time of reflection."
"Everyone thinks that they are Mufasa; nobody looks in the mirror and is like, 'Oh, I'm kind of Scar.' And I've been Scar before to somebody else."
"The universe is just going to mirror whatever you are already thinking and feeling."
"If we extrapolate on that example to reflect back upon our own relationship to the planet and our behaviors and our consumer choices, it can be highly instructive."
"Every relationship you have is a reflection of you."
"It's incredible to reflect on how dramatically the world has changed in such a short period of time."
"It's been a strange year, I think you would agree, as the mists of COVID are beginning to clear."
"Quiet as is kept, this land don't belong to none of us."
"I wished he would have elaborated, but that was some deep stuff, y'all."
"This is the end of Skyrim, my friends. But maybe it didn't have to be this way. Maybe if I'd been stronger, maybe if I wasn't a wizard, maybe if I had a companion, maybe Skyrim could be saved."
"Every night of this year, I have gone to bed just like thinking about what I'm gonna say right now."
"Watching her get bullied by those girls and give in to peer pressure... it really did make me think, 'Oh wow, are people in my family also going through this?'"
"It's hard to be able to enjoy popcorn entertainment about fighting injustices when they so closely resemble actual injustices in the world around you."
"It was really, really fun to look at how we thought the year was going to go and how it actually went."
"If you can't freaking high-five your reflection, how the hell are you going to make things happen in your life?"
"Life is lived forward, but it only makes sense backward."
"When I think back to that time in my life, I struggle."
"If I could turn back time, would I? I don't know because I do like my life I'm at now, but it's sad that my parents and my sister are lost to it."
"When you've gone so far in, if you're 41, you've lived 41 years of your life in something, it's like, 'Well, I've gotten this far.' It would take a lot to say to yourself, 'Maybe I've wasted a lot of time.'"
"When we're old and decrepit and looking back at the end of our lives, will we be proud of who we are?"
"It's always good to understand yourself a little bit more."
"One of the things that history is good for is reflection upon the other stories about the past that you are being told."
"I want to be able to look back on my life and be so proud of myself forever."
"I wouldn't do all of this again; I would do all of this better. But I would live this life."
"In my 20s, a lot of things happened that seemed like they took forever and seemed, you know, now in hindsight, twenty years ago, they happen very quickly."
"What is left in my memories is more the stuff I didn't do, more the chances I didn't take, rather than any mistakes that I've made."
"I'm going back to the good parts of my past and who I was when I was younger."
"That really the best decision I made, you know what I'm saying."
"Imagine yourself in 50 years... and you start to reflect on your life. You start to think of all of the successes you've had, the great memories... but then you also start to think about the things that you wish you had done a little bit different, your regrets."
"As their time in Eden draws to a close, Olaf and his father reflect on their profound and captivating glimpse into a world of wonder and mystery hidden beneath the earth's surface."
"I was fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest mother's life."
"It's a moment of quiet reflection; I saw that someone from the crowd throwing a single rose out towards the coffin."
"Acknowledging your own value comes easier when it's reflected back to you by someone who genuinely cares."
"What a wonderful time of year, Christmas, to be able to pause and reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ."
"Legacy: something that I'm sure many of us have pondered, the age-old question."
"The emotional one, the basket case of the family... is the person who the family can count on a lot of times to be the reflection of what's happening emotionally for everyone else."
"It isn't enough to say sorry. This is a moment when let's look at ourselves in the mirror and we must learn."
"Judgment is but a mirror reflecting the insecurities of the person who's doing the judging."
"The world always needs change, but do we really need more of that kind of change?"
"You can't live a life that is surrounded by yourself; it just doesn't work out in the end."
"For us to look at the year that has gone and let go of what we no longer need and look ahead at the year to come and see what we might want to create in our life."
"We used to go to so many events... and I look back, and I know for a fact I was miserable."
"Not knowing what's coming and then reflecting on the game and saying, 'Oh, I would have done something differently had I known.'"
"It's such a good exercise to reflect on what you are grateful for from the past year and what you are calling in for the future."
"2022 was a big year for me, both personally and professionally."
"Consumerism is not part of the human condition. But it is, I think, fueled by it."
"It's brilliant at first, I was like, I don't know, that sounds somewhat compassionate, but then I'm like, this [person] is getting what she wants out of it."
"I've been thinking a lot about working with come back, and I mean, I want the work, but all the death and destruction, you know."
"The believer is the mirror of another believer."
"My garden is in my heart. You can't take it away. They kill me, it's martyrdom; they deport me, then it's a chance to reflect on the signs of Allah; and if they leave me in isolation, then it's a chance to be in seclusion with Allah."
"Mercury retrograde is known to be bad cause communication mishaps, cause travel delays, and all of that stuff, but Mercury retrograde is actually good because it causes us to really reflect internally about what resonates in our life and what doesn't."
"Is that the kind of world that you want to live in?"
"Time travel narratives, especially time loops, reflect the flashbacks, internalized skill, and constant reimaginings that happen so often as a result of trauma."
"I think that one of our greatest strengths in the United States is recognizing that our founding was flawed in so many ways."
"Your actions are a reflection of your belief system."
"This day is exciting not because of any specific event but in fact, it's more so a realization at the end of the day of how far you've come and how much you have been able to overcome."