
Estrogen Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Estrogen is one of the greatest predictors of protection from Alzheimer's disease."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Estrogen itself in males and females is important for things like libido and sexual behavior."
"Estrogen is also very impactful, both in men and women, for neurological health, cardiovascular health, facilitating sexual function, mental wellness, mood regulation, just a myriad of different things."
"Estrogen confers all of the biological benefits: heart protection, joint protection, bone mineral density protection, brain protection."
"Women move less, the estrogen creates a decrease in that non-exercise activity which is just kind of you see me I'm fidgeting I'm all over the place it decreases."
"Estrogen is known to interact with the immune system in quite a few ways."
"Estrogen in women is very important for collagen production as well as the maintenance of the integrity and the health of the dermis."
"With menopause, collagen levels start to decline and there is evidence that estrogen replacement therapy improves skin thickness."
"Any estrogen you take in the form of a pill is a fake estrogen and they can increase not only your risk of just leg cramps but also of blood clots in your legs."
"Here's where I would argue there's one area where you absolutely know things will get worse when you stop the estrogen, and that's bone density."
"Once estrogen goes down, that goes away. So if you take the estrogen off a woman 10 years postmenopause, she will once again go into a rapid state of decline."
"Let's talk about that and why this 10-year estrogen window is even a topic and then let you decide if you want to take hormones or not."
"Estrogen is produced through relationships."
"Estrogen on its own has actually been shown to be associated with a lower risk of breast cancer around 23% lower risk."
"Estrogen dominance can also be a cause for weight gain, particularly in the breasts, hips, and thighs."
"Building out a community is so important... that's how we've grown... building out the community piece is really important."
"Estrogen is the key to that lock and when that key fits into that lock there are messages that are sent out."
"Estrogen does not cause breast cancer, it might feed a pre-existing breast cancer."
"So it's not just the vagina that becomes affected by the low estrogen levels. The vulva does, the urethra does, and also we have cells that respond to estrogen in our bladders and our pelvic floor."
"I couldn't take it anymore. Way too much estrogen in there for me."
"When you start to have a conversation around estrogen, there are very strong emotions, there is a ton of fear - fear around breast cancer, fear around blood clots, fear around heart attacks and stroke."
"So if you look at the results of this study, they very clearly say that for women using estrogen-only preparations, meaning that they are not using progestins, oral but not transdermal preparations increase VTE risk."
"Estrogen is not without risk. However, the risk that is generally associated with estrogen is taken out of context."
"Estrogen has been shown to enhance the wiring or synaptogenesis in hippocampus, which is responsible for encoding memory and emotions."
"Osteoporosis is about bone quantity, so estrogen replacement does not have a comparative limitation against vitamins, minerals, or supplements for preventing osteoporosis."
"The estrogen window is really all about aging."
"Estrogen helps the skin barrier tremendously. Without it, our skin becomes compromised."
"Estrogen protects us. It's better at stopping a disease from getting started rather than fixing it once you're there."
"There's reduction in Alzheimer's development for women who have estrogen early in their menopausal state."
"Weight reduction decreases estrogen levels, lowering endometrial cancer risk."
"Breastfeeding exclusively inhibits menstrual cycles, reducing estrogen exposure."
"It does help in things that are due to estrogen depletion related to menopause in our skin, such as the thinning of the dermis, loss of collagen, and loss of the supportive framework."
"Soy can slow down some of the thinning out of the skin that happens with age and loss of estrogen."
"Every chemical toxin acts like estrogen, they're all estrogen,"
"You need estrogen to survive and thrive, and actually, most should prophylactically be given it."
"DIM helps balance estrogen levels by converting estrogen into its less harmful forms."
"DIM can alleviate menopausal symptoms and reduce the risk of estrogen-related health problems."
"DIM can offer protection against breast cancer by influencing estrogen metabolism."
"Estrogen is an amazing hormone for women. It is the reason that we live longer than men."
"The uterus needs to see estrogen, whether it's endogenous or exogenous, and that's going to grow the lining."
"Transdermal estrogen is associated with less blood clot risk than oral."
"The estrogen window of opportunity refers to a limited period of time in early post menopause when taking estrogen replacement can prevent or reverse some of the life-threatening diseases that are associated with menopause."
"There are three Biggie's that you can almost entirely prevent if you take estrogen replacement during your estrogen window: heart attack, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease."
"Every cell of your body is critically dependent on estrogen; your body needs estrogen to function."
"Estrogen made you look and feel feminine, it gave you your crisp memory, your soft skin, your lubricated vagina, your fast metabolism."
"Adrenaline has an effect on the heart for only a few minutes, whereas estrogen secreted every day has effects which lasts for years."
"Increased endogenous and exogenous sources of estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer."
"Remember that estrogen has a bone protective effect."
"Estrogen turns out is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory hormone."
"Estrogen influences energy balance by opposing excessive body fat accumulation."
"Estrogen is very protective against cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and actually certain cancers."
"Estrogen and progesterone not only dictate how fertile you are but also your strength and energy levels."
"Estrogen is so important for every cell function in our body."
"The every estrogen that I would prescribe you from the FDA or from an FDA approved source is bioidentical."
"Reduces the chance of breast and ovarian cancer... a lot of breast and ovarian cancers can be triggered by or can thrive on very high estrogen levels."
"Estrogen is a powerful anti-inflammatory hormone that has receptors all over your body."
"You are vindicating estrogen, oh my goodness, about time."
"We have estrogen receptors all over our body; that's why the symptoms are so widespread."
"Why is estrogen metabolism important? First and foremost, you have all these patients that are estrogen dominant."
"One of the visible signs of mature skin is, namely in women, it's thinning of the skin that's due to postmenopausal or perimenopausal drop in estrogen."
"Estrogen is important, men need Estrogen as well. It's important for brain function and also it's important for bone health."
"The breast tissue of trans women has been studied to be anatomically identical to that of cis women's breasts after a prolonged period on estrogen and progesterone."
"Estrogen helps to stimulate bone growth and has a potent effect on the epiphysis of the shafts of the long bones."
"Estrogen is almost like the fuel of your body."
"Estrogen is extremely protective and extremely beneficial for mood, for sex, for all kinds of things."
"Estrogen stimulates the development of secondary sex organs and affects the body in general."
"If the tumor is being stimulated by estrogen, tamoxifen is a wonder drug."
"Estrogen has a very interesting protective effect on brain tissue."