
Menstrual Cycle Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"All people, males and females, should really understand how the menstrual cycle works, how it impacts fertilization, but also how it impacts the brain and body, behavior, psychology, et cetera."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is zero data to support the idea that the menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle are linked in any kind of causal way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When we don't nurture ourselves that week before our period, what ends up happening is now we're going against biology. Now we're irritable, now we're angry."
"We could help relationships if we start to understand each other's cycle, but instead we're bitching about it, we're complaining about it."
"The best time to resolve any conflict with a female partner would be between days 10 to 15."
"Periods are so cool, everyone should have a period."
"It's something that many of us go through if you have a period we should be able to freely talk about that."
"There are many people who have specific psychotic depression before their menstrual cycle starts. That's not PMS. There is a separate diagnosis for women who get a specific kind of psychotic depression."
"Women go through something every month that we as men will never understand ever."
"Making lifestyle choices based on the specific phase of the cycle that you're in."
"Don't go to the [bleep] gym on your period. Don't punish yourself."
"It is so natural and it is nothing to be ashamed of... it should be talked about it's not something to be ashamed of we're all dealing with it it's literally just a natural cycle that your body goes through and it's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Those are just a few ways that some people are able to realize like oh [ __ ] my period is coming."
"I want to say to every woman tonight who on the last day of her period, let somebody know tomorrow if you give out the [ __ ] that you still got remnants in there."
"Our menstrual cycle is an amazing indicator of our overall health."
"We're even stronger when we honor our menstrual cycle."
"The fact that younger women are not having regular cycles should be of great concern to all of us."
"Your menstrual cycle should be a Vital sign like it should it tells you how healthy your body is and so if it just disappears don't just ignore it like that's the reason to go speak to a doctor."
"The menstrual cycle and having a regular cycle is a really good sign of endocrine health."
"...just felt like i was really in control of what was going on and i understood what my body was doing and i just felt like i was really um in tune with my cycle and understanding what to keep my eyes out for."
"The worst time of the cycle is mid-luteal, right around day 20 to 28, which is when progesterone peaks. You get another small peak of estradiol, but you've got that estrogen-progesterone tango happening."
"The week before my period I look forward to it. I wake up around 8, go for a walk if I'm feeling it, get some sun in, and I feel so much better. That's a hack that I started doing, and my body has changed, my heart has changed, I'm so much happier."
"Knowing that you move through different phases throughout the month, your body is really going to require you to do work, working out, eating, socializing, everything in different ways."
"I'm getting ready to start my period. Girl, I know I ain't all there. The brain fog is crazy. I can barely even remember anything from today."
"I really view the luteal phase as sort of fall, you know, if we're looking at it in seasons."
"During different times of the month, we actually have different nutritional needs, so it makes total sense to adjust what we're eating and how we're eating during different times of the month."
"The ovaries are going to regulate the menstrual cycle and they'll do that using their hormones of estrogen and progesterone."
"Your menstrual cycle is so much more than just your period."
"I hope it helped you understand a little bit more about the menstrual cycle and how to nourish yourself in the first phase of the cycle."
"I think it would align the months with the cycle of the moon, and also with the cycle of women."
"Educating yourself on your menstrual cycle and women's health in general is crucial for taking control of your life."
"During our menstrual phase, the communication between the right and left hemisphere of our brains are a lot stronger and this can result in heightened intuition and evaluation abilities."
"There's interest in how our menstrual cycles affect our appetite, food cravings, excess energy intake, strength, and other measures of sports performance, mood, bloating, and more."
"Out of 37 groups of females studied, 27 of the groups demonstrated significantly higher energy intake in the luteal phase."
"During the follicular phase, our energy increases, and so does our creativity."
"All of these things can be heavily impacted by your cycle."
"If you're not doing hormone support and you're not producing the same level of estrogen, that means you're no longer getting your cycle."
"It's like I get to be myself all month instead of being myself days 2 to 14 and then being my worst enemy when I'm in my ludal and premenstrual phases."
"The menstrual age is actually conceptual age plus two weeks."
"Many women have poor or inaccurate recollection of the first day of their last period."
"It's really good to inform yourself and know so you can empower yourself to take charge of your health because it really is like a big marker of health, how your cycle is doing."
"For me, I do exercise during my menstrual cycle. I actually feel great when I exercise."
"Being healthy saves you money in the long run; having a regular period saves you tons of stress and money."
"Flax seeds may help reduce breast pain that occurs at the start of the menstrual cycle."
"Your menstrual cycle affects just your general health and is also a marker of your general health."
"The thing about the menstrual cycle is that there's a lot of different symptoms... there's tension, there's bloating, there's cramping, there's pain, there's lower back pain."
"The menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days, and one single ovum, on average, is going to get released each month."
"The menstrual cycle gives us this little capsule every single month that's an opportunity to be reborn."
"The more that we talk about things like our menstrual cycles that are beyond normal, the more we can understand our bodies and help others."