
Myths Quotes

There are 492 quotes

"There is zero data to support the idea that the menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle are linked in any kind of causal way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A lot of what's in the book contrasts with many of the common myths about emotions and biology."
"The myth that the amount of sex you have is directly correlated to your sexual satisfaction is just that, a myth."
"Millennials are the victims of a lot of ridiculous myths in the media." - Jessica Gross
"Welcome to the Whiskey Tribe. Really, we're gonna get into the ancient whiskey myth."
"There's this myth in our culture that you should forgive people and you will feel better, right? No. If you actually don't forgive them, that's called forced forgiveness."
"West Virginian myths are among the creepiest in American folklore."
"The traditional dogma of delayed onset muscle soreness is that it is a result of 'micro tears' in the muscle... in fact, you can be quite sore from exercise and have no measurable amount of muscle damage."
"It wasn't aliens: If there's one thing archaeologists have discovered, it's that humans are crafty and smart buggers."
"We already know based on uncountable studies that video games do not cause violent behavior."
"The good guy with a gun is a mythological figure, a false narrative. Such a person doesn't exist in real life," regarding the Uvalde Texas incident and the narrative around armed intervention.
"There's no need to fear petrolatum, also known as Vaseline, in skincare. It is not a demon ingredient and is a myth that it is pore-clogging or carcinogenic."
"A history that has been forgotten, a history that has left clues through myth and legends so that one day people would remember the accomplishments and heights of the power of their ancestors."
"The concept of self-made millionaires is probably one of the biggest lies I've ever heard."
"It is something that I find very interesting that each and every culture in the world, each and every civilization, has these notions, myths, superstitions of entities that exist beyond the human world."
"You cannot build a monument to someone who does not exist. Mammy is not real."
"Kings become legends, legends become myths, and after enough time has passed, it becomes really difficult to suss out exactly what's true and what's false."
"When it comes to myths, magic, and legends, the British Isles have it all: ancient islands steeped in ancient myths, fabled legends, and history."
"One of the greatest myths that's pervasive in our culture today is that you're entitled to a great life."
"Don't get caught up in the midst, the myth of your untouchable."
"The ongoing popularity of this Urban myth remains a big headache for the company to this day."
"There's a lot of myths about the old west out there in the wild and we're here to run them down tie them up and leave them on the train tracks."
"If any myth today worked, this is the one I wish worked."
"Rhett loves beans, there is one prevailing myth about beans..."
"But is there really anything more to know about it? I say that there are lots of things that you thought you knew about capitalism at best partial truth and at worst downright myth."
"The myth of the big Bank, the Fat Cat Wall Street Banker couldn't be no further from the truth."
"Because there's this pervasive you know uh annoying myth that medieval people never bathed and they're always dirty and stinky and I where on Earth did that come from?"
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly."
"Humans need a story and the story can be a complete myth, it can be a religious myth, it can be a nationalist myth, it can be an economic myth."
"Good luck, Alex, I hope you're not on those myths again, dude, please switch it up just for me."
"The earth itself proves the storybook is wrong."
"He wants to recreate the Tower of Babel, you know, the creation myth that attempts to explain why human beings use different languages."
"Video games are not these nightmare machines that cause people to just get sucked into them."
"The similarities do not mean one copied the other we can just equally mean they share the same traditions about something that actually happened in the past."
"Understanding undoes them. It pops the bubble of their myth."
"It definitely blows apart a lot of the stories and misconceptions about the royal family."
"Supposedly all of these graves were open and people came back to life."
"Behind the dark legends about the curse of the elder blood lies the truth of these tragic cases."
"Native American Thunderbird Legend may have come from this Behavior."
"Prepare to have your mind blown because there are some myths that are talked about throughout this video that I had no clue about. They're absolutely shocking."
"I dispel the myth that everything in moderation is good advice."
"It's just a whole bunch of myths and inaccuracies and contradictions."
"The customer is often wrong for any number of reasons."
"Video games do not cause sexism, just like video games do not cause violence."
"Tainted Halloween candy: never been any reports of poison candy."
"We treat myths as the same as scientific facts."
"Ancient myths, they all come from somewhere."
"The early records are not myths but refer to another location that fits all of these descriptions."
"According to all the laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly."
"The truth, the narrative behind legend, is what we make of it."
"The famed Lara Croft nude code has been kicking around since 1996."
"Leadership is a learned skill. Anybody that tells you that there's just only natural leaders in my opinion is off the mark."
"The first myth is that women like being abused."
"That myth is actually true, they actually put a duck in Choo-Choo Charles!"
"You cannot reverse the body's natural aging process humans don't work like that despite what the skincare industry will try and sell you it's just not how it works."
"Vaginas stretch out with use? It's a deeply rooted myth in the patriarchy."
"The earth is round, Flat Earth? That's ridiculous."
"Either way, I believe that these stories are important."
"There is no such thing as haunted or possessed items."
"One form of free speech that's never been censored is talking about Bigfoot and aliens."
"Did ancient humans ever coexist with a race of giants maybe with the Nephilim of the Old Testament or are the gods and goddesses of Roman and Greek pantheons more fact Than Fiction?"
"Happy Volts Asylum: where the light-hearted charm of Bully disappears, replaced by sinister vibes."
"UFOs and aliens: the birthplace of many Bully myths, including the infamous werewolf and alien theories."
"Mermaid in the lake: rumors of Courtney the mermaid spawning in All Vale, with ties to a secret pirate hat."
"We need to put an end to this DHA mythology."
"Soil never needs a rest. That's a lie, if you ever hear that, basically."
"Now various images and videos have come out allegedly showing the creature, although most are faked, and like Bigfoot, the claims were put to rest when Rockstar eventually stated that the creature was not real."
"The best way to tell myth from reality is by applying critical thinking skills."
"I find this stuff so fun, investigating myths and stuff like that."
"This whole idea that the world is overpopulated that we shouldn't be making more babies is so wrong on so many different levels and it really is a lie."
"Contrary to popular belief, Walt Disney's head was not frozen cryogenically and placed under Pirates of the Caribbean."
"Lemmings don't suicidally yeet themselves off of cliffs in real life."
"From Polybius to Lavender Town, myths and legends about video games have continued to crop up for decades."
"Just like SCP in general, they form a new age of folklore."
"Interesting, throughout history human imagination has given rise to numerous mythical creatures."
"Humanity did not evolve from apes and is descended from much older civilizations."
"Why is the myth dogs are colorblind so widely accepted? They do see colors, even though they have a more limited Spectrum than we do."
"Some chefs tell you this lie that adding oil makes your butter burn less fast."
"I'm not trying to be insulting I'm saying like a lot of people are absolutely obsessed with Sasquatch Bigfoot."
"Love is Blind love at first sight just doesn't exist."
"This is what we're trying to do tonight... strip away the myth to let people get a glimpse of what is really going on."
"Shaving, waxing, plucking, or anything of the sorts does not make your hair grow back faster or thicker."
"The only place on Earth where we know for sure this pyramid-building civilization did exist is in Hancock's head."
"Our existence and society are outlived by myths that survive generations."
"Your value and your meaning come from doing something outside the home, that is a lie."
"First of all, genetically modified organisms have been around since the beginning of agriculture."
"No scientific study has shown any proof violent videogames make a person violent."
"It is not the tryptophan that is making you sleepy but the digestive process itself."
"Giants in South America have a very long and a very real history."
"Cook's travels reassured those who had previously believed that anyone crossing the equator would melt or go up in flames."
"Reason becomes its own set of myths its own unreason."
"Every curse, every myth, every mystery has a moment where it began."
"One of the myths around Psychopaths is that they have an almost supernatural ability."
"I think one of the greatest lies we've been sold is that to be a man you have to be able to go out and pick up lots of chicks."
"Sorry, no need to be sorry Adam because this myth's Grand Finale is still to come."
"No knights or anyone else ever came to her rescue. She actually did it herself."
"The notion that Arabic populations have always been anti-semitic is a really dangerous myth."
"The Loch Ness monster: almost certainly doesn't exist, but that doesn't stop people from seeing it."
"There is no dirty secret to making a lot of money quick."
"For me, it really spoke to a lot of just constructs that we attach ourselves to, masculinity, yeah, the myth of the big black man and the myth of the man in general."
"Eating at night doesn't inherently make you gain weight... eating calories in excess any time of day causes weight gain."
"It's entirely possible that great civilizations were built on myths."
"What if this isn't just a scary tale about the gods' weapon but a brief historical report of actual events?"
"Blood type is irrelevant when it comes to your diet. Blood type doesn't do anything. Blood type means nothing."
"The idea that medieval people were uneducated and illiterate is a pervasive myth."
"Ancient myths and religious prophecies are replete with tales of world destruction and catastrophe resulting from all-consuming fires."
"But what people are mostly caught up upon is this, the biggest myth of everything in the music industry which is if you get in front of more eyeballs and more people see you then you're going to have this amazing successful career."
"The 8-hour sleep myth is incorrect. Individual DNA determines how much sleep you need."
"Myths teach us to go beyond what we perceive as the limits of our possibility."
"Nicolas Cage is a vampire from the Civil War era. Yes, he is, by ABC News. You've never seen this? Nicolas Cage is that ruthless killer who's been alive for hundreds of years."
"Ever heard the parable about Jonah and the whale? Pure fiction, right? How can a tiny human survive being swallowed whole by a giant whale fish monster?"
"Anything that leans in the direction of perfectionism is a myth including healing."
"Strange creatures and things that go bump in the night just won't go away."
"Vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. Unfortunately, that is a myth."
"Perhaps the overlapping stories of ancient visitors in Mali and Sierra Leone are not myth, but historical records."
"Sasquatch can't do it, you can't pick up on it, or they don't want to."
"So whoever's asking about the third eye being dangerous, it's not dangerous."
"But there is no evidence of that, and doctors say that the more people who sign up as organ donors, the better."
"You don't need masks for hydration, they're gimmicky."
"There's no such thing as free money, right? Wrong."
"Did any of the cults ever manage to summon Cthulhu?"
"Rumors of strange voices, distorted faces—'kamaitachi no yoro 2' was a cursed game."
"More than ever now is the time to really pick up your bible and like learn to read it, learn to spend time with it, learn to dive into the truth and understand how the bible is put together."
"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie but the myth."
"This is one of the most pervasive myths about the Council of Nicaea: that Emperor Constantine called the council to vote on which books should be in the Bible."
"Glory lies in searching the truth, not in believing the irrational legends."
"The myth of working to beat the odds is perpetuated by more than just the educational system."
"The ancient pygmy race is a worldwide phenomena both archaeologically and in myth and folklore."
"This letter is very affectionate and it crushes the myth of him being a cold-blooded, not-caring kind of person."
"Wrong. Yeah, a lot of the times they have that preconceived notion that unicorns are a mythical fairy tale that they're not real."
"Critical thinking should let you know that the idea that gunshot wounded patients were being left outside of a hospital because they were suddenly overwhelmed with mild to dangerous poisoning cases just doesn't ring true at all."
"Another interesting thing historically is that the only historical evidence of the Wicker man being used in sacrifice was from the account of a Roman official."
"Men and women do not think about sex the same way and it is very flattering for men to believe that women think about sex the same way that men do they do not."
"I tried to include common and uncommon myths and misconceptions so I hope you learned at least one new thing."
"Rumors persisted for years that Bigfoot can be found in the game."
"The Lightbringer myth seems to be a metaphor for procreation."
"Entrepreneur means you're alone in effect and that's the myth but it's mostly a myth."
"Myths unify us, expressing universal truths through different cultures."
"There’s an element of wonder and excitement that comes from believing in the impossible—so eyewitness reports continue and stories of Nessie are shared, even as each one before it is debunked."
"Sometimes the myth is better than the truth."
"The fact that the game was originally intended to have 48 colossi had players for years searching for the possibility of a hidden 17th one."
"Blood is thicker than water. Oh, it's a lie. Literally."
"The Sasquatch cannot be an ape. North America has no fossil record of great apes. Apes are quadrupeds. The Sasquatch is a biped."
"That's the myth of the level playing field. There is no level playing field."
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground."
"Archaeological reality is always far more complicated than the stuff of legend."
"Believing in lies and believing in myths don't really get you anywhere."
"It wasn't a bear or Bigfoot, everyone knows that's nonsense."
"People have this deep-seated idea that you can't trust food on the floor, but why?"
"There is no cow level. Let me go on record as saying there is no cow level."
"I think that there's actually no glass ceiling... the glass ceiling is a myth."
"Do you really think giants roamed the earth in the past or do you think giants are only creatures from folklore?"
"So the thing is, I want people to let go of these myths out here that say that if you are born poor, you have to stay poor. There is no rule saying you have to stay poor unless you let them convince you to stay poor up here."
"There is perhaps no variety of folklore on earth which purports to explain more mysterious eventi attending other folkloric traditions than the various myths and legends regarding the ‘little people’."
"It's a girl, the old wives' tales were cracked by one."
"Twinkies do not last forever."
"Abner Doubleday did not invent baseball."
"Actually, it's where Remus Lupin would transform into a werewolf, and so that the sounds that people heard led people to believe that it was haunted, not haunted at all."
"Rogue waves were once dismissed as sailors' myths, now they're blamed as a major cause of shipwrecks around the world."
"Never eat raw cookie dough? Sounds like a lie made up a long time ago by some guy that sold ovens."
"Various urban legends related to Castle in the Sky have surfaced, some even claiming an extended version of the film was broadcasted on television."
"The myth that steel toe cap boots are more dangerous than regular boots is sinking fast."
"Walt Disney's body is not cryogenically frozen."
"No Speed-limits on the Autobahn and everyone is a Race-car-driver? Well, that's not quite what Driving is actually like in Germany."
"They may also be reluctant to take ADHD medication because of persistent myths surrounding its safety and side effects."
"From Rome to the Holy Land, Simka tracks down the truth behind historical myths, beliefs, and some of the greatest biblical stories ever told."
"Welcome to the Myths of Ancient History series, which is aimed at dispelling common misconceptions about the past."
"Myths are not necessarily true but they contain truth."
"There is no limit you can eat as many eggs as you want okay and you will not get a heart attack you will not clog your arteries you will not get heart disease"
"Most of the widespread myths about hair products are not true"
"The rumors alone were enough to fuel the myths linking him with the White Chapel killings."
"This myth is true it would definitely work in a pinch."
"This myth is true it's a little trickier to get them all the same size but with a little practice it's pretty easy."
"First up on mac and cheese myths: contested history of macaroni."
"I think it's productive for people to hear the other side of these different myths and stuff that go around."
"Explore how the real stories of Loch Ness and its monster are more fascinating and engaging than any myth."
"We need myths. We need to understand ourselves in a way that, as creatures, we have a hard time doing."
"The myth of the lady in red is common throughout Northern Europe, Canada, and the US."
"Nationalism requires a series of myths about your own nation-state. You have to believe that you're the chosen people, you're the city on the hill."
"What survival myth is completely wrong and can get you killed?"
"Let me know what other myths that you've heard about fashion."
"The two great myths in our society are hard work and talent."
"Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths."
"Because the numbers are simply an indigenous numerology system that modified the day-signs. But, yeah, it was the myths that kept me going."
"The only reason it feels so hard to get amazing hair is because there are so many ridiculous hair myths running around out there sending you in the wrong direction."
"When myths get established and are adopted, they tend to be so strongly held, they tend to become so much a part of you, that when anyone comes along and differs with them and contradicts them, he risks automatically being dismissed as a crackpot."
"The persistence of myths: most abused children don't become abusive parents."
"We love Cam Sims. Can the Wendigo or skinwalker be in Maryland? So skinwalkers are a southwestern tradition."
"The myth of the manic pixie dream girl, the myth of the one, the myth of that girl who will save you—it's just not true."
"I always thought that you would stretch your [__] out if you had sex with a lot of people, all of it is a lie."
"Elaborate myths and fanciful fables, along with colorful sailors' lore of what dangers lie beneath the surface of the Black Sea, have always abounded."
"Myths are stories about perennial or pertinent patterns that need to be brought into awareness."
"Sasquatch are not fun and cuddly forest creatures. They can be very dangerous."
"One of the things I've learned over the last few years is that many myths and legends I heard as a child are indeed true."
"What if we explore certain myths surrounding electric vehicles?"
"The myth says that air conditioning robs more power, more range from an electric vehicle than heat."
"Local Legends say that the grave site belongs to a real life vampire."
"Many of the national myths of the present day derive from World War II."
"Much of what you know of the Knights Templar is probably untrue, but it’s the truth that makes them one of the most fascinating and feared organizations in Europe and the Middle East during the Crusades."
"The myths, it's always really, really hard once they go. Yeah, you know, they sort of live, don't they? But it just changes."