
Action Quotes

There are 57784 quotes

"People start feeling better already because it's evidence that you've been activated, and you matter enough to do this, and you could conceive that this would actually have a good outcome rather than a hopeless one."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Agitation and stress were designed to get us up and move us."
"I'm very self-aware. It's just getting to do things to do anything about it is the next step."
"If you want to avoid anxiety for the next 18 months, it's really important for you to consciously think of and be aware of your anxiety and how you can get rid of your anxiety by acting in a way that you know in your heart and soul is right."
"Ideas are worthless unless you actually go and do something with them."
"If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will."
"Trying is one of the most valuable things you can do."
"If you get yourself to act, you have motion first, then emotion will follow."
"I am bringing a thankful spirit to each step and action I take."
"Put your full force into what you choose to do if you believe in it."
"I believe if you say you're going to do something, you just do it."
"It's not all about self-interest in getting reelected. You already got elected. Do something. But if the doing isn't coming out of being, it's going to be the wrong doing."
"It either takes reflection or action to generate serious sustained motivation."
"Watching a video, it's understanding what you're supposed to do and then go out and do it yourself."
"Stop looking for the perfect thing; there's no perfect one. Just choose something and get in the game."
"Not good enough is not a reason to keep from acting. You've got to start somewhere."
"Motivation and dopamine come AFTER taking action."
"The quickest way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to get started now."
"There's winning the narrative, and then there's getting things done. And as we've seen throughout this tour, the two aren't all that connected."
"Unlike any pandemic in history, we have the power to change the way this goes."
"You have to enjoy the action; the only proof and evidence somebody's motivated is they're doing something to get progressed towards that goal."
"Power is the ability to close your eyes, imagine a better world, open your eyes, and then make that world come true."
"Just do it. Whatever it is that you're being lazy on right now, stop looking for a trick, just go do it."
"Motivation is a result of action, not the other way around."
"You can act your way into right thinking, but you can't think your way into right action."
"Don't just get the inspiration. The inspiration without the action is nothing."
"The biggest thing is to be present-focused because what holds you guys back is a certainty or expectation of the future that precludes action in the present."
"I think if you have opportunities, go for it."
"Act now. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now."
"The moment you begin to act in a Certain Way, which is confidently and in a certain direction, the universe begins to move with you, bringing to you the things you desire."
"You cannot control the things around you, you can't control what's going to happen... but you can always choose what you do next and what you make it mean."
"What you actually do doesn't matter as much as the purpose behind doing it."
"These opportunities only happen so often. It's time. Don't hold back, don't resist."
"When there is a problem in front of you, you should viciously try to pursue a solution."
"All of it has a solution. Start with action."
"Self-improvement content is a great thing, it's an amazing thing. I'll keep pumping it out... but I do not want you to fall into a vicious cycle where you just watch it without any action."
"Courage does not mean you're not afraid. Courage means you're afraid, but you do it anyway."
"When I merge my desire with faith, I can take action from a place of peace rather than control."
"Your ability to reach your standards actually comes through action, not just waiting and prepping on the sideline."
"Stop waiting for the perfect moment to get started and just go for it."
"Knowledge is power, but it's potential power. When you apply it, knowledge times action equals power."
"Vision without action is a dream that never can come to pass."
"Motivation comes from action. You need to act your way into feeling."
"You have to be the change you wish to create."
"What are you doing with your life, man? Why are you sitting around waiting for something to happen? It ain't going to happen like that."
"Action is everything. Action is the bridge between your dreams and reality."
"Discipline is when you don't have motivation to go and do something, but you do it anyway."
"The one thing all fools have in common is that they're always getting ready to start."
"The biggest bar that I can give anybody listening... is understand whenever you want to do something new... the only way that you can fail is not starting or giving up."
"If you want to get results that you've never gotten, you have to do things that you've never done."
"If you can just be scared shitless and be super messy and take action every day, you'll be great."
"But as we all know, when shit happens, right, it kind of gives you a kick in the butt to do something bigger."
"Massive action is the key to overcoming the challenges and obstacles in your life."
"Massive action: take more action, and it will work for you."
"The biggest action verb in AA is 'letting go.' It doesn’t sound like an action verb, does it?"
"Are you interested in achieving these goals, or are you committed? If you're interested, you come up with stories, excuses, reasons, and circumstances why you can't or why you won't. If you're committed, those go out the window. You just do whatever it takes."
"Courage is the skill of overcoming your fear when you feel fear and do the thing that you're scared of anyway."
"Take action. Just do it. Do anything small or big that will get you one step closer to your goals."
"The more action you take, the easier it becomes to attain those goals."
"The critical part that all of you need to do is to take action."
"Without action... nothing will happen. You must take action for all things work."
"If you don't know what to do, do something, and then just evaluate the results of the thing you did."
"It's better to do stuff and fail at it and realize that it's not right for you, than to just sit back and be paralyzed not doing anything at all because you don't know what to do."
"Now that you know what to do, don't stop doing it."
"Waste no time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
"Life goes by very fast. Start now. Stop waiting. There's nothing to wait for."
"If not now, then when? Dream big, start small, act now."
"Be the change you want to see, you have to and change takes time, you can't just say I've changed, you have to prove it."
"Creating a compelling peak emotional state of doing what you need to do is the most important part."
"Punch fear in the face, punch perfectionism in the face, and press record."
"Action produces information... even if you're not sure what to do, just do anything because when you do it, it'll produce some information."
"Emotion... it's called emotion because it's energy in motion. It has the power to move us to action."
"You have to back it up with those actions, and that's what's going to change the reality 30, 60, 90 days from now, or a year from now."
"Courage is the ability to act in spite of your fear."
"Innovation comes from applying creativity or applying thought. It is about action versus just ideas."
"Please join us in doing your part to help them as well."
"Non-action is the fundamental reason that most of you will fail."
"Integrity is a verb; it's not a noun. You don't have it; you have to show it minute to minute."
"You need to stop lingering. Your task is to slay the princess, not endlessly debate about what to do with the princess."
"A hero is a hero not because he's doing actions but because he's doing actions that you deem to be heroic."
"Thanks to you, I got through the energy and into to get going and get cracking with this."
"It's time to look at that, heal that, by changing the clock and what I mean by changing the clock is adopting a new mindset, claiming what you do desire and starting to take action towards that."
"Action breeds clarity... you don't find the clarity before the action."
"The future isn't predetermined and doesn't follow any set pattern of necessity; it's contingent and can be shaped by human action."
"With the right attitude and consistent action, you can absolutely change anything about your life."
"You're never ever going to be able to leave a footprint on the beach if you sit in your boat. You have to walk in order to leave these footprints."
"Faith without works is dead, but faith works by love, and love always gives."
"Love without action is meaningless and action without love is irrelevant. But love in action can create miracles."
"Faith is acting like God is telling the truth."
"The only thing that solves self-doubt is action. It's really that simple."
"Rather than motivation leading to action, it's more that action leads to motivation."
"When you're solid, when you're taking action working on yourself, your energy is strong and powerful."
"It's much easier to steer a ship that's moving than to steer a ship that's stationary."
"Manifesting isn't just magic thinking; you still have to go take action."
"If you want to see and create change in your life, you have to be the change."
"Healing...is about taking action, pausing to reregulate, then taking action again. It's how you climb out of the trauma ditch as many times as you need to."
"Consciousness enables us to think beyond the present and thus to act in very different ways."
"Success is not about what you're thinking; it's about what you're doing."
"The only thing necessary for the Triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
"Stop waiting for the perfect moment or complete healing, and that's when things happen."
"Easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting."
"Remember, fear departs where action is present."
"Love of humanity has been one of the great master motives which has stirred countless thousands of men and women in many forms of dynamic and successful action."
"Karma Yoga is the transformation of all our actions into spiritual practice."
"Love Is A Verb, not a thing... it's the actions that show love."
"Intention is just as important as the action itself."
"With inspiration comes motivation, action, and results."
"Think about the most passionate thing that you do and just do it, baby. Just do it. That's what April's all about for you guys."
"Confidence is a skill that you build through action."
"Educate yes, be smart but get started. Like go invest in an education course, go invest in learning."
"If there's something that you wish you had already done, then it's worth doing now."
"Things change. Your actions bring different results."
"You're not doing it to be seen, but you will be seen doing it."
"Based on the body count around you, I'd say you've done more than enough learning for today."
"A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
"The less you think, the more you are spontaneous."
"Yuki then starts ripping all the demons to shreds like a boss."
"The more action you take, you put yourself in positions to be lucky."
"You're being given the energy, we're being given the motivation to take action upon the dreams that we want to create."
"What we can do instead of falling into that victim mindset where we give our power away, we can take our power back and say, 'I'm going to do something about this.'"
"If we want a movement or revolution to succeed, action and ideology must go along together."
"Good fortune is what you make for yourself. Good fortune is good character, good intentions, and good actions."
"Let's not let the evil people and the wrongdoers and the lot of the rioters and the looters and so on stop us from the essential work of philosophy."
"What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand."
"You're on the mountain of your dreams; it's happening, but it's about continuing to take action and not giving up."
"We should do what Steve Jobs actually did and not what he said."
"It's time for everyone to do the right thing."
"It's time for everybody to just do the right thing and Bring the Noise."
"Acceptance doesn't mean stopping any kind of forward momentum. In fact, in my life, most of the forward progress I made is through acceptance of my faults and saying like I can take action, right."
"To make a success of a social media marketing agency, you need to put in hard work and be willing to take action."
"Take action, grab your life by the balls, and live the life that you have always dreamed of."
"The green light isn't just for what God wants to do for you; it's for what God wants to do through you."
"Ultimately we must each ask ourselves what is and isn’t acceptable and then let our voices be heard through our actions."
"There's gonna be this energy where it feels easier for you to take action."
"The only way to actually show and prove that you are sorry is through action and change."
"You gotta keep doing it. So that's what this wishing well card talks about: It's like whatever you're wishing for, start doing it, start being it, and then you will become it."
"Karma means action. Whose action? My action. Whose responsibility? My responsibility."
"The best time to start was yesterday, but the next best time is now."
"Ronaldo, we can't let them get away with this, we need to do something."
"We're gonna go do this and so we were like, 'Oh okay.'"
"Once you start taking steps, the next step becomes illuminated. Trying to think a hundred steps into the future when you have no context is irrelevant because chaos is going to break your plan."
"I responded really well to big goals. I need to find something that's going to be big enough to motivate me into action but not be so big that it overwhelms me into inaction."
"If that 'why' becomes so strong that it outweighs the discomfort of doing it, you're gonna do it."
"To begin to listen to people who have been saying that and actually taking action for years, and saying, okay, how can we be supportive and be a part of that?"
"If you're going to walk away from that conversation, actually pray for them."
"We can change all of that, but we have to understand what's going on."
"Admit the truth to yourself and act accordingly."
"A bad plan is a lot better than no plan at all."
"The smallest action, the least action, matters."
"A little bit of time spent in self-reflection will help you to take the action that you need to take in this situation."
"To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds."
"When people around you have to run away from an issue because it may be dangerous, that's when you run straight into it."
"Be conscious of what you do and how you do it and be open to having new experiences."
"Leadership is not a title. Leadership is an action. Leadership is the way in which you interact and how you treat the people around you."
"Educate yourself before you act on anything."
"I knew immediately what I had to do: this was my chance to redeem myself."
"Difference between talking about an idea and actually doing all the work."
"Once the moment has passed, it's past; then you can learn from it and change your actions in the future."
"There's never a bad time to do the right thing."
"Don't jump the gun...you'll know within when it's time to say what you got to say, do what you've got to do."
"Our response as a nation must be swift, it must be coordinated, and it must be based on science and the facts."
"We want this curve to be this, and it's not going to do that unless we act now."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should."
"You don't have to know the whole plan, but you got to start somewhere and make a difference."
"It's not my fault that I'm here, but it's absolutely my responsibility to do something about it."
"Inaction breeds fear and doubt, taking action breeds confidence and courage."
"Never leave the scene of setting a goal without taking some kind of action towards its attainment."
"It is not enough just to visualize or even to feel into what you want; you need to commit to some action, and the more focused and aligned the action is, the quicker the result will come."
"The secret to manifestation is alignment and action."
"Let your prevailing thought be 'I can and I will.' Think 'I can and I will.' Dream 'I can and I will.' Say 'I can and I will.' And act 'I can and I will.'"
"Life is about adventure. Get out, take your chances, explore the world, and make things happen."
"All actions you take in your career will lead to success."
"A clear vision and a properly aligned vibration will get you excited, eager, and ready to get into action."
"Let's kindle that flame, let's get the fire burning."
"Values are qualities of action. Every single day, we have hundreds of opportunities to either move towards our values or away from them."
"Put yourself out there for that, you can't just sit at home waiting, hoping it's going to happen."
"Do it afraid. The best way to deal with doubt... is to do it afraid."
"If we're to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade, we must urgently halt and reverse nature's loss."
"The more action you take, you just build this reps of confidence."
"Execution. You know what the answers are...but you have to pick them and actually do them. Period."
"You need to decide what it is that you want and then act accordingly."
"People who focus their lives on purposeful action, tend to be happy."
"You keep it, you hold it, and you use it to do as much good as you can."
"Actions must meet ambitions. Having a strong desire alone will not equate to success."
"Ideas are worthless, you've got to make them happen."
"Self-belief doesn't grow on trees; self-belief comes when you start doing, when you're committed."
"The key is to not wait any longer. Do it now because imagine if you did it a year ago when you thought you should have where you would be now."
"The time is now, the time to deliver is today."
"Every time you say tomorrow, your willpower gets weaker; every time you do it now, your willpower gets stronger."
"Become a person of great faith because you're a person of great movement."
"Effective entrepreneurs do not learn everything to the point of perfection and then begin; they begin and then learn furiously as they go."
"Procrastination is your worst enemy whether it's in saving or in growing a business. It's better to start acting and fumble a little as you learn."
"It's really simple: Are you taking action? Patience only works when you're taking action."
"Thoughts turn into words, and words turn into actions."
"Better late than never, we need to now be brave."
"When you love someone it shows in your actions... when you really have love in your heart it must show in your actions."
"The first and the foremost thing is action. You should start whatever you want to do."
"Be your hype man if you need to, encourage yourself to do what you need to do, even if it feels like it's out of your nature."
"A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."