
Alzheimer's Disease Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Estrogen is one of the greatest predictors of protection from Alzheimer's disease."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Anyone who's had experience with Alzheimer's disease knows the agony of watching someone fade away as it steals memory and, at the end, a person's own identity."
"The biggest thing we can do for Alzheimer's disease is prevention. If we can prevent or delay, we can save people happiness, improve their happiness, and we can save money and improve society."
"Air pollution has real negative impacts on brain aging. People living in areas with higher air pollution have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias."
"Every 70 seconds, another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia."
"Diabetes is an unbelievable risk multiplier for Alzheimer's disease, for cancer, and for heart disease."
"In Alzheimer's disease, other investigators, decades ago, have shown that very early on, there's reduced glucose utilization by brain cells."
"At least, in people with early Alzheimer's disease, even though their brain cells have problems using glucose, they still seem to be using ketones very well."
"The modern American diet is a big proponent of causing Alzheimer's."
"We've been working on many therapies for Alzheimer's disease, and I wish I could tell you we have a cure, but we don't."
"The past 16 years of Alzheimer's research, in many ways, was built on fraud."
"Trying to remove amyloid from the brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease and to see their cognition come back is sort of like thinking that if you remove all the headstones from a grave, people will come back to life."
"A ketogenic diet can essentially keep the lights on in the Alzheimer's brain."
"It wasn't Alzheimer's that destroyed my relationship with my father; it was my own fear and discrimination around the disease."
"For a really long time, most people understood Alzheimer's disease as some kind of inevitable consequence of aging or bad genes in your DNA. But we now understand that no more than two percent of all Alzheimer's cases are genetically inherited."
"Alzheimer's disease affects women more than men... almost two-thirds of all Alzheimer's patients are women."
"Ronald Reagan penned what would be his last open letter to the country, 'We feel it is important to share the Alzheimer's diagnosis with you.'"
"This approach led to the discovery of subtypes of Alzheimer's disease, followed by the first descriptions of reversal of symptoms in patients."
"Within the next three decades, somebody in the U.S. will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease every 33 seconds. So, what can be done to slow that train down?"
"Alzheimer's disease... is going to affect the hippocampus and that's why with severe AD, there's gonna have memory problems."
"Ever since 1906, when Alzheimer's disease was first coined...finding a way to reduce the plaque burden in the brain has been the guiding hypothesis as to what could potentially cure Alzheimer's disease."
"Understanding the mechanism gives us hope; even if you happen to carry two of these E4 genes, we know the problem is related to glycation damage."
"About 45 million of us will die from Alzheimer's. It actually dwarfs the pandemic."
"Over a million people have died from COVID-19, and about 45 million of the currently living Americans will die of Alzheimer's disease. It dwarfs the COVID-19 pandemic."
"The reality is Alzheimer's disease should be a rare illness because if everyone simply checked ahead of time and got on the appropriate program, we would not see such a high incidence of Alzheimer's disease."
"Accepting the disease means that you're just giving up. It's not saying that it's okay... it's saying that it is happening."
"Alzheimer's disease...is a quiet thief in the night that relentlessly robs from the patient first the sense of identity, personality, and ultimately the very essence of self."
"All of your life, everything you experience, is being recorded on a hundred billion neurons or nerve cells in your brain, trillions of connections creating a neural network, like a tapestry. The tapestry of who you are. How your loved ones know you. Your personality. Alzheimer's comes in and slowly rips apart that tapestry, thread by thread, never resting until the tapestry is gone."
"The brain of an Alzheimer's patient riddled with beta-amyloid is a manifestation of disease that can be influenced by dietary factors."
"A drug for any company that could treat Alzheimer's successfully would be seen as just a goldmine for Wall Street and a huge gift to society."
"The fact is, Alzheimer's is not just a disease of the individual who has it. It is a burden on also individuals who are caregivers as well."
"This comes from...the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease...very reputable international journal, so no serious question marks about the quality of the data in this study."
"Our findings call for research to understand the underlying mechanisms and for continuous surveillance of long-term impacts that COVID-19 has on Alzheimer's disease."
"Imagine that you found a hundred things wrong with a car not moving... That's how Alzheimer's works."
"Insufficient sleep is probably the most significant lifestyle factor determining whether or not you will develop Alzheimer's disease."
"Right now, Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, and unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease as of yet."
"Alzheimer's disease attacks half of us by age 85."
"Cannabis stops the progression of Alzheimer's disease."
"The defense against early Alzheimer's is a very high level of DHA."
"If we succeed in the production of a vaccine against Alzheimer's, this is an almost unimaginable expansion of our medical prowess."
"Alzheimer's begins in the brain 30 to 40 years before the first symptom."
"Alzheimer's is a subcategory of the bigger disease process which is dementia."
"That's a pretty big deal, damn curing Alzheimer's altogether."
"Alzheimer's is a diagnosis, not the cause. Functional medicine helps you figure out what that is."
"One in eight older Americans has Alzheimer's and there are more than 200,000 people in this country under age 65 who have the early onset form of this disease."
"We have found such strong links between insufficient sleep across the lifespan and your risk for developing Alzheimer's disease."
"We've got to get the word out that women are the main sufferers of Alzheimer's disease."
"Alzheimer's takes away who you are. Neurodegenerative disease takes away your soul in a sense, your memory, which is really what we're made of."
"For virtually everyone Alzheimer's and pre-alzheimer's can be reversed."
"An alzheimer's brain, forced to rely solely on glucose due to elevated insulin, can benefit from ketones."
"Alzheimer starts 15 or 20 years before with the plaque buildup so you can actually see what potentially will be what ultimately could happen."
"Some sad news in the sports world today as my former head coach Marty Schottenheimer passed away at the age of 77 following a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's."
"One of the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease could be the loss of the sense of smell."
"A metabolic intervention may be a good approach for Alzheimer's disease."
"Having an Alzheimer's disease can also increase your chance of getting gum disease for about like almost 1.5 to two-fold, so it's a two-directional or bidirectional link between those two."
"Alzheimer's disease does not wipe the brain clean of everything. It leaves behind pieces and fragments of memories."
"Signature evolution in Alzheimer's disease."
"Alzheimer's disease, a disease which is pretty much preventable if this message were to get out."
"The seeds of Alzheimer's are sewn 20 to 30 years prior to the clinical manifestations."
"Your sleep is a critical component of your prevention of Alzheimer's disease."
"medicine in many ways and especially for Alzheimer's disease has started to shift from a model of late stage treatment to early stage prevention."
"Humanin is related to insulin sensitivity, obesity, diet, and exercise, and is low in Alzheimer's disease patients."
"Sleep is a missing piece in the explanatory puzzle of aging and Alzheimer's disease, but unlike many of the other factors associated with aging and Alzheimer's disease, sleep is exciting because maybe we can do something about it."
"Trying to study Alzheimer's disease in a dish is challenging because Alzheimer's is a disease of aging."
"So the one thing I can tell you that really does scare me is the idea of getting Alzheimer's disease."
"We're treating patients who will develop Alzheimer's disease but haven't yet."
"What we're learning in Alzheimer's disease looks like it's going to help us with other disorders."
"Alzheimer's disease and dementia in general are very complicated formidable opponents. You should have a jab, a right cross, a left hook, an uppercut; you should have all of the above."
"Ten years ago we thought that being homozygous for e4, so being in that roughly one percent of the population that has two copies of the e4 gene, that was a death sentence. Their risk is deemed at about 20 fold that of the general population."
"Now we are looking at patients who have e4 e4, and they don't have Alzheimer's disease. More importantly, they don't have any of the early signs of it."
"Why do we want to do an early detection of Alzheimer's disease? Well, this could lead to early diagnosis and lifestyle-based interventions."
"We've managed to address medical comorbidity better, which means that individuals might be more prone to conditions like Alzheimer's disease."
"Alzheimer's disease pathology generally starts out in primitive portions of the brain."
"We'd recently showed, in several different animal models, that this pruning process, meaning complement deposition at synapses, now too many synapses leads to microglia over-engulfing too many synapses in animal models of Alzheimer's disease."
"Could we bend the arrow of Alzheimer's disease risk down on itself?"
"...insulin resistance of the brain... ketones can correct some degree of the cognitive decline that accompanies Alzheimer's disease."
"Alzheimer's disease starts in the brain 20 to 30 years before the first symptom of memory loss."
"Alzheimer's is among America's most feared diseases."
"Ronald Reagan spent his final 10 or so years of his life in a losing battle with Alzheimer's disease."
"I decided to take the footage and create a feature documentary called 'Forgetful, Not Forgotten.'"
"I lost my grandfather to Alzheimer's."
"This means the study of these molecules might help unlock new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease."
"Let's all work together; let's make Alzheimer's a scourge of the past."
"Disrupted sleep is a powerful risk factor for so many of the other risk factors for Alzheimer's."
"The highest variability covariates correlate very much with age and they correlate very much with some very bad neurodevelopmental problems like Alzheimer's."
"We're going to discuss the two leading hypotheses regarding the progression and development of Alzheimer's disease."
"Most of them have been conducted in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease."
"Linalool, common to lavender, well known as an anti-anxiety agent, has been shown in humans, particularly demented patients with Alzheimer's disease."
"Having a biomarker that is 'positive' increase the certainty that whatever syndrome you're seeing... is indeed being caused by Alzheimer's disease."
"Alzheimer's disease is actually something that people talk about now."
"The biggest risk factor for Alzheimer's is age."
"Alzheimer's disease is a complex disease with contributors like traumatic brain injury, menopause, brain infections, and neurotoxins."
"There is a role to be played by mitochondria, often in the pre-clinical phase of Alzheimer's disease."
"This is all in aid of Alzheimer's care and research."
"Alzheimer's disease involves A beta amyloidosis cleaved from an APP amyloid precursor protein on chromosome 21."
"Just one night of sleep deprivation can build up amyloid, one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease."
"There is rising evidence connecting a Vitamin B12 deficiency with bringing on Alzheimer's disease."
"As we age, we don't replace the neurons in our brain at a very high rate, meaning that most of the neurons that are lost during Alzheimer's disease cannot be recovered with any of the techniques we have available."
"He also worked to raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease because of his family's experience with the condition."
"If we could reduce risk in this population, it would have a massive effect on overall prevalence of Alzheimer's disease."
"Lifestyle matters; lifestyle is in part mediating the effect of ApoE4 on Alzheimer's disease."
"The goal for Alzheimer's disease, the holy grail prevention, is to not push the boulder down the hill in the first place."
"My greatest hope is that our kids, and especially my grandkids, they're not going to be afraid of Alzheimer's disease in the way we are, because it will be a treatable and hopefully preventable disease."
"A woman in her 60s is almost twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease in her life than she is to develop breast cancer."
"Women are also twice as likely to end their lives suffering from Alzheimer's disease, even when their longer lifespans are taken into account."
"Vascular dementia is widely considered the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer's disease."
"Rosemary research in regards to Alzheimer's disease showed aromatherapy as a potential treatment for the cognitive impairments caused by dementia."
"If those areas show up as abnormally low, then that may be indicative of a person who has Alzheimer's disease."
"It's an exciting time to be in the field; we're not there yet, but we're certainly setting up the infrastructure for making some serious breakthroughs in this devastating disease."
"Alzheimer's Turning Point is a new way I think this will have a big impact on society."
"If you make it to the age of 85 today, you have a 50% chance of being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease."
"If you have a problem with Alzheimer's, they were thinking about you."
"After being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, artist William Utermohlen decided to create a self-portrait each year until he was no longer able to draw."
"It reduces your risk of cancer, it reduces your risk of having Alzheimer's dementia, lots of great reasons health-wise to do this."