
Psychological Impact Quotes

There are 1525 quotes

"People start feeling better already because it's evidence that you've been activated, and you matter enough to do this, and you could conceive that this would actually have a good outcome rather than a hopeless one."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People with high autonomy scores are likely to have or be rejected from Cults or new religious movements, and that by doing so may cause psychological difficulties which are ameliorated by time and attendance at a support group."
"You've experienced this: when you get the floor cleaned up in a space, even if you don't get the other stuff done, it feels really good."
"The power of suggestion... it's so powerful."
"The key thing to remember: if you have hope to keep going, the hope in and of itself has an actual effect."
"There's overwhelming research that the placebo effect... if a human being thinks that something can work, it actually objectively increases their likelihood of it working."
"I'm sure it would be a psychological blow for the Ukrainians, but they would still take solace I think in the Kharkiv and Kherson counter-offensives."
"Trauma is not what happens to you; the trauma is what happens inside you."
"The moment you raise your hand to high-five yourself, you can't high-five yourself in the mirror and go 'I hate my face.' Your brain won't allow you to."
"Now he'll have to live with the memory of what he was willing to do to survive."
"You feel better in the moment, but it doesn't actually make anything better. And it probably makes things worse."
"The environment that we're in has a powerful impact on our mood."
"A lot of the things that we're seeing, the threat misassessment, the tendency to split reality into good and bad, all of this is trauma-based."
"We are all but especially young people are really tied to our emotional states."
"What you say to yourself and how you communicate programs your brain."
"Misrecognition shows not just the lack of due respect; it can inflict a grievous wound, saddling its victims with a crippling self-hatred."
"The psychological damage that you've done to me over the past 15 years can't be wiped away with two words."
"If I put doubt in your mind, I guarantee you this: you will start to question your very own ability."
"Imagine the psychological harm that a belief system like this could cause."
"The amazing part is that our brain is also imposing those back down onto our bodies, so the way in which our body reacts and is modulated in response to mental states is also very real."
"Loneliness has a visceral impact on the self in every single measurable capacity."
"The first 'T' is usually capital and that is for like big 'T' trauma. The little 'T' trauma is for the things that just, yeah, that'll I'll think about that again one day, and then you try to move on from it."
"If you bury ideas or trauma, it will for sure manifest itself somewhere else in an ugly way."
"If we're allowed to analyze why art makes us feel so much, how it can help heal us, we should also be allowed to analyze the ways in which it harms us."
"It's the fear of rejection that really cripples us."
"Giving someone false hope is one of the most evil things you can do."
"Economic pressure appears to be the key mechanism linking hardship to a cascade of effects on children's development."
"Trauma isn't what happens to us; it's about the meaning we make about what happens to us."
"We are specifically trained to understand the profound impact that trauma has on people's lives."
"The biggest impact of trauma is that it disconnects you from yourself."
"Trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside you."
"I hope people realize that if you write a nasty comment to one of us, 30 seconds later you're probably going to forget about that and move on with your life, but those can be burned into our brains forever."
"Preventative risk management limits the psychological impact of financial markets moving either against you or in your favor."
"The psychological impact and the choreography of the fight were beautiful."
"Suffering from acne is inherently both psychological and physical, and the way that your sense of self, the feeling of identity you have from your face and body can be overtaken by acne cannot be underestimated."
"Psychological horror, not relying on jump scares or super graphic imagery but instead a terrifyingly dark atmosphere and frightening implications."
"Clinically speaking, narcissistic sibling relationships are actually a form of narcissism that I've actually seen do tremendous harm to people in adulthood."
"If you dwell mentally in a generalized environment of fear, the body is given no clear line of action, allowed no appropriate response."
"Beliefs that foster despair are biologically destructive; they cause the physical system to shut down."
"The body's defenses will take care of themselves if they are allowed to, but the psychological air is cleared of the true carriers of the disease."
"Even if you don't necessarily believe that anything truly magical is happening, those ideas being brought to your attention can be helpful."
"Tal had this way of making even the best and most reserved players in the world panic."
"Reading the word 'win' makes you think more like a winner. It changes your physiology to be more like a winner."
"Guilt. It could work for you, or it could work against you."
"Each scene is designed to emphasize the xenomorph's effect on our crew, confining the creature to the corners of our imagination for the majority of the film's runtime."
"Verbal abuse of children is worse than physical abuse in terms of the magnitude of the harm and the longevity of the harm."
"You got to be really careful identifying people as broken, as needing fixed, because they'll focus on that, and it provides kind of a nocebo for them."
"The emotional gratification of achieving something is so important to the human psyche."
"Dealing with seeing thousands of people wanting you to die every day is not normal; it psychologically affects you."
"It's almost as if being ridiculously wealthy does something to your brain that is bad, the same way any addiction could be bad."
"The recovery stages of gaslighting was just as hard as being gaslighted itself."
"There's something to those stories that's much more potent than we actually consciously understand."
"Just having that time where you're allowed to think about yourself can be rather psychologically powerful."
"Psychological or emotional pain is often more painful and lasting than physical pain."
"Although she wasn't physically present, she was in his ear, she was in his mind."
"A lot of inmates on Japan's death row have complained that this adds so much psychological pain and anxiety from not knowing when their lives are coming to an end."
"The key point is that a daughter’s need for her mother’s love is a primal driving force, and that need doesn't diminish with unavailability—it coexists with the terrible and damaging understanding that the one person who is supposed to love you without condition doesn’t."
"This is probably the most psychologically effective place I've ever been."
"Shame motivates normal people to conduct themselves socially and realistically; shame pushes the disordered patient in the exact opposite direction."
"Detention of children for even brief periods causes known and well-documented developmental, physical, and psychological harm."
"People who think highly of themselves tend to actually live up to that."
"Casual sex harms women; that is a consensus psychological finding. It harms men too."
"Anger is a short-term high and it's a long-term low."
"It affects you mentally in ways that I don't think a lot of people understand yet."
"It's all I do and so I've had to actually stop studying consciousness for a little while because it was putting me into an extremely horrible, horrible, horrible state."
"This place destroys people. The first nine months or so they spend adapting. After three or four years their personalities begin to deteriorate."
"The lack of natural light further compounds the psychological impact of the MCC's conditions, days turn into weeks and weeks into months without a glimpse of sunlight."
"PTSD alters the person, changes every facet of their life as well as the way they look at things in their life forever."
"In modern warfare, it is quite common to hear about combat veterans who return home bearing more than just physical scars."
"The disturbance, regardless of its triggers, causes clinically significant distress or impairment in the individual's social interactions, capacity to work, or other important areas of functioning."
"The economics... does not translate into emotional well-being very well."
"The first time they swam for 15 minutes and then give up and die... The second time, they swam for 60 hours because they had hope."
"Self-realization is the physiological conclusion of all beliefs about yourself because they're unnecessary and causing harm to you."
"Hatred can be strength on the plains; you've needed that strength to survive. But left too long, hatred can twist and consume you."
"Fear that you are missing out on stuff that other people are doing on the internet is associated with the feeling that others are less human."
"Taking things personally secretly feels really good, feels really vindicating. But in the long run, it makes you insecure, isolated, and pretty miserable."
"What a lot of people don't think is just the psychological impact when you live paycheck to paycheck or social security deposit to social security deposit, you have that displacement that just the stress itself is overwhelming."
"All it takes is one bad experience for your brain to learn that 'oh we want to avoid that.'"
"If your problem is that you got stuck in traffic or someone challenged your idea instead of you got chased by a lion, that can do some stuff to your brain that seems to get a little bit out of whack."
"But it's just this wanting so badly to be liked."
"Telling people they don't have a choice is one of the most dangerous things."
"Don't be afraid of making villains that shake people down to their core, that challenge their mindsets, that are bad to the bone."
"Instagram and Facebook only show everyone highlights, but beneath the facade, there are always lows."
"This is straight psychological abuse; people who employ this are psychologically abusing others."
"Your mind is powerful and there's something to be said about the placebo effect."
"Doki Doki sinks into the player's own worldview and makes them question their own personal ability to make free choices."
"Too much pressure or focus on orgasm as an endpoint can actually backfire."
"Smart people do unbelievably stupid things because there's a potent psychological alchemy of power, lust, and arrogance."
"I even think about it in the daytime. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm losing sleep. I have dreams about it."
"It's clear I'm living rent-free in your head."
"It's like when you're isolated and you're in this surreal experience, your emotions are so high, everything just feels more intense."
"Those chains today are more so about how we see ourselves rather than what anyone else is doing to us."
"The belief effect isn't just changing what one subjectively experiences; it actually is changing the way that the brain responds to the belief."
"The fear that you possibly won't have a certain item forever clearly pushes people to purchase. It's called Suffering From Success."
"This is a kid who has gone through some trauma, okay? There is no doubt about it."
"It became abundantly clear that the effects this place has on the human psyche are not so easily predictable."
"There's a huge spiritual psychological cost to the lies and the myths of white supremacy."
"It's awful to watch a person basically unraveling through their world."
"Online shopping filled the gap. It's seductive stuff and easy to see how without it his life feels empty."
"If you're a 5'4" virgin and you don't feel like you're a good person, and you don't feel like anyone will ever treat you well, you will actually pay money to someone to reinforce that idea with you."
"The trauma is absolutely going to be following all of these people that are involved."
"If we think positively and like I'm gonna accomplish great things... psychologically I think that you can accomplish so much more."
"It's to slice you up, it's to bring you down, it's to demean you."
"It's not what other people think about you that brings you down, it's the belief system you have about yourself."
"It explains everything that happens inside of narcissistically abusive relationships."
"So, you know, you were traumatized as a child but you're a lot easier to take advantage of in your if you're a child now you have all those memories about being hurt."
"The only goal of narcissistic abuse is for you to cease to exist."
"Narcissistic abuse is about getting rid of your existence, killing you mentally."
"Imposter syndrome: living a secret life, fear of being discovered."
"Gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time, a driver of disorientation and mistrust."
"Unforced errors where you make those mistakes sometimes can make you more nervous and fumble on things you say in the future."
"Just because you suffered, that doesn't mean that your kids have to suffer."
"You do live with it in your mind. Obviously, it stays with you."
"When people are told something that they don't agree with that contradicts a deeply held belief, it can often cause them to disbelieve it even when it's true."
"Boredom, that's truly crippling, it's soul-destroying."
"A trigger is defined as something that affects your emotional state."
"When you take a man's hope away, he becomes empty."
"If the motive for murder isn't personal, then that means someone is killing for fun or excitement or enjoyment which we can't even fathom."
"Words are like a virus, they get inside and eat you up."
"This place is getting to me, I can tell. I'm enjoying it."
"Your thoughts will either anchor you like the devil or propel you forward like the positive aspects of the five of cups."
"Her emotional display in seeing her parents in distress gradually faded after each interjection but you'll now see it completely cease altogether once she realizes that she made her first mistake."
"This glow has a strange addicting trance-like quality that lures wanderers into staring at it for a long time."
"After collecting so many different personalities, do you eventually forget which is the real one?"
"Fame at such a young age can completely destroy a human being."
"The Joker terrifies us not because he kills people, but because he makes us enjoy watching him kill people."
"There are so many things vying for our attention and dopamine."
"Resentment is a pattern that eats away at the body and becomes cancer."
"Betty was actually a battered wife... pushed Over the Edge by years of psychological and physical abuse."
"Eerie and unsettling, repeated viewings do nothing to calm the nagging idea at the back of one's mind that whatever it is they're seeing is not quite natural."
"We're built so that if something negative and horrible comes up, all of our attention is drawn to it."
"What's the worst predator? The spirit that animated all of them."
"I think that for a really long time we have fled because we thought that we couldn't win there so then we flee."
"The harm that social media does to the developing minds of children is clear enough to anyone willing to look."
"There's something wrong with that kid... they're as broken as the person they're bullying."
"I played the molester at nine... These are the type of people that were there, you know, cool people, cool people, the damaged, the damned."
"It gives an increased sense of scarcity because there's only a limited amount and it makes you feel exclusive."
"Ari Aster's feature debut crawls under your skin making the audience question everything that's happening on screen."
"Trauma is formed when you are alone in suffering."
"Silent Hill is at scariest when it feels like it's messing with my head and emotions."
"Watching the heroine mimic eerie ghosts slowly descend into madness left a huge impact on me."
"Eternal Darkness will have you questioning your own sanity."
"Fear is the mind killer, fear is the little death that brings total obliteration." - Lady Jessica, Dune
"Caring about approval and disapproval does more harm than good."
"Combination of like super happy but also so sad."
"Imagine being four years old and having all of these older people telling you all of this kind of stuff."
"To a young person, this can take a huge toll. Hair is hugely important to girls, to women—it's a symbol of femininity, it's a symbol of feminine power."
"Isolation breeds discomfort, fear, and erratic behavior."
"A video game is a joyride to insanity. It's a journey to our inner nightmares and fantasies." - Eugene Jarvis
"For me, it was a fascinating story and a fascinating connection between Bruce's early childhood trauma and the persona that he then..."
"There's nothing more beautiful than a man and a woman falling in love once a woman's been damaged to the point where she can't love a man properly, that's actually a very terrible thing."
"The way you feel about everything is down to only two things: the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself."
"The trajectory of their health would have been significantly different had they had more support... Psychological."
"The Tet Offensive... changed the entire emotional and psychological outlook."
"You can have all the chart work you want, but if your psychology isn't right, it won't matter."
"When we feel plugged into a group...our immune system goes into overdrive...we stand up straighter...it does all kinds of things for your health, your mind, your brain."
"Boredom is possibly the greatest pain of them all."
"Gaslighting qualifies as a form of emotional abuse that involves denying a person's experience."
"Isn't it just awful someone couldn't cut free of the regrets from the outside world?"
"Each time felt just like the first, made worse by the fact that Javi never had a chance to get used to the pain, to become numb to it."
"I think like when you're rendered useless and Powerless for an extended period of time it really messes with your psyche."
"Simply the power of belief, the power of like new information of being told 'yep what you're doing is going to have this effect on you' made that effect a reality."
"People often describe a strong sense of the walls closing in on them."
"Emotional abuse is so devastating and if it goes on long enough it has very detrimental effects."
"Denial makes you feel better, it provides some moments of solace, but longer-term it's a recipe for disaster."
"Direct payments to individuals is critical to prevent economic impact collapse in our country."
"It activates something compelling in our psyche."
"Think about it for a second, that's gotta be really like, that messes with your head, that's a source of great stress."
"Psychological warfare is changing the way people perceive information."
"Direct experiences, it's really hard to let go of these things."
"This game really makes me think I'm going crazy half the time."
"Your absence can often be more powerful than your presence."
"She was very confident and confidence takes you so far."
"Abusers have contempt and disdain for their victims."
"The more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid it."
"We have real problems, and so life is actually difficult independent of the psychological foolishness."
"Rejecting a narcissist is making a narcissist's worst nightmare come true."
"You got to take it back to the father... all that lie at the feet of the father."
"Trauma has a unique ability, almost like water, to find its way into our lives, even when our lives seem to be trauma-proof."
"SWAT 4 creates an implication of a terrified community, a disturbed psyche."
"The only thing left for you to do was determined if she's been damaged and by how much."
"Impostor syndrome is so real, isn't it? It's nuts."
"Fear and the inaction that comes from it is the worst cancer you can put upon someone."
"Social media is a nasty bug that has the capacity to affect huge pieces of your psyche in profoundly negative ways."
"Leaving any Orthodox religion is not easy. There are layers and layers of psychological and cultural conditioning that you don't even realize is there until you start to peel it back."
"Irrational confidence takes you to a different place."
"Possibly caused by his memories of serving in the military."
"The habit of social comparison is truly insidious."
"When a woman has not processed her father wound, she sabotages in relationships."
"When pain is silenced, pain endures. When pain endures, trauma results."
"Betrayal trauma is trauma perpetrated by someone with whom the victim is close to and reliant upon for support and survival."
"Shame is the worst thing that can happen to you."
"Abuse is multifaceted, sometimes subtle, always insidious and confusing."
"The critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust. It's betrayal."
"I feel like the pressure is a pretty good thing."
"Helping others absolutely gives you kind of a sense of purpose."
"Sonia is so perfect in this scene, the fact that she's cheery and never stops smiling makes her even more terrifying."
"I only know that it took a psychological toll to suddenly find my soul had returned to its body."
"Your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions drive your actions, and your actions will ultimately determine your results."
"Joker tells her about how easy it is for one bad day to push someone over the edge."