
Personal Choice Quotes

There are 9723 quotes

"It's the one that you select and the one that you make space for, and it's the one that you hopefully enjoy that's going to work best in terms of physiology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Laptops are useful for note-taking and also for non-class activities. Each student should be able to choose for themselves what's good."
"We all have a choice and we all have the power to live healthier for longer."
"If people want to get divorced, let them get divorced."
"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
"We have to want to be happy, we have to want that for ourselves."
"I believe that food choices matter... food choices can directly impact our health for better or for worse."
"I'd rather change my career than make it out of powdered mash."
"Everyone has an addiction. You need to choose your addiction."
"So many people give the pen to someone else."
"I wound up falling in love with a satin couture dress by Antonio Riva and I was smitten."
"It's just a question of, do you know how to access it? Happiness can be a choice."
"Ignore the criticism...if something is working for you and people don't agree with your approach, just ignore it."
"Monogamy works for a lot of people, so it's all about what works for you."
"Wow, I love the body positivity movement, but I think people who are in the body positivity movement should have the right to change if they want to."
"I'm just in favor of people having kids with whoever they want and loving whoever they want to love."
"I'm going to die anyway; I'm going to take the birth control, for sure."
"I'm getting too old to let a game's difficulty hold me back from playing something I really want to play, so I just decided a while back that I'm not going to be ashamed of setting a game to easy anymore."
"Most people don't lead their life, they accept their life."
"It's up to you to figure out where you draw the line in engaging with your audience."
"Happiness is not a result of having free healthcare or free college or any of these things. Happiness is a choice."
"In the house, I'll use it without a case, but when I'm going out... I got a nice selection right here."
"Life is supposed to be about having fun... following what feels good."
"Success is up to you to define, and what it might be for you, it might be for someone else completely different. You can choose to change."
"I want people to be free to live their lives however they please."
"This is right now, this is my choice for Game of the Year."
"Courage isn't simply defiance or courage isn't simply standing alone. It also matters what you choose to be courageous about."
"Your happiness is with you at any time that you wish to experience it."
"Coming out can be a wonderful and joyous process, but it isn't a moral imperative. No one owes you that information about themselves, not even actors in the public eye."
"Sometimes that turnover can be crazy, and that's why I wanted to go to Vegas."
"He never, ever, ever consumed one drop of alcohol... 'You have no idea what it feels like to be drunk.'"
"Liberation is choice. You get to make your own choices, people don't make them for you."
"I'm gonna live my life to the fullest, exactly how I want to live it. I'm not gonna waste a single moment."
"What color shall we begin with? Red, please. Why red, Peppa? Red is my favorite."
"I'm gonna try something new rather than doing videos I think people want to see, I'm just gonna do videos I want to do."
"If veganism had no effect on the environment, I would still be vegan."
"Let's stop telling women what makes them sexy—let us decide."
"You don't owe your forgiveness to anyone; it's a personal process."
"You can lead a horse to water, but some of them won't drink."
"It's up to you to design yours how you want it. And it's up to me to design mine how I want it."
"It is your decision to trust and take the leap of faith. Only you can make the miracle happen."
"You choose who raises your kids; you choose who gets your useless crap after you're gone."
"How hard life is, is a choice. We have the power in our hands to determine how hard we wish our life to be."
"I'm basically just here to talk to a wizard doctor and try to get this removed."
"Why play an MMORPG solo? Because you want to, at that exact moment."
"It is an individual's choice whether to include their pronouns in introductions and email signatures."
"You know it's worth it to have discipline but you think there's an easier way. You think that it's something that people have. But it's not. It's something you choose."
"It doesn't matter how your parents raised you and brought you up. You can have the discipline. You need to decide to do it."
"Being in the military does not make you a disciplined person. Being from a disciplined family does not make you a disciplined person. Being in a disciplined group does not make you a disciplined person. What makes you a disciplined person is choosing to be disciplined."
"You do not have to be friends with anybody, just like they don't have to be friends with you."
"Freedom has two parts: freedom from - freedom from oppression, freedom from search and seizure; and freedom to - freedom to choose."
"Genes are not deterministic; you are born with your stats, but you determine which feats to take."
"It's a real shame if the job that you're doing is not something you actually want to be doing and something that you sort of feel indentured into because you have no other options."
"No one has ever forced me to wear this. My personal decision was my personal journey with God and God alone."
"The overwhelming majority of people who have kids would not give up their children to go back to lying in bed, sleeping in naked, and smoking pot."
"The power of choice in your life. Yes, you get to choose your life, you get to choose how you feel, not other people."
"It's your wedding. You don't gotta invite anybody you didn't pay for them to be there."
"The only reason you should wear a hijab is because you want to and because Allah commanded you to, never for other people."
"Lea UAE stated, 'No marriage or kids is a decision I've made after deep consideration. I don't owe anyone an apology.'"
"It's up to you to decide: Do I want to do this? Is this working for me?"
"We get to choose how we want to be in this world."
"All I'm trying to do is remind you that you are never ever ever ever a victim unless you choose to be."
"You don't owe anybody an explanation. If it feels right, then do it."
"What's your go-to pizza topping? Hawaiian is my favorite."
"Choosing my happiness above all else has made my life that much better."
"The fact that I wanted is enough. I don't need a reason. It's my body."
"Know that you cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life."
"You can either be a victim of your life or the master of it; the choice is yours."
"If I could live in one world or another, why would I want to live in the world where people are being actively hostile and really mad?"
"If a choice affects you, you've got to be the one to make it. You're the only person who can make that choice."
"I wouldn't want my life to be any other way."
"Success is a choice. It's a decision that only you can make for you."
"If you want to sleep all morning and that's a priority for you, then that's fine, that's a valuable use of your time."
"It seemed like he was destined to be a tragic memory, a unique creative who took the bold choice to prioritize himself and his own mental health over internet fame."
"All these are exactly the same; it's really an aesthetic choice."
"I choose faith over fear. Whenever fear starts creeping in, I'm saying nope, nope. I choose to have faith because fear does not help me; it holds me back and it's not going to do me any good. So, I choose to live it with faith."
"I don't want to work a 9 to 5 for the rest of my life."
"Under the right circumstances, choosing to spend time alone can be a huge psychological boon."
"I just wanted to let you know, Nate, that given it's Friday, I wore my orca shirt just for you."
"Rule seven in my book is do what is meaningful, not what is expedient."
"I choose me. Choose yourself. Speak yourself all the time."
"Stop trying to do what everyone else is doing and start doing what it is that you actually want to do."
"I have never had sex with anyone; even as of recording this video, I am still a virgin."
"I would rather lose everything and start over than continue in this cycle."
"The real me is the one who chooses to remember the real me."
"The choices we make for ourselves and the quality of our relationships determine our lives."
"Are you gonna believe in yourself or you gonna believe everybody else's judgment on you?"
"If you're an adult and you want to do that, and you understand who you are and what you are, and this is how you feel how you should progress, you're an adult, this is a free country, you should be able to do whatever you want."
"If the country's not on a gold standard that may be too bad but you can be on a personal gold standard and preserve wealth, just by buying gold."
"Just walk away from this toxic ideology, switch off the devices, switch off the TV, and let's just go and meet each other in the pub or in the park."
"We're not just a product of our environment; we're creators of our environment. You can consciously choose that."
"I'm literally never going to McDonald's ever again in my life."
"I'm doing fertility treatments...because I want to start a family with him."
"YouTube is amazing. You can choose exactly what you want to watch. The choice is very limited when you watch TV."
"If people don't like it, so be it. It's not their life. It's mine."
"My choices are to embrace the tremendous future that can be ours."
"I think people should have families, the building blocks of society, but I'm not gonna tell someone whose circumstances don't align with that ideal to rush into it."
"Everybody has their own rights and their own freedom to do whatever it is that they want to do."
"I actually believe what you said is true, but there's no way I'm going to give up meat."
"It's your time to play with whatever the heck you want."
"If you think someone has terrible ideas, simply not paying attention to them is a much better option."
"You're not a negative person at all; you can be any person you choose to be."
"If your friend jumps off the bridge, you don't have to do the same."
"Adults should be able to make their own decision about the risks they're willing to take."
"I bought a wooden mug solely because I was somewhere with mugs, and I was like, 'that's cool.'"
"You can choose who you will be and what you will be because you have a will to do it, and God will honor your decision."
"Me and my wife seem to get a lot more active enjoyment out of not having kids than anyone I know seems to get out of having kids."
"Everyone should be open to making their own choices in life and do their own things and figure out what works best for them."
"When you buy something, buy something because you want it and you like it, not because of what you think it says about you or what you think it's going to make you feel."
"Lifestyle is our choice... No doctor can make us healthy through lifestyle; we get to do it ourselves."
"You can either recover quickly or slowly, completely or partially, it's entirely up to you. The degree, to which you are willing to embrace the pain of recovery, is the degree to which you will recover."
"No one should be forced to get the vaccine against their will under any circumstances whatsoever."
"Your body is your body, no one else's. And if you've had to make a decision that the world calls controversial, I know that you made the best decision for you at the time with what you had to go by."
"I think there's a value in gender roles when it's not forced on you."
"The majority of people seeking abortions are already parents. They know what's right for their families."
"You're empowered to take control of your biggest decisions and lead your healthiest life. Planned Parenthood care, no matter what."
"When we make our own decision to become sexually active, we aren't setting ourselves up to lose anything at all."
"It wasn't easy...but it is possible when you have self-love and you choose yourself first."
"Being very happy being just on your own for the time being or forever, whichever you prefer, and either one's okay."
"It's no one's business how a woman chooses to dress."
"I took a vow of singlehood and would rather focus my time on my hobbies instead of dating and romance."
"I knew instantly that I wanted to be here. The trees and the ocean... I just knew I wanted to be here."
"I'm voting for whoever allows me to have more freedom with the choices I make."
"Let people play how they want; doesn't affect you."
"Let people play how they want; let people be happy."
"Ultimately, the decision is up to you...I have still not opened up my wallet not once to pay for a single thing, and I'm still just as in love with the game as I was the first time I fired it up."
"My readings are accurate to a point, but only you can change your fate, and ultimately, you have the final choice of everything within your life."
"I wasn't feeling a bow tie, so I thought, why not? I'm not going to the Emmys every day. Yeah, it's a statement, and we're going to be talking about it a long time. It looks great."
"I want to respect women's choices to make the decision best for themselves."
"If it makes them happy, it makes them happy."
"One of the greatest things about food, and food and health, is that it actually puts the agency of choice into our own individual hands."
"The Second Amendment is not a requirement; it is a right. If you want to, you can; if you don't want to, please don't."
"You can only do what's best for you and figure that out."
"It's almost like a choose your own destiny, which I think is so cool."
"I like that. I'm going to bed. I know it's six, but I don't really care."
"Choose carefully... the one you choose is the one that fills the best in your heart, that you're most excited about."
"I'm a huge advocate for Sledge; he's one of my favorite operators in the game."
"In this moment, I choose happiness. I no longer choose sadness, I no longer choose crying...I'm ready to heal, I'm ready to open my heart chakra again."
"I'm absolutely free to burn a flag in protest, and I have zero desire to do it."
"I would rather live my life with the risk of this pandemic or any other pandemic, then lock myself in a room."
"You should be able to laugh about what you want to laugh about."
"I am in favor of freedom to decide what you do in your own life, and if that means discrimination, yes it protects discrimination."
"It is natural for people to want to hold on to those they care about most, but it shows an even greater love when a person decides to respect the wishes of those they care for most and even be willing to follow them into the unknown if that meant that they could be with them again."
"Every man should choose for himself and make his own way."
"Remember that no matter what your religion teaches, there is nothing wrong with questioning or having doubts and that whatever conclusions you come to or choices that you make, make sure that you're making them for yourself and no one else."
"Being alone can be healthy if people choose to be alone. They're not lonely, that's okay."
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
"The best choice for me the best choice for we, where's the best choice for we the best choice for me."
"Just because humans took a resource and distorted it into something processed and refined and dangerous doesn't mean that you have to eat it."
"I've always talked about my plastic surgery. I'm not going to hide it."
"Am I happy with my choice, or am I going to make a decision to make myself better?"
"I remember being vegan and seeing other people going back from being vegan, and I remember how that made me feel too... but I do feel like it is important to be open and just to remember that everyone is different and everyone makes different choices."
"It comes down to free will; it comes down to your actions and what you choose to make of your reality."
"If I like something, I don't see why I shouldn't go for it."
"You have the option of walking away from our family or our friends who are not treating us correctly."
"Grow what you want to grow. Don't let everybody pressure you into growing the things that you know you're supposed to grow."
"It starts with you making a decision to not contribute to an industry that is causing so much harm."
"If you're really not liking something at all, you do not have to accept that as your future."
"Your body, your choice; your womb, your rights."
"It only took me one time to realize that [expletive] is for [expletive], and if you keep going back, it's because you can't [expletive] hack it."
"I like the term free because it just essentially means that you're still an independent person, make your own decisions."
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"I'd rather be dead and infamous than alive and anonymous."
"Celebrate whatever the hell you want for whatever reason you want."
"I support them one thousand percent. Who doesn't feel what that takes to make that decision, to give up everything you've known in your whole life to say, I'm going to choose this new life of what I believe to be the truest vision for myself?"
"Everyone, make this adventure what you'd like it to be; there's no rules."
"If I could choose to never have to sleep, I would never sleep again."
"At the end of the day, baby, whatever makes you happy, you feel me."
"It doesn't make sense to continue working on a hobby which isn't fun anymore."
"It's not about whether I have fear or not. I made myself like this: only what I want happens within me. What I want may not always happen around me, but within me, only what I want happens."
"You can be a victim or you can be the winner; take your choice, but you've got a choice to make and you can start doing it now."
"We want to create a community of women who are feeling confident about the personal choices they're making for themselves."
"It's all about expressing yourself and finding what resonates with you and wearing it because you truly love it."
"The future is not a destination, it is a decision. It's not some place you go; it's someplace you choose."
"It's your money to play this game; it's your time. I don't give a shit how silly your reasons might be, it doesn't matter, it's your choice."
"I think shaving should be a personal choice. I know, crazy concept."
"A dog should enhance your life, and if a dog can't enhance my life, I don't want that dog in my life."
"You can make one, you can make a pair, or even a trio of these sconces; it's all up to you."
"You should feel free to do whatever you want to do. If it's in your heart to be a housewife, then that's what you want to be."
"The best diet's the one you'll follow. There's many paths to the same destination."
"Not everybody is ready to do what I did, not everybody is in the perfect environment... It's always a good idea to have both Western medicine and unconventional medicine as tools in your toolbox."
"You should stay in the driver's seat and what should drive your choice is where can you spend the most time doing what you love being good at."
"I think so often we are in a culture that demands people continue to talk all the time, and if you don't want to, you don't have to."
"Your choice between good and evil in every moment is what determines the course of the world, and that's on you."
"Since I took off the hijab, I feel more consciously practicing my religion, except for the bit that you guys see."
"There's no such thing as a best decision, just make a decision that feels the best to you right now."
"Your energy over the long term is a choice. Your attitude is a choice."
"You know what, you enjoy your show. I'm going to go find something delicious to eat, like a giant cake."
"Why do you care if Johnny wants to be Susie or, by the way, 10 years from now, Susie wants to be a cactus?"
"Do the things that are gonna make you happiest and healthiest."
"I'd rather live in God's world than live without him in mine."
"Shaving body hair is an overall gender norm that females adhere to but it's not something that can define an individual's gender."
"We're not the food police; it's your choice. We're just here to teach you the consequences, and you can get whatever result you want. We're just giving you the information and the support if you want it."
"I'm practicing celibacy because I think like really, it's more about a connection for me."
"I think it's a decision that women should be allowed to make for themselves."
"Every woman has to make a choice over their body because it's their body."
"The worst thing you can do for a wedding dance is do something that is genuinely not you."
"If one baby is saved from this, if one mom chooses to keep her baby from it, then it's all worth it."
"It's up to the individual to decide when they want to become a better version of themselves."
"You can date or not want to date whoever you want."