
Cannabis Quotes

There are 433 quotes

"The best advice I can give you is to quit smoking. And yes, that includes cannabis as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Start low and go slow – the golden rule of edibles."
"Understanding and respecting these differences ensures a safer and more enjoyable cannabis experience."
"When it comes to weed, it’s about finding the right balance and method that suits your individual needs and preferences."
"Can weed cause long-term anxiety even after years of having stopped it? Probably, but rarely."
"Does cannabis help with chronic pain? Absolutely, it can help."
"I'm not a fan of cannabis... I am an advocate from a social justice perspective."
"Cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders."
"I'm approaching this the same thing I would approach anything else. It's not just going to be a... I'm not just going to be selling weed. I'm going to be a part of a bigger culture."
"Cannabis, another of the great and powerful teacher plants."
"Cannabis is a performance-enhancing drug... helps me elicit flow States more readily."
"Cannabis is a plant that grows from Earth naturally."
"Legalization cannabis in Canada is legal for recreational medicinal purposes."
"Legalizing cannabis would remove criminal intent."
"If weed can hold the key to help players who are debilitated by the effects of football the NFL should be racing to try to research it."
"CBD is the non-psychotic part of cannabis... it's good for pain relief, anxiety, stress, and sleeping."
"Right now is a really special time in history. Cannabis is going from being illegal to being legal."
"Cannabis is gonna be the gateway into professional sports."
"Cannabis is not gonna do nothing but actually heal."
"If I had a fatal disease and I thought cannabis would help me then I would use it."
"There's a misconception that cannabis is a gateway drug. And they're finding now that it's actually an exit drug."
"Using cannabis is a really effective tool... and it doesn't kill anybody."
"The ending of the war on cannabis is the beginning of the end of the war on drugs."
"I had one of my greatest fights on cannabis, wow."
"Cannabis oil has got to be part of the arsenal it is just amazing."
"Federal legalization is around the corner. It has to be done right."
"It's really exciting to see... the building momentum towards nationwide legal pot."
"We must finally, fairly legalize cannabis-based medicines for all those who need them with profit, pre-scientific research, and controlled Ukrainian production."
"We're bringing back the culture. Cannabis used to grow wild in Thailand and was valued in traditional medicine."
"That's what's awesome too is I think there's so much stigma around smokers versus there's all types of ways to consume it."
"Science keeps proving more and more how beneficial cannabis is for us."
"This is what growing exposed is all about, bringing you the biggest buzz of the industry."
"This is it, a huge vast canopy of cannabis, beautiful dense aromatic resinous buds."
"Cannabis, ultimately healing if it's used responsibly in the right strain."
"CBD, the other active ingredient in cannabis aside from THC, has been shown to have the most beneficial effects."
"There's tons of proof that it actually fights cancer too like yeah it does that's why people because it's specifically about that."
"But I would smoke that button. But for real, I would smoke that button."
"CBD, a non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis, presents antipsychotic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects."
"We will make marijuana legal in every state in this country."
"Weed is medicine... I personally think it's better than alcohol."
"To the question, does weed actually cure cancer, the answer is maybe."
"Legalizing cannabis... might make it easier to regulate the practices surrounding alcohol."
"If you have a chance to get involved with the marijuana business on the legal side I suggest you do that very fast."
"I ingest a lot of weed, but I don't think people know quite how much I ingest."
"My least favorite thing about weed is how much I love it."
"You know when you smoke weed you get all these amazing ideas and you're like 'oh my god I'm in this creative space but then the taking action part doesn't really come.'"
"If you think life is weird when you smoke weed wait until you stop."
"Vertical cannabis farming, sure... especially if you can use less water."
"I'm enjoying the rebranding of what cannabis is."
"Cannabis became widely accessible in the medical field."
"38 U.S. states, three territories, and the District of Columbia allow the use of medical cannabis."
"Just take like two bong rips, man, don't take four."
"Human beings and the cannabis plant have been closely associated through all of known history."
"Completely descheduling marijuana should not be a scheduled drug at all."
"They also have a special on the sour special sauce. 16.6 CBD, one of the rarest flower strains on the market. It's got a very distinct aroma, has earthy tones."
"Colorado it's illegal to sell, but Texas reversed the ruling within 72 hours."
"Delta 8 really does a great job at relaxing your body and helping you get a great night's sleep."
"34 cannabis plants found growing in flower beds at the Vermont Capitol. Very Vermont."
"Cannabis is going to unify the both or we have to engage the brain and the heart."
"Cannabis can serve as a part of a health lifestyle... hanging out with friends and family."
"Our government holds the patent since 2004 on cannabis natural plant therapies."
"I think he told me the story prior about how he ate an edible."
"Realistically cannabis sort of helped California through these times in the pandemic."
"There are no known chemical dependencies or addiction to cannabis."
"I'd like you to take everything bad you know about cannabis and I'd like you to forget all about it."
"I realized that cannabis helped protect his brain."
"It really gives the foundation for why cannabis as a medicine is so versatile for so many different conditions."
"It's pretty crazy how far things have come in just the last decade with regards to the legal status of this plant. It all happened so fast and it, I think it's a great great thing."
"The cannabis plant is bigger, better and stronger than ever."
"Maybe if we can make peace with cannabis, it can help us to start and make peace with ourselves."
"Uruguay: legalized production, sale, and consumption of cannabis."
"I haven't seen that one although I'm now in a legal state but no dispensaries."
"I want to make sure that the weed that is grown in the world, I have some kind of part in that. That's not no [ __ ]."
"The bill mentions cannabis sixty-eight times."
"Marijuana is being demonstrated to have anti-tumor properties."
"Cannabis is a powerful plant medicine. Don't underestimate it."
"CBD and or even cannabis is in itself becoming widely more accepted as being medicinal what it actually is it's an ancient plant at the end of the day."
"Marijuana is probably the safest drug in the pharmacopoeia and it certainly has medical utility."
"Everyone should keep trying new weed and trying things like oh I don't like that like [ __ ] try it again [ __ ]."
"We're probably going to see cannabis and the mainstream use and acceptance of this entering into a number of countries."
"Weed is so often thought of as something that stunts motivation and drive... but when weed culture and weed Innovation is fostered, it becomes a catalyst for Innovation for healing and maybe even for a kind of progress."
"Research on cannabis for fibromyalgia is really going to explode over the next few years."
"Many patients have told me what Chinese medical Scholars are writing 4,000 years ago and what recent studies have shown us is the answer is yes, cannabis is effective for fibromyalgia pain."
"Cannabis has been a healing plant for me."
"Weed truly has a remarkable history, from its humble rise as a simple crop to its blazing fall as a narcotic to its revival as medicine."
"Know what you're smoking and who you're smoking with."
"I have my life back thanks to cannabis and I probably wouldn't be as clear-minded as I am today."
"Speaking our truth about what we've been through and what cannabis can do as a medicine for athletes, I think it's time to take ownership of our own health."
"CBD is an extract of the cannabis plant and is known to reduce inflammation in the body, calm your mind, and improve mental well-being."
"We can see that there's a lot of benefits on the medical side of it."
"I've been saved by the plant. It's changed my life, man."
"It was hard being Stoner Rob at the beginning of my career because cannabis wasn't as acceptable as it is right now."
"There's almost no substance that is cleaner or less toxic than cannabis. It's one of the least toxic things we've ever discovered."
"It's powerful enough that if someone wants to reduce their opioid use or get off opioid use, cannabis is very powerful in helping them to do that."
"But what happens next? Chemically speaking, biologically speaking, what is it about this little green plant that gets millions of people around the world to flock to it?"
"You know what else isn't having a bad day? The weed stocks."
"Cannabis is maybe the best treatment."
"You know how many times you just go through your day and don't have any interesting ideas and all of a sudden you get high and they come out of nowhere?"
"That's the most underappreciated engine for ideas ever, it's getting high."
"That's hopeful it was hopeful to see high school kids in the Emerald Triangle that is a cannabis consumptive sanctioned you know it's kind of the weed Capital within the weed state capital of the world."
"...I am open to safer banking and more regulatory clarity around cannabis..."
"I actually want to open the marijuana dispensary."
"Cannabis should be the number one option, the first thing you go to when you're trying to reduce pain or trying to change your perception of pain."
"Once I'm done doing my little speech, I'm gonna crack out the captain's cannon gar, that's right, the captain's canna gar, a seven gram cigar that's completely made of cannabis."
"Patients feel more comfortable using cannabis as medicine because now the government is saying it has medicinal benefits."
"If they legalize weed, I can go home."
"I've begun to feel somewhat confused about whether I am in a state of denial about it, or whether I can be the responsible, aware, open human being that I feel I am and be a pot smoker."
"I smoked a joint by myself in my bathroom at home and I stood on my desk chair and I blew it into the shower vent."
"That's the best bong in the history of bongs."
"He's got uh, that's where he keeps all of his, his dank nugs and his armpit pop, yes."
"As you know, you can smoke weed in Amsterdam coffeeshops."
"Ganja is a natural plant made by god almighty himself."
"I really appreciate what y'all are doing for cannabis, of course, including it into the process, I think that's beautiful."
"I'm pretty sure that by the end of 2020 we will actually be paid to smoke and talk about a specific brand of weed."
"These are the sugar punch honey orange pre-rolls which are gas."
"They want the look, they want to look because it looked like that and that's when you start mixing all these [__] plants together and you get all this okay weed that just looks wild."
"It deserves respect, there you go, yeah, for sure. I mean, it should have been legalized 20 years ago, 50 years should have never been criminalized. I mean, 40 years, they've been fighting, and the plant is still winning, that's all I could say about that, right, yeah."
"Since 1985, Arjan's been producing some of the most well-known strains of marijuana out of Amsterdam."
"I love smoking weed and being high in public."
"It's just weed. Like, why is everybody so uptight about it?"
"Having the consumption Lounge is massive because now people can actually enjoy the product there while they're there."
"Delta 8 relaxes you without the drawbacks of weed."
"This is amazing. No other crop benefits from the highlight the way cannabis does."
"Now when I go to a dispensary I still feel like I'm doing something a little naughty."
"Keep smoking that good good, treat yourself right, treat others right, keep loving your heart, believe in yourself and smoke that good always no boof ever."
"It's dope to go get paid like Cheech and Chong, vibe out with people, smoke some good bud."
"Cannabis microdosing regulated my mood."
"I'm here because I know how important this is. One of our single biggest regrets is not having tried cannabis, not having gone against the law quite frankly and saying the hell with it, our kid's life is far more important than any laws."
"There's no way for me right now to say that pot is a medicine for autism because the science simply isn't there. But what I can see is that it helps with families and it's representative of the fight in these parents' hearts and the lengths they'll go to to help their kids."
"Whether you're pro-cannabis or anti-cannabis education is the key uh for those who are pro cannabis I don't think there's anything better than actually discussing the potential consequences or harms because that's how you avoid getting into trouble with it in the future."
"This novelty weed cookie, it's like enough to eat. It's like, exactly novelty."
"People who are chronic as chronic cannabis users have lower rates of obesity metabolic syndrome and diabetes compared to people who don't use it."
"Why why these people want to do so much good for everyone who call themselves governments and this and that why them say You must not use the herb."
"Yes, I smoke a lot of fucking weed, but it saved me, damn it."
"Can you skate stoned? Oh, of course. All day long."
"If a dude says he ain't smoking no Sour, he's just saying it to say it."
"Freeway Ventures is my cannabis brand. What we plan on doing is raising money to help other people like right now, say like Chicago, there's about 20 blacks that got licenses in Chicago but they can't open up stores because they don't have the money."
"I'm not sure what strains are in each one because they don't say but I figure by using both of them um you know you're going to get the best of both worlds."
"Queen Victoria used cannabis resin to treat cramps caused by her monthly cycle."
"It is well-documented that Queen Victoria used cannabis resin to treat cramps caused by her monthly cycle."
"This seems really bizarre because wait a second, people have been using cannabis for thousands of years. What are the chances that now all of a sudden a new cannabis-related disorder would emerge? It couldn't be the cannabis itself."
"This is a smoky kind of tobacco cannabis. It's like a dark green, like think of like not fresh cut grass kind of green but like a kind of a... I guess like buds, right? Like it kind of smells like that."
"There's no differentiation in the marketplace between a medical product and a recreational product. It's just cannabis products."
"Smoking cannabis is not just a habit, it's a lifestyle."
"We want people to be able to buy weed at a good price. We're actually competing with the streets. Our prices for consumers, we want them to be able to walk out of a dispensary with taxes forty to fifty dollars out the door."
"I got to tell you, no competition. Most Golden Era rappers don't [ __ ] with the concentrates, they just stick with the flowers. I'm a stoner, home, just flower, oh yeah, yep."
"He ventured into business and philanthropy with efforts including the launch of a private equity fund for minority-owned cannabis businesses."
"Medical cannabis led to a statistically significant improvement in quality of life and employment status."
"Edibles can get you off Xanax or Ambien."
"I'm a big advocate of it. Um, it really has helped me, psyche, it has helped me anxiety, it makes me creative. I'm not one of those guys who just, like, to get stoned, I like to do a lot of things."
"I smoked weed and now I am no longer depressed."
"He's the largest black-owned cannabis brand now."
"I feel very passionately about the cannabis because of the way the educated component that's been missing for so many years is now available to all of us."
"I feel really passionately about women empowering and you know empowering themselves to use cannabis in the same way that men do to casually and medicinally and all the time and loudly and boldly and proudly."
"I want any and he bought tuition for in his kid was like 15 years old and he's taken this college class in cannabis."
"My vision is to help the world experience the benefits of cannabis."
"By incorporating cannabis into your health care plan, it provides employees with the access to the medicine that they need that is much safer."
"Delivering weed can be a great gateway into the cannabis industry."
"There's no question in my mind that medical cannabis is the Trojan horse for recreational cannabis."
"The cannabis industry is about exercising our divine right to wellness."
"Using some kind of an HR platform to educate cannabis usage will ultimately lead to a safer work environment."
"THC is what most people are familiar with and it's responsible for the psychoactivity of cannabis, the euphoria or high that people feel."
"We're doing cool products like the Cali, like that's innovative as [__] like the first person to launch like a cylinder style product where you could just stuff it and blaze it."
"...mostly because it had a funny sounding name and like I already said, I was pretty stoned at this point."
"Your best opportunity... is to frequent a dispensary that has informed bartenders and informed staff."
"Smoking a few joints at university, open your mind, brother."
"There's no such thing as half of a good blunt."
"I'm like Bob Ross of weed for the next years now."
"I believe in the plant and what it has to offer to anybody that engages with it."
"Nothing brings people together like good weed."
"Early cannabis use as an adolescent or earlier is a clear risk factor for the later development of a psychotic disorder."
"One of the things I'm going to be doing relatively soon here is an R&D project where I want to develop some strains strictly for resin production."
"Anything that has Skittles in it burns really nice."
"I was still terrified of weed even the scent of weed I'm like - this time you guys -"
"Cannabis helped more than it hurt. The benefits outweighed the cons."
"If you lay down and smoke some weed and try to go to sleep, you're probably gonna sleep a lot better."
"'This was a really excellent transcendent DMT experience right there, no doubt though it was amplified big time by his use of cannabis, which, if you don't know, actually mixing cannabis with a psychedelic has the potential to completely skyrocket the experience.'"
"It's legal now here in Canada so it's fitting with the times."
"I hate smoking weed. I love eating weed and, um, vaping weed."
"I'm always carrying a joint on me, my buddy and big friend, Matt."
"...I think the benefits of legalized cannabis far outweigh the cons... there are some cons to it but I think not a whole lot though no not as many as people want to claim."
"...my dream is to start a food chain for all my fellow giggle bush users with nothing but cannabis-infused items."
"Cannabis use is becoming increasingly mainstream."
"Blue Dream is an amazing strain and we've really been sleeping on it."
"...once I learned that cannabis and psychedelics had benefits and also weren't necessarily really harmful."
"Cannabis affects memory and learning."
"Pot smoke promotes appreciation of the natural world. Have you ever gotten high and seen a rainbow? It'll blow your goddamn mind."
"Marijuana is frequently thought of to be a synonym for cannabis but it's not."
"I hit a lot of bong rips like during the day, I'm playing the game at the house or whatever, but if I get to like I got to go to work, I'm about to be cutting for hours, I'll take two dabs and be good honestly."
"Does weed actually make music feel better? Like, for real?"
"Cannabis because it really is I mean it's goddamn the best drug if you use it right."
"Bro, the homie said, 'I have no weed. You have any weed?' I got you fam. Here you go, bro. This smells like napkins. I ain't rocking with that [__] bro."
"Who would have thought that cannabis, the gateway drug, could actually form part of the gateway to the next great public health revolution?"
"We are big believers in what's called harm reduction. You're going to use cannabis, here are the facts."
"Can cannabis actually cause depression? The answer is very complex. Emerging evidence suggests maybe it does cause depression."
"It's important to recognize that cannabis has medicinal properties but it also has some harms associated with it, like most drugs."
"The average age of cannabis initiation is 18.7 years of age."
"A lot of people are using cannabis for the perceptual changes. For example, if you're an artist and you're writing a song or something, if you're under the influence of cannabis, it actually changes the way you think about melodies and rhythm and all that stuff."
"It's Australia's largest ever seizure of cannabis."
"It wasn't until 2015 that it was decriminalized and now people can have up to two Zips five plants and Rastafarians are allowed to consume it for religious purposes."